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Revize 622

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Pridany skripty pro zasilani sms.

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# AWEG stands for AnnyWay Enterprise SMS Gateway, the main end-user oriented SMS connectivity solution by MATERNA Communication a.s.
# Smsbackend is used as common back-end executable program for easy integration of AWEG OpenInterface to the b-SMS, e-SMS, or other 3rd party applications.
# Authors:
# Emanuel Petr <> 2005-2006
# Lucie Leistnerova <> 2007
# Vojtech Pithart <> 2008+
# (c) MATERNA Communications 2005-2008
# $Id: 565 2008-10-22 09:16:33Z vojta $
# Version strings: * Please increment version string after major updates
# * Revision number is incremented by SVN on each commit
# * Date is updated by SVN on each commit
version_num= "3.0"
revision= "$Revision: 565 $"[11:][:-2] # [11:][:-2] removes all except the number (NNNNN)
date= "$Date: 2008-10-22 11:16:33 +0200 (St, 22 říj 2008) $"[7:][:10] # [7:][:10] removes all except date (YYYY-MM-DD)
# Displayed 1) after calling "smsbackend -v"
# 2) in windows front-end in help/about dialog
version= "AWEG-smsbackend version " + version_num + " revision " + revision + " (" + date + ")"
# Transferred in HTTP and logged on server:
version_short= "v" + version_num + "/r" + revision + "/" + date
import time
import sys
import re
import urllib
import urllib2
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError
import signal, os
import socket
from optparse import OptionParser
#import DNS # Used in dns_resolve()
import base64
#import ezPyCrypto
import httplib
import encodings, encodings.idna, encodings.ascii, encodings.punycode
#import pprint # pro Dumpovani promennych
#pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) # pro Dumpovani promennych
sent_sms = 0
rest_sms = 0
we_flag = 0 # warning, error status
returned_status_text = "" #status_text at STATUS line
body_parts = 0
#bulk_id = 0
# for progress bar, sms counting
sms_id = 0
# stop handler
sig_stop_generic_handler_flag = 0
# proxy
proxy_user = ""
proxy_password = ""
proxy_ip = ""
proxy_port = ""
proxy_default_port = "3128"
proxy_use = 0
# delivery reports
parts_count = 0
dr_file_name = ""
dr_file_write_flag = 0
# rsa encryption
#public_key = ""
# For -M parameter: 4kb spaces + \n + 4 kb spaces
big_space = ((4*1024) * " " ) + "\n" + ((4*1024) * " " ) + "\n"
# Timeout for HTTP request (sending AO-MT messages)
http_timeout = 15
# maximum retry count (on HTTP error)
max_retry_count = 25
# retry pause (seconds) incremented by:
retry_pause = 2
retry_counter = 0
# ports
default_ports = { 'http' : 80, 'https' : 443}
default_host_port = 443
host_port = default_host_port
http_conn = None
version_sent = 0
config = ""
class ConnectionError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
def read_lines(ser):
lines = ser.readlines()
if options.verbose: print "read_lines: ", lines
return lines
def read_line(ser):
line = ser.readline()
if options.verbose: print "read_line (%d): %s" % ( len(line), line )
lines = [line, ""] #make list
if len(line): status_parser(lines)
return len(line)
#vojta#if len(line): status_parser(line)
#vojta# if len(line): status_parser(line)
#vojta#return line
def status_action(status,status_text):
global rest_sms
global we_flag
global returned_status_text
global config
#status codes are print without -q
if options.verbose: print "status action", (status, status_text)
# 3xx code?
if status[0] == "3" and status != "315":
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:%d:%d:2: %s" % (sent_sms, rest_sms, status_text)
#if status == "315":
# we_flag = 1
# returned_status_text = status_text
if status == "200":
we_flag = 0
returned_status_text = "OK "
if status == "201" or status == "202" or status == "315":
we_flag = 1
returned_status_text = status_text
if status == "102":
pr = re.compile('^\s*:(\d+)')
mr = pr.match(status_text)
if mr:
if options.verbose: print "rest:",
rest_sms = int( )
if status == "103":
pr = re.compile('^\s*:(.*)')
mr = pr.match(status_text)
if mr:
if options.verbose: print "config:",
config += + ";"
def status_parser(lines,checkfor=""):
ret_status = 0 #return value for status_parser ... is modified later ... 1 if checkfor was found at status lines
global body_parts
global sent_sms
global msg_ids
#global bulk_id
# null values
msg_ids = []
#bulk_id = 0
p = re.compile('^\s*(\d{3})\s*(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
# parsing for how many sms was sent, their msg_id and bulk_id
# 200 [2] bodypart, accepted as [0002433e,0002433x] bulk_id [12345]
# p_bp = re.compile('^.*\[(\d+)\]\s*bodypart.*\[(.*)\].*\[(.*)\]', re.IGNORECASE) # s bulk_id
p_bp = re.compile('^.*\[(\d+)\]\s*bodypart.*\[(.*)\].*', re.IGNORECASE)
if options.verbose: print "status_parser (%d): \"%s\"" % ( len(lines), lines )
for i in range( len(lines) ):
#match for NO CARRIER
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
if lines[i].find("NO CARRIER") != -1 :
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:%d:%d:2: NO CARRIER" % (sent_sms, rest_sms)
#match for DELAYED
if lines[i].find("DELAYED") != -1 :
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:%d:%d:2: DELAYED" % (sent_sms, rest_sms)
#match for NO DIALTONE
if lines[i].find("NO DIALTONE") != -1 :
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:%d:%d:2: NO DIALTONE" % (sent_sms, rest_sms)
#match for status numbers
m = p.match( lines[i] )
if m:
status =
status_text =
if status.find(checkfor) != -1 : ret_status = 1
#match for bodyparts #200 [2] bodyparts
#lines_test = "200 [3] bodypart, accepted as [0002433e 0002433x] bulk_id [12345]" # s bulk_id
#lines_test = "200 [2] bodypart, accepted as [0002433e 0002433x]"
#m_bp = p_bp.match( lines_test )
m_bp = p_bp.match( lines[i] )
if m_bp:
body_parts = int( )
msg_ids =
#bulk_id = # s bulk_id
if options.verbose: print "body parts:|%d| sent_sms{%d}" % (body_parts,sent_sms)
if body_parts >= 2: sent_sms += body_parts - 1 #increase sent_sms count
return ret_status
def parse_destination():
#destination_list = options.destination.split(",")
temp_list = options.destination.split(",")
pr = re.compile('^(.*\d.*\d.*\d.*)') #3 digits anyware
destination_list = []
for destination in temp_list:
if options.verbose:
print "parse_destination: ", destination
mr = pr.match(destination) #pr na cely radek
if mr:
if options.verbose: print 'Match found: ',
destination_list.append( )
return destination_list
def generate_random_number():
#from random import randint
random_number = time.strftime( "%d%H%M%S", time.localtime() )
if options.verbose: print "random number ", random_number
return random_number
def get_protocol(url):
# get protocol of the url - HTTP, HTTPS
pr = re.compile('^([^\/]*):\/\/(.*)')
mr = pr.match(url)
if mr:
return 'https'
def get_domain(url):
# get domain of the url -
pr = re.compile('^(.*):\/\/([^\/]*)\/(.*)')
mr = pr.match(url)
if mr:
return url
def get_rest(url):
# get rest of the url after http://domain/
pr = re.compile('^[^\/]*:\/\/[^\/]*\/(.*)')
mr = pr.match(url)
if mr:
return ''
def dns_resolve(url):
# automatically load nameserver(s) from /etc/resolv.conf
# (works on unix - on others, YMMV)
global retry_counter
if options.verbose: print "We are probably on windows system, no /etc/resolv.conf found"
#return unchanged or https://* (have not --allow-http)
pr = re.compile('.*:\/\/(.*)') #rip the name only
mr = pr.match(url)
if get_protocol(url) != 'https' and not options.allow_non_ssl:
return "https://" +
return url
while (1):
pr = re.compile('(.*):\/\/([\d+\.]+\/?i.*)') #is name or IP, if match it is iP
mr = pr.match(url)
if mr:
# it is ip, return unchanged
# set https://* in case --allow-non-ssl is not used
if get_protocol(url) != 'https' and not options.allow_non_ssl:
return "https://" +
return url
# it is name, we need IP, so do DNS querry
pr = re.compile('(.*)(:\/\/)([^\/]+)(\/?.*)') #rip the name only
mr = pr.match(url)
if mr:
query_name =
if options.verbose: print "DNS request for: ", query_name
# it is name, so translate to IP
r = DNS.DnsRequest(name=query_name, qtype='A', timeout=30)
# do the request
answer = a.answers
if options.verbose: print answer
# set https://* in case --allow-non-ssl is not used
if get_protocol(url) != 'https' and not options.allow_non_ssl:
return "https" + + answer[0]['data'] +
return + + answer[0]['data'] +
#return unchanged or https://* (have not --allow-non-ssl)
pr = re.compile('.*:\/\/(.*)') #rip the name only
mr = pr.match(url)
if get_protocol(url) != 'https' and not options.allow_non_ssl:
return "https://" +
return url
if options.verbose: print "dns_resolve failed!"
if retry_counter < max_retry_count:
new_retry_pause = retry_counter * retry_pause
if options.spaces:
spaces = big_space
spaces = ""
print "INFO: Can't do dns resolve. Retry after %d seconds (%d/%d)%s" % ( new_retry_pause, retry_counter, max_retry_count, spaces )
time.sleep( new_retry_pause )
# after max_retry_count, we can't do dns resolve, so stop processing and quit program
leave("STATUS:0::2: Can't send URL request. Timeout reached.")
retry_counter = 0
def process_http(csv_lines = ""):
#only for http, bulk identification
#if only one sms, send bulk=random_number_end else bulk=random_number, and last sms with bulk=random_number_end
global bulk_number
global parts_count
global DR_FILE
global dr_file_name
global dr_file_write_flag
global config
global http_conn
global last_http_error
bulk_number = generate_random_number()
sms_iter = 0
# open file for delivery report writing
if options.dr_file:
# try to assign bulk_id for %s at dr_file param, if false, leave it without substitution
dr_file_name = options.dr_file % bulk_number
dr_file_name = options.dr_file
# try to open file, if false continue without writing delivery reports (tak si preje vojta)
DR_FILE = open(dr_file_name,"w") # if file exists will overwrite
dr_file_write_flag = 1 # for detect if we can save to file and close file at leave() function
if options.verbose: print "Can't open file %s for writing" % dr_file_name
print "Can't open file %s for writing. Delivery reports will be not written.\n" % dr_file_name
#local_text = "STATUS:0::2: Can't open file \"%s\" for writing" % dr_file_name
# HTTP address of AWEG server
ip_name = options.addr
# Create HTTP connection object - Proxy mode
if options.proxy_string: # http://[<username>[:<password>]@]<hostname>[:port]
p_proxy = re.compile('^\w*://(.*)@(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
m_proxy = p_proxy.match( options.proxy_string )
if m_proxy:
parse_proxy_user_password( )
parse_proxy_ip_port( )
p_proxy = re.compile('^\w*://(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
m_proxy = p_proxy.match( options.proxy_string )
if m_proxy:
parse_proxy_ip_port( )
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
leave(local_text + "STATUS:0::2: Proxy mismatch parametr.")
