Refs #1076: member expiration date calculation fix. The calc functionality was separate from Members controller to a new Expiration calc service. The new service comes with unit tests which tests the #1076. Additionally this patch comes with some fixes and improvements in already existing unit and integration tests.
Upgrade PHPAX-RS to 0.1.1
Prepare release 1.1.21
Fixes #1069: user with watcher can be deleted
Fixes #1070: RB importer supported on PHP 5.6 >=
Ref #1068: add support connecting to encrypted SMTP servers.
Refs #1065: Fix members export to CSV when speed class filtered.
Prepare release 1.1.20
Refs #1053: Default sort in emails set to ID which is indexed (previously by access_time), some small improvements in related queries but filters are still very slow.
Conflicts: application/models/email_queue.php
Refs #1056: GPS in address point table is filled with NULL value instead of empty string value in order to be compactible with MySQL 5.7 and higher that do not support empty string in geometry field values
Conflicts: application/controllers/members.php application/controllers/registration.php
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