


« Předchozí | Další » 

Revize 2002

Přidáno uživatelem David Raška před více než 11 roky(ů)

closes #604 - Hromadne prijimani novych clenu

Zobrazit rozdíly:

'order_by' => $order_by,
'order_by_direction' => $order_by_direction,
'limit_results' => $limit_results,
'filter' => $filter_form
'filter' => $filter_form,
'method' => 'get'
// approve applicant checkbox
->label(' ');
$grid->form_submit_value = __('Approve selected applicants');
// database columns - some are commented out because of lack of space
'Registered applicants can be approved using action button (placed in each line)'
) . '.<br>'. __(
'Delete applicants for refusing of their request'
) . '.';
) . '.';
if (isset($_GET) && count(@$_GET) && isset($_GET['toapprove']))
// view
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = $headline;
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs->html();
$view->content = new View('show_all');
$view->content->description = $desc;
$view->content->table = $grid;
$view->content->headline = $headline;
} // end of registered function
* Form for approving multiple members
* @param array $selected
private function multiple_applicants_details($selected)
if (!$this->acl_check_edit('Variable_Symbols_Controller', 'variable_symbols') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit(get_class($this), 'qos_ceil') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit(get_class($this), 'qos_rate'))
if (!Settings::get('finance_enabled'))
status::warning('Enable financial module before approving applicants.');
if (!Variable_Key_Generator::get_active_driver())
status::warning('Set variable key generator before approving applicants.');
$form = new Forge('members/approve_multiple_applicants');
$member = new Member_Model();
$association = new Member_Model(Member_Model::ASSOCIATION);
$items = array();
// prepare data
foreach ($selected AS $id)
$item = new stdClass();
$item->id = $id;
$item->name = $member->find($id)->name;
$item->registration = $member->find($id)->registration;
$items[] = $item;
// create form items
$form->group('Basic information');
->label('Entrance date')
->years(date('Y', strtotime($association->entrance_date)), date('Y'))
$speed_class = new Speed_class_Model();
$speed_classes = array(NULL => '') + $speed_class->select_list();
$def_speed_class = $speed_class->get_members_default_class();
->selected($def_speed_class ? $def_speed_class->id : NULL)
$desc = __('Variable symbol will be automaticaly generated for every applicant.');
$grid = new Grid('members', __('Selected applicants'), array
'use_paginator' => false,
'use_selector' => false
// headline
$headline = __('Approve selected applicants');
// breadcrumbs navigation
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
->link('members/show_all', 'Members',
->link('members/applicants', 'Registered applicants',
// view
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = $headline;
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs->html();
$view->content = new View('show_all');
$view->content->table = $grid;
$view->content->form = $form;
$view->content->description = $desc;
$view->content->table = $grid;
$view->content->headline = $headline;
} // end of registered function
* Approves multiple applicants
* @throws Exception
public function approve_multiple_applicants()
if (!$this->acl_check_edit('Variable_Symbols_Controller', 'variable_symbols') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit(get_class($this), 'qos_ceil') ||
!$this->acl_check_edit(get_class($this), 'qos_rate'))
if (!isset($_POST) || !isset($_POST['toapprove']) || !isset($_POST['entrance_date']) ||
$approved_count = 0;
$selected = @$_POST['toapprove'];
$date = @$_POST['entrance_date'];
$speed_class = @$_POST['speed_class'];
// approve selected applicants
foreach ($selected AS $applicant_id)
$member = new Member_Model($applicant_id);
// change member
$member->entrance_date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['month'], $date['day'], $date['year']));
// get members account
$account = ORM::factory('account')->where(array
'member_id' => $member->id,
'account_attribute_id' => Account_attribute_Model::CREDIT
// generate variable symbol
$var_sym = Variable_Key_Generator::factory()->generate($member->id);
$vs = new Variable_Symbol_Model();
$vs_not_unique = $vs->get_variable_symbol_id($var_sym);
if ($vs_not_unique && $vs_not_unique->id)
if ($vs_not_unique->account_id != $account->id)
throw new Exception(__('Variable symbol already exists in database.'));
$vs->account_id = $account->id;
$vs->variable_symbol = $var_sym;
// set speed class
$member->speed_class_id = $speed_class;
// unlock and set to Regular member
$member->type = Member_Model::TYPE_REGULAR;
$member->locked = 0;
// access rights
$group_aro_map = new Groups_aro_map_Model();
// get main user
$main_user_id = NULL;
foreach ($member->users as $user)
if ($user->type == User_Model::MAIN_USER)
$main_user_id = $user->id;
if (!$main_user_id)
throw new Exception('Main user of applicant is missing');
// if is not member yet
if (!$group_aro_map->exist_row(
Aro_group_Model::REGULAR_MEMBERS, $main_user_id
// delete rights of applicant
Aro_group_Model::REGISTERED_APPLICANTS, $main_user_id
// insert regular member access rights
$groups_aro_map = new Groups_aro_map_Model();
$groups_aro_map->aro_id = $main_user_id;
$groups_aro_map->group_id = Aro_group_Model::REGULAR_MEMBERS;
// reload messages
// inform new member
