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8baed187 Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Archive library zip driver.
* $Id: Zip.php 1924 2008-02-05 16:39:20Z Shadowhand $
* @package Cache
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license
class Archive_Zip_Driver implements Archive_Driver {

// Compiled directory structure
protected $dirs = '';

// Compiled archive data
protected $data = '';

// Offset location
protected $offset = 0;

public function create($paths, $filename = FALSE)
// Sort the paths to make sure that directories come before files

foreach ($paths as $set)
// Add each path individually
$this->add_data($set[0], $set[1], isset($set[2]) ? $set[2] : NULL);

// File data
$data = implode('', $this->data);

// Directory data
$dirs = implode('', $this->dirs);

$zipfile =
$data. // File data
$dirs. // Directory data
"\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00". // Directory EOF
pack('v', count($this->dirs)). // Total number of entries "on disk"
pack('v', count($this->dirs)). // Total number of entries in file
pack('V', strlen($dirs)). // Size of directories
pack('V', strlen($data)). // Offset to directories
"\x00\x00"; // Zip comment length

if ($filename == FALSE)
return $zipfile;

if (substr($filename, -3) != 'zip')
// Append zip extension
$filename .= '.zip';

// Create the file in binary write mode
$file = fopen($filename, 'wb');

// Lock the file
flock($file, LOCK_EX);

// Write the zip file
$return = fwrite($file, $zipfile);

// Unlock the file
flock($file, LOCK_UN);

// Close the file

return (bool) $return;

public function add_data($file, $name, $contents = NULL)
// Determine the file type: 16 = dir, 32 = file
$type = (substr($file, -1) === '/') ? 16 : 32;

// Fetch the timestamp, using the current time if manually setting the contents
$timestamp = date::unix2dos(($contents === NULL) ? filemtime($file) : time());

// Read the file or use the defined contents
$data = ($contents === NULL) ? file_get_contents($file) : $contents;

// Gzip the data, use substr to fix a CRC bug
$zdata = substr(gzcompress($data), 2, -4);

$this->data[] =
"\x50\x4b\x03\x04". // Zip header
"\x14\x00". // Version required for extraction
"\x00\x00". // General bit flag
"\x08\x00". // Compression method
pack('V', $timestamp). // Last mod time and date
pack('V', crc32($data)). // CRC32
pack('V', strlen($zdata)).// Compressed filesize
pack('V', strlen($data)). // Uncompressed filesize
pack('v', strlen($name)). // Length of file name
pack('v', 0). // Extra field length
$name. // File name
$zdata; // Compressed data

$this->dirs[] =
"\x50\x4b\x01\x02". // Zip header
"\x00\x00". // Version made by
"\x14\x00". // Version required for extraction
"\x00\x00". // General bit flag
"\x08\x00". // Compression method
pack('V', $timestamp). // Last mod time and date
pack('V', crc32($data)). // CRC32
pack('V', strlen($zdata)).// Compressed filesize
pack('V', strlen($data)). // Uncompressed filesize
pack('v', strlen($name)). // Length of file name
pack('v', 0). // Extra field length
// End "local file header"
// Start "data descriptor"
pack('v', 0). // CRC32
pack('v', 0). // Compressed filesize
pack('v', 0). // Uncompressed filesize
pack('V', $type). // File attribute type
pack('V', $this->offset). // Directory offset
$name; // File name

// Set the new offset
$this->offset = strlen(implode('', $this->data));

} // End Archive_Zip_Driver Class