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Revize 1498

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před asi 12 roky(ů)

- editace portu (#185)

Zobrazit rozdíly:

* Function returns all bridged interfaces of interface
* @param integer $iface
* @return integer
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_all_bridged_ifaces_of_iface($iface = null)
* Gets all VLANs of iface
* @param integer $iface_id
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_all_vlans_of_iface($iface_id)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT v.*, iv.tagged, iv.port_vlan
FROM vlans v
JOIN ifaces_vlans iv ON iv.vlan_id =
WHERE iv.iface_id = ?
", $iface_id);
* Function removes iface from bridge
* @param integer $bridge_iface_id
* Rmove relation between VLANs and iface
* @param integer $iface_id
public function delete_relation_vlans_to_iface($iface_id)
DELETE FROM ifaces_vlans
WHERE iface_id = ?
", $iface_id);
* Function removes vlan from port
* @param integer $port_iface_id
AND `iface_id` = ?
", $vlan_id, $port_iface_id);
->label('Tagged VLANs')
->label('Untagged VLANs')
// print port fields only if type is port
if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT)
$modes = array
NULL => '------- '.__('Select mode').' -------'
) + Iface_Model::get_port_modes();
$modes = array
NULL => '------- '.__('Select mode').' -------'
) + Iface_Model::get_port_modes();
$vlan_model = new Vlan_Model();
$arr_vlans = $vlan_model->select_list();
$default_vlans = array
NULL => '----- ' . __('Select VLAN') . ' -----'
) + $arr_vlans;
$vlans = ORM::factory('ifaces_vlan')->get_all_vlans_of_iface($iface->id);
$default_vlan_id = null;
$tagged_vlans_ids = array();
$untagged_vlans_ids = array();
foreach ($vlans as $vlan)
if ($vlan->tagged)
$tagged_vlans_ids[] = $vlan->id;
$untagged_vlans_ids[] = $vlan->id;
if ($vlan->port_vlan)
$default_vlan_id = $vlan->id;
$port_form = $form->group('Port setting');
->label('Port VLAN')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_port_vlan'))
->label('Tagged VLANs')
->label('Untagged VLANs')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_vlans'))
// print wireless fields only if type is wireless
$connecte_to_iface_id = null;
$connecte_to_iface_device_id = null;
if ($connecte_to_iface->id)
if ($connecte_to_iface && $connecte_to_iface->id)
$connecte_to_iface_id = $connecte_to_iface->id;
$connecte_to_iface_device_id = $connecte_to_iface->device_id;
$iface->number = $form_data['number'];
$iface->port_mode = $form_data['port_mode'];
// vlan relations
$vlan_ifaces = new Ifaces_vlan_Model();
// remove current
if ($iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_TRUNK ||
$iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_HYBRID)
foreach ((array) $form_data['tagged_vlan_id'] as $vlan_id)
if (intval($vlan_id))
$vlan_ifaces->vlan_id = $vlan_id;
$vlan_ifaces->iface_id = $iface->id;
$vlan_ifaces->tagged = TRUE;
$vlan_ifaces->port_vlan = ($vlan_id == $form_data['port_vlan_id']);
if ($iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_ACCESS ||
$iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_HYBRID)
foreach ((array) $form_data['untagged_vlan_id'] as $vlan_id)
if (intval($vlan_id))
$vlan_ifaces->vlan_id = $vlan_id;
$vlan_ifaces->iface_id = $iface->id;
$vlan_ifaces->tagged = FALSE;
$vlan_ifaces->port_vlan = ($vlan_id == $form_data['port_vlan_id']);
else if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_VLAN)
'ID '.$iface->device->user->member->id.
' - '.$iface->device->user->member->name,
'Members_Controller', 'members',
'Users', $this->acl_check_view(
'Users_Controller', 'users',
'ifaces/show/'.$iface->id, $name,
'Devices_Controller', 'iface',
$connected_to_iface.html('<option value=""><?php echo __('Loading data, please wait') ?>...</option>');
$.getJSON('<?php echo url_lang::base() ?>json/get_ifaces', {
data: val, itype: <?php echo $itype ?>
data: val, itype: '<?php echo $itype ?>'
}, function (data)
var options = ['<option value="">---- <?php echo __('Select interface') ?> ---</option>'];

Také k dispozici: Unified diff