


<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreeNetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

// numbers of errors
define('ACCESS', 1);
define('EMAIL', 2);
define('DATABASE', 3);
define('RECORD', 4);
define('PAGE', 5);
define('UPGRADE', 6);
define('WRITABLE', 7);
define('READONLY', 8);

// numbers of warnings, their identifier numbers have to differ from error messages
// for example when programmer misleads error and warning
define('PARAMETER', 1001);

* Main controller creates menu, handles changes in svn repository (database upgrade), ...
class Controller extends Controller_Core
/** @var integer */
const ICON_ERROR = 1;
/** @var integer */
const ICON_GOOD = 2;
/** @var integer */
const ICON_HELP = 3;
/** @var integer */
const ICON_INFO = 4;
/** @var integer */
const ICON_WARNING = 5;

* Controller singleton
* @var Controller
private static $instance;
* Paths for which login is not required
* @var array
private static $login_not_required = array
/** @var unknown_type */
public $arr;
/** @var Setting_Model Settings */
public $settings = NULL;
/** @var array */
public $upgrade_sql = array();
/** @var integer */
public $current_svn_db_schema_version = 0;
/** @var integer */
public $current_svn_revision = 0;
/** @var integer */
public $popup = 0;
/** @var integer */
public $dialog = 0;
/** @var boolean */
public $user_has_phone_invoices = 0;
/** @var boolean */
public $user_has_voip = 0;
/** @var string */
public $ip_address_span = '';
/** @var integer */
public $unread_user_mails = 0;
/** @var integer */
public $count_of_registered_members = 0;
/** @var integer */
public $count_of_unvoted_works_of_voter = 0;
/** @var integer */
public $count_of_unvoted_works_reports_of_voter = 0;
/** @var integer */
public $count_unfilled_phone_invoices = 0;
/** @var array */
public $svn = array();
/** @var integer $member_id ID of logged member */
protected $member_id;
/** @var integer $user_id ID of logged user */
protected $user_id;
/** @var integer $account_id ID of logged member account */
protected $member_account_id = 1;
/** @var Session */
protected $session;
/** @var $groups_aro_map Groups_aro_map_Model */
private $groups_aro_map;

* Contruct of controller, creates singleton or return it
public function __construct()
// This part only needs to be run once
if (self::$instance === NULL)
// init sessions
$this->session = Session::instance();

// test if visitor is logged in, or he accesses public
// controllers like registration, redirect, installation, etc.
if (!in_array(url_lang::current(), self::$login_not_required) &&
strpos(url_lang::current(), 'web_interface') === false &&
url_lang::current(true) != 'web_interface' &&
!$this->session->get('user_id', 0))
// Not logged in - redirect to login page
$this->session->set_flash('err_message', __('Must be logged in'));
// Do not logout after login
if (url_lang::current() != 'login/logout')
$this->session->set('referer', url_lang::current());
// Redirect to login
url::redirect(url_lang::base() . 'login');
// Die
// init settings
$this->settings = new Settings();

// if true, freenetis will run in popup mode (without header and menu)
$this->popup = (isset($_GET['popup']) && $_GET['popup']) ? 1 : 0;

// if true, freenetis will run in text mod for dialog
$this->dialog = (isset($_GET['dialog']) && $_GET['dialog']) ? 1 : 0;
// database upgrade goes here

// svn informations for errors and info

// config file doesn't exist, we must create it
if (!file_exists('config.php'))
// protection before loop
if (url_lang::current(1) == 'setup_config')
url::redirect(url_lang::base() . 'setup_config');

// protection before loop
if (url_lang::current(1) == 'installation')

// test database connection
if (!db::test())

// db schema version is null
if (!$this->settings->get('db_schema_version'))
// we must run install
url::redirect(url_lang::base() . 'installation');
// db schema is not up to date
else if ($this->current_svn_db_schema_version !=
// we must run upgrade
// load these variables only for logged user
if ($this->session->get('user_id', 0))
// for preprocessing some variable
catch(Exception $e)

// Singleton instance
self::$instance = $this;

* Singleton instance of Controller.
* @author Michal Kliment
* @return Controller object
public static function & instance()
// Create the instance if it does not exist
empty(self::$instance) and new Controller;

return self::$instance;

