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Revize 2325

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před více než 10 roky(ů)

Release 1.1.6

Zobrazit rozdíly:

freenetis (1.1.6) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release
* Fixes #894: Member name length limitation extended
* Fixes #899: Invalid prefilled value in link dialog
* Fixes #900: Possibility to add existing wireless interface to air link
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Wed, 19 Mar 2014 23:19:06 +0100
freenetis (1.1.5) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release
* Fixes #885: Unidentified payments filter
* Fixes #893: Pre-fill of form for approving of a connection request
* Implements #882: Determining of MAC from RB/Linux in hybrid networks
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 04 Mar 2014 23:29:40 +0100
freenetis (1.1.4) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release
* Fixes #880: Fixes filter initialization due to forgotten JS debug
* Fixes #881: Filter initialization if field has no class
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 11 Feb 2014 15:12:02 +0100
freenetis (1.1.3) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release
* Fixes #876: Fixes clearing of filter form values after filter sending
* Fixes #877: Bank account settings change breaks bank statement import
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Thu, 06 Feb 2014 13:15:29 +0100
freenetis (1.1.2) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release
* Fixes #868: member statistics on no filtered results
* Fixes #869: datepicker in SMS messages date filter
* Fixes #871: dialog loading in IE7
* Fixes #873: invalid rebuilding of filter
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 04 Feb 2014 22:21:11 +0100
freenetis (1.1.1) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#862: Activation of user notification message)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Fri, 24 Jan 2014 18:45:31 +0100
freenetis (1.1.0) stable; urgency=low
* First stable version of 1.1
* Key features: <>
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Fri, 17 Jan 2014 11:10:21 +0100
freenetis (1.0.12) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 09 Jul 2013 15:12:00 +0100
freenetis (1.0.11) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#684)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 09 Jul 2013 15:08:00 +0100
freenetis (1.0.10) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#36, #615)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 09 Jul 2013 14:37:00 +0100
freenetis (1.0.9) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#488, #508, #569)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Fri, 06 Jun 2013 14:06:00 +0100
freenetis (1.0.8) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#454, #470, #460)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Mon, 21 Jan 2013 11:52:00 +0100
freenetis (1.0.7) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#416, #436, #445, #452)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Wed, 16 Jan 2013 19:09:56 +0100
freenetis (1.0.6) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#358, #443)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Thu, 03 Jan 2013 17:41:28 +0100
freenetis (1.0.5) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#254, #294, #396, #399, #402, #409, #410)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Wed, 31 Oct 2012 00:35:25 +0100
freenetis (1.0.4) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#366, #367, #373, #374, #376, #377, #378, #380, #383, #384)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Thu, 27 Sep 2012 21:24:48 +0200
freenetis (1.0.3) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#363, #355, #358, #362, #361)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 18 Sep 2012 19:33:24 +0200
freenetis (1.0.2) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#336, #334, #331, #329, #325, #324, #321, #320, #297)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Sat, 15 Sep 2012 09:01:17 +0200
freenetis (1.0.1) stable; urgency=hight
* Fix release (#296, #298, #299, #305, #309, #310)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 28 Aug 2012 09:28:44 +0200
freenetis (1.0.0) stable; urgency=hight
* Official release 1.0.0
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Thu, 23 Aug 2012 10:37:46 +0200
freenetis (1.0.0~rc13) unstable; urgency=low
* Restrict local installation (#289)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 21 Aug 2012 08:37:46 +0200
freenetis (1.0.0~rc7) unstable; urgency=low
* Changes in interface of ifaces
* Several bug fixes
* Fixes dependencies
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Mon, 13 Aug 2012 11:19:41 +0200
freenetis (1.0.0~rc6) unstable; urgency=low
* Added support for redirection and server aliases in apache config (#246)
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Mon, 06 Aug 2012 15:49:56 +0200
freenetis (1.0.0~rc1) unstable; urgency=low
* First official RC release
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Fri, 03 Aug 2012 16:43:44 +0200
freenetis (1.0.0~beta7) unstable; urgency=low
* Support for monitoring package
* Device templates import/export functionality
* Several bug fixes
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Thu, 02 Aug 2012 16:02:42 +0200
freenetis (1.0.0~beta6) unstable; urgency=low
* Improvements in DEB package
* Improvements in installation
* Several bug fixes
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Thu, 02 Aug 2012 16:02:42 +0200
freenetis (1.0.0~beta5) unstable; urgency=low
* Added new mechanism for database upgrades and version system (#146)
* Several bug fixes
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Wed, 01 Aug 2012 17:05:25 +0200
freenetis (1.0.0~beta2) unstable; urgency=low
* Second official beta release - all functionality included in this release
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 31 Jul 2012 12:54:59 +0200
freenetis (1.0.0~beta1) unstable; urgency=low
* First official beta release
-- Ondrej Fibich <> Tue, 26 Jun 2012 21:28:47 +0200
Priority: optional
Section: web
Pre-Depends: debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0
Depends: coreutils (>= 6.10-6), wget (>= 1.11-4.1), grep (>= 2.5.3), apache2, php5, php5-curl, libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql | php5-mysqli, mysql-client, php5-mcrypt, php5-gd, php5-snmp
Suggests: mysql-server (>= 5.0.0), mysql-client
Architecture: all
Maintainer: Ondrej Fibich <>
Description: Information system for managing non-profit networks
FreenetIS is multilingual information system for managing non-profit networks.
