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Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před více než 11 roky(ů)


- closes #529: Parser pro Unicredit bank

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return false;
$cond_vs="IS NULL";
$cond_number = '';
$cond_vs = 'IS NULL';
if (!empty($data->variable_symbol))
$cond_vs = '=' . $this->db->escape_str($data->variable_symbol);
if (!empty($data->number))
$cond_number="AND bt.number=$data->number";
$cond_number = 'AND bt.number=' . $this->db->escape($data->number);
return $this->db->query("
require_once APPPATH."libraries/importers/Raiffeisenbank/Parser_Ebanka.php";
require_once APPPATH."libraries/importers/Fio/FioImport.php";
require_once APPPATH."libraries/importers/Fio/FioSaver.php";
require_once APPPATH."libraries/importers/Unicredit/UnicreditImport.php";
require_once APPPATH."libraries/importers/Unicredit/UnicreditSaver.php";
// static constants of supported bank listing types
const CSV_FIO = 2;
const CSV_UNICREDIT = 3;
private static $types = array();
// supported bank listings
self::$types = array();
self::$types[self::HTML_RAIFFEISENBANK] = 'HTML Raiffeisenbank';
self::$types[self::CSV_FIO] = 'CSV Fio';
self::$types[self::CSV_FIO] = 'Fio CSV';
self::$types[self::CSV_UNICREDIT] = 'Unicredit CSV';
//if (file_exists('config.php'))
//{echo 'config.php'; die();}
if (!is_writable('upload'))
Controller::error(WRITABLE, __(
->label('File with bank transfer listing')
->label(__('Clean temporary whitelist').' '.help::hint('clean_temp_whitelist'))
->label('Send e-mail notice about received payment to member')
$id, $form->listing->value,
@$form_data['send_email_notice'] == 1,
@$form_data['send_sms_notice'] == 1
case self::CSV_FIO:
$id, $form->listing->value,
@$form_data['send_email_notice'] == 1,
@$form_data['send_sms_notice'] == 1
case self::CSV_UNICREDIT:
$id, $form->listing->value,
@$form_data['send_email_notice'] == 1,
@$form_data['send_sms_notice'] == 1
* Imports fio bank listing items from specified file.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param integer $back_account_id
* @param string $file_url
* @param boolean $send_emails Send emails as payment accept notification?
* @param boolean $send_sms Send SMSs as payment accept notification?
private function import_fio(
$bank_account_id, $file_url, $clean_whitelist,
$send_emails, $send_sms)
private function import_fio($bank_account_id, $file_url, $send_emails, $send_sms)
* Parse ebank account
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param integer $account_id ID of the account whose data will be parsed.
* @param string $url URL containing the file to parse
* @param integer $back_account_id
* @param string $file_url
* @param boolean $send_emails Send emails as payment accept notification?
* @param boolean $send_sms Send SMSs as payment accept notification?
private function import_ebank(
$bank_account_id, $url, $clean_whitelist,
$send_emails, $send_sms)
private function import_ebank($bank_account_id, $url, $send_emails, $send_sms)
* Imports fio bank listing items from specified file.
* @author Ondrej Fibich
* @param integer $back_account_id
* @param string $file_url
* @param boolean $send_emails Send emails as payment accept notification?
* @param boolean $send_sms Send SMSs as payment accept notification?
private function import_unicredit($bank_account_id, $file_url, $send_emails, $send_sms)
$db = new Transfer_Model();
// parse bank listing items
$data = UnicreditImport::getDataFromFile($file_url);
// get header
$header = UnicreditImport::getListingHeader();
// does match bank account in system with bank account of statement?
$ba = new Bank_account_Model($bank_account_id);
if ($ba->account_nr != $header['account_nr'] &&
$ba->bank_nr != $header['bank_nr'])
$ba_nr = $ba->account_nr.'/'.$ba->bank_nr;
$listing_ba_nr = $header['account_nr'].'/'.$header['bank_nr'];
throw new UnicreditException(__(
'Bank account number in listing (%s) header does not match ' .