* Function shows error of given message number.
* @param integer $message_type
* @param string $content
public static function error($message_type, $content = NULL)
switch ($message_type)
case ACCESS:
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Access denied');
case EMAIL:
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Failed to send e-mail') .
'<br />' . url_lang::lang('states.Please check settings.');
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Failed to connect to database') .
'<br />' . url_lang::lang('states.Please check settings.');
case RECORD:
$message = url_lang::lang('states.This record does not exist');
case PAGE:
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Page not found');
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Database upgrade failed');
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Directory or file is not writable.');
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Item is read only.');
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Unknown error message');
self::showbox($message, self::ICON_ERROR, $content);

* Function shows warning of given message number.
* @param integer $message_type
* @param string $content
public static function warning($message_type, $content = NULL)
switch ($message_type)
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Parameter required');
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Unknown warning message');
self::showbox($message, self::ICON_WARNING, $content);

* Function renders error and warning messages.
* @param string $message
* @param integer $type
* @param string $content
private static function showbox($message, $type, $content = NULL)
$view = new View('main');
$view->content = new View('statesbox');

$src = NULL;
switch ($type)
case self::ICON_ERROR:
$view->title = __('Error');
$src = 'media/images/states/error.png';
case self::ICON_GOOD:
$view->title = __('Good');
$src = 'media/images/states/good.png';
case self::ICON_HELP:
$view->title = __('Help');
$src = 'media/images/states/help.png';
case self::ICON_INFO:
$view->title = __('Info');
$src = 'media/images/states/info.png';
case self::ICON_WARNING:
$view->title = __('Warning');
$src = 'media/images/states/warning.png';
$view->content->icon = html::image(array
'src' => $src,
'width' => '100',
'height' => '100',
'alt' => 'Image',
'class' => 'noborder'
$view->content->message = $message;
if (isset($content))
$view->content->content = $content;
// must be die() - else it will be render twice !

* Setup revision database schema.
public function get_current_svn_db_schema_info()
$this->current_svn_db_schema_version = get_SVN_rev();
$this->upgrade_sql[$this->current_svn_db_schema_version] =

* Upgrade database from current version to latest version.
* @param integer $from_version From which version(revision) upgrade starts
public function upgrade_sql($from_version = 0)
$ok = true;
$this->db = Database::instance();
$config = new Config_Model();
$query = '';

// for each revision
for ($i = ($from_version + 1); $i < ($this->current_svn_db_schema_version); $i++)
if (file_exists("application/upgrade_sql/upgrade_sql_" . $i . ".php"))
require("application/upgrade_sql/upgrade_sql_" . $i . ".php");
// database transaction
// upgrade function before
if (function_exists('upgrade_sql_' . $i . '_before'))
if (!call_user_func('upgrade_sql_' . $i . '_before'))
throw new Exception('upgrade_sql_' . $i . '_before');

foreach ($upgrade_sql[$i] as $query)
if (!$this->db->query($query))
throw new Kohana_Database_Exception();

// upgrade function after
if (function_exists('upgrade_sql_' . $i . '_after'))
if (!call_user_func('upgrade_sql_' . $i . '_after'))
throw new Exception('upgrade_sql_' . $i . '_after');
catch (Exception $e)
$message = "SVN: $i <br />"
. __('file') . ": upgrade_sql_$i.php<br /><br />Function: " .
$this->error(UPGRADE, $message);
// set up db schema

// do SQL queries from upgrade_sql file
// upgrade function before
if (function_exists('upgrade_sql_before'))
if (!call_user_func('upgrade_sql_before'))
throw new Exception('upgrade_sql_before');

foreach ($this->upgrade_sql[$this->current_svn_db_schema_version] as $query)
if (!$this->db->query($query))
throw new Kohana_Database_Exception();

// upgrade function after
if (function_exists('upgrade_sql_after'))
if (!call_user_func('upgrade_sql_after'))
throw new Exception('upgrade_sql_after');
catch (Kohana_Database_Exception $e)
$message = "SVN: $i <br />" . __('file') .
": upgrade_sql.php<br /><br />$query";
$this->error(UPGRADE, $message);
catch (Exception $e)
$message = "SVN: $i <br />"
. __('file') . ": upgrade_sql_$i.php<br /><br />Function: " .
// set up db schema
* Checks user's access to system
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @param type $axo_section_value AXO section value - Controller name
* @param type $axo_value AXO value - part of Controller
* @param type $aco_type ACO type of action (view, new, edit, delete, confirm)
* @param integer $member_id Member to check access
* @param boolean $force_own Force to use own rules for not logged user
* Used at: Phone_invoices_Controller#user_field()
* @return bool
private function acl_check(
$axo_section, $axo_value, $aco_type, $member_id = NULL,
$force_own = FALSE)
// groups aro map loaded?
if (empty($this->groups_aro_map))
$this->groups_aro_map = new Groups_aro_map_Model();
// check own?
if (($member_id == $_SESSION['member_id']) || $force_own)
// check own access
if ($this->groups_aro_map->has_access(
$_SESSION['user_id'], $aco_type . '_own',
$axo_section, $axo_value
// access valid
return true;
// check all
return $this->groups_aro_map->has_access(
$_SESSION['user_id'], $aco_type . '_all',
$axo_section, $axo_value
* Checks if user is in ARO group
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @param integer $group_id ARO group ID
* @param integer $aro_id User ID
* @return boolean true if exists false otherwise
public function is_user_in_group($aro_group_id, $aro_id)
return $this->groups_aro_map->groups_aro_map_exists($aro_group_id, $aro_id);

* Fuction checks access rights
* Return true if currently logged user (stored in $_SESSION['user_id'])
* may view own $axo_value object in $axo_section
* (and in variable $member_id is his own id of member) or if currently logged user
* may view all $axo_value object in $axo_section else return false
* @param $axo_section Group of objects to view
* @param $axo_value Object to view
* @param $member_id Optional variable, id of other member
* who is being showed by logged member
* @param boolean $force_own Force to use own rules for not logged user
* Used at: Phone_invoices_Controller#user_field()
* @return boolean returns true if member has enough access rights
public function acl_check_view(
$axo_section, $axo_value, $member_id = NULL, $force_own = FALSE)
return $this->acl_check(
$axo_section, $axo_value, 'view', $member_id, $force_own

* Fuction checks access rights
* Return true if currently logged user (stored in $_SESSION['user_id'])
* may view own $axo_value object in $axo_section
* (and in variable $member_id is his own id of member) or if currently logged user
* may edit all $axo_value object in $axo_section else return false
* @param $axo_section Group of objects to edit
* @param $axo_value Object to edit
* @param $member_id Optional variable, id of other member
* who is being showed by logged member
* @param boolean $force_own Force to use own rules for not logged user
* Used at: Phone_invoices_Controller#user_field()
* @return boolean Returns true if member has enough access rights
public function acl_check_edit(
$axo_section, $axo_value, $member_id = NULL, $force_own = FALSE)
return $this->acl_check(
$axo_section, $axo_value, 'edit', $member_id, $force_own

* Fuction checks access rights
* Return true if currently logged user (stored in $_SESSION['user_id'])
* may view own $axo_value object in $axo_section
* (and in variable $member_id is his own id of member) or if currently logged user
* may add all $axo_value object in $axo_section else return false
* @param $axo_section Group of objects to edit
* @param $axo_value Object to add
* @param $member_id Optional variable, id of other member
* who is being showed by logged member
* @param boolean $force_own Force to use own rules for not logged user
* Used at: Phone_invoices_Controller#user_field()
* @return boolean Returns true if member has enough access rights
public function acl_check_new(
$axo_section, $axo_value, $member_id = NULL, $force_own = FALSE)
return $this->acl_check(
$axo_section, $axo_value, 'new', $member_id, $force_own

* Fuction checks access rights
* Return true if currently logged user (stored in $_SESSION['user_id'])
* may view own $axo_value object in $axo_section
* (and in variable $member_id is his own id of member) or if currently logged user
* may delete all $axo_value object in $axo_section else return false
* @param $axo_section Group of objects to edit
* @param $axo_value Object to delete
* @param $member_id Optional variable, id of other member
* who is being showed by logged member
* @param boolean $force_own Force to use own rules for not logged user
* Used at: Phone_invoices_Controller#user_field()
* @return boolean Returns true if member has enough access rights
public function acl_check_delete(
$axo_section, $axo_value, $member_id = NULL, $force_own = FALSE)
return $this->acl_check(
$axo_section, $axo_value, 'delete', $member_id, $force_own

* Fuction checks access rights
* Return true if currently logged user (stored in $_SESSION['user_id'])
* may view own $axo_value object in $axo_section
* (and in variable $member_id is his own id of member) or if currently logged user
* may confirm all $axo_value object in $axo_section else return false
* @param $axo_section Group of objects to confirm
* @param $axo_value Object to confirm
* @param $member_id Optional variable, id of other member
* who is being showed by logged member
* @param boolean $force_own Force to use own rules for not logged user
* Used at: Phone_invoices_Controller#user_field()
* @return boolean Returns true if member has enough access rights
public function acl_check_confirm(
$axo_section, $axo_value, $member_id = NULL, $force_own = FALSE)
return $this->acl_check(
$axo_section, $axo_value, 'confirm', $member_id, $force_own

