<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is release under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* More info about project can be found:
* http://www.freenetis.org/
* Bank transfers
* @package Model
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $origin_id
* @property Bank_account_Model $origin
* @property integer $destination_id
* @property Bank_account_Model $destination
* @property integer $transfer_id
* @property Transfer_Model $transfer
* @property integer $bank_statement_id
* @property Bank_statement_Model $bank_statement
* @property integer $transaction_code
* @property integer $number
* @property integer $variable_symbol
* @property integer $constant_symbol
* @property integer $specific_symbol
* @property string $comment
class Bank_transfer_Model extends ORM
protected $belongs_to = array
'origin' => 'bank_account',
'destination' => 'bank_account',
'transfer', 'bank_statement'
* Contruct of app, shutdown action logs by default
* @param type $id
public function __construct($id = NULL)
// disable action log
* It gets all bank transfers of given bank account.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param $account_id
* @param $limit_from
* @param $limit_results
* @param $order_by
* @param $order_by_direction
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_bank_transfers(
$ba_id = null, $limit_from = 0, $limit_results = 20, $order_by = 'id',
$order_by_direction = 'DESC', $filter_sql = '')
$where = '';
// order by check
if ($order_by == 'amount')
$order_by = 'IF(bt.destination_id = '.intval($ba_id).', amount, amount*-1 )';
else if (!$this->has_column($order_by))
$order_by = 'id';
// order by direction check
if (strtolower($order_by_direction) != 'desc')
$order_by_direction = 'asc';
// filter
if (!empty($filter_sql))
$where = "AND $filter_sql";
// query
return $this->db->query("
SELECT bt.id, ba.account_nr, ba.bank_nr, ba.name, t.datetime,
t.text, IF(bt.destination_id = ?, t.amount, -t.amount) AS amount,
bt.variable_symbol, bt.transfer_id
FROM bank_transfers bt
LEFT JOIN bank_accounts ba ON ba.id = IF (bt.origin_id = ?, bt.destination_id, bt.origin_id)
LEFT JOIN transfers t ON t.id = bt.transfer_id
WHERE (bt.origin_id = ? OR bt.destination_id = ?)
ORDER BY $order_by $order_by_direction
LIMIT " . intval($limit_from) . ", " . intval($limit_results) . "
", array($ba_id, $ba_id, $ba_id, $ba_id));
* It counts all bank transfers of given bank account.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param $account_id
* @return integer
public function count_bank_transfers($ba_id, $filter_sql = '')
$where = '';
if (!empty($filter_sql))
$where = "AND $filter_sql";
// query
return $this->db->query("
FROM bank_transfers bt
LEFT JOIN bank_accounts ba ON ba.id = IF (bt.origin_id = ?, bt.destination_id, bt.origin_id)
LEFT JOIN transfers t ON t.id = bt.transfer_id
WHERE (bt.origin_id = ? OR bt.destination_id = ?)
", array($ba_id, $ba_id, $ba_id))->current()->total;
* Gets bank transfers by bank statement.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param $bs_id
* @param $limit_from
* @param $limit_results
* @param $order_by
* @param $order_by_direction
* @param $filter_values
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_bank_transfers_by_statement(
$bs_id = null, $limit_from = 0, $limit_results = 20, $order_by = 'id',
$order_by_direction = 'DESC', $filter_values = array())
// order by direction check
if (strtolower($order_by_direction) != 'desc')
$order_by_direction = 'asc';
// query
return $this->db->query("
SELECT bt.id, ba.account_nr, ba.bank_nr, ba.name, t.datetime, t.text,
IF(bt.destination_id = (
SELECT DISTINCT bank_account_id
FROM bank_statements
WHERE id = ?
), t.amount, -t.amount) AS amount,
bt.variable_symbol, bt.transfer_id
FROM bank_transfers bt
LEFT JOIN transfers t ON t.id = bt.transfer_id
LEFT JOIN bank_accounts ba ON ba.id = IF(bt.origin_id = (
SELECT DISTINCT bank_account_id
FROM bank_statements
WHERE id = ?