'bank account %s in database!', array($listing_ba_nr, $ba_nr)
// save bank statement
$statement = new Bank_statement_Model();
$statement->bank_account_id = $bank_account_id;
$statement->user_id = $this->user_id;
$statement->type = self::$types[self::CSV_UNICREDIT];
$statement->from = $header['from'];
$statement->to = $header['to'];
// save bank listing items
$stats = UnicreditSaver::save(
$data, $bank_account_id, $statement->id,
$this->user_id, $send_emails, $send_sms
catch (UnicreditException $e)
status::error(__('Import has failed.') . ' ' . $e->getMessage(), FALSE);
catch (Duplicity_Exception $e)
__('Import has failed.') . ' ' .
__('Bank statement contains items that were already imported.') . ' ' .
$e->getMessage(), FALSE
catch (Exception $e)
__('Import has failed') . '.<br>' . $e->getMessage(), FALSE
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:
require_once 'UnicreditParser.php';
* Main class for parsing bank account listings from czech bank "Unicredit banka".
* The listings are downloaded from the ebanking web application.
* Additional changes for Freenetis (Jiri Svitak 2011-08-18):
* added file import support
* other improvements that enable cooperation with Freenetis
* @abstract Class for parsing bank account listings from czech bank "Unicredit banka".
* @author Petr Hruska, Lukas Turek, Jiri Svitak, David Kuba, Ondrej Fibich
* @copyright 2009-2011 Petr Hruska, Lukas Turek, o.s. CZF-Praha, Jiri Svitak, o.s. Unart
* @link
class UnicreditImport
* Gets data from manully imported csv file.
* @throws UnicreditException on error
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param string $file
public static function getDataFromFile($file)
if (($csvData = file_get_contents($file)) === FALSE)
throw new UnicreditException(__('Cannot open uploaded bank listing file!'));
$csvData = iconv('cp1250', 'UTF-8', $csvData);
$data = UnicreditParser::parseCSV($csvData);
// clean up from needless attributes is not necessary due to changing Fio csv format
return $data;
* Returns bank listing header information, information is provided only after parsing.
* @return array
public static function getListingHeader()
return UnicreditParser::getListingHeader();
* Corrects data.
* @throws UnicreditException on error
* @param array $data
public static function correctData(&$data)
foreach ($data as &$row)
if ($row['mena'] != 'CZK')
throw new UnicreditException(__('Unknown currency %d.'), $row['mena']);
$row['nazev_banky'] .= $row['nazev_banky_2'];
$row['adresa'] .= $row['adresa_2'];
$row['adresa'] .= $row['adresa_3'];
$row['zprava'] .= $row['zprava_2'];
$row['zprava'] .= $row['zprava_3'];
$row['zprava'] .= $row['zprava_4'];
$row['zprava'] .= $row['zprava_5'];
$row['zprava'] .= $row['zprava_6'];
// convert from cents
$row['castka'] /= 100;
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:
require_once "UnicreditException.php";
* Auxiliary class for parsing CSV bank account listings from czech bank "Unicredit banka".
* The CSV listings are downloaded from the ebanking and stored at dafined path.
* The CSV format looks like this:
Název účtu;Číslo účtu;Měna;Zůstatek
HLAVNÍ BÚ V BALÍČKU (PO);1002392380;CZK;0,000
Účet;Částka;Měna;Datum zaúčtování;Valuta;Banka;Název banky;Název banky;Číslo účtu;Název účtu;Adresa;Adresa;Adresa;Detaily transakce;Detaily transakce;Detaily transakce;Detaily transakce;Detaily transakce;Detaily transakce;Konstatní kód;Variabilní kód;Specifický kód;Platební titul;Reference
1002392380;600,000;CZK;2012-02-24;2012-02-24;;;;;;;;;VKLAD HOTOVOSTI V CZK;;;;;;0558;470500;;;
** {etc.}
* @abstract Class for parsing bank account listings from czech bank "Unicredit banka".
* @author Petr Hruska, Lukas Turek, Tomas Dulik, Jiri Svitak, Ondrej Fibich
* @copyright 2009-2011 Petr Hruska, Lukas Turek, o.s. CZF-Praha, Tomas Dulik, Jiri Svitak, o.s. UnArt
* @link
class UnicreditParser
* Account number
* @var integer
private static $account_nr = 0;
* Bank number
* @var integer
private static $bank_nr = 2700;
* Date from
* @var string
private static $from = NULL;
* Date to
* @var string
private static $to = NULL;
* All fields available must be used and sorted alphabetically
* @var array[string]
private static $fields = array
'ucet' => 'Účet',
'castka' => 'Částka',
'mena' => 'Měna',
'datum' => 'Datum zaúčtování',
'datum_valuta' => 'Valuta',
'kod_banky' => 'Banka',
'nazev_banky' => 'Název banky',
'nazev_banky_2' => 'Název banky',
'protiucet' => 'Číslo účtu',
'nazev_protiuctu' => 'Název účtu',
'adresa' => 'Adresa',
'adresa_2' => 'Adresa',
'adresa_3' => 'Adresa',
'zprava' => 'Detaily transakce',
'zprava_2' => 'Detaily transakce',
'zprava_3' => 'Detaily transakce',
'zprava_4' => 'Detaily transakce',
'zprava_5' => 'Detaily transakce',
'zprava_6' => 'Detaily transakce',
'ks' => 'Konstatní kód',
'vs' => 'Variabilní kód',
'ss' => 'Specifický kód',
'platebni_titul' => 'Platební titul',
'reference' => 'Reference',
* Returns associative array containing important listing header information.
* Must be called after parsing.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @return header information
public static function getListingHeader()
// account number
$header['account_nr'] = self::$account_nr;
$header['bank_nr'] = self::$bank_nr;
$header['from'] = self::$from;
$header['to'] = self::$to;
return $header;
* The core of the parsing is done by this function.
* @param string $csv string containing the original csv file.
* @return array[array] Integer-indexed array of associative arrays.
* Each associative array represents one line of the CSV
* @throws UnicreditException
public static function parseCSV($csv)
$sum = 0;
$data = array();
$keys = array_keys(self::$fields);
$number = 0;
foreach (explode("\n", $csv) as $line)
$line = trim($line);
// next line if line is empty
if (empty($line))
// second line of file - account name, account number, currency, account balance
if ($number == 1)
$line_arr = explode(';', $line);
if (count($line_arr) < 4)
throw new UnicreditException('Nesprávný formát na prvním řádku.');
self::$account_nr = $line_arr[1];
// 3rd line, checking column header names and count
else if ($number == 2)
// data lines
else if ($number >= 3)
// split each line into assoc. array
$cols = self::parseLine($line, $keys);
$sum += $cols['castka'];
if (empty(self::$from))
self::$from = self::$to = $cols['datum'];
self::$to = $cols['datum'];
$data[] = $cols;
// next line
if ($number <= 1)
throw new UnicreditException('CSV soubor není kompletní.');
return $data;
* Checks headers
* @param integer $line
* @throws UnicreditException
private static function checkHeaders($line)
$expected = implode(';', self::$fields);
if ($line != $expected)
throw new UnicreditException(
"Nelze parsovat hlavičku Unicredit výpisu. " .
"Ujistěte se, že jste zvolili správný formát " .
"souboru k importu v internetovém bankovnictví." .
* Normalize string amount to double value
* @param string $amount
* @return double
* @throws UnicreditException
private static function normalizeAmount($amount)
$amount = str_replace(array(' ', ','), array('', ''), $amount);
if (!is_numeric($amount))
throw new UnicreditException('Chybný formát částky převodu.');
return doubleval($amount/10);
* Parse line of dump
* @param string $line
* @param array $keys
* @return array
* @throws UnicreditException
private static function parseLine($line, $keys)
$cols = explode(';', $line);
if (count($cols) != count(self::$fields))
throw new UnicreditException(__(
'Wrong count of fields (expected %d, get %d in line: %s)',
array(count(self::$fields), count($cols), $line)
// Convert to associative array
$cols = array_combine($keys, $cols);
// Amount has to be converted
$cols['castka'] = self::normalizeAmount($cols['castka']);
return $cols;
* This file is part of open source system FreeNetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:
* Unicredit importer exception
* @author Jiri Svitak, David Kuba
class UnicreditException extends Exception {}
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:
* Saves Unicredit bank listing items into Freenetis database structure.
* @author David Kuba, Ondrej Fibich
class UnicreditSaver
* Saves Unicredit bank listing items into Freenetis database structure.