It is capable to manage:
- users and their groups;
- double-entry accounting system (payments, double-entry transfers,
bank transfers, accounts, bank accounts, cash flow);
- network infrastructure (devices, segments, interfaces, IP addresses,
subnets, VLANs, VLAN interfaces, bridges, ports);
- network management (device monitoring, DHCP servers configuration,
traffic statistics, QoS);
- notifications of users (traffic redirection, e-mail messages, SMS messages);
- work reporting of active users and work approval;
- lists of calls and billing of VoIP;
- etc.
Description-cs.UTF-8: Informační systém pro počítačové sítě, provozované neziskovou organizací
FreenetIS je vícejazyčný informační systém pro počítačové sítě, provozované
neziskovou organizací.
Je schopen spravovat:
- uživatele a jejich skupiny;
- podvojné účty organizace (platby, podvojné převody, bankovní převody,
bankovní účty, cash flow);
- síťová infrastruktura (zařízení, segmenty, rozhraní, IP adresy, podsítě,
VLANy, VLAN rozhraní, bridge, porty);
- správa sítě (monitorování zařízení, konfigurace DHCP serverů,
statistiky provozu, QoS);
- upozorňování uživatelů (přesměrování provozu, e-mailové zprávy, SMS zprávy);
- práce aktivních uživatelů a jejich schvalování;
- výpisy volání a placení VoIP po napojení na ústřednu;
- atd.
# Script for debianization of FreenetIS base package
# (c) Ondrej Fibich, 2012
# Takes two arguments (version of package - FreenetIS and debian version).
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Wrong arg count.. Terminating"
exit 1
# create dirs ##################################################################
mkdir ../deb_packages/tmp
cd ../deb_packages/tmp
mkdir -m 755 DEBIAN
mkdir -m 755 usr
mkdir -m 755 usr/share
mkdir -m 755 usr/share/${NAME}
mkdir -m 755 usr/share/doc
mkdir -m 755 usr/share/doc/${NAME}
mkdir -m 755 etc
mkdir -m 755 etc/freenetis
mkdir -m 755 etc/freenetis/https
# copy content of package ######################################################
cd ..
tar -zcvf /tmp/${NAME}_packaging.tar.gz ../../../../ 1>/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "error during packaging"
exit 2
cd tmp/usr/share/${NAME}
tar -xvf /tmp/${NAME}_packaging.tar.gz 1>/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "error during unpackaging"
exit 3
rm /tmp/${NAME}_packaging.tar.gz
cd ../../../
# remove dev parts of FN
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/application/vendors/deb
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/application/vendors/unit_tester
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/application/vendors/redirection
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/application/vendors/monitoring
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/application/vendors/qos
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/application/vendors/ssh-keys
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/application/vendors/dhcp
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/application/vendors/axo_doc
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/application/controllers/unit_tester.php
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/application/views/unit_tester
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/application/vendors/phpwhois/testsuite.php
# remove hidden
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/.htaccess
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/config.php
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/upload/*
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/logs
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/doc
rm -rf usr/share/${NAME}/tests
# remove .svn
rm -rf `find usr/share/${NAME} -type d -name .svn`
# change permissions
find usr/share/${NAME} -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
find usr/share/${NAME} -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find usr/share/${NAME} -type f -name *.pl -exec chmod +x {} \;
# copy config file
cp ../../freenetis/freenetis.conf etc/freenetis/
chmod 0644 etc/freenetis/freenetis.conf
# doc ##########################################################################
# change log
cat ../../${NAME}/changelog >> usr/share/doc/${NAME}/changelog
# debian change log is same
cp usr/share/doc/${NAME}/changelog usr/share/doc/${NAME}/changelog.Debian
# copyright
echo "This package was debianized by Ondrej Fibich <> on `date -R`" >> usr/share/doc/${NAME}/copyright
echo "It was downloaded from <>\n" >> usr/share/doc/${NAME}/copyright
echo "Copyright:" >> usr/share/doc/${NAME}/copyright
cat ../../../../../AUTHORS >> usr/share/doc/${NAME}/copyright
echo "\nLicense:" >> usr/share/doc/${NAME}/copyright
cat ../../../../../COPYING >> usr/share/doc/${NAME}/copyright
echo "\nOn Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General" >> usr/share/doc/${NAME}/copyright
echo "Public License can be found in \`/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'.\n" >> usr/share/doc/${NAME}/copyright
echo -n "The Debian packaging is (C) `date +%Y`, Ondrej Fibich <> and" >> usr/share/doc/${NAME}/copyright
echo " it is licensed under the GPL, see above.\n" >> usr/share/doc/${NAME}/copyright
# rights
chmod 644 usr/share/doc/${NAME}/changelog usr/share/doc/${NAME}/changelog.Debian \
# compress doc
gzip --best usr/share/doc/${NAME}/changelog
gzip --best usr/share/doc/${NAME}/changelog.Debian
# count size
SIZE=`du -s usr | cut -f1`
# calculate checksum ###########################################################
find * -type f ! -regex '^DEBIAN/.*' -exec md5sum {} \; >> DEBIAN/md5sums
# create info files ############################################################
# create package info
echo "Package: ${NAME}" >> DEBIAN/control
echo "Version: ${VERSION}-${DEBIAN}" >> DEBIAN/control
echo "Installed-Size: ${SIZE}" >> DEBIAN/control
cat ../../${NAME}/control >> DEBIAN/control
# scripts ######################################################################
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/preinst DEBIAN/preinst
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/postinst DEBIAN/postinst
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/prerm DEBIAN/prerm
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/postrm DEBIAN/postrm
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/templates DEBIAN/templates
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/config DEBIAN/config
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/conffiles DEBIAN/conffiles
chmod 755 DEBIAN/preinst DEBIAN/postinst DEBIAN/prerm DEBIAN/postrm DEBIAN/config
chmod 0644 DEBIAN/templates DEBIAN/conffiles DEBIAN/md5sums
# create deb ###################################################################
# change owner of files to root (security)
cd ..
fakeroot chown -hR root:root *
cd tmp
# make package
cd ..
fakeroot dpkg-deb -b tmp ${NAME}_${VERSION}+${DEBIAN}.deb
# clean-up mess ################################################################
# clean
rm -rf tmp
# FreenetIS DEB: actions after installing of package
set -e
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
# Generate config file, if it doesn’t exist.
# An alternative is to copy in a template
# file from elsewhere.
if [ ! -e $CONFIGFILE ]; then
mkdir /etc/freenetis/
echo "# Config file for FreenetIS" > $CONFIGFILE
echo "SERVERNAME=\"localhost/freenetis\"" >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "PROTOCOL=\"http\"" >> $CONFIGFILE
# load configure file
. $CONFIGFILE || true
# Version 1.1 is located in /usr/share/freenetis but previous versions were
# located in /var/www/freeenetis, we try to use old config files if they are
# exists. The old configuration must not replace new configuration!
# DB config
if [ -f "${OLD_PATH}/config.php" ] && [ ! -f "${CURRENT_PATH}/config.php" ]; then
echo "Copying old DB configuration from ${OLD_PATH}/config.php file"
cp "${OLD_PATH}/config.php" "${CURRENT_PATH}/config.php"
# .htaccess
if [ -f "${OLD_PATH}/.htaccess" ] && [ ! -f "${CURRENT_PATH}/.htaccess" ]; then
echo "Copying old apache configuration from ${OLD_PATH}/.htaccess file"
cp "${OLD_PATH}/.htaccess" "${CURRENT_PATH}/.htaccess"
