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Přidáno uživatelem Roman Ševčík před více než 15 roky(ů)

Přidaný helper server a další drobné úpravy.

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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Contains examples of various Kohana library examples. You can access these
* samples in your own installation of Kohana by going to ROOT_URL/examples.
* $Id: examples.php 1911 2008-02-04 16:13:16Z PugFish $
* @package Core
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license
class Examples_Controller extends Controller {
* Displays a list of available examples
function index()
// Get the methods that are only in this class and not the parent class.
$examples = array_diff
echo "<strong>Examples:</strong>\n";
echo "<ul>\n";
foreach($examples as $method)
if ($method == __FUNCTION__)
echo '<li>'.html::anchor('examples/'.$method, $method)."</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
echo '<p>'.Kohana::lang('core.stats_footer')."</p>\n";
public function archive($build = FALSE)
if ($build === 'build')
// Load archive
$archive = new Archive('zip');
// Add welcome.php with the name of test.php
$archive->add(APPPATH.'controllers/welcome.php', 'test.php');
// Download the built archive
echo html::anchor(Router::$current_uri.'/build', 'Download welcome.php as test.php');
* Demonstrates how to use views inside of views.
function template()
$data = array
'title' => 'View-in-View Example',
'content' => 'This is my view-in-view page content.',
'copyright' => '&copy; 2007 Kohana Team'
$view = $this->load->view('viewinview/container', $data);
$view->header = $this->load->view('viewinview/header', $data);
* Demonstrates how to parse RSS feeds by using DOMDocument.
function rss()
// Parse an external atom feed
$feed = feed::parse('');
// Show debug info
echo Kohana::debug($feed);
echo Kohana::lang('core.stats_footer');
* Demonstrates the Session library and using session data.
function session()
$s = new Session();
echo 'SESSID: <pre>'.session_id()."</pre>\n";
echo '<pre>'.print_r($_SESSION, TRUE)."</pre>\n";
echo '<br/>{execution_time} seconds';
* Demonstrates how to use the form helper with the Validation library.
function form()
echo form::open('', array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'));
echo form::label('imageup', 'Image Uploads').':<br/>';
echo form::upload('imageup[]').'<br/>';
echo form::upload('imageup[]').'<br/>';
echo form::upload('imageup[]').'<br/>';
echo form::submit('upload', 'Upload!');
echo form::close();
if ( ! empty($_POST))
$this->validation->set_rules('imageup', 'required|upload[gif,png,jpg,500K]', 'Image Upload');
echo '<p>validation result: '.var_export($this->validation->run(), TRUE).'</p>';
echo Kohana::debug($this->validation);
echo Kohana::lang('core.stats_footer');
* Demontrates how to use the Validation library to validate an arbitrary array.
function validation()
// To demonstrate Validation being able to validate any array, I will
// be using a pre-built array. When you load validation with no arguments
// it will default to validating the POST array.
$data = array
'user' => 'hello',
'pass' => 'bigsecret',
'reme' => '1'
// Same as CI, but supports passing an array to the constructor
$this->load->library('validation', $data);
// Looks familiar...
// Format:
// key friendly name, validation rules
'user' => array('username', '=trim|required[1,12]|regex[/[0-9]+/]'),
'pass' => array('password', 'required|=sha1'),
'reme' => array('remember me', 'required')
// Same syntax as before
// Same syntax, but dynamcially generated wth __get()
echo $this->validation->error_string;
// Yay!
echo '{execution_time} ALL DONE!';
* Demonstrates the features of the Database library.