if options.verbose: print "Using proxy: proxy_ip=%s, proxy_port=%s, proxy_user=%s, proxy_password=%s" % (proxy_ip, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_password)
# set parameters for proxy_connect
pr = re.compile('^(\w*)://(.*)')
mr = pr.match(options.addr)
if mr:
if options.allow_non_ssl:
host_port = default_ports[]
host_port = default_host_port
proxy_host = get_domain(options.addr)
host_port = default_host_port
proxy_host = options.addr
# set proxy connection
while (not http_conn):
http_conn = proxy_connect(proxy_ip, proxy_user, proxy_password, proxy_host, host_port, int(proxy_port))
except ConnectionError, c_err:
# retry routine, max_retry_count , retry_pause
if retry_counter < max_retry_count:
new_retry_pause = retry_counter * retry_pause
if options.spaces:
spaces = big_space
spaces = ""
print "INFO: %s. Retry after %d seconds (%d/%d)%s" % ( c_err.value, new_retry_pause, retry_counter, max_retry_count, spaces )
time.sleep( new_retry_pause )
# after max_retry_count, we can't connect, so stop processing and quit program
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:0:0:2: error - %s" % c_err.value
retry_counter = 0
# Create HTTP connection object - direct non-proxy mode
if ( options.addr_is_https ):
http_conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(get_domain(options.addr))
http_conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(get_domain(options.addr))
# Sending messages from CSV file
if csv_lines:
if options.verbose: print "process_http: csv_lines mode"
# print header to file with name of csv_file, it is used by frontend
if options.dr_file and dr_file_write_flag:
DR_FILE.write("# " + options.csvfilename + "\n")
# get count of lines/sms (it means last sms no)
last_sms_no = len(csv_lines) #bulk
#for destination,text in csv_lines.items():
destination_list = csv_lines.keys()
# for each destination number from csv
for destination in destination_list:
text = csv_lines[destination]
config = "" # the only last "103:" is converted to "CONFIG:" output
destination = destination[8:] # remove id from destination number
sms_iter+=1 #bulk
if last_sms_no == sms_iter: bulk_number = str(bulk_number) + "end" #bulk
if options.verbose: print "Sending text \"%s\" to destination %s" % (text, destination)
if send_http(destination, text, bulk_number, ip_name):
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:%d:%d:%d: %s" % (sent_sms, rest_sms, we_flag, returned_status_text)
#some problem,we dont receive 20x code
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:%d:%d:2: %s " % (sent_sms, rest_sms, last_http_error)
# exit with local_text message set above
# Sending messages from command line (one text, multiple destination from -d)
if options.verbose: print "process_http: destination_list mode"
# print header to file, it is used by frontend
if options.dr_file and dr_file_write_flag:
DR_FILE.write("# destination list\n")
# multidestination receivers are parsed and created destination_list structure
destination_list = parse_destination() #parse options.destination parameter
# get sms count for frontedns progress bar
parts_count = parts_count + ( get_bodyparts( smstext ) * len(destination_list) )# how many bodyparts * how many receivers
print "\nPARTS:%d\n" % (parts_count)
if options.verbose: print "Parse destination list: %s\nParts count: %s\n" % (destination_list, parts_count)
# get count of receivers from destination_list (it means last sms no)
last_sms_no = len(destination_list)
for destination in destination_list:
sms_iter+=1 #bulk
if last_sms_no == sms_iter: bulk_number = str(bulk_number) + "end" #bulk
if options.verbose:
print "Sending \"%s\" to %s" % ( smstext, destination )
last_http_error= "--placeholder--"
if send_http(destination, smstext, bulk_number, ip_name):
#send ok + print status line
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:%d:%d:%d: %s" % (sent_sms, rest_sms, we_flag, returned_status_text)
#some problem,we dont receive 20x code
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:%d:%d:2: %s " % (sent_sms, rest_sms, last_http_error)
# exit with local_text message set above
def send_http(destination, message, bulk_number, ip_name):
""" send HTTP request to specified URL """
global big_space
global sent_sms
global sms_id
global retry_counter
global proxy_ip
global proxy_port
global proxy_host
global proxy_user
global proxy_password
global host_port
global version_sent
global config
global http_conn
global last_http_error
#encode message
login = options.login
message = urllib.quote(message)
login = urllib.quote_plus(login)
destination_unqoted = destination # for dr_file
destination = urllib.quote_plus(destination)
#create url_string
while 1: # infinite loop
url_params = "auth=" + login + "&receiver=" + destination + "&bulk=" + bulk_number + "&smstext=" + message
leave("STATUS:0::2: Missing URL parameters")
if options.true160:
url_params = url_params + "&true160=1"
if options.dr_file:
url_params += "&report=1"
if options.email_reply:
url_params += "&emailre=1"
if options.use_anumber:
url_params += "&use_anumber=1"
if options.force_tts:
url_params += "&forcetts=1"
if not version_sent:
version_sent = 1
be_version_escaped = urllib.quote_plus(version_short)
fe_version_escaped = urllib.quote_plus(options.frontend_name)
url_params = url_params + "&be=" + be_version_escaped + "&fe=" + fe_version_escaped
#make url_string
url_string = ip_name + "?" + url_params
url_string_proxy = "/" + get_rest(options.addr) + "?" + url_params
if options.verbose:
print "url_string (exact): ", url_string
print "url_string_proxy (exact): ", url_string_proxy
# send it and read ouput
if options.proxy_string: # is proxy connection
# make http request
if options.verbose:
print "------ sending request"
http_conn.putrequest('GET', url_string_proxy)
if options.verbose: print "------ getting response"
response = http_conn.getresponse()
data =
if options.verbose: print data
# elif (get_protocol(url_string) == 'https') or (not options.allow_non_ssl): # is https connection
# make https connection
if options.verbose:
print " http_conn.putrequest: ", url_string_proxy
http_conn.putrequest('GET', url_string_proxy)
response = http_conn.getresponse()
data =
# VojtaP 15.5.2008: Nechapu proc je zde ruzny postup pro HTTP a HTTPS. Kdo se pak ma vyznat v exceptions?
# else:
# # make http connection
# if options.verbose:
# print " url_GET http: ", url_string
# http_request = urllib2.Request( url_string )
# socket.setdefaulttimeout( http_timeout ) # in seconds
# opener = urllib2.build_opener()
# urllib2.install_opener(opener)
# # make http request
# pagehandle = urllib2.urlopen(http_request)
# data =
except Exception, inst:
#print("%s: %s"%(repr(inst), str(dir(inst))))
last_http_error= "Ex[%s]" % ( inst )
if hasattr(inst, 'reason'):
#print 'We failed to reach a server.'
#print 'Reason: ', inst.reason
last_http_error= "Failed to reach server: %s" % ( inst.reason )
elif hasattr(inst, 'code'):
#print 'The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.'
#print 'Error code: ', inst.code
last_http_error= "Server couldn\'t fulfill the request: HTTP %d" % ( inst.code )
elif hasattr(inst, 'args'):
#print 'Message: ', inst.args
last_http_error= "Exception message: %s" % ( str(inst.args) )
last_http_error= str(inst)
if options.verbose:
print "Exception:",
print inst
if sig_stop_generic_handler_flag:
leave("") # we return nothing because it is handled with sig_stop_generic_handler
# retry routine, max_retry_count , retry_pause
if retry_counter < max_retry_count:
new_retry_pause = retry_counter * retry_pause
if options.spaces:
spaces = big_space
spaces = ""
print "INFO: HTTP request failed. Retry after %d seconds (%d/%d)%s" % ( new_retry_pause, retry_counter, max_retry_count, spaces ) +":",
print inst
if options.proxy_string:
print "INFO: Try to connect again to proxy %s:%s." % (proxy_ip, proxy_port)
http_conn = proxy_connect(proxy_ip, proxy_user, proxy_password, proxy_host, host_port, int(proxy_port))
if get_protocol(ip_name) == 'https' or (not options.allow_non_ssl):
if ( options.addr_is_https ):
http_conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(get_domain(options.addr))
http_conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(get_domain(options.addr))
time.sleep( new_retry_pause )
version_sent = 0
# after max_retry_count, we can't send request, so stop processing and quit program
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:%d:%d:2: HTTP request failed [%s]" % (sent_sms, rest_sms, last_http_error)
break # no exception, so we can continue to process response
# end while
# null retry_counter
retry_counter = 0
if options.verbose: print "Response from server: ", data
data = data.split("\n")
# check HTTP status (200 OK or 404 not found etc.)
if ( response.status != 200 ):
last_http_error= "Server HTTP response: " + str(response.status) + " " + response.reason + " (" + ip_name + ")"
# print to stdout (only id if sent failed)
print "ID:%s %s" % (sms_id, last_http_error)
return 0
# check for 200-209 code (it not present => msg was not sent)
if status_parser(data,"20"):
if options.verbose: print "message sent"
# print to stdout for delivery report processing by frontends
# if ok ... idzpravy,bulkid,timestamp,receiver
# if no ... idzpravy
timestamp = time.strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime() )
# msg_ids is content of [], msg_ids was set from status_parser procedure, so we split them
if not (len(msg_ids) == 0):
msg_id_list = msg_ids.split(" ")
for msg_id in msg_id_list:
#print msg_id, bulk_id, timestamp, destination # s bulk_id
# substitue "end" to " " at bulk_id string for last message
p = re.compile('end')
bulk_number = p.sub( '', bulk_number)
if options.spaces:
spaces = big_space
spaces = ""
# incrementsms_id
# message_id;submit_timestamp;receiver\n
# prepare string for print to stdout
delivery_line_stdout = "ID:%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s%s" % (sms_id, msg_id, bulk_number, timestamp, destination_unqoted, message, spaces)
# print to stdout
print delivery_line_stdout
# print to file if requested
if options.dr_file and dr_file_write_flag:
# prepare string for print to drfile and add it to drfile_list
delivery_line_drfile = "%s;%s;%s\n" % (msg_id, timestamp, destination_unqoted)
return 1
# sms not sent (No matching route found), but continue in processing
elif status_parser(data,"315"):
# print to stdout (only id if sent failed)
print "ID:%s %s" % (sms_id, last_http_error)
return 1
# In case of receiving 200 OK, but unparseable HTML document
# if no ... idzpravy
# incrementsms_id
if ( len(data[0]) ):
last_http_error= "Invalid response from server (" + ip_name + "): " + data[0][:-1]
if ( len(data[1]) ):
last_http_error= last_http_error + "..."
last_http_error= "Empty response from server (" + ip_name + ")"
# print to stdout (only id if sent failed)
print "ID:%s %s" % (sms_id, last_http_error)
return 0
# when lines[1] is \n or \r or \r\n, we substite for lines[2]
def drop_unuse(lines):
pr = re.compile('^\\r\\n|\\r|\\n$',re.IGNORECASE)
mr = pr.match(lines[1])
if mr:
lines[1] = lines[2]
# remove \r\n or \r \n ( min_line_size is then exact )
lines[1] = chomp( lines[1] )
if options.verbose: print "lines: ", lines
return lines
def delivery_reports():
-R <last_timestamp>[,bulk_id]
$url is HTTP submit URL (-a)
$auth is login information (-l)
$lastts is last timestamp (-R before ,)
$bulkid is bulk_id (-R after ,)
Construct URL this way: "$url/report?auth=$auth&since=$lastts&bulkid"
Normally, smsbackend returns the http body as-is, with no modifications.
<status> 0 - not-delivered
1 - delivered
global config
global options
# Create HTTP connection object
if ( options.addr_is_https ):
http_conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(get_domain(options.addr))
http_conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(get_domain(options.addr))
#parse delivery_reports string
temp_array = options.delivery_reports.split(",")
last_timestamp = temp_array[0]
bulk_id = temp_array[1]
bulk_id = ''
print bulk_id
login = options.login
#encode message
last_timestamp = urllib.quote_plus(last_timestamp)
bulk_id = urllib.quote_plus(bulk_id)
login = urllib.quote_plus(login)
# translate name to ip with timeout, we use for this special DNS module
#ip_name = dns_resolve(options.addr)
ip_name= options.addr
#create url_string
if options.verbose: print "\ndelivery reports url_string (pre): %s, auth: %s, last_timestamp: %s, bulk_id: %s" % (ip_name, login, last_timestamp, bulk_id)
url_string = ip_name + "/report?auth=" + login + "&since=" + last_timestamp + "&bulkid=" + bulk_id
url_string_proxy = "/" + (get_rest(options.addr)) + "/report?auth=" + login + "&since=" + last_timestamp + "&bulkid=" + bulk_id
leave("STATUS:0::2: Missing URL parameters")
if options.verbose:
print "url_string (exact): ", url_string
print "url_string_proxy (exact): ", url_string_proxy
# send it and read ouput
#use proxy setting if defined as parametr
if options.proxy_string:
# make http request
print "http_conn.request " + url_string_proxy
http_conn.request('GET', url_string_proxy)
data = http_conn.getresponse().read()
# elif get_protocol(url_string) == 'https':
# set timeout
if ( options.verbose ):
print "http_conn.putrequest " + url_string_proxy
http_conn.putrequest('GET', url_string_proxy)
response = http_conn.getresponse()
data =
# else: # is http
# print "urllib2 " + url_string
# http_request = urllib2.Request( url_string )
# socket.setdefaulttimeout( http_timeout ) # in seconds
# opener = urllib2.build_opener()
# urllib2.install_opener(opener)
# # make http request
# pagehandle = urllib2.urlopen(http_request)
# #read the output from previous http request
# data =
if sig_stop_generic_handler_flag:
leave("") # we return nothing because it is handled with sig_stop_generic_handler
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
leave(local_text + "STATUS:0::2: Can't send URL request")
# print output from server
if options.verbose: print "Response from server: ", data
if options.spaces:
spaces = big_space
spaces = ""
# check HTTP status (200 OK or 404 not found etc.)
if ( response.status != 200 ):
print "STATUS:0:0:2: Server HTTP response: " + str(response.status) + " " + response.reason + " (" + ip_name + ")"
return 0
data = data.split("\n")
for data_line in data:
print data_line + spaces
# print "\n" vpithart: data_line already contains \n from server
print "END"
def parse_csvfile():
open file, parse lines and valid lines are saved to list "csv_lines"
computes number of bodyparts (from length(s) of text
save final count of sms to "parts_count" variable, which is printed at startup for frontends progress bar
global csv_lines
global parts_count
global config
csv_lines = dict()
f=open(options.csvfilename, 'r')
csv_lines_mass = f.readlines()
if options.verbose: print "Cant open file %s for reading" % options.csvfilename
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:0::2: Can't open file \"%s\" for reading" % options.csvfilename
local_iter = 500000 # start at 500 000, because we need fix length of number
#check for valid rows, 3 digits ? reason is PSMS
pr = re.compile('^([^;]*\d[^;]*\d[^;]*\d[^;]*);(.+)') #3 digits anywhere ; text
for line in csv_lines_mass:
if options.verbose: print "l:", line
mr = pr.match(line) #pr na cely radek
#get number and text form line
if mr:
if options.verbose: print 'Match found: ', mr.groups()
key = "id" + str(local_iter) + str( ) # id5xxxxxx it is used for sorting by keys (we need to process cvs at the same order)
csv_lines[ key ] =
# get bodyparts
parts_count = parts_count + get_bodyparts( )
if local_iter == 1000000: # 5000 000 + 5000 000 :)
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:0::2: CSV file \"%s\"too big (it contatins more than 500 000 lines). Please split it." % (options.csvfilename)
#return csv_lines #500 000 sms via csv file is limit
return csv_lines
def parse_proxy_ip_port(proxy_string):
global proxy_ip, proxy_port
p_proxy = re.compile('^(.*):(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
m_proxy = p_proxy.match( proxy_string )
if m_proxy:
proxy_ip =
proxy_port =
p_proxy = re.compile('^(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
m_proxy = p_proxy.match( proxy_string )
if m_proxy:
proxy_ip =
proxy_port = proxy_default_port
def parse_proxy_user_password(user_password):
global proxy_user, proxy_password
p_proxy = re.compile('^(.*):(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
m_proxy = p_proxy.match( user_password )
if m_proxy:
proxy_user =
proxy_password =
def proxy_connect(p_ip, p_user, p_pass, p_host, p_host_port, p_port=proxy_default_port):
connect to proxy with or without authorization
p_ip - proxy ip
p_port - proxy port, default proxy_default_port
p_user - proxy login (can be empty string)
p_pass - proxy password (can be empty string)
p_host - host ip or name to what should the proxy connect to
p_host_port - host port to what should the proxy connect to
global proxy_use
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (p_user, p_pass))[:-1]
authheader = "Basic %s" % base64string
#setup basic authentication
if p_user and p_pass:
proxy_authorization = 'Proxy-authorization: ' + authheader + '\r\n'
proxy_authorization = ''
proxy_conn = 'CONNECT %s:%s HTTP/1.0\r\n' % (p_host, p_host_port)
user_agent = 'User-Agent: python\r\n'
proxy_pieces = proxy_conn + proxy_authorization + user_agent + '\r\n'
#now connect, very simple recv and error checking
proxy = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# proxy.settimeout(http_timeout)
# proxy.setdefaulttimeout( http_timeout ) # in seconds
proxy.connect((p_ip, p_port))
response = proxy.recv(8192)
if options.verbose:
print "Response from proxy:"
print response
status = response.split()[1]
status = 0
if status != str(200):
raise ConnectionError('Could not connect to proxy, status: ' + str(status))
if p_host_port == 443:
#trivial setup for ssl socket
ssl = socket.ssl(proxy, None, None)
sock = httplib.FakeSocket(proxy, ssl)
#initalize httplib and replace with your socket
connection = httplib.HTTPConnection('localhost')
connection.sock = sock
connection = httplib.HTTPConnection('localhost')
connection.sock = proxy
proxy_use = 1
if options.verbose: print "connected to proxy: %s(%s)" % (p_ip, p_port)
return connection
def process_http_longtime( ack ):
global config
# HTTP address of AWEG server
ip_name = options.addr
# Unless disabled by --allow-non-ssl, force HTTPS even if HTTP is given in '-a'
if not options.allow_non_ssl:
pr = re.compile('.*:\/\/(.*)') # strip 'proto://' out
mr = pr.match(ip_name)
if mr:
ip_name= "https://" +
# This is for --spaces option
if options.spaces:
spaces = big_space
spaces = ""
# Create HTTP connection object - Proxy mode
if options.proxy_string: # http://[<username>[:<password>]@]<hostname>[:port]
p_proxy = re.compile('^\w*://(.*)@(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
m_proxy = p_proxy.match( options.proxy_string )
if m_proxy:
parse_proxy_user_password( )
parse_proxy_ip_port( )
p_proxy = re.compile('^\w*://(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
m_proxy = p_proxy.match( options.proxy_string )
if m_proxy:
parse_proxy_ip_port( )
leave( time.strftime("%H:%M:%S ") + "STATUS:0::2: Proxy mismatch parametr.")
if options.verbose: print "Debug: Using proxy: proxy_ip=%s, proxy_port=%s, proxy_user=%s, proxy_password=%s" % (proxy_ip, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_password)
# set parameters for proxy_connect
pr = re.compile('^(\w*)://(.*)')
mr = pr.match(options.addr)
if mr:
if options.allow_non_ssl:
host_port = default_ports[]
host_port = default_host_port
proxy_host = get_domain(options.addr)
host_port = default_host_port
proxy_host = options.addr
# set proxy connection
while (not http_conn):
http_conn = proxy_connect(proxy_ip, proxy_user, proxy_password, proxy_host, host_port, int(proxy_port))
except ConnectionError, c_err:
# retry routine, max_retry_count , retry_pause
if retry_counter < max_retry_count:
new_retry_pause = retry_counter * retry_pause
if options.spaces:
spaces = big_space
spaces = ""
print "Debug: %s. Retry after %d seconds (%d/%d)%s" % ( c_err.value, new_retry_pause, retry_counter, max_retry_count, spaces )
time.sleep( new_retry_pause )
# after max_retry_count, we can't connect, so stop processing and quit program
local_text = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S ") + "STATUS:0:0:2: error - %s" % c_err.value
retry_counter = 0
# Create HTTP connection object - direct non-proxy mode
http_conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(get_domain(options.addr))
request_sleep_first= 0; # The first request should return CONF: and set intervals
request_sleep= 290; # Default for request sleep time (interval A) - it is overriden by server by "CONF:" push at runtime
sleep_interval= 5; # Default for Sleep interval B - it is overriden by server by "CONF:" push at runtime
sleep_interval_error= 30; # Default for sleep interval C - it is overriden by server by "CONF:" push at runtime
connected= 0;
print time.strftime("%H:%M:%S ") + "TRYING:" + ip_name + spaces;
first_connect_time= time.strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime() )
# Infinite loop that makes "smsbackend -G" to not exit (polling)
# Loop that run only once (if sending ack)
while 1:
# (a) create URL arguments
url_params = "auth=" + options.login
# For the first time, do 'fast' get
if ( request_sleep_first == 0 ):
request_sleep= 0
request_sleep_first= -1;
if ack:
url_params = url_params + "&limit=0&sleep=0&ack=" + str(ack)
url_params = url_params + "&limit=1000&sleep=" + str(request_sleep)
be_version_escaped = urllib.quote_plus(version_short)
fe_version_escaped = urllib.quote_plus(options.frontend_name)
url_params = url_params + "&online_since=" + first_connect_time
url_params = url_params + "&be=" + be_version_escaped + "&fe=" + fe_version_escaped
url_string = ip_name + "/longtime?" + url_params
url_string_proxy = "/" + get_rest(options.addr) + "/longtime?" + url_params
if (options.verbose):
print "INFO: intervals: A=" + str(request_sleep) + " B=" + str(sleep_interval) + " C="+ str(sleep_interval_error) + " url: [" + url_string +"]"
# (b) send the request and read ouput
if options.proxy_string: # is proxy connection
if options.verbose:
print "url_string_proxy (exact): ", url_string_proxy
# make http request
if options.verbose:
print "------ sending request"
http_conn.putrequest('GET', url_string_proxy)
if options.verbose: print "------ getting response"
response = http_conn.getresponse()
data =
if options.verbose: print data
# make http connection
http_request = urllib2.Request( url_string )
#socket.setdefaulttimeout( int(request_sleep)+30 ) # in seconds
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
# make http request
pagehandle = urllib2.urlopen(http_request)
data =
except Exception, inst:
#print("%s: %s"%(repr(inst), str(dir(inst))))
last_http_error= "Ex[%s]" % ( inst )
if hasattr(inst, 'reason'):
#print 'We failed to reach a server.'
#print 'Reason: ', inst.reason
last_http_error= "Failed to reach server: %s" % ( inst.reason )
elif hasattr(inst, 'code'):
#print 'The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.'
#print 'Error code: ', inst.code
last_http_error= "Server couldn\'t fulfill the request: HTTP %d" % ( inst.code )
elif hasattr(inst, 'args'):
#print 'Message: ', inst.args
last_http_error= "Exception message: %s" % ( str(inst.args) )
last_http_error= str(inst)
if options.verbose:
print "Exception:",
print inst
if sig_stop_generic_handler_flag:
leave("") # we return nothing because it is handled with sig_stop_generic_handler
connected= 0;
print time.strftime("%H:%M:%S ") + "CONNECTED:"+ str(connected) +":" + last_http_error + spaces
request_sleep= 0 # Next request after failure will be "fast"
if ( options.verbose ):
print "Sleep: interval C (" + str(sleep_interval_error) +"s) after failed HTTP request"
time.sleep(sleep_interval_error) # Sleep interval C - after failed HTTP request
# (c) Now, HTTP request is successfully finished:
connected= 1;
# (c2) parse HTTP result - first line
if options.verbose: print "Response from server: [" + data + "]"
data = data.split("\n")
result_200ok= 0
first_line= data[0] # First line should contain numberic result from server
p = re.compile('^\s*(\d{3})\s*(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) # Regex for "200 OK" or "305 error message"
m = p.match( first_line )
if m:
status = # 200 or 304 or 305 etc.
status_text = # any message after the number
if ( status == "200" ):
result_200ok= 1
if ( result_200ok ):
connected= 1
connected_msg= ""
connected= 0
connected_msg= first_line
# (c3) parse HTTP result - second line (may contain CONF:U_anumber)
if ( data[1][:15] == "CONF:U_anumber=" ): # CONF:U_anumber=420495412012
connected_msg= data[1][5:] # U_anumber=420495412012
if ( not ack ):
print time.strftime("%H:%M:%S ") + "CONNECTED:"+ str(connected) +":" + connected_msg + spaces
# (c4) parse HTTP result - other lines
for line in data:
if line == "":
if ( line[:2] == "SM" ):
print time.strftime("%H:%M:%S ") + line + spaces
if ( line[:6] == "REPORT" ):
print time.strftime("%H:%M:%S ") + line + spaces
if ( line[:4] == "CONF" ):
# CONF:something=foo bar
dvojtecka= line.find(":") # --^ ^
rovnitko= line.find("=") # ------------+
conf_variable= line[dvojtecka+1:rovnitko]
conf_value= line[rovnitko+1:]
#print " Conf [" + conf_variable + "] [" + conf_value + "]"
# Known Config-push values:
if ( conf_variable == "intervalA" ): # "sleep" argument for next request
request_sleep= int(conf_value);
if ( conf_variable == "intervalB" ): # Sleep interval beetween HTTP requests (after success)
sleep_interval= int(conf_value);
if ( sleep_interval < 1 ): sleep_interval=1 # Safety
if ( conf_variable == "intervalC" ): # Sleep interval beetween HTTP requests (after failed request)
sleep_interval_error= int(conf_value);
if ( line[:4] == "INFO" ):
print time.strftime("%H:%M:%S ") + line + spaces
if ( ack ):
# Sleep interval C - after failed HTTP request
# (even if HTTP-level request was ok, but response body does not contain "200 OK", we consider request as failure)
if ( not result_200ok ):
if ( options.verbose ):
print "Sleep: interval C (" + str(sleep_interval_error) +"s) after failed HTTP request"
# Sleep interval B - after successfull HTTP request
if ( options.verbose ):
print "Sleep: interval B (" + str(sleep_interval) + "s) after successfull HTTP request"
# end while 1
def leave(text):
global DR_FILE;
print text
if options.dr_file and dr_file_write_flag:
if sig_stop_generic_handler_flag: # must open DR_FILE again
dr_file_name = options.dr_file
dr_file_name = options.dr_file % bulk_number
dr_file_name = options.dr_file
DR_FILE = open(dr_file_name,"w") # if file exists will overwrite
for record in DR_FILE_LIST:
#def encrypt(text):
# """
# Import a public key, and encrypt some data
# return ecrypted base64 encoded text
# """
# global public_key
# if options.verbose: print "ecrypting this string: ", text
# # Create a key object
# k = ezPyCrypto.key()
# # Read in a public key
# try:
# fd = open(public_key, "rb")
# pubkey =
# fd.close()
# except:
# print "Can't open public key: ", public_key
# # import this public key
# k.importKey(pubkey)
# # Now encrypt some text against this public key
# enc = k.encStringToAscii(text)
# # we muset remove those strings to make enc usefull
# #del <StartPycryptoMessage>
# p = re.compile('<StartPycryptoMessage>')
# enc = p.sub( '', enc)
# #del <EndPycryptoMessage>
# p = re.compile('<EndPycryptoMessage>')
# enc = p.sub( '', enc)
# #del \n
# p = re.compile('\n')
# enc = p.sub( '', enc)
# if options.verbose: print "Encrypt output:\n\n%s\n\n" % enc
# return enc
def chomp(s):
if s[-2:] == '\r\n':
return s[:-2]
if s[-1:] == '\r' or s[-1:] == '\n':
return s[:-1]
return s
def get_bodyparts(text_line):
char_counts = len(text_line)
# it can't be, because null text is not allowed and if it go here with null text if it't fault and we send sms, so return 1 as 1 sms
if not char_counts:
parts = 1 # ! see comment above
return parts
if options.true160:
parts = 1+(char_counts-1)/160
elif char_counts > 160:
parts = 1+(char_counts-1)/156
parts = 1
return parts
def sig_stop_generic_handler(signum, frame):
global config
if options.verbose: print 'Signal handler called with signal', signum
global sig_stop_generic_handler_flag
sig_stop_generic_handler_flag = 1
if not (config == ""):
local_text = "CONFIG:%s\n" % (config)
local_text = ""
local_text = local_text + "STATUS:%d:%d:2:Program terminated (signal %d received)." % (sent_sms, rest_sms, signum)
def main():
if options.verbose: print "\nmain_procedure"
if options.verbose: print options
if options.verbose: print sys.argv
if __name__=='__main__':
#parse options & arguments
usage = "usage: %prog [options] \"message text up to 800 characters\""
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-v", "--version", action="store_true", dest="version", default=False, help = "print program version")
parser.add_option("-V", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="don't print status messages to stdout")
parser.add_option("-s", "--detectport", action="store_true", dest="scan", default=False, help="Ignored (backwards compatibility)")
parser.add_option("-m", "--modemport", dest="modemport", default=0, help="Ignored (backwards compatibility)", metavar=" <number>")
parser.add_option("-p", "--protocol", dest="protocol", default=False, help="Obsolete, do not use, ignored", metavar=" http")
parser.add_option("-a", "--addr", dest="addr", help="URL of AWEG server (example:", metavar=" <server URL>")
parser.add_option("-i", "--initstring", dest="initstring", help="only for -p modem ... init sting like \"ATX1L2M0\"", metavar=" <initstring>")
parser.add_option("-d", "--destination", dest="destination", help="destination number(s), separated by comma (no space!) e.g. 123456789,00420223344559", metavar=" <destination>")
parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="csvfilename", help="File with messages(s) to read in form: #comment\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdestination1;text1\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdestinaton2;text2", metavar=" <filename>")
parser.add_option("-t", "--true160", action="store_true", dest="true160", default=False, help = "do not insert \"m/n \" in to the beggining of the split messages (longer than 160 characters) e.g. 1/2 ... 2/2 ")
parser.add_option("-T", "--force-tts", action="store_true", dest="force_tts", default=False, help = "Message will be converted to the voice via TTS and delivered as voice, even if the receiving terminal is capable of text delivery. This feature depends on AWEG server configuration.")
parser.add_option("-l", "--login", dest="login", help="for -p http, username and password", metavar=" <login:password>")
parser.add_option("-x", "--hex", action="store_true", dest="hexformat", default=False, help = "use this parameter if smstext is given at hexadecimal format")
parser.add_option("-u", "--uri", action="store_true", dest="uriformat", default=False, help = "use this parameter if smstext is given at URI escaped format")
parser.add_option("-P", "--proxy", dest="proxy_string", default=False, help = "URL for http proxy: http://[<username>[:<password>]@]<hostname>[:port]", metavar=" <proxy_string>")
parser.add_option("-M", "--spaces", action="store_true", dest="spaces", default=False, help = "Add 4kB of spaces to end of every STDOUT line")
parser.add_option("-D", "--delivery_file", dest="dr_file", default=False, help = "Delivery report template file will be written to <delivery_file>.", metavar=" <delivery_file>")
parser.add_option("-R", "--delivery_reports", dest="delivery_reports", default=False, help = "Print delivery reports.", metavar=" <last_timestamp>[,bulk_id]")
parser.add_option("-N", "--frontend_name", dest="frontend_name", default="-", help = "Frontend name and version, transferred via HTTP and logged on server.", metavar=" <name,version>")
parser.add_option("-A", "--user-anumber", action="store_true", dest="use_anumber", default=False, help = "Use customer's A-number as sender.")
parser.add_option("-G", "--get-messages", action="store_true", dest="get_messages", default=False, help = "Receiving MO SMS via HTTP. Messages or reports received in -G mode are returned as STDOUT, one per line.")
parser.add_option("--Ga", "--get-ack", dest="get_ack", default=False, help = "List of unique ID of messages (M) or delivery reports (R) previously received by client; such a message is considered as delivered (to client) and deleted by AWEG server. Comma-separated list of 10-digit snippets (M: or R: and 8-digit hexadecimal numbers). Maximum 256 IDs at a time. Prefix M: or R: can be omitted in second and subsequent snippets; in such a case, the same prefix as in previuos snippet is assumed.", metavar = "<M:id1[,M:id2,R:id3,...]>" )
parser.add_option("--allow-non-ssl", action="store_true", dest="allow_non_ssl", default=False, help = "SMSbackend will use HTTP protocol with no SSL encryption (if it is given in -a parameter) instead of HTTPS. As a default, HTTPS is forced even if http:// is given in -a parameter.")
parser.add_option("--email-reply", action="store_true", dest="email_reply", default=False, help = "Reply message to e-mail available.")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# print version info
if options.version:
print version
# -l --login is mandatory option in any case
if len(args) != 1 and not options.login:
msg= "Required option (--login) is missing"
print "STATUS:0::2: " + msg + "\n"
parser.error(msg + ". Please use -h for help.")
# -a --addr is mandatory option in any case
if len(args) != 1 and not options.addr:
msg= "Required option (--addr) is missing"
print "STATUS:0::2: " + msg + "\n"
parser.error(msg + ". Please use -h for help.")
# if no smstext is given and no csv or version or delivery_reports is requested, it means, that required opt are missing
if len(args) != 1 and not options.csvfilename and not options.delivery_reports and not options.get_messages and not options.get_ack:
#print "STATUS:0::2: No text specified.\n"
#parser.error("No text specified!")
print "STATUS:0::2: Required option is missing.\n"
parser.error("Required option is missing")
# we parse smstext only if no version or delivery_reports is requested
if not options.csvfilename and not options.delivery_reports and not options.get_messages and not options.get_ack:
global smstext
smstext = args[0]
#print "smstext: ", smstext
# signal handling
signal.signal( signal.SIGTERM, sig_stop_generic_handler )
signal.signal( signal.SIGINT, sig_stop_generic_handler )
#signal.signal( signal.SIGKILL, sig_stop_generic_handler ) # windows doesn't support this signal
options.addr_is_https= 0
if (options.addr):
# Put slash at the end of URL:
if ( options.addr[-1:] != "/" ):
options.addr= options.addr + "/"
# Unless disabled by --allow-non-ssl, force HTTPS even if HTTP is given in '-a'
options.addr_is_https= 0
if not options.allow_non_ssl:
pr = re.compile('^http:\/\/(.*)') # strip 'proto://' out
mr = pr.match( options.addr )
if mr:
options.addr= "https://" +
if ( options.addr[:5] == "https" ):
options.addr_is_https= 1
# sms to destination
if options.destination and smstext:
if options.verbose: print "RunMode: sending single SMS to destinations(s) from commandline via [" + options.addr + "]"
#detect if hexformat and decode to ascii
if options.hexformat:
from binascii import b2a_hex, a2b_hex
smstext = a2b_hex(smstext)
if options.verbose: print "Hex decoded text: ", smstext
# try to decode smstext before another processing, only if -u is given
if options.uriformat: smstext = urllib.unquote_plus(smstext)
# HTTP request with retrying:
# csv file
elif options.addr and options.csvfilename:
if options.verbose: print "RunMode: sending Bulk SMS from CSV file (" + options.csvfilename + ") via [" + options.addr + "]"
csv_lines = parse_csvfile()
# print how many parts we will send
print "\nPARTS:%d\n" % (parts_count)
#V if (not (options.allow_non_ssl and get_protocol(options.addr) == 'http')) and (not options.proxy_string):
#V # set connection to https
#V if options.verbose: print "prepare http(s) connection 2"
#V http_conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(get_domain(put_slash(options.addr)))
# delivery reports
elif options.delivery_reports:
#V if (not (options.allow_non_ssl and get_protocol(options.addr) == 'http')) and (not options.proxy_string):
#V # set connection to https
#V http_conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(get_domain(put_slash(options.addr)))
# get messages (presence)
elif options.get_messages or options.get_ack:
process_http_longtime( options.get_ack )
# nothing
print "STATUS:0::2: Missing one of required options or text argument\n"
parser.error("Missing one of required options or text argument")
# ChangeLog
# 22.10.2008 vpithart
# Error message from HTTP layer (404 not found etc.) now correctly appears in STATUS: line
# 9.10.2008 vpithart
# URL-encoding of message text adjusted: space is now '%20' instead '+'
# 8.9.2008 vpithart
# Using new 'connected' message with aNumber
# CONNECTED:1:U_anumber=420234493002
# 13.8.2008 vpithart
# Error codes 32x now parsed
# 5.8.2008 vpithart
# --spaces now effective in -G mode
# 29.7.2008 vpithart
# bugfix: CONFIG: is not multiplied while sending CSV file (-f mode)
# 15.5.2008 Vojtech Pithart (build numbers replaced by SVN revision numbers)
# version 2.0
# removing all "serial" releated stuff
# http_conn is initialized in process_http
# 23.4.2007 Lucie Leistnerova (build 37)
# if server returns 315 (No matching route found), don't cancel
# sending and proceed
# 21.6.2006 lucie leistnerova (build 36)
# fixed bug with multiple config lines
# 5.4.2006 lucie leistnerova (build 35)
# argument --use-anumber added
# 5.4.2006 lucie leistnerova (build 34)
# argument --email-reply added
# 30.3.2006 lucie leistnerova (build 33)
# sorted drfile created
# 10.3.2006 lucie leistnerova (build 32)
# report=1 added to url when drfile is given
# backslash added to the end of url if only domain is given
... Rozdílový soubor je zkrácen, protože jeho délka přesahuje max. limit.

Také k dispozici: Unified diff