chmod 0666 "${CURRENT_PATH}/.htaccess" || true
# Substitute in the values from the debconf db.
# There are obvious optimizations possible here.
# The cp before the sed ensures we do not mess up
# the config file’s ownership and permissions.
db_get freenetis/server_type
db_get freenetis/servername
db_get freenetis/protocol
db_get freenetis/https_add_redir
# h@ck for enable reloading vars from config file
db_set freenetis/hack_reload true
db_go || true
# If the admin deleted or commented some variables but then set
# them via debconf, (re-)add them to the conffile.
test -z "$PROTOCOL" || grep -Eq '^ *PROTOCOL=' $CONFIGFILE || echo "PROTOCOL=" >> $CONFIGFILE
# check server name
if [ -z "$SERVERNAME" ]; then
echo "Wrong server name, configuration failed!"
exit 3
# check protocol
if [ -z "$PROTOCOL" ]; then
echo "Wrong protocol, configuration failed!"
exit 3
# check SSL keys
if [ "$PROTOCOL" = "https" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE" ]; then
echo "SSL certificate file and key file not set properly."
echo "File $SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE does not exists"
echo " => switching protocol from https to http"
if [ ! -f "$SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE" ]; then
echo "SSL certificate file and key file not set properly."
echo "File $SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE does not exists"
echo " => switching protocol from https to http"
# Make post install things
# 0) Access rights to some directories
chmod ugo+w /usr/share/freenetis
chmod ugo+w /usr/share/freenetis/upload
mkdir -m 0777 /usr/share/freenetis/logs 2>/dev/null || true
# 1) Apache config
echo "Preparing Apache"
# activate redirection
a2enmod rewrite > /dev/null
# activate SSL if https selected
if [ "$PROTOCOL" = "https" ]; then
a2enmod ssl > /dev/null
# PHP settings
# PHP settings
php_flag register_globals Off
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off
php_flag file_uploads On
php_flag short_open_tag On
# large inputs (fixes #358, #410)
php_value max_input_vars 100000
php_admin_value 100000
php_admin_value suhosin.request.max_vars 100000"
# make config for FN
if [ "$SERVER_TYPE" = localhost ]; then
echo "Alias /freenetis /usr/share/freenetis" > $A2CF
echo "<Directory /usr/share/freenetis>" >> $A2CF
echo " Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews" >> $A2CF
echo " AllowOverride All" >> $A2CF
echo " Order allow,deny" >> $A2CF
echo " allow from all" >> $A2CF
echo " ${php_settings}" >> $A2CF
echo "</Directory>" >> $A2CF
if [ "$PROTOCOL" = "https" ]; then
echo "NameVirtualHost *:443" > $A2CF
echo "<VirtualHost *:443>" >> $A2CF
echo "NameVirtualHost *:80" > $A2CF
echo "<VirtualHost *:80>" >> $A2CF
echo " ServerName ${SERVERNAME}" >> $A2CF
echo " ServerAlias www.${SERVERNAME}" >> $A2CF
echo " DocumentRoot /usr/share/freenetis" >> $A2CF
echo " <Directory /usr/share/freenetis>" >> $A2CF
echo " Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews" >> $A2CF
echo " AllowOverride All" >> $A2CF
echo " Order allow,deny" >> $A2CF
echo " allow from all" >> $A2CF
echo " ${php_settings}" >> $A2CF
echo " </Directory>" >> $A2CF
echo " ErrorLog $ERROR_LOG_FILE" >> $A2CF
echo " CustomLog $CUSTOM_LOG_FILE common" >> $A2CF
if [ "$PROTOCOL" = "https" ]; then
echo " SSLEngine on" >> $A2CF
echo " SSLProtocol all -SSLv2" >> $A2CF
if [ -f "$SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE" ]; then
echo " SSLCertificateFile $SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE" >> $A2CF
if [ -f "$SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE" ]; then
echo " SSLCertificateKeyFile $SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE" >> $A2CF
echo " SSLCertificateChainFile $SSL_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_FILE" >> $A2CF
if [ -f "$SSL_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE" ]; then
echo " SSLCACertificateFile $SSL_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE" >> $A2CF
echo " SetEnvIf User-Agent \".*MSIE.*\" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown" >> $A2CF
echo "</VirtualHost>" >> $A2CF