$member->id, $this->session->get('user_id'),
catch (Exception $e)
// error
status::error('Applicant for membership cannot be approved', $e);
status::info('Applicants for membership accepted (%d / %d)', TRUE, array($approved_count, count($selected)));
* Form for approving of member
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* Callback function to print multiple applicants of membership checkbox
* @param object $item
* @param string $name
public static function member_approve_avaiable ($item, $name)
if (condition::is_applicant_registration($item))
echo form::checkbox('toapprove[]', $item->id);
* Callback function to print state of login log
* @param object $item
'applicant' => 'Čekatel na členství',
'applicant for membership' => 'Zájemce o členství',
'applicant for membership cannot be approved' => 'Zájemce o členství nemůže být povolen',
'applicants for membership accepted (%d / %d)'=> 'Zájemci o členství přijati (%d / %d)',
'application password' => 'Aplikační heslo',
'application for membership approved' => 'Žádost o členství schválena',
'application for membership rejected' => 'Žádost o členství zamítnuta',
'approve' => 'Schválit',
'approve application for membership' => 'Schválit žádost o členství',
'approve connection request' => 'Schválit žádost o připojení',
'approve selected applicants' => 'Schválit vybrané zájemce',
'approved' => 'Schváleno',
'approved by' => 'Schválil(a)',
'approved phone operators and prefixes' => 'Povolení telefonní operátoři a předčíslí',
'enable approval of membership without submited registration' => 'Povolit přijetí členství bez odevzdané přihlášky',
'enable automatic fio import' => 'Povolit automatický import Fio',
'enable automatic loading of "connected to" field during adding of device' => 'Povolit automatické doplňování pole "připojeno k" během přidávání zařízení',
'enable financial module before approving applicants' => 'Povolte finanční modul před tím než budete přijímat členy.',
'enable integrity test (all numbers in invoice has to be in extended statement)' => 'Povolit test na celistvost (každé číslo ve faktuře musí být v podrobném výpisu)',
'enable mysql event scheduler' => 'Povolit MySQL plánovač akcí',
'enable monitoring' => 'Povolit monitoring',
'select user' => 'Vyber uživatele',
'select vlan' => 'Vyber VLAN',
'select vote' => 'Vyber hlas',
'selected applicants' => 'Vybraní zájemci',
'selected interface for connecting to is already connected throught different link - <a href="%s/ifaces/remove_from_link/%s" id="remove_from_link">remove from link</a>' => 'Vybrané rozhraní pro připojení k je již připojeno skrze jinou linku - <a href="%s/ifaces/remove_from_link/%s" id="remove_from_link">Odstranit z linky</a>',
'selected account does not exist'=>'Vybraný účet neexistuje',
'self-cancelable message' => 'Samozrušitelná zpráva',
'sent message' => 'Odeslaná zpráva',
'september' => 'Září',
'service' => 'Služba',
'set variable key generator before approving applicants' => 'Nastavte generátor vyriabilních symbolů před tím než budete přijímat členy.',
'set as default for this url' => 'Nastavit jako výchozí pro tuto URL',
'set notification to member' => 'Nastavit notifikace členovi',
'set votes to' => 'Nastavit hlasy na',
'value has not been entered' => 'Hodnota nebyla zadána.',
'value in range since' => 'hodnota v rozmezí od',
'variable symbol' => 'Variabilní symbol',
'variable symbol will be automaticaly generated for every applicant' => 'Variabilní symbol bude vygenerován pro všechny zájemce.',
'variable symbol settings' => 'Nastavení variabilních symbolů',
'variable_symbol' => 'Variabilní symbol',
'variable symbols' => 'Variabilní symboly',
* @method Order_callback_Field order_callback_field(string $column)
* @method Callback_Field callback_field(string $column)
* @method Grouped_Action_Field grouped_action_field(string $column)
* @method Order_Form_Field order_form_field(string $column)
class Grid
protected $form_extra_buttons = array();
protected $buttons = array();
protected $id = NULL;
protected $method = 'post';
private $first_add_button;
$this->template->paginator = ($this->use_paginator) ? $this->pagination->create_links('digg') : '';
$this->template->selector = ($this->use_selector) ? $this->selector->create() : '';
$this->template->separator = $this->separator;
$this->template->method = $this->method;
$this->template->form = $this->form;
$this->template->form_extra_buttons = $this->form_extra_buttons;
$this->template->form_submit_value = ($this->form_submit_value != '') ? $this->form_submit_value : __('Update');
SELECT id, id AS member_id, registration, name, street, street_number,
town, quarter, variable_symbol, aid, balance, applicant_registration_datetime,
applicant_connected_from, GROUP_CONCAT(a_comment SEPARATOR ', \n\n') AS a_comment,
comment, a_comments_thread_id, type, entrance_date, leaving_date
comment, a_comments_thread_id, type, entrance_date, leaving_date, 0 AS toapprove
// send emails
if ($email == Notifications_Controller::ACTIVATE)
if (Settings::get('email_enabled') &&
$email == Notifications_Controller::ACTIVATE)
// find email addresses of debtors
$emails = $uc_model->get_contacts_by_member_and_type(
<?php if ($form)
echo form::open(NULL, array('class' => 'grid_form'));
echo form::open(NULL, array('class' => 'grid_form', 'method' => $method));
if (isset($form_extra_buttons["position"]) && $form_extra_buttons["position"] == 'top')

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