* Sets info about SVN
* @author Michal Kliment
private function svn_info()
$info = @shell_exec("svn info " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../");

if ($info != '')
$lines = explode("\n", $info);

foreach ($lines as $line)
$segments = explode(":", $line);
$key = str_replace(" ", "_", strtolower(array_shift($segments)));
$value = implode(":", $segments);

if ($key != '')
$this->svn[$key] = trim($value);
// Sets revision
if (isset($this->svn['revision']))
$this->current_svn_revision = $this->svn['revision'];

* Function to preprocessing of some useful variables
* @author Michal Kliment
private function preprocessor()
// helper class
$member = new Member_Model();
// store user ID from session
$this->user_id = $this->session->get('user_id');
// store member ID from session
$this->member_id = $this->session->get('member_id');
// boolean variable if user has any phone invoices (for menu rendering)
$phone_invoice_user = new Phone_invoice_user_Model();
$this->user_has_phone_invoices = (
$this->member_id != 1 &&
// count of unfilled phone invoices
if ($this->user_has_phone_invoices)
$this->count_unfilled_phone_invoices = $phone_invoice_user

// boolean variable if user has active voip number (for menu rendering)
$this->user_has_voip = (bool) ORM::factory('voip_sip')
// count of unread mail messages of user
$this->unread_user_mails = ORM::factory('mail_message')

// count registered members if enabled
if ($this->settings->get('self_registration'))
$this->count_of_registered_members = $member->count_of_registered_members();
// gets account id of memeber
if ($this->acl_check_view('Accounts_Controller', 'transfers', $this->member_id) &&
$this->member_id != 1)
$this->member_account_id = $member->get_first_member_account_id($this->member_id);
// gets counts of unvoted user's works and work reports
if ($this->acl_check_view('Users_Controller', 'work'))
$this->count_of_unvoted_works_of_voter = ORM::factory('job')
$this->count_of_unvoted_works_reports_of_voter = ORM::factory('job_report')
// ip address span
$this->ip_address_span = server::remote_addr();
// DZOLO (2011-09-05)
// This function is wery slow, when internet connection is off.
if (($ptr_record = dns::get_ptr_record($this->ip_address_span)) != '')
$this->ip_address_span .= ' <i>(' . $ptr_record . ')</i>';

// allowed subnets are enabled
if (Settings::get('allowed_subnets_enabled') && $this->member_id &&
'Devices_Controller', 'allowed_subnet', $this->member_id
// toggle button between allowed subnets
$asm = new Allowed_subnet_Model();
$as = $asm->get_allowed_subnet_by_member_and_ip_address(
$this->member_id, server::remote_addr()
// it's possible to change allowed allowed subnets
if ($as && $as->id &&
$uri = 'allowed_subnets/change/' .$as->id;
if ($as->enabled)
$this->ip_address_span .= ' ' . html::anchor($uri, html::image(array
'src' => 'media/images/active.png',
'title' => 'Disable this subnet'
))) . ' ' . help::hint('allowed_subnets_enabled');
$this->ip_address_span .= ' ' . html::anchor($uri, html::image(array
'src' => 'media/images/inactive.png',
'title' => 'Enable this subnet'
))) . ' ' . help::hint('allowed_subnets_disabled');

// updates paths

* Function to update paths
* @author Michal Kliment
private function update_paths()
if (!is_array($this->session->get('paths')))
$this->session->set('paths', array());

$paths = $this->session->get('paths');

if (url_lang::current(TRUE) != 'login' &&
url_lang::current(TRUE) != 'json' &&
url_lang::current(TRUE) != 'js')
if (isset($paths[$this->session->get('last_path_id')]))
$path = $paths[$this->session->get('last_path_id')];

if ($path[count($path) - 1] != url::base(TRUE) . url::current())
if (url::base() . url::previous() != $path[count($path) - 1])
foreach ($paths as $id => $path)
if (isset($path[count($path) - 1]) &&
url::base() . url::previous() == $path[count($path) - 1])
$this->session->set('last_path_id', $id);
$path = NULL;
foreach ($paths[$this->session->get('last_path_id')] as $i => $url)
if (url::base(TRUE) . url::current() == $url)
$path = array_slice($paths[$this->session->get('last_path_id')], 0, $i + 1);
if (!$path)
$paths[$this->session->get('last_path_id')][] = url::base(TRUE) . url::current();
$paths[$this->session->get('last_path_id')] = $path;
$paths[$this->session->get('last_path_id')][] = url::base(TRUE) . url::current();

$this->session->set('paths', $paths);