# redirection from http to https
if [ "$PROTOCOL" = "https" ] && [ "$HTTPS_ADD_REDIR" = true ]; then
echo "<VirtualHost *:80>" >> $A2CF
echo " ServerName ${SERVERNAME}" >> $A2CF
echo " ServerAlias www.${SERVERNAME}" >> $A2CF
echo " KeepAlive Off" >> $A2CF
echo " RewriteEngine On" >> $A2CF
echo " RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://${SERVERNAME}/\$1 [L,R=301]" >> $A2CF
echo "</VirtualHost>" >> $A2CF
# pre-configure protocol
sed -e "s/^ *\$config\['protocol'\] *=.*/\$config['protocol'] = '$PROTOCOL';/" < $CONFIG_SAMPLE_PHP > $CONFIG_SAMPLE_PHP.tmp
# restart
if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
invoke-rc.d apache2 restart 3>/dev/null || true
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart 3>/dev/null || true
# 2) CRON
echo "Preparing CRON"
echo "# /etc/cron.d/freenetis: Regular CRON file for freenetis package (triggered each minute)" > /etc/cron.d/freenetis
echo "" >> /etc/cron.d/freenetis
echo "SHELL=/bin/sh" >> /etc/cron.d/freenetis
echo "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin" >> /etc/cron.d/freenetis
echo "* * * * * root wget -O /dev/null ${PROTOCOL}://${SERVERNAME}/index.php/cs/scheduler/run --no-check-certificate -q" >> /etc/cron.d/freenetis
chmod g-w /etc/cron.d/freenetis
if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
invoke-rc.d cron restart 3>/dev/null || true
/etc/init.d/cron restart 3>/dev/null || true
# 3) locales
echo "Preparing locales"
# list of required locales for FreenetIS -> add some for different language mutation
locales=(en_US.UTF-8 cs_CZ.UTF-8)
locales_lowered=(en_US.utf8 cs_CZ.utf8)
# is reconfigure of locales required?
for index in ${!locales[*]}
set +e
locale -a | grep "^$loc_lowered$" > /dev/null
set -e
# locale not present
if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
encoding=`echo $loc | cut -f2 -d'.'`
loc_str="$loc $encoding"
if [ -f "/etc/locale.gen" ]; then # Debian
sed -e "s/^# $loc_str_esc/$loc_str_esc/" < /etc/locale.gen > /etc/locale.gen.tmp
mv -f /etc/locale.gen.tmp /etc/locale.gen
elif [ -d "/var/lib/locales/supported.d" ]; then # Ubuntu
short_cut=`echo $loc | cut -f1 -d'_'`
touch /var/lib/locales/supported.d/${short_cut}
echo $loc_str >> /var/lib/locales/supported.d/${short_cut}
echo "Unknown locale generation, cannot generate locales"
exit 5
# reconfigure locales if any missing
if [ $reconfigure -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $debian -eq 1 ]; then # Debian
else # Ubuntu
dpkg-reconfigure locales
# FreenetIS DEB: actions after uninstalling of package
set -e
# remove from Apache config
rm -rf /etc/apache2/conf.d/freenetis.conf
# remove all configuration if purge
if [ "$1" = purge ]; then
# remove defconf values
if [ -e /usr/share/debconf/confmodule ]; then
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
# remove config files
# remove all files
rm -rf /usr/share/freenetis
# remove dir if empty
[ "$(ls -A /etc/freenetis)" ] || rm -rf /etc/freenetis
# restart apache
if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
invoke-rc.d apache2 reload 3>/dev/null || true
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload 3>/dev/null || true
exit 0
# FreenetIS DEB: actions before installing of package
set -e
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
# shutdown server
if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
invoke-rc.d apache2 stop 3>/dev/null || true
/etc/init.d/apache2 stop 3>/dev/null || true
# FreenetIS DEB: actions before uninstalling of package
set -e
# remove CRON entry
rm -rf /etc/cron.d/freenetis
# restart CRON
if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
invoke-rc.d cron restart 3>/dev/null || true
/etc/init.d/cron restart 3>/dev/null || true
Template: freenetis/server_type
Type: select
Choices: localhost, other
Default: other
Description: Server:
Type of server (localhost or other with its own domain name)
Description-cs.UTF-8: Server:
Typ serveru (localhost nebo jiný s vlastním doménovým jménem)
Template: freenetis/servername
Type: string
Description: Server Name:
Server Name (with path) on which the FreenetIS will be hosted (without prefix www.).
