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* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Integration tests for Json_Fio_Bank_Statement_File_Importer library class
* that uses FreenetIS instalation with data located in importers.sql file.
* @author Ondřej Fibich <>
* @since 1.2
class Json_Fio_Bank_Statement_File_ImporterTest extends AbstractItCase
* FIO bank account ID - we know it from SQL script.
const FIO_ACCOUNT_ID = 1;

* User who made import.
const USER_ID = 1;

* @var Bank_account_Model
private $fio_account;

* Clears database and set init data located in SQL script file.
protected function setUp()
$it_db_script = __DIR__ . '/importers.sql';
->run_file(self::$connection, $it_db_script);
// load fio account
$this->fio_account = ORM::factory('bank_account', self::FIO_ACCOUNT_ID);
$this->assertEquals(self::FIO_ACCOUNT_ID, $this->fio_account->id);

* Test local JSON listing file import to FIO bank account of association.
* This integration test is able to test following features:
* - pairing of payments by their VS
* - double-entry transfers that are made from imported bank payments
* - double-entry transactional transfers
* - e-mail notification about accepted payment
* - JSON listing parsing
public function testImport()
// prepare global and bank double-entry accounts
$member_fees = ORM::factory('account')->get_account_by_attribute(
$operating = ORM::factory('account')->get_account_by_attribute(
$fio_ba = $this->fio_account->get_related_account_by_attribute_id(

/* Invalid test - bank account not match */
$json_invalid = __DIR__ .'/';
$json_invalid, 'json', 1, FALSE, FALSE);
$this->fail('should fail on bank account match');
catch (Exception $ex)

/* Valid test */
$json_valid = __DIR__ .'/';
$statement = Bank_Statement_File_Importer::import($this->fio_account,
$json_valid, 'json', self::USER_ID, TRUE, FALSE);
$this->assertEquals($this->fio_account->id, $statement->bank_account_id);
$this->assertEquals(195.00, $statement->opening_balance, '', 0.0001);
$this->assertEquals(196.00, $statement->closing_balance, '', 0.0001);
$this->assertEquals(strtotime('2012-07-27'), strtotime($statement->from));
$this->assertEquals(strtotime('2012-07-29'), strtotime($statement->to));
$this->assertEquals(1, $statement->user_id);
$trans = $statement->bank_transfers->as_array();
$this->assertEquals(1, count($trans));

//// 1 transaction: incoming valid VS and from bank account that already
//// exists in DB
$bt1 = $trans[0];
// bank transfer details
$this->assertEquals(1148734530, $bt1->transaction_code);
$this->assertEquals(0, $bt1->number);
$this->assertEquals('654123', $bt1->variable_symbol);
// origin account (existing with assigned member)
$this->assertEquals(2, $bt1->origin->id);
$this->assertEquals('2001345678', $bt1->origin->account_nr);
$this->assertEquals('0500', $bt1->origin->bank_nr);
$this->assertEquals(2, $bt1->origin->member_id);
// destination account is FIO
$this->assertEquals(self::FIO_ACCOUNT_ID, $bt1->destination_id);
// transfer is identified (MEMBER_FEES -> BANK)
$this->assertEquals($member_fees->id, $bt1->transfer->origin->id);
$this->assertEquals($fio_ba->id, $bt1->transfer->destination->id);
$this->assertEquals(2, $bt1->transfer->member_id);
$this->assertEquals(self::USER_ID, $bt1->transfer->user_id);
$this->assertEquals(1.00, $bt1->transfer->amount, '', 0.0001);
// depend transfers
$bt1_deps = $bt1->transfer->get_dependent_transfers()->as_array();
$this->assertEquals(2, count($bt1_deps));
$bt1_credit = $bt1->transfer->member->get_credit_account();
foreach ($bt1_deps as $dep)
// shared
$this->assertEquals($bt1->transfer->member_id, $dep->member_id);
$this->assertEquals($bt1->transfer->id, $dep->previous_transfer_id);
$this->assertEquals(self::USER_ID, $dep->user_id);
$this->assertEquals(strtotime('2012-07-27'), strtotime($dep->datetime));
// different for each transaction
if ($dep->amount == 30) // transact fee
$this->assertEquals($bt1_credit->id, $dep->origin_id);
$this->assertEquals($operating->id, $dep->destination_id);
else // payment
$this->assertEquals($this->fio_account->id, $dep->origin_id);
$this->assertEquals($bt1_credit->id, $dep->destination_id);

//// e-mail notification, only one should be sended to kucera other
/// because bacigala do not have e-mail
$eq = new Email_queue_Model;
$emails = $eq->find_all()->as_array();
$this->assertEquals(1, count($emails));
$this->assertEquals('', $emails[0]->to);
$this->assertEquals('Hello Milan Kučera,<br /><br />'
. 'Your payment has been accepted into FreenetIS.<br/>'
. 'Your current balance is: -29,-', $emails[0]->body);