* Table Structure:
* CREATE TABLE `pages` (
* `id` mediumint( 9 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
* `page_name` varchar( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
* `title` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
* `content` longtext NOT NULL ,
* `menu` tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL default '0',
* `filename` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
* `order` mediumint( 9 ) NOT NULL ,
* `date` int( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
* `child_of` mediumint( 9 ) NOT NULL default '0',
* PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ,
* UNIQUE KEY `filename` ( `filename` )
function database()
$table = 'pages';
echo 'Does the '.$table.' table exist? ';
if ($this->db->table_exists($table))
echo '<p>YES! Lets do some work =)</p>';
$query = $this->db->select('DISTINCT pages.*')->from($table)->get();
echo $this->db->last_query();
echo '<h3>Iterate through the result:</h3>';
foreach($query as $item)
echo '<p>'.$item->title.'</p>';
echo '<h3>Numrows using count(): '.count($query).'</h3>';
echo 'Table Listing:<pre>'.print_r($this->db->list_tables(), TRUE).'</pre>';
echo '<h3>Try Query Binding with objects:</h3>';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$table.' WHERE id = ?';
$query = $this->db->query($sql, array(1));
echo '<p>'.$this->db->last_query().'</p>';
foreach($query as $item)
echo '<pre>'.print_r($item, true).'</pre>';
echo '<h3>Try Query Binding with arrays (returns both associative and numeric because I pass MYSQL_BOTH to result():</h3>';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$table.' WHERE id = ?';
$query = $this->db->query($sql, array(1));
echo '<p>'.$this->db->last_query().'</p>';
$query->result(FALSE, MYSQL_BOTH);
foreach($query as $item)
echo '<pre>'.print_r($item, true).'</pre>';
echo '<h3>Look, we can also manually advance the result pointer!</h3>';
$query = $this->db->select('title')->from($table)->get();
echo 'First:<pre>'.print_r($query->current(), true).'</pre><br />';
echo 'Second:<pre>'.print_r($query->current(), true).'</pre><br />';
echo 'Third:<pre>'.print_r($query->current(), true).'</pre>';
echo '<h3>And we can reset it to the beginning:</h3>';
echo 'Rewound:<pre>'.print_r($query->current(), true).'</pre>';
echo '<p>Number of rows using count_records(): '.$this->db->count_records('pages').'</p>';
echo 'NO! The '.$table.' table doesn\'t exist, so we can\'t continue =( ';
echo "<br/><br/>\n";
echo 'done in {execution_time} seconds';
* Demonstrates how to use the Pagination library and Pagination styles.
function pagination()
$this->pagination = new Pagination(array(
// 'base_url' => 'welcome/pagination_example/page/', // base_url will default to current uri
'uri_segment' => 'page', // pass a string as uri_segment to trigger former 'label' functionality
'total_items' => 254, // use db count query here of course
'items_per_page' => 10, // it may be handy to set defaults for stuff like this in config/pagination.php
'style' => 'classic' // pick one from: classic (default), digg, extended, punbb, or add your own!
// Just echoing it is enough to display the links (__toString() rocks!)
echo 'Classic style: '.$this->pagination;
// You can also use the create_links() method and pick a style on the fly if you want
echo '<hr />Digg style: '.$this->pagination->create_links('digg');
echo '<hr />Extended style: '.$this->pagination->create_links('extended');
echo '<hr />PunBB style: '.$this->pagination->create_links('punbb');
echo 'done in {execution_time} seconds';
* Demonstrates the User_Agent library.
function user_agent()
foreach(array('agent', 'browser', 'version') as $key)
echo $key.': '.$this->user_agent->$key.'<br/>'."\n";
echo "<br/><br/>\n";
echo 'done in {execution_time} seconds';
* Demonstrates the Payment library.
/*function payment()
$credit_card = new Payment();
// You can also pass the driver name to the library to use multiple ones:
$credit_card = new Payment('Paypal');
$credit_card = new Payment('Authorize');
// You can specify one parameter at a time:
$credit_card->login = 'this';
$credit_card->first_name = 'Jeremy';
$credit_card->last_name = 'Bush';
$credit_card->card_num = '1234567890';
$credit_card->exp_date = '0910';
$credit_card->amount = '478.41';
// Or you can also set fields with an array and the <Payment.set_fields> method:
$credit_card->set_fields(array('login' => 'test',
'first_name' => 'Jeremy',
'last_name' => 'Bush',
'card_num' => '1234567890',
'exp_date' => '0910',
'amount' => '487.41'));
echo '<pre>'.print_r($credit_card, true).'</pre>';
echo 'Success? ';
echo ($response = $credit_card->process() == TRUE) ? 'YES!' : $response;
function calendar()
$profiler = new Profiler;
$cal = new Calendar(5, 2007);
echo $cal->render();
function image()
$profiler = new Profiler;
$dir = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../upload')).'/';
$image = new Image($dir.'moo.jpg');
$image->resize(400, NULL)->crop(400, 350, 'top')->sharpen(20);
echo Kohana::debug($image);
} // End Examples
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Contains examples of various Kohana library examples. You can access these
* samples in your own installation of Kohana by going to ROOT_URL/examples.