Description-cs.UTF-8: Jméno serveru:
Jméno serveru (společně s cestou) na kterém bude FreenetIS nainstalován (bez předpony www.).
Template: freenetis/protocol
Type: select
Choices: http, https
Default: http
Description: Protocol:
Protocol for accessing of FreenetIS.
Description-cs.UTF-8: Protokol:
Protokol pro přístup k FreenetISu.
Template: freenetis/https_add_redir
Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Automatically redirect from HTTP to HTTPS?
Description-cs.UTF-8: Automaticky přesměrovávat z HTTP na HTTPS?
Template: freenetis/hack_reload
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Hack for propper working of loading package?
set -e
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
# Load config file, if it exists.
if [ -e $CONFIGFILE ]; then
db_get freenetis/hack_reload
if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
. $CONFIGFILE || true
db_set freenetis/servername "$SERVERNAME"
db_set freenetis/protocol "$PROTOCOL"
# h@ck for not reloading variables from config file (enabled again by postinst)
db_set freenetis/hack_reload false
# Ask questions.
db_input critical freenetis/server_type || true
db_go || true
db_get freenetis/server_type
if [ "$RET" = localhost ]; then
db_set freenetis/servername "localhost/freenetis"
db_set freenetis/protocol "http"
db_input critical freenetis/servername || true
db_input critical freenetis/protocol || true
db_go || true
db_get freenetis/protocol
if [ "$RET" = https ]; then
db_input critical freenetis/https_add_redir || true
db_set freenetis/https_add_redir false
db_go || true
# #
# FreenetIS configuration file (see #
# #
# Allows to configure basic options of FreenetIS such as server name on #
# which it is hosted and protocol which is used for accessing. These options #
# are used for configuration of apache server. #
# #
# After changing of any configuration option an dpkg-reconfigure on freenetis #
# package must be run for making changes to configuration of FreenetIS #
# instance. #
# #
# Server Name (with path) on which the FreenetIS will be hosted
# Protocol for accessing of FreenetIS (http or https)
# File for logging of apache errors (FreenetIS has its own logs stored in
# /var/www/freenetis/logs)
# File for logging of apache common messages (FreenetIS has its own logs stored
# in /var/www/freenetis/logs)
### SSL variables - only used if protocol is set to https ######################
# #
# SEE: #
# #
# SSL Certificate File
# SSL Certificate Key File
# SSL Certificate Chain File [optional]
# SSL Certificate Authority Certificate File [optional]
# This is sample configuration for debianization script that allows to set up
# paths of dirs of sub debianization scripts in the file system.
# Rename this file as debianization.conf and rewrite variables.
# Script for debianization of FreenetIS
# (c) Ondrej Fibich, 2012
# Takes one or two arguments (version of package and package - if empty do it all)
# and it generates all FreenetIS packages to directory deb_packages.
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Wrong arg count.. Terminating"
exit 1
if [ -r $CONFIG ]; then
echo "Loading configuration file"
NAMES=(freenetis freenetis-monitoring freenetis-redirection freenetis-dhcp \
freenetis-ssh-keys freenetis-qos)
DEBIANS=(lenny squeeze wheezy)
if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
# functions ####################################################################
function red_echo() {
echo -e "\e[01;31m$1\e[0m"
function green_echo() {
echo -e "\e[01;32m$1\e[0m"
# create dirs ##################################################################
rm -rf deb_packages
mkdir deb_packages
# call all debianization utils #################################################
for name in ${NAMES[*]}
name_mod=`echo $name | sed 's/-/_/g'`
for debian in ${DEBIANS[*]}
# get dir from config or default
eval_str="echo \${${conf_var_name}}"
deb_dir_sh=`eval "$eval_str"`
if [[ -z "$deb_dir_sh" ]]; then
# run debianization
if [ -f "$deb_sh" ]; then
cd "$deb_dir_sh"
./ "$VERSION" "$debian"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
green_echo ">>>> [$name+$debian] debianized"
# move builded packages
if [ -d "deb_packages" ]; then
mkdir -p "$root_dir/deb_packages"
mv -f deb_packages/* "$root_dir/deb_packages"
red_echo ">>>> [$name+$debian] an error occured during debianization"
cd "$root_dir"
red_echo ">>>> [$name+$debian] not debianized (debianization utility is missing)"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
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DTD for AXO documentation file.