), bt.destination_id, bt.origin_id)
WHERE bt.bank_statement_id = ?
ORDER BY ".$this->db->escape_column($order_by)." $order_by_direction
LIMIT " . intval($limit_from) . ", " . intval($limit_results) . "
", array($bs_id, $bs_id, $bs_id));
* It counts all bank transfers of given bank account.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param $account_id
* @return integer
public function count_bank_transfers_by_statement($bs_id, $filter_values = array())
return $this->db->count_records('bank_transfers', array
'bank_statement_id' => $bs_id
* Gets sum of member fees on statement. Used for summary of imported bank statement.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param unknown_type $bs_id
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_sum_of_member_fees_by_statement($bs_id)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT SUM(amount) AS member_fees
FROM transfers t
JOIN bank_transfers bt ON bt.transfer_id = t.id
JOIN accounts a ON a.id = t.origin_id
WHERE a.account_attribute_id = ? AND bt.bank_statement_id = ?
", array(Account_attribute_Model::MEMBER_FEES, $bs_id))->current()->member_fees;
* @param unknown_type $bs_id
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_sum_of_interests_by_statement($bs_id)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT SUM(amount) AS interests
FROM transfers t
JOIN bank_transfers bt ON bt.transfer_id = t.id
JOIN accounts a ON a.id = t.origin_id
WHERE a.account_attribute_id = ? AND bt.bank_statement_id = ?
", array(Account_attribute_Model::BANK_INTERESTS, $bs_id))->current()->interests;
* @param unknown_type $bs_id
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_sum_of_inbound_by_statement($bs_id)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT SUM(amount) AS inbound
FROM transfers t
JOIN bank_transfers bt ON bt.transfer_id = t.id
JOIN accounts a ON a.id = t.destination_id
WHERE a.account_attribute_id = ? AND bt.bank_statement_id = ?
", array(Account_attribute_Model::BANK, $bs_id))->current()->inbound;
* @param unknown_type $bs_id
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_sum_of_bank_fees_by_statement($bs_id)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT SUM(amount) AS bank_fees
FROM transfers t
JOIN bank_transfers bt ON bt.transfer_id = t.id
JOIN accounts a ON a.id = t.destination_id
WHERE a.account_attribute_id = ? AND bt.bank_statement_id = ?
", array(Account_attribute_Model::BANK_FEES, $bs_id))->current()->bank_fees;
* @param unknown_type $bs_id
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_sum_of_suppliers_by_statement($bs_id)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT SUM(amount) AS suppliers
FROM transfers t
JOIN bank_transfers bt ON bt.transfer_id = t.id
JOIN accounts a ON a.id = t.destination_id
WHERE a.account_attribute_id = ? AND bt.bank_statement_id = ?
", array(Account_attribute_Model::SUPPLIERS, $bs_id))->current()->suppliers;
* @param unknown_type $bs_id
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_sum_of_outbound_by_statement($bs_id)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT SUM(amount) AS outbound
FROM transfers t
JOIN bank_transfers bt ON bt.transfer_id = t.id
JOIN accounts a ON a.id = t.origin_id
WHERE a.account_attribute_id = ? AND bt.bank_statement_id = ?
", array(Account_attribute_Model::BANK, $bs_id))->current()->outbound;
* It gets unidentified member fees transfers from db.
* Unidentified transfer is that with member_id=0.
* We could also find unidentified transfer using previous_transfer_id by this condition:
* WHERE srct.id NOT
* IN (
* SELECT previous_transfer_id
* FROM transfers asst
* JOIN accounts ac ON ac.id = asst.destination_id
* AND ac.account_attribute_id =".Account_attribute_Model::CREDIT."
* )
* @author Jiri Svitak, