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Revize e06d653a

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před asi 9 roky(ů)

Bank statement file import download separated to do_download method in order to be allowed to averride default download behaviour.

Zobrazit rozdíly:

throw new Exception(__('Cannot prepare for statement download'));
// make download
$file_data = $this->do_download($bank_account, $settings, $url);
if ($file_data == FALSE)
throw new Exception(__('Import download has failed caused by: %s',
implode('<br>', $driver->get_errors())));
// import
return self::import($bank_account, $url, $type, $send_emails, $send_sms);
return self::import_loaded($bank_account, $file_data, $type,
$send_emails, $send_sms);
* Imports a bank statement placed in a file that is given by the filename
* to bank account that is given by its database model. Throws error
* exceptions with translated error description if any error occures.
* @param Bank_account_Model $bank_account Bank account ot which the statement
* is imported
* @param string $filename Full path to imported file
public static function import(Bank_account_Model $bank_account,
$filename, $ext, $send_emails = TRUE, $send_sms = FALSE)
$fd = @file_get_contents($filename);
if ($fd == FALSE)
$e = error_get_last();
$m = __('Cannot read from input file') . ' "' . $filename . '": '
. (isset($e['message']) ? $e['message'] : '');
throw new InvalidArgumentException($m);
return self::import_loaded($bank_account, $fd, $filename, $ext,
$send_emails, $send_sms);
* Imports a bank statement from given loaded file data to bank account
* that is given by its database model. Throws error exceptions with
* translated error description if any error occures.
* @param Bank_account_Model $bank_account Bank account ot which the statement
* is imported
* @param string $file_data Content to import
* @param string $filename Full path to imported file (for error messages)
* @param string $ext File extension
* @param boolean $send_emails Send notification of affected members by e-mail
* @param boolean $send_sms Send notification of affected members by sms
* @return Bank_statement_Model Stored statement
* @throws InvalidArgumentException On invalid file or bank account entity
* @throws Exception On any error during parsing or storing of statement
private static function import_loaded(Bank_account_Model $bank_account,
$file_data, $filename, $ext, $send_emails = TRUE, $send_sms = FALSE)
/* obtain driver */
$driver = self::factory($bank_account, $ext);
$driver->inform_affected_member_by_sms = $send_sms;
/* set file data */
$fd = @file_get_contents($filename);
if ($fd == FALSE)
$e = error_get_last();
$m = __('Cannot read from input file') . ' "' . $filename . '": '
. (isset($e['message']) ? $e['message'] : '');
throw new InvalidArgumentException($m);
if (empty($file_data))
throw new Exception(__('Invalid file data'));
/* check format */
if (!$driver->check_file_data_format())
return TRUE;
* This method enables to download a bank statement. By default it simply
* download file from the specified URL. If other type of download is needed
* that this method should be overriden.
* @param Bank_account_Model $bank_account
* @param Bank_Account_Settings $settings
* @param string $url Prepare download URL
* @return string Content of downloaded file
protected function do_download(Bank_account_Model $bank_account,
Bank_Account_Settings $settings, $url)
$fd = @file_get_contents($filename);
if ($fd == FALSE)
$e = error_get_last();
$m = __('Cannot download statement from ') . ' "' . $url . '": '
. (isset($e['message']) ? $e['message'] : '');
throw new InvalidArgumentException($m);
return $fd;
* Checks whether the file content that is stored into a fileData property
return FALSE;

Také k dispozici: Unified diff