@author Ondřej Fibich
@version 1.0
An example how to use this DTD from your XML document:
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<object name="accounts" type="controller" comment-en="Credit accounts and recalculation of fees and balances" comment-cs="Kreditní účty a přepočítání poplatků a stavů účtů">
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<method name="index" hide="true"></method>
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<method name="recalculate_account_balances">
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<method name="recalculate_fees">
<axo section="Accounts_Controller" value="accounts" action="edit" own="false" usage_type="access"></axo>
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<method name="index" hide="true"></method>
<method name="show_all" comment-en="Show all items" comment-cs="Zobrazuje všechny položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Address_points_Controller" value="address_point" action="view" own="false"></axo>
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<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Address_points_Controller" value="address_point" action="view" own="false"></axo>
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<axo usage_type="access" section="Address_points_Controller" value="address_point" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<method name="get_gps_by_address"></method>
<method name="autocomplete_gps"></method>
<object name="allowed_subnets" type="controller" comment-en="Allowed subnets of a member" comment-cs="Povolené podsítě člena">
<method name="show_by_member">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Allowed_subnets_Controller" value="allowed_subnet" action="view" own="true"></axo>
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<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="true"></axo>
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<method name="delete" comment-en="Delete an item" comment-cs="Odstranění položky">
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<method name="change">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Allowed_subnets_Controller" value="allowed_subnet" action="edit" own="true"></axo>
<object name="allowed_subnets_counts" type="controller" comment-en="Count of allow subnets of a member" comment-cs="Počet povolených podsítí člena">
<method name="edit" comment-en="Edit an item" comment-cs="Úprava položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Allowed_subnets_Controller" value="allowed_subnet" action="edit" own="true"></axo>
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<method name="__construct" hide="true"></method>
<method name="index" hide="true"></method>
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<method name="move_up"></method>
<method name="move_down"></method>
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<object name="approval_templates" type="controller" comment-en="Approval templates - defines vote rules" comment-cs="Schvalovací šablony - definují hlasovací pravidla">
<method name="__construct" hide="true"></method>
<method name="index" hide="true"></method>
<method name="show_all" comment-en="Show all items" comment-cs="Zobrazuje všechny položky">
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<object name="approval_types" type="controller" comment-en="Approval types - defines who should vote about works/requests" comment-cs="Hlasovací typy - definuje kdo by měl hlasovat o pracích/požadavcích">
<method name="__construct" hide="true"></method>
<method name="index" hide="true"></method>
<method name="show_all" comment-en="Show all items" comment-cs="Zobrazuje všechny položky">
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<object name="aro_groups" type="controller" comment-en="Access rights - users groups" comment-cs="Přístupová práva - skupiny uživatelů">
<method name="index" hide="true"></method>
<method name="show_all" comment-en="Show all items" comment-cs="Zobrazuje všechny položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="view" own="false"></axo>
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<axo usage_type="links" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
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<axo usage_type="links" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Acl_Controller" value="acl" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="show" comment-en="Show an item" comment-cs="Zobrazuje položku">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Acl_Controller" value="acl" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Acl_Controller" value="acl" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Acl_Controller" value="acl" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="add" comment-en="Add a new item" comment-cs="Přidání položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="edit" comment-en="Edit an item" comment-cs="Úprava položky">
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<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="delete" comment-en="Delete an item" comment-cs="Odstranění položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="bank_accounts" type="controller" comment-en="Bank accounts" comment-cs="Bankovní účty">
<method name="__construct" hide="true"></method>
<method name="index" hide="true"></method>
<method name="show_all" comment-en="Show all items" comment-cs="Zobrazuje všechny položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_statements" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_account_auto_down_config" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="add" comment-en="Add a new item" comment-cs="Přidání položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="edit" comment-en="Edit an item" comment-cs="Úprava položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<object name="bank_accounts_auto_down_settings" type="controller" comment-en="Manages configuration of automatical downloading and importing of bank statements" comment-cs="Spravuje konfiguraci automatického stahování a importování bankovních výpisů">
<method name="show" comment-en="Show an item" comment-cs="Zobrazuje položku">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_account_auto_down_config" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_account_auto_down_config" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_account_auto_down_config" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="add" comment-en="Add a new item" comment-cs="Přidání položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_account_auto_down_config" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="delete" comment-en="Delete an item" comment-cs="Odstranění položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_account_auto_down_config" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="bank_statements" type="controller" comment-en="Bank statements - imported from association bank accounts" comment-cs="Bankovní výpisy - omportované z bankovních účtů organizace">
