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Revize 257

Přidáno uživatelem Jiří Sviták před více než 15 roky(ů)

Upravena prvni registrace. Pridano zobrazeni vsech podvojnych uctu.

Zobrazit rozdíly:

'penalty have to be a number' => 'Pokuta musí být číslo',
'phone' => 'Telefon',
'phone already exists in database' => 'Telefon je již v databázi',
'please fill in the form with information about your administrator member' => 'Prosím, vyplňte formulář informacemi u vašem členu-administrátorovi.',
'port detail' => 'Detail portu',
'port is successfully saved' => 'Port byl úspěšně uložen.',
'port is successfully updated' => 'Port byl úspěšně upraven.',
'technology' => 'Technologie',
'the transfer successfully done' => 'Převod úspěšně dokončen',
'there are no items yet' => 'Neobsahuje žádné záznamy.',
'this member represents your association in the system' => 'Tento člen představuje vaše sdružení v systému.',
'time' => 'čas',
'timestamp' => 'Čas',
'to' => 'Komu',
'vlan name' => 'Název VLANu',
'vlans list' => 'Seznam VLANů',
'vlans' => 'VLANy',
'welcome to the freenetis!' => 'Vítejte ve Freenetisu!',
'work confirmation' => 'Potvrzení práce',
'work successfully added' => 'Práce úspěšně přidána',
'work successfully deleted' => 'Práce úspěšně smazána',
* @author Jiri Svitak
* Get balance of analytic account. Subtract all outbound transfers from all incoming transfers.
* It gets balance of analytic account. It subtracts all outbound transfers from all incoming transfers.
* @param $account_id
* @return unknown_type
return $in - $out;//(float)$inbound->current()->total - (float)$outbound->current()->total;
* @author Jiri Svitak
* It gets all double-entry accounts.
* @return unknown_type
public function get_doubleentry_accounts()
return self::$db->query("SELECT a.* FROM accounts a
JOIN enum_types e ON = a.type_id
WHERE e.value <> 'bank'");
$member->town = $form_data["town"];
$member->ZIP_code = $form_data["zip_code"];
$member->type = 4;
$member->entrance_date = date("Y-m-d");
$user = new User_Model();
$operating_account->member_id = $member->id;
$operating_account->name = 'Operating account';
$operating_account->type_id = $operating_enum_type->id;
$operating_account->comment = 'Operating account of association';
$operating_account->comment = 'Double-entry operating account of association';
$infrastructure_enum_type = $enum_type_model->where('value','infrastructure')->find();
$infrastructure_account->member_id = $member->id;
$infrastructure_account->name = 'Infrastructure account';
$infrastructure_account->type_id = $infrastructure_enum_type->id;
$infrastructure_account->comment = 'Infrastructure account of association';
$infrastructure_account->comment = 'Double-entry infrastructure account of association';
$suppliers_enum_type = $enum_type_model->where('value','suppliers')->find();
$suppliers_account->member_id = $member->id;
$suppliers_account->name = 'Account of suppliers';
$suppliers_account->type_id = $suppliers_enum_type->id;
$suppliers_account->comment = 'doubleentry account of suppliers';
$suppliers_account->comment = 'Double-entry account of suppliers';
// it selects only bank accounts of association
$acc_model = new Account_Model();
// to do - simplification of enum types
$accs = $acc_model->where(array('member_id' => 1, 'type_id' => 29))->find_all();
$total_accs = $accs->count();
$accs = $acc_model->join('enum_types', ' = accounts.type_id')->where(array('member_id' => 1, 'enum_types.value' => 'bank'))->find_all();
$total_accs = count($accs);
$acc_grid = new Grid(url_lang::base().'accounts',
url_lang::lang('texts.Bank accounts of association'), array(
$view = new View('template');
$view->header = new View('base/header');
$view->header->title = url_lang::lang('texts.Display member');
$view->header->title = url_lang::lang('texts.Bank accounts of association');
$view->header->menu = Controller::render_menu();
$view->content = $acc_grid;
$view->footer = new View('base/footer');
* @author Jiri Svitak
* It shows double-entry accounts of members.
* It shows double-entry accounts like credit accounts of members, project, infrastructure, operating accounts.
* @param $limit_results
* @param $order_by
* @param $order_by_direction
function doubleentry_accounts($limit_results = 50, $order_by = 'id', $order_by_direction = 'DESC')
// it selects only double
$acc_model = new Account_Model();
// to do - simplification of enum types
$accs = $acc_model->get_doubleentry_accounts();
$total_accs = count($accs);
$acc_grid = new Grid(url_lang::base().'accounts',
url_lang::lang('texts.Double-entry accounts'), array(
'separator' => '<br /><br />',
'current' => $limit_results, // current selected 'records_per_page' value
'selector_increace' => 50, // increace
'selector_min' => 50, // minimum where selector start
'selector_max_multiplier' => 10,
'base_url' => Config::item('locale.lang').'/accounts/doubleentry_transfers/'.$limit_results.'/'.$order_by.'/'.$order_by_direction ,
'uri_segment' => 'page', // pass a string as uri_segment to trigger former 'label' functionality
'total_items' => $total_accs, // use db count query here of course
'items_per_page' => $limit_results, // it may be handy to set defaults for stuff like this in config/pagination.php
'style' => 'classic',
'order_by' => $order_by,
'order_by_direction' => $order_by_direction,
'limit_results' => $limit_results,
// adding account, to do - access rights
//if ($this->acl_check_new(get_class($this), 'accounts', $member_id))
// $acc_grid->add_new_button(url_lang::base().'accounts/add_bank_account/'.$member_id, url_lang::lang('texts.Add new bank account'));
$acc_grid->order_field('name')->label(url_lang::lang('texts.Account name'));
$view = new View('template');
$view->header = new View('base/header');
$view->header->title = url_lang::lang('texts.Double-entry accounts');
$view->header->menu = Controller::render_menu();
$view->content = $acc_grid;
$view->footer = new View('base/footer');
// commented by Jiri Svitak, probably useless, similar function is in money_transfers
function account_transfers($acc_id = NULL, $limit_results = 50, $order_by = '', $order_by_direction = 'DESC')
if (isset($acc_id))
$model_account= new Account_Model();
/*if ($model_account->owner_id == $_SESSION['member_id'])
if (!$this->acl_check_3D('freenetis', 'view_all', 'view_all_transfers')) Controller::error(1);
if (!$this->acl_check_3D('freenetis', 'view_all', 'view_all_transfers')) Controller::error(1);
//if ($model_account->owner_id == $_SESSION['member_id'])
// if (!$this->acl_check_3D('freenetis', 'view_all', 'view_all_transfers')) Controller::error(1);
// if (!$this->acl_check_3D('freenetis', 'view_all', 'view_all_transfers')) Controller::error(1);
$acc_name = $model_account->name;
//$acc_id = $model_account->id;
} // end of account_transfers function
// commented by Jiri Svitak
// moved to Money_transfers controller and rewritten
<div class="flags">
<?php echo special::create_language_flags(array('cs' => 'Česky', 'en' => 'English')) ?>
<h2><?php echo $title ?></h2><br />
<p>Vítejte u instalace Freenetisu! Vyplňte prosím následující údaje pro defaultního uživatele vašeho systému.</p>
<h2><?php echo $title ?></h2><br />
<p><?php echo url_lang::lang('texts.Welcome to the Freenetis!'); ?>
<?php echo url_lang::lang('texts.Please fill in the form with information about your administrator member.'); ?>
<?php echo url_lang::lang('texts.This member represents your association in the system.'); ?>
<br />
<?php echo $form ?>

Také k dispozici: Unified diff