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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Controller handles search throught whole system.
* @author Michal Kliment
class Search_Controller extends Controller
* Array with results of search
* @var array
private $results = array();

* Only redirects to method simple
* @author Michal Kliment
public function index()
url::redirect('search/simple/' . $this->input->get('keyword'));

* Base method, makes search.
* Search result is placed to property $results
* @author Ondrej Fibich, Michal Kliment
* @param string $keyword
* @param integer $limit Limit of results
private function search($keyword = NULL, $limit = NULL)
// trim and remove unrequired cars from keyword
$keyword = trim($keyword);
$mkeyword = preg_replace("/[\[\]!\"#$%&'()*+,\/:;<=>?@\^`{|}~-]/", ' ', $keyword);
// separate keywords
$keywords = explode(' ', preg_replace("/\s+/", ' ', $mkeyword));

// variations - if keyword contains many words (> 3) then only create
// variations that contains all words of keyword but only sorted in many
// ways. If keyword do not contain many words then make all variations.
// If keyword contains more then 5 words then disable variations at all.
$variation_keys = array();

if (count($keywords) <= 3) // all
for ($i = count($keywords); $i > 0; $i--)
$variation_keys = arr::merge($variation_keys, arr::variation($keywords, $i));
else if (count($keywords) > 5) // only keyword
$variation_keys = array($mkeyword);
else // only mixed keyword
$variation_keys = arr::variation($keywords, count($keywords));

// search model
$search_model = new Search_Model();

// search variables
$search_rules = Search_Model::get_rules_sorted_by_weight();
$sums = array();
$counts = array();
$total_counts = array();
$values = array();
// no rules => empty result
if (!count($search_rules))
$this->results = array();
// each rule should get oportunity to be searched (reserved limits)
$result_limit = !empty($limit) ? ceil($limit / count($search_rules)) : NULL;
$total_count = 0;
// foreach all search rules
foreach ($search_rules as $rule)
// networks is disabled
if (!Settings::get('networks_enabled') && (
$rule['model'] == 'device' ||
$rule['model'] == 'subnet' ||
$rule['model'] == 'link'
// search only in keyword by default
$searched_keys = array($keyword);
// variation enabled?
if (isset($rule['variation_enabled']) && $rule['variation_enabled'])
$searched_keys = $variation_keys;
// foreach variations
foreach ($searched_keys as $key)
if (isset($total_counts[$rule['model']]))
$total_counts[$rule['model']] = 1;

$result = $search_model->{$rule['method']}($key, $result_limit);

foreach ($result as $row)
$titled_value = url::title($row->value, ' ');
$percent = 0;
// test how much are texts similar
similar_text($titled_value, url::title($key, ' '), $percent);
// rating and informations about this result was not registered yet
if (!isset($sums[$rule['model']][$row->id]))
$sums[$rule['model']][$row->id] = 0;
$counts[$rule['model']][$row->id] = 0;
$values[$rule['model']][$row->id] = $row;
// weight to percentage
$weight = $rule['weight'];
// special treatment if value is same as keyword
if (!isset($rule['ignore_special_threatment']) ||
// keyword match with special threatment for
// login (we do want to mess tha members)
if (strtolower(trim($keyword)) == strtolower(trim($row->value)) &&
$rule['method'] != 'user_login')
$weight = 3.5;
// modified keyword match
if (strtolower(trim($mkeyword)) == strtolower(trim($row->value)))
$weight = 2.5;
// special treatment if titled value is same as titled modified keyword
else if (url::title($mkeyword) == $titled_value)
$weight = 2;
// special threatment for number results weight if they are equal
if ($rule['method'] == 'member_id' &&
intval($keyword) == intval($row->value))
// member ID is equal => increase weight of this result
$weight = 6;
else if ($rule['method'] == 'member_variable_symbol' &&
intval($keyword) == intval($row->value))
// variable key equals to key?
$weight = 6;
// add rating about the current result
$sums[$rule['model']][$row->id] += $percent * $weight;
// end if we have already enought results
if (!empty($limit) && $total_count >= $limit)
break 3;

$result_sums = array();

// transforms to 1-dimensional array
foreach ($sums as $model => $model_sums)
foreach ($model_sums as $id => $sum)
$result_sums[] = $sum;
$this->results[] = $values[$model][$id];
// sorts results
array_multisort($result_sums, SORT_DESC, $this->results, SORT_DESC);

* Simple searching, uses method search
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param string $keyword
* @param integer $limit_results
* @param integer $page_word
* @param integer $page
public function simple($keyword = NULL, $limit_results = 20,
$page_word = 'page', $page = 1)
// bad parameter
if (!$keyword)

// searching

$pagination = new Pagination(array
'base_url' => Config::get('lang') . '/search/simple/'
. $keyword . '/' . $limit_results,
'uri_segment' => 'page',
'total_items' => count($this->results),
'items_per_page' => $limit_results

$from = ($page - 1) * $limit_results;
$to = $page * $limit_results;

if ($to >= count($this->results))
$to = count($this->results) - 1;

$view = new View('main');
$view->keyword = $keyword;
$view->title = $keyword . ' - ' . __('Searching');
$view->content = new View('search/simple');
$view->content->keyword = $keyword;
$view->content->total_items = count($this->results);
$view->content->pagination = $pagination;
$view->content->results = $this->results;
$view->content->from = $from;
$view->content->to = $to;

* Ajax searching (for whisper)
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param integer $count do not change contans unless you know what it will cause!!
public function ajax($count = 150)
$keyword = $this->input->get('q');
$this->search($keyword, $count);

$view = new View('search/ajax');
$view->total_items = count($this->results);
$view->results = $this->results;
$view->keyword = $keyword;
