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Revize 1532

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před asi 12 roky(ů)

- pridani frekventovane pouzivaneho pole u dropdownů a radio buttonů - bool (arr::bool a arr:rbool)

- upravy v settings controlleru (predevsim vylepseni vzhledu rozhrani)

- opravy nacitani labelu HTML

Zobrazit rozdíly:

'directory' => 'adresář',
'directory "static" is not writable, change access rights' => 'Adresář "static" není zapisovatelný, změňte přístupová práva.',
'directory "upload" is not writable, change access rights' => 'Adresář "upload" není zapisovatelný, změňte přístupová práva.',
'directory "media/images" is not writable, change access rights to be able upload your own logo' => 'Adresář "media/images" není zapisovatelný, změňte přístupové práva pro možnost nahrát vlastní logo.',
'directory "upload" is not writable, change access rights to be able upload your own logo' => 'Adresář "upload" není zapisovatelný, změňte přístupové práva pro možnost nahrát vlastní logo.',
'disable this subnet' => 'Zakázat tuto podsíť',
'disabled' => 'Vypnuto',
'disagree' => 'Nesouhlas',
'recalculate_entrance_fees' => 'Pro primární strhávání vstupních příspěvků používejte funkci pro globální strhávání v účetním deníku. Tuto funkci používejte jen v případě, že došlo k nějakému omylu, například, že měl zaplatit vstupní a pak se ukázalo, že nemusel.',
'redirection_preview' => 'Náhled zobrazí stránku přesně tak, jak se zobrazí dané IP adrese. V případě více aktivovaných přesměrování najednou pro jednu IP adresu se zobrazí jen to, které se členovi zobrazí jako první.',
'register_install' => 'Zašlě data o instalaci (jméno organizace a Váš email) vývojářům FreeNetISu pro zasílání novinek a informacích o vývoji',
'registration_logo' => 'Jedná se o logo sdružení, které se zobrazí v levém horním rohu vyexportované přihlášky. Poměr stran by běl být 16:6.',
'registration_logo' => 'Jedná se o logo sdružení, které se zobrazí v levém horním rohu vyexportované přihlášky. Poměr stran by měl být 16:6.',
'self_cancel' => 'Je-li daná zpráva samozrušitelná, znamená to, že při jejím zobrazení členovi se v patičce stránky objeví odkaz, který mu umožní přesměrování vypnout. Vhodné pro zprávy informativního charakteru. Rozlišuje se samozrušitelnost pro jednu IP adresu anebo pro všechny IP adresy člena.',
'self_cancel_text' => 'Text pro odkaz určený k zrušení přesměrování členem. Tento text se zobrazuje v patičce stránky přesměrovanému členovi.',
'self_cancel_url' => 'Je to adresa na centrální bráně, na které běží lighthttpd web server. Pravidla firewallu na centrální bráně takto poznají uživatelův úmysl ukončit přesměrování. Stránka tedy může obsahovat stručnou informaci pro uživatele o ukončení přesměrování a případný rozcestník.',
return max(array_keys($array));
* Return translated bool array (yes, no)
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @return array
public static function bool()
return array
'1' => __('Yes'),
'0' => __('No')
* Return reverted translated bool array (no, yes)
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @return array
public static function rbool()
return array
'0' => __('No'),
'1' => __('Yes')
} // End arr
'monitoring' => __('Monitoring'),
'registration_export' => __('Export of registration')
// because of ajax loading of tabs, see main view for explementation
new TextEditor();
* info() displays various system information
if (defined('FREENETIS_VERSION'))
$data[__('freenetis_version')] = FREENETIS_VERSION;
$data['FreenetIS ' . __('version')] = FREENETIS_VERSION;
$data[__('DB schema revision')] = Settings::get('db_schema_version');
$html = preg_replace('/<html.*?>.*?<body.*?>/is', '', $html);
$html = preg_replace('/<\/body><\/html>/is', '', $html);
$html = preg_replace('/table border="0"/is', 'table class="extended"', $html);
$html = preg_replace('/width="600"/is', 'width="720" style="table-layout:fixed; overflow: hidden"', $html);
$table = new View('table_2_columns');
$table->table_data = $data;
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_edit('Settings_Controller', 'system'))
$arr_bool = array
'1' => __('Yes'),
'0' => __('No')
// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge('settings/system');
// page title
->label(__('Page title') . ':')
->label('Page title')
$countries = ORM::factory('country')->select_list('id', 'country_name');
->label(__('Country') . ':')
// currency
->label(__('Currency') . ':')
// self-registration
->label(__('Self-registration') . ':')
// forgotten password
->label(__('Forgotten password') . ':')
->label('Forgotten password')
->label(__('E-mail settings'));
$this->form->group('E-mail settings');
->label(__('Default e-mail') . ':')
->label('Default e-mail')
->label(__('URL settings'));
$this->form->group('URL settings');
->label(__('Protocol') . ':')
->label(__('Domain') . ':')
->label(__('Suffix') . ':')
if (($htaccessFile = @file('.htaccess-sample')) != FALSE)
->label(__('Clean URLs') . ':')
->label('Clean URLs')
->help(__('URL addresses without index.php.'));
if (!is_writable('.') && !file_exists('.htaccess'))
$textarea = '';
foreach ($htaccessFile as $line)
