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Revize 2145

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před asi 11 roky(ů)

- refs #563: skript pro generovani nove umi mazat neexistujici metody a soubory a pridavat nove

Zobrazit rozdíly:

my $VIEW_DIR = $APP_DIR . "/views";
# XML Writer
my $xml_writer;
my $XML_FILE = "../axo_doc.xml";
# comments on?
my $comments = 0;
my $comments = 1;
# cache
my %xml_old = ();
# UTF-8 set
use open ':encoding(utf8)';
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
# render style
XML::DOM::setTagCompression (\&my_tag_compression);
sub my_tag_compression
return 1;
# Print error message to stderr and terminate program with error code
# Params:
# $message Error message to STDERR
sub Parse($$$);
# command line options
if ($#ARGV >= 0)
if ($#ARGV > 0)
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-c")
if ($#ARGV == 1 && ($ARGV[0] eq "-nc"))
$comments = 1;
$comments = 0;
print STDERR "usage: perl [-c]\n";
print STDERR "usage: perl [-nc]\n";
# Read olg config
# Is readable?
if (!(-r $XML_FILE))
Error("Cannot read from file: " . $XML_FILE, 2);
# Read
my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
my $xml_reader = $parser->parsefile($XML_FILE);
# Load all elements from old config
my $readed_items = $xml_reader->getElementsByTagName("object");
# All items
for (my $i = 0; $i < $readed_items->getLength; $i++)
my $readed_item = $readed_items->item($i);
my $i_name = $readed_item->getAttributeNode("name")->getValue;
my $i_type = $readed_item->getAttributeNode("type")->getValue;
# not view
if (!($i_type eq "view"))
$xml_old{$i_type . "#" . $i_name . "#"}{"name"} = $i_name;
$xml_old{$i_type . "#" . $i_name . "#"}{"type"} = $i_type;
if (defined($readed_item->getAttributeNode("comment-en")))
$xml_old{$i_type . "#" . $i_name . "#"}{"comment-en"} =
if (defined($readed_item->getAttributeNode("comment-cs")))
$xml_old{$i_type . "#" . $i_name . "#"}{"comment-cs"} =
if (defined($readed_item->getAttributeNode("hide")))
$xml_old{$i_type . "#" . $i_name . "#"}{"hide"} =
my $readed_methods = $readed_item->getElementsByTagName("method");
# All methods of current item
for (my $u = 0; $u < $readed_methods->getLength; $u++)
my $readed_method = $readed_methods->item($u);
my $m_name = $readed_method->getAttributeNode("name")->getValue;
$xml_old{$i_type . "#" . $i_name . "#" . $m_name} = $readed_method->toString;
$xml_old{$i_type . "#" . $i_name . "#####view"} = $readed_item->toString;
# Create XML Writer
$xml_writer = new XML::Writer(DATA_MODE => 1, DATA_INDENT => 4, UNSAFE => 1);
my $output_file;
# Open ouput file for write
$output_file = new IO::File(">$XML_FILE");
$output_file or die();
# Error in open?
Error("Cannot write to file: $XML_FILE", 3) if ($@);
# Set ouput file to writer
binmode($output_file, ':utf8');
# Header
# Set doctype
my $parsed_acl_call_count = 0;
my $parsed_acl_call_item_count;
my $parsed_acl_call_item_method_count;
my $added_new_method_count;
# get all php in dir and its subdirs
find(sub { push @items, $File::Find::name if /\.php$/ }, $dir);
$parsed_count = $parsed_count + 1;
# Create object tag
$xml_writer->startTag("object", "name" => $file_name, "type" => $tag);
if (defined($xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#####view"}))
$xml_writer->raw("\n " . $xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#####view"});
next; # done
my %attrs = ();
if (defined($xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#"}))
if (defined($xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#"}{"comment-en"}))
$attrs{"comment-en"} = $xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#"}{"comment-en"};
if (defined($xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#"}{"comment-cs"}))
$attrs{"comment-cs"} = $xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#"}{"comment-cs"};
if (defined($xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#"}{"hide"}))
$attrs{"hide"} = $xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#"}{"hide"};
$xml_writer->startTag("object", "name" => $file_name, "type" => $tag, %attrs);
# Methods
my @methods = split(m/function\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*\(/g, $source);
# Reset counter
$parsed_acl_call_item_method_count = 0;
$added_new_method_count = 0;
# If enabled for checking of AXO
if (("view" eq $tag) || $methods_go_throught[$methods_names_index])
if (!("view" eq $tag))
$xml_writer->startTag("method", "name" => $methods_names[$methods_names_index]);
if (defined($xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#" . $methods_names[$methods_names_index]}))
$xml_writer->raw("\n " . $xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#" . $methods_names[$methods_names_index]});
$added_new_method_count = $added_new_method_count + 1;
$xml_writer->startTag("method", "name" => $methods_names[$methods_names_index]);
# comment with source code
if ($comments)
if ($comments && !(defined($xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#" . $methods_names[$methods_names_index]})))
my $method_body_comments = $method_body;
$method_body_comments =~ s/[-][-]//mg; # remove --
# increase counter
$parsed_acl_call_count = $parsed_acl_call_count + 1;
$parsed_acl_call_item_method_count = $parsed_acl_call_item_method_count + 1;
# Create AXo tag
"usage_type" => "unknown",
"section" => $axo_section,
"value" => $axo_value,
"action" => $action,
"own" => $is_own
# End AXO tag
if (!(defined($xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#" . $methods_names[$methods_names_index]})))
# Create AXo tag
"usage_type" => "unknown",
"section" => $axo_section,
"value" => $axo_value,
"action" => $action,
"own" => $is_own
# End AXO tag
# end method tag?
if ($parsed_acl_call_item_method_count > 0)
if (!("view" eq $tag))
if (!("view" eq $tag) && !(defined($xml_old{$tag . "#" . $file_name . "#" . $methods_names[$methods_names_index]})))
elsif ($tag eq "controller")
$added_new_method_count = $added_new_method_count + 1;
$xml_writer->startTag("method", "name" => $methods_names[$methods_names_index]);
$methods_names_index = $methods_names_index + 1;
# Hack for raw indent
if ($added_new_method_count == 0 && $parsed_acl_call_item_method_count > 0) {
#$xml_writer->raw("\n ");
# End tag object

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