* @param object $data
* @param integer $bank_account_id
* @param integer $bank_statement_id
* @param integer $user_id
* @param boolean $send_emails
* @param boolean $send_sms
* @return array Stats
public static function save(
$data, $bank_account_id, $bank_statement_id, $user_id,
$send_emails, $send_sms)
// preparation of system double-entry accounts
$suppliers = ORM::factory('account')
->where('account_attribute_id', Account_attribute_Model::SUPPLIERS)
$member_fees = ORM::factory('account')
->where('account_attribute_id', Account_attribute_Model::MEMBER_FEES)
$operating = ORM::factory('account')
->where('account_attribute_id', Account_attribute_Model::OPERATING)
$cash = ORM::factory('account')
->where('account_attribute_id', Account_attribute_Model::CASH)
$ba = new Bank_account_Model($bank_account_id);
$account = $ba->get_related_account_by_attribute_id(Account_attribute_Model::BANK);
$bank_interests = $ba->get_related_account_by_attribute_id(Account_attribute_Model::BANK_INTERESTS);
// model preparation
$bt = new Bank_transfer_Model();
$member_model = new Member_Model();
$fee_model = new Fee_Model();
$vs_model = new Variable_Symbol_Model();
$counter_ba = new Bank_account_Model();
// statistics preparation
$stats['unidentified_nr'] = 0;
$stats['invoices'] = 0;
$stats['invoices_nr'] = 0;
$stats['member_fees'] = 0;
$stats['member_fees_nr'] = 0;
$stats['interests'] = 0;
$stats['interests_nr'] = 0;
$stats['deposits'] = 0;
$stats['deposits_nr'] = 0;
// miscellaneous preparation
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$number = 0;
// saving each bank listing item
foreach ($data as $item)
// convert date of transfer to international format
$datetime = $item['datum'];
// check
if ($item['castka'] < 0)
throw new UnicreditException(__('Outbound transfers not supported'));
// check bank account
if ($item['ucet'] != $ba->account_nr)
throw new UnicreditException(__(
'Account number not match %s != %s',
array($ba->account_nr, $item['ucet'])
// check for duplicities
$dupli_object = new stdClass();
$dupli_object->variable_symbol = $item['vs'];
$dupli_object->number = $number;
$dupli_object->date_time = $datetime;
$dupli_object->comment = $item['zprava'];
if ($bt->get_duplicities($dupli_object)->count() > 0)
throw new Duplicity_Exception();
/* Step one - find or create bank account */
$counter_ba_id = NULL;
$counter_ba_id_added = FALSE;
if (mb_strpos($item['zprava'], 'ZÁLOHA') === FALSE &&
mb_strpos($item['zprava'], 'VKLAD HOTOVOSTI') === FALSE)
// try to find counter bank account in database
'account_nr' => $item['protiucet'],
'bank_nr' => $item['kod_banky']
// counter bank account does not exist? let's create new one
if (!$counter_ba->id)
$counter_ba->name = $item['nazev_protiuctu'];
$counter_ba->account_nr = $item['protiucet'];
$counter_ba->bank_nr = $item['kod_banky'];
$counter_ba->member_id = NULL;
$counter_ba_id_added = TRUE;
$counter_ba_id = $counter_ba->id;
/* Step two - get account */
$m_account_id = NULL;
$member_id = NULL;
$m_account = $vs_model->where('variable_symbol', $item['vs'])->find()->account;
if ($m_account->id && $m_account->member_id)
$m_account_id = $m_account->id;
$member_id = $m_account->member_id;
/* Step three - create transfers to association account */
// double-entry incoming transfer
$transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$member_fees->id, $account->id, null, $member_id,
$user_id, null, $datetime, $now, $item['zprava'],
// incoming bank transfer
$bt->origin_id = $counter_ba_id;
$bt->destination_id = $ba->id;
$bt->transfer_id = $transfer_id;
$bt->bank_statement_id = $bank_statement_id;
$bt->number = $number;
$bt->constant_symbol = $item['ks'];
$bt->variable_symbol = $item['vs'];
$bt->specific_symbol = $item['ss'];
/** Step four - create transfers to associated member (if found) */
if (!empty($member_id))
$a_transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$account->id, $m_account_id, $transfer_id, $member_id,
$user_id, null, $datetime, $now,
__('Assigning of transfer'), abs($item['castka'])
// transaction fee
$fee = $fee_model->get_by_date_type($datetime, 'transfer fee');
if ($fee && $fee->fee > 0)
$tf_transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$m_account_id, $operating->id, $transfer_id,
$member_id, $user_id, null, $datetime,
$now, __('Transfer fee'), $fee->fee
if ($counter_ba_id_added)
$counter_ba->member_id = $member_id;
// member fee stats
$stats['member_fees'] += abs($item['castka']);
/** Send payment notification */
$member_id, $user_id,
$send_emails, $send_sms
catch (Exception $e)
// line number increase
return $stats;

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