$textarea .= htmlentities($line);
$help = __('It\'s not possible to write your htacess file for clean URLS.');
$help .= ' ' . __('You must create it manually and paste the following text into it.');
->label(__('Content of file htaccess') . ':')
->label('Content of file htaccess')
'It\'s not possible to write ' .
'your htacess file for clean URLS.'
) . ' ' . __(
'You must create it manually ' .
'and paste the following text into it.'
->label(__('Network settings'));
$this->form->group('Network settings');
->label(__('Address ranges') . ':')
->label(__('Module settings'));
$this->form->group('Module settings');
$timeout = Settings::get('module_status_timeout');
->help(__('Time threshold in minutes, before module is shown as inactive'));
->help('Time threshold in minutes, before module is shown as inactive');
fwrite($handle, $line);
chmod('.htaccess', 0666);
$message = __('Htaccess file has been ' .
$message = __(
'Htaccess file has been ' .
'successfully created.'
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('System');
if (!empty($message))
$view->content->message = $message;
* Settings for QoS
public function qos()
// access control
->label(__('Enable QoS'));
->label('Enable QoS');
if (Settings::get('qos_enabled') == 1)
if (Settings::get('ulogd_enabled'))
->label(__('Speed for active members')
. ': '.help::hint('qos_active_speed'))
->label(__('Speed for active members') . ': '.help::hint('qos_active_speed'))
$view->content->headline = __('QoS');
$view->content->description = module_state::get_state('qos', TRUE);
if (!empty($message))
$view->content->message = $message;
$this->form->group('E-mail variables');
->label(__('Driver') . ':')
'native' => __('Native'),
->label(__('Hostname') . ':')
->help(__('For SMTP settings only.'));
->help('For SMTP settings only.');
->label(__('Port') . ':')
->help(__('For SMTP settings only.'));
->help('For SMTP settings only.');
->label(__('User name') . ':')
->label('User name')
->help(__('For SMTP settings only.'));
->help('For SMTP settings only.');
->label(__('Password') . ':')
->help(__('For SMTP settings only.'));
->help('For SMTP settings only.');
$arr_approval_templates = array
NULL => '----- ' . __('select approval template') . ' -----'
NULL => '----- ' . __('Select approval template') . ' -----'
) + $approval_templates;
// creating of new forge
->label(__('Default approval template') . ':')
->label('Default approval template')
->label(__('Work report'));
$this->form->group('Work report');
->label(__('Default approval template') . ':')
->label('Default approval template')
->label(__('Default approval template') . ':')
->label('Default approval template')
// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge('settings/voip');
->label(__('VoIP settings'));
$this->form->group('VoIP settings');
// page title
->label(__('Number interval') . ':')
->label('Number interval')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_voip_number_interval'));
->label(__('Exclude numbers') . ':')
->label('Exclude numbers')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_voip_number_exclude'));
->label(__('SIP server') . ':')
->label('SIP server')
->label(__('Asterisk manager settings'));
$this->form->group('Asterisk manager settings');
->label(__('Hostname') . ':')
->label(__('User') . ':')
->label(__('Password') . ':')
->label(__('Billing settings'));
$this->form->group('Billing settings');
->label(__('Driver') . ':')
->label(__('Partner') . ':')
->label(__('Password') . ':')
->label(__('Actual price of calls'));
$this->form->group('Actual price of calls');
->label(__('Fixed line number') . ':')
->label('Fixed line number')
->label(__('Cellphone number') . ':')
->label('Cellphone number')
->label(__('VoIP number') . ':')
->label('VoIP number')
// create view for this template
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('VoIP');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'voip';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('VoIP');
if (!empty($message))
$view->content->message = $message;
// drover informations
$ai = null;
$hostname = Settings::get('voip_asterisk_hostname');
$user = Settings::get('voip_asterisk_user');
$pass = Settings::get('voip_asterisk_pass');
$additional_info = null;
if (Billing::instance()->has_driver())
if (Billing::instance()->test_conn())
$additional_info = __('Testing driver')
. ': lBilling - NFX......<span style="color:green">OK</span>';
$ai = __('Testing driver');
$ai .= ': lBilling - NFX......<span style="color:green">OK</span>';
$additional_info = __('Testing driver')
. ': lBilling - NFX......<span style="color:red">'
. __('Failed') . '</span>';
$ai = __('Testing driver');
$ai .= ': lBilling - NFX......<span style="color:red">';
$ai .= __('Failed') . '</span>';
$view->content->additional_info = $additional_info;
// create view for this template
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('VoIP');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'voip';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('VoIP');
$view->content->additional_info = $ai;
// page title
->label(__('Number of the sender') . ':')
->label('Number of the sender')
->label(__('Default driver') . ':')
