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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Settings of whole FreenetIS.
* Settings are casched except passwords because of security.
class Settings
* Config model for getting values from database
* @var Config_Model
private static $config_model = NULL;
* Variable for cache
* @var array
private static $cache = array();
* Default values of settings
* @var array
private static $default_values = array
// default title of system
'title' => 'FreenetIS',
// DB schema version starts from zero
'db_schema_version' => 0,
// default currency is Czech crown
'currency' => 'CZK',
// self applicant registration is enabled by default
'self_registration' => 1,
// javascript is enabled by default
'use_javascript' => 1,
// display index.php in URL
'index_page' => 1,
// defaul email address
'email_default_email' => '',
// default upload directory is upload
'upload_directory' => 'upload',
// upload can remove spaces by default
'upload_remove_spaces' => 1,
// upload can create directorie by default
'upload_create_directories' => 1,
// default email driver
'email_driver' => 'native',
// default email port
'email_port' => 25,
// ulogd settings
'ulogd_enabled' => 1,
// time of last update of ulogd
'ulogd_update_last' => 0,
// interval of updating of ulogd (in seconds), default 1800s' => 30 minutes
'ulogd_update_interval' => 1800,
// count of the most traffic-active members to find, default 10% of members
'ulogd_active_count' => '10%',
// type of traffic of members to find, default download traffic
'ulogd_active_type' => 'download',
// allowed subnets is enabled by default
'allowed_subnets_enabled' => 1,
// time of last update of allowed subnets
'allowed_subnets_update_last' => 0,
// interval of updating of allowed subnets, default 60s
'allowed_subnets_update_interval' => 60,
// default count of allowed subnets
'allowed_subnets_default_count' => 1,
// if a deadlock came in, whole transaction may be executed again
// this property sets the max count of repeats of execution. (#284)
'db_trans_deadlock_repeats_count' => 4,
// if repeats (previous variable) are set as greater than 1, this
// timeout in ms defines time to next repeat of execution. (#284)
'db_trans_deadlock_repeats_timeout' => 100,
// default value for prefix of subject of notification
// e-mails to members
'email_subject_prefix' => 'FreenetIS',
// IP adresses states interval
'ip_addresses_states_interval' => 60,
// count of days in which new members will not be notificated
// to pay, default 14
'initial_immunity' => 14,
// count of days in which new members will not be blocked
// and notificated as debtor, default 35
'initial_debtor_immunity' => 35,
'redirection_port_self_cancel' => 80,
'qos_enabled' => 0,
'qos_active_speed' => '1M/2M',
// variables for local subnets update
'local_subnets_update_last' => 0,
'local_subnets_update_interval' => 86400,
// time threshold in minutes, before module is shown as inactive
'module_status_timeout' => 2
* Sets cache item if key of item does not contains word 'pass',
* because of security.
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
private static function cache_value_set($key, $value)
if (strstr($key, 'pass') === FALSE)
self::$cache[$key] = $value;
* Inits settings
* @return boolean
private static function init()
// not connected? connect!
if (!self::$config_model)
// create config model
self::$config_model = new Config_Model();
// get whole config table to memory
self::$cache = self::$config_model->get_all_values();
catch (Kohana_Database_Exception $e)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

* Function to get value from settings by given key
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param string $key Key of settings to find
* @return string Value from settings
public static function get($key, $cache = TRUE)
// init
// if cache is enabled, return it from it
if ($cache && isset(self::$cache[$key]))
return self::$cache[$key];

// try if query return exception, for example config table doesn't exist
$value = self::$config_model->get_value_from_name($key);
catch (Kohana_Database_Exception $e)
$value = '';

// if we find not-null value, return it
if (!empty($value))
self::cache_value_set($key, $value);
return $value;
// else return default value
else if (isset(self::$default_values[$key]))
self::cache_value_set($key, self::$default_values[$key]);
return self::$default_values[$key];
// in worst return value from config (from config.php)
$value = Config::get($key);
self::cache_value_set($key, $value);
return $value;

* Function to set up given value to given key
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param string $key Key to set up
* @param string $value Value to set up to key
* @return boolean
public static function set($key, $value)
// init

// try if query return exception, for example config table doesn't exist
$exists = self::$config_model->check_exist_variable($key);

// key already exists, update it
if ($exists && self::$config_model->update_variable($key, $value))
self::cache_value_set($key, $value);
return TRUE;
// key doesn't exist, create it
else if (self::$config_model->insert_variable($key, $value))
self::cache_value_set($key, $value);
return TRUE;
catch (Kohana_Database_Exception $e)
// database error, end
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
