<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Email helper class.
* $Id: email.php 1970 2008-02-06 21:54:29Z Shadowhand $
* @package Email Helper
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license http://kohanaphp.com/license.html
class email {
// SwiftMailer instance
protected static $mail;
* Creates a SwiftMailer instance.
* @param string DSN connection string
* @return object Swift object
public static function connect($config = NULL)
if ( ! class_exists('Swift', FALSE))
// Load SwiftMailer
require_once Kohana::find_file('vendor', 'swift/Swift');
// Register the Swift ClassLoader as an autoload
spl_autoload_register(array('Swift_ClassLoader', 'load'));
$email_driver = Settings::get('email_driver');
switch ($email_driver)
case 'smtp':
$conn_encryption = null;
switch (Settings::get('email_encryption')) {
case 'tsl':
$conn_encryption = Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_TLS;
case 'ssl':
$conn_encryption = Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_SSL;
// Create a SMTP connection
$connection = new Swift_Connection_SMTP
// Do authentication, if part of the DSN
(Settings::get('email_username')=='') or $connection->setUsername(Settings::get('email_username'));
(Settings::get('email_password')=='') or $connection->setPassword(Settings::get('email_password'));
// Set the timeout to 5 seconds
case 'sendmail':
// Create a sendmail connection
$connection = new Swift_Connection_Sendmail
* @todo Add config settings to email with sendmail
//empty($config['options']) ? Swift_Connection_Sendmail::AUTO_DETECT : $config['options']
// Set the timeout to 5 seconds
// Use the native connection
$connection = new Swift_Connection_NativeMail;
// Create the SwiftMailer instance
return self::$mail = new Swift($connection);
* Send an email message.
* @param string|array recipient email (and name)
* @param string|array sender email (and name)
* @param string message subject
* @param string message body
* @param boolean send email as HTML
* @return integer number of emails sent
public static function send($to, $from, $subject, $message, $html = FALSE)
// Connect to SwiftMailer
(self::$mail === NULL) and email::connect();
// Determine the message type
$html = ($html === TRUE) ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain';
// Create the message
$message = new Swift_Message($subject, $message, $html, '8bit', 'utf-8');
// Make a personalized From: address
$to = is_array($to) ? new Swift_Address($to[0], $to[1]) : new Swift_Address($to);
// Make a personalized From: address
$from = is_array($from) ? new Swift_Address($from[0], $from[1]) : new Swift_Address($from);
return self::$mail->send($message, $to, $from);
* Creates "show e-mail in browser" link
* @param string $hash
* @return string
public static function create_preview_link($hash = NULL)
if ($hash === NULL)
return '';
return '<a href="' . url_lang::base() . 'email/preview?id='. $hash. '">' . __('Show e-mail in browser') .
'</a><br /><br /><img src="' . url_lang::base() . 'email/displayed/?id=' . $hash . '" /><br />';
} // End email