->label('Default driver')
$this->form->dropdown('sms_driver_state' . $key)
->label(__('Driver state') . ':')
->label('Driver state')
Sms::DRIVER_INACTIVE => __('Inactive'),
Sms::DRIVER_ACTIVE => __('Active')
Sms::DRIVER_INACTIVE => __('Inactive'),
Sms::DRIVER_ACTIVE => __('Active')
))->selected(Settings::get('sms_driver_state' . $key));
// hostname not defined by config driver array?
if (!array_key_exists('hostname', $driver))
$this->form->input('sms_hostname' . $key)
->label(__('Hostname') . ':')
->value(Settings::get('sms_hostname' . $key));
$this->form->input('sms_user' . $key)
->label(__('User') . ':')
->value(Settings::get('sms_user' . $key));
$this->form->input('sms_password' . $key)
->label(__('Password') . ':')
->value(Settings::get('sms_password' . $key));
if (Settings::get('sms_driver_state' . $key) == Sms::DRIVER_ACTIVE)
// variables
$hostname = Settings::get('sms_hostname' . $key);
$aditional_info .= __('Testing driver') . ' : '
. Sms::get_driver_name($key)
. '......<span style="color:';
->label(__('Payment notice boundary')." (".
->label(__('Debtor boundary')." (".
->label(__('Initial immunity').': '.
->label(__('Initial debtor immunity').': '.
->label(__('Gateway IP address').":")
->label(__('Port for self-canceling').": ".help::hint('redirection_port_self_cancel'))
->label(__('Redirection logo URL').":")
->label(__('Text for self cancel anchor').":&nbsp;".
->label(__('E-mail subject prefix').':')
$this->form->group('Centralized logging');
->label('ulogd ' . help::hint('ulogd'))
$this->form->group('ulogd ' . help::hint('ulogd'))
->label(__('Enable ulogd'));
->label('Enable ulogd');
->label(__('Interval of update') . ': ' .
0 => '----- ' . __('Select type') . ' -----',
'upload' => __('upload'),
'download' => __('download'),
'total' => __('both') . ' ('
. __('upload') . ' + '
. __('download') . ')'
'total' => __('both') . ' (' . __('upload') . ' + ' . __('download') . ')'
->label(__('Minimum of traffic') . ': ' .
->label(__('Syslog NG MySQL API').' '.help::hint('syslog_ng_mysql_api'));
$this->form->group(__('Syslog NG MySQL API').' '.help::hint('syslog_ng_mysql_api'));
if (Settings::get('syslog_ng_mysql_api_enabled') == 1)
->style('width: 500px;');
->label(__('Action logs') . ' ' .
$this->form->group(__('Action logs') . ' ' . help::hint('action_logs_active'));
->label(__('Enable action logs'));
->label('Enable action logs');
if (version_compare($user_model->get_mysql_version(), '5.1.0', '<'))
__('Enable action logs') .
' - <span class="error">' .
__('require MySQL %s and higher', array('5.1')
) . '</span>'
__('Enable action logs') . ' - <span class="error">' .
__('require MySQL %s and higher', array('5.1')) . '</span>'
!$user_model->check_permission('CREATE ROUTINE'))
__('Enable ulogd')
. ' - <span class="error">' .
__('Enable ulogd') . ' - <span class="error">' .
__('it requires already created functions for '.
'ulogd or MySQL permission CREATE ROUTINE for create them'
) . '</span>');
foreach ($form_data as $name => $value)
if ($name == 'action_logs_active' OR $name == 'ulogd_enabled' OR $name == 'syslog_ng_mysql_api_enabled')
if ($name == 'action_logs_active' OR
$name == 'ulogd_enabled' OR
$name == 'syslog_ng_mysql_api_enabled')
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Settings') . ' - ' . __('logging');
$view->content = new View('settings/main');
$view->content->current = 'logging';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('Logging');
$view->content->description = module_state::get_state('logging', TRUE);
if (!empty($message))
$view->content->message = $message;
->label(__('Enable monitoring'));
->label('Enable monitoring');
if (Settings::get('monitoring_enabled') == 1)
$view->content->current = 'monitoring';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('Monitoring');
$view->content->description = module_state::get_state('monitoring', TRUE);
if (!empty($message))
$view->content->message = $message;
$view->content->description = module_state::get_state('monitoring', TRUE);
if (is_writable('upload'))
->label(__('Logo') . ':')
->label(__('Info') . ':')
->label(__('License') . ':')
$view->content->current = 'registration_export';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('Export of registration');
if (!empty($message))
$view->content->message = $message;
// directory is not writable
if (!is_writable('upload'))
$view->content->warning = __('Directory "upload" is not writable, ' .
'change access rights to be able upload your own logo.');
$view->content->warning = __(
'Directory "upload" is not writable, change access ' .
'rights to be able upload your own logo.'
// check if first and second number are 9 characters long (123456789, NOT 1234567890)
if (strlen($number) != 9)
$input->add_error('required', __(
'VoIP number must be 9 characters long'
$input->add_error('required', __('VoIP number must be 9 characters long'));
// check if first and second number are numbers :-) (123456789, NOT abcdefghi)
$this->data['label'] = utf8::ucwords(inflector::humanize($this->name));
else if (!preg_match('/<.*>/', $val))
$val = __($val);
$this->data['label'] = $val;
$this->data['label'] = $val;
return $this;

Také k dispozici: Unified diff