


<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreeNetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* FIO importer config
class FioConfig
// these parameters should work for everyone
const _baseURL = '';
const _loginPath = '/scgi-bin/hermes/dz-homebanking.cgi';
const _historyPath = '/scgi-bin/hermes/dz-pohyby.cgi?ID_ucet=';
const _filterPath = '/scgi-bin/hermes/dz-pohyby.cgi?';
const _downloadPath = '/scgi-bin/hermes/dz-pohyby.cgi?export=1&ID_ucet=';
const _viewPath = '/scgi-bin/hermes/dz-pohyby.cgi?view_name_dz-pohyby.cgi=';

// modify these parameters as needed
/** temporary file with cookies, it's content allows everyone to access the account */
const _cookieFile = 'cookiefile.txt';

public function __construct($username, $password, $accountNumber, $viewName)
$this->_username = $username;
$this->_password = $password;
$this->_accountNumber = $accountNumber;
$this->_viewName = $viewName;

* Gets username
* @return string
public function username()
return $this->_username;

* Gets password
* @return string
public function password()
return $this->_password;

* Gets login URL
* @return string
public function loginURL()
return self::_baseURL . self::_loginPath;

* Gets filter URL
* @return string
public function filterURL($dateFrom, $dateTo)
* pohyby_DAT_od=1.4.2010&pohyby_DAT_do=5.4.2010&protiucet=&
* kod_banky=&VS=&SS=&UID=&PEN_typ_pohybu=&smer=&castka_min=&castka_max=

if (!$dateFrom && !$dateTo)
throw new FioException('At least one date of time interval must be specified.');

$params = "x=27&y=9&pohyby_DAT_od=$dateFrom&pohyby_DAT_do=$dateTo"
. "&protiucet=&kod_banky=&VS=&SS=&UID=&PEN_typ_pohybu=&smer="
. "&castka_min=&castka_max=";
return self::_baseURL . self::_filterPath . $params;

* Gets hisory URL
* @return string
public function historyURL()
return self::_baseURL . self::_historyPath . rawurlencode($this->_accountNumber);
* Gets download URL
* @return string
public function downloadURL()
return self::_baseURL . self::_downloadPath . rawurlencode($this->_accountNumber);

* Gets view URL
* @return string
public function viewURL()
return self::_baseURL . self::_viewPath . rawurlencode($this->_viewName);

* Gets cookie file
* @return string
public function cookieFile()
return self::_cookieFile;

* Username
* @var string
private $_username;
* Password
* @var string
private $_password;
* Account number
* @var integer
private $_accountNumber;
* View name
* @var string
private $_viewName;