<method name="__construct" hide="true"></method>
<method name="show_by_bank_account">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_statements" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_statements" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_statements" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="edit" comment-en="Edit an item" comment-cs="Úprava položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_statements" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="delete" comment-en="Delete an item" comment-cs="Odstranění položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_statements" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="bank_transfers" type="controller" comment-en="Bank transfers - enables to view transfers by bank accounts or bank statements, manages unidenfified transfers and enables to add new transfers" comment-cs="Bankovní převody - umožňují zobrazit převody dle účtu nebo výpisu, spravovat neidentifikkovatelné převody a umožňuje přidavat nové převody">
<method name="__construct" hide="true"></method>
<method name="index" hide="true"></method>
<method name="show_by_bank_account">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_statements" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="show_by_bank_statement">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="unidentified_transfers" comment-en="Shows unidentified bank transfers" comment-cs="Zobrazuje neidentifikovatelné bankovní převody">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="unidentified_transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Accounts_Controller" value="transfers" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="assign_transfer" comment-en="Enables to assign an unidentified bank transfer" comment-cs="Umožňuje přiřadit neidentifikovatelný bankovní převod">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="unidentified_transfers" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="add" comment-en="Add a new item" comment-cs="Přidání položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="add_fee" comment-en="Enables to add a new bank transfer without counteraccount" comment-cs="Umožňuje přidat nový bankovní převod bez protiúčtu">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<object name="clouds" type="controller" comment-en="Clods - clusters subnets" comment-cs="Cloudy - shlukují podsítě">
<method name="__construct" hide="true"></method>
<method name="index" hide="true"></method>
<method name="show_all" comment-en="Show all items" comment-cs="Zobrazuje všechny položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<method name="show" comment-en="Show an item" comment-cs="Zobrazuje položku">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Subnets_Controller" value="subnet" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Subnets_Controller" value="subnet" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="add" comment-en="Add a new item" comment-cs="Přidání položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="add_admin">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="add_subnet">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="edit" comment-en="Edit an item" comment-cs="Úprava položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="delete" comment-en="Delete an item" comment-cs="Odstranění položky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<method name="remove_admin">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<method name="remove_subnet">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="comments" type="controller" comment-en="Comments joined to threads used multiple system parts" comment-cs="Komentáře shlukované do vláken použité ve více částích systému">
<method name="add" comment-en="Add a new item" comment-cs="Přidání položky">
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Members_Controller" value="comment" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Connection_Requests_Controller" value="request" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Connection_requests_Controller" value="request" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Connection_requests_Controller" value="request" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Comments_Controller" value="works" action="new" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Works_Controller" value="work" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Works_Controller" value="work" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Works_Controller" value="work" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Works_Controller" value="work" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Log_queues_Controller" value="comments" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Comments_Controller" value="requests" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Requests_Controller" value="request" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Requests_Controller" value="request" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Requests_Controller" value="request" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Comments_Controller" value="requests" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<method name="edit" comment-en="Edit an item" comment-cs="Úprava položky">
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Members_Controller" value="comment" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Connection_Requests_Controller" value="request" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Connection_requests_Controller" value="request" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Connection_requests_Controller" value="request" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Log_queues_Controller" value="comments" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Comments_Controller" value="works" action="edit" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Works_Controller" value="work" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Works_Controller" value="work" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Works_Controller" value="work" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Works_Controller" value="work" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Comments_Controller" value="requests" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
... Rozdílový soubor je zkrácen, protože jeho délka přesahuje max. limit.

Také k dispozici: Unified diff