* $Id: examples.php 1911 2008-02-04 16:13:16Z PugFish $
* @package Core
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license
class Examples_Controller extends Controller {
* Displays a list of available examples
function index()
// Get the methods that are only in this class and not the parent class.
$examples = array_diff
echo "<strong>Examples:</strong>\n";
echo "<ul>\n";
foreach($examples as $method)
if ($method == __FUNCTION__)
echo '<li>'.html::anchor('examples/'.$method, $method)."</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
echo '<p>'.Kohana::lang('core.stats_footer')."</p>\n";
public function archive($build = FALSE)
if ($build === 'build')
// Load archive
$archive = new Archive('zip');
// Add welcome.php with the name of test.php
$archive->add(APPPATH.'controllers/welcome.php', 'test.php');
// Download the built archive
echo html::anchor(Router::$current_uri.'/build', 'Download welcome.php as test.php');
* Demonstrates how to use views inside of views.
function template()
$data = array
'title' => 'View-in-View Example',
'content' => 'This is my view-in-view page content.',
'copyright' => '&copy; 2007 Kohana Team'
$view = $this->load->view('viewinview/container', $data);
$view->header = $this->load->view('viewinview/header', $data);
* Demonstrates how to parse RSS feeds by using DOMDocument.
function rss()
// Parse an external atom feed
$feed = feed::parse('');
// Show debug info
echo Kohana::debug($feed);
echo Kohana::lang('core.stats_footer');
* Demonstrates the Session library and using session data.
function session()
$s = new Session();
echo 'SESSID: <pre>'.session_id()."</pre>\n";
echo '<pre>'.print_r($_SESSION, TRUE)."</pre>\n";
echo '<br/>{execution_time} seconds';
* Demonstrates how to use the form helper with the Validation library.
function form()
echo form::open('', array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'));
echo form::label('imageup', 'Image Uploads').':<br/>';
echo form::upload('imageup[]').'<br/>';
echo form::upload('imageup[]').'<br/>';
echo form::upload('imageup[]').'<br/>';
echo form::submit('upload', 'Upload!');
echo form::close();
if ( ! empty($_POST))
$this->validation->set_rules('imageup', 'required|upload[gif,png,jpg,500K]', 'Image Upload');
echo '<p>validation result: '.var_export($this->validation->run(), TRUE).'</p>';
echo Kohana::debug($this->validation);
echo Kohana::lang('core.stats_footer');
* Demontrates how to use the Validation library to validate an arbitrary array.
function validation()
// To demonstrate Validation being able to validate any array, I will
// be using a pre-built array. When you load validation with no arguments
// it will default to validating the POST array.
$data = array
'user' => 'hello',
'pass' => 'bigsecret',
'reme' => '1'
// Same as CI, but supports passing an array to the constructor
$this->load->library('validation', $data);
// Looks familiar...
// Format:
// key friendly name, validation rules
'user' => array('username', '=trim|required[1,12]|regex[/[0-9]+/]'),
'pass' => array('password', 'required|=sha1'),
'reme' => array('remember me', 'required')
// Same syntax as before
// Same syntax, but dynamcially generated wth __get()
echo $this->validation->error_string;
// Yay!
echo '{execution_time} ALL DONE!';
* Demonstrates the features of the Database library.
* Table Structure:
* CREATE TABLE `pages` (
* `id` mediumint( 9 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
* `page_name` varchar( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
* `title` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
* `content` longtext NOT NULL ,
* `menu` tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL default '0',
* `filename` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
* `order` mediumint( 9 ) NOT NULL ,
* `date` int( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
* `child_of` mediumint( 9 ) NOT NULL default '0',
* PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ,
* UNIQUE KEY `filename` ( `filename` )
function database()
$table = 'pages';
echo 'Does the '.$table.' table exist? ';
if ($this->db->table_exists($table))
echo '<p>YES! Lets do some work =)</p>';
$query = $this->db->select('DISTINCT pages.*')->from($table)->get();
echo $this->db->last_query();
echo '<h3>Iterate through the result:</h3>';
foreach($query as $item)
echo '<p>'.$item->title.'</p>';
echo '<h3>Numrows using count(): '.count($query).'</h3>';
echo 'Table Listing:<pre>'.print_r($this->db->list_tables(), TRUE).'</pre>';
echo '<h3>Try Query Binding with objects:</h3>';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$table.' WHERE id = ?';
$query = $this->db->query($sql, array(1));
echo '<p>'.$this->db->last_query().'</p>';
foreach($query as $item)
echo '<pre>'.print_r($item, true).'</pre>';
echo '<h3>Try Query Binding with arrays (returns both associative and numeric because I pass MYSQL_BOTH to result():</h3>';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$table.' WHERE id = ?';
$query = $this->db->query($sql, array(1));
echo '<p>'.$this->db->last_query().'</p>';
$query->result(FALSE, MYSQL_BOTH);
foreach($query as $item)
echo '<pre>'.print_r($item, true).'</pre>';
echo '<h3>Look, we can also manually advance the result pointer!</h3>';
$query = $this->db->select('title')->from($table)->get();
echo 'First:<pre>'.print_r($query->current(), true).'</pre><br />';
echo 'Second:<pre>'.print_r($query->current(), true).'</pre><br />';
echo 'Third:<pre>'.print_r($query->current(), true).'</pre>';
echo '<h3>And we can reset it to the beginning:</h3>';
echo 'Rewound:<pre>'.print_r($query->current(), true).'</pre>';
echo '<p>Number of rows using count_records(): '.$this->db->count_records('pages').'</p>';
echo 'NO! The '.$table.' table doesn\'t exist, so we can\'t continue =( ';
echo "<br/><br/>\n";
echo 'done in {execution_time} seconds';
* Demonstrates how to use the Pagination library and Pagination styles.
function pagination()
$this->pagination = new Pagination(array(
// 'base_url' => 'welcome/pagination_example/page/', // base_url will default to current uri
'uri_segment' => 'page', // pass a string as uri_segment to trigger former 'label' functionality
'total_items' => 254, // use db count query here of course
'items_per_page' => 10, // it may be handy to set defaults for stuff like this in config/pagination.php
'style' => 'classic' // pick one from: classic (default), digg, extended, punbb, or add your own!
// Just echoing it is enough to display the links (__toString() rocks!)
echo 'Classic style: '.$this->pagination;
// You can also use the create_links() method and pick a style on the fly if you want
echo '<hr />Digg style: '.$this->pagination->create_links('digg');
echo '<hr />Extended style: '.$this->pagination->create_links('extended');
echo '<hr />PunBB style: '.$this->pagination->create_links('punbb');
echo 'done in {execution_time} seconds';
* Demonstrates the User_Agent library.
function user_agent()
foreach(array('agent', 'browser', 'version') as $key)
echo $key.': '.$this->user_agent->$key.'<br/>'."\n";
echo "<br/><br/>\n";
echo 'done in {execution_time} seconds';
* Demonstrates the Payment library.
/*function payment()
$credit_card = new Payment();
// You can also pass the driver name to the library to use multiple ones:
$credit_card = new Payment('Paypal');
$credit_card = new Payment('Authorize');
// You can specify one parameter at a time:
$credit_card->login = 'this';
$credit_card->first_name = 'Jeremy';
$credit_card->last_name = 'Bush';
$credit_card->card_num = '1234567890';
$credit_card->exp_date = '0910';
$credit_card->amount = '478.41';
// Or you can also set fields with an array and the <Payment.set_fields> method:
$credit_card->set_fields(array('login' => 'test',
'first_name' => 'Jeremy',
'last_name' => 'Bush',
'card_num' => '1234567890',
'exp_date' => '0910',
'amount' => '487.41'));
echo '<pre>'.print_r($credit_card, true).'</pre>';
echo 'Success? ';
echo ($response = $credit_card->process() == TRUE) ? 'YES!' : $response;
function calendar()
$profiler = new Profiler;
$cal = new Calendar(5, 2007);
echo $cal->render();
function image()
$profiler = new Profiler;
$dir = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../upload')).'/';
$image = new Image($dir.'moo.jpg');
$image->resize(400, NULL)->crop(400, 350, 'top')->sharpen(20);
echo Kohana::debug($image);
} // End Examples

Také k dispozici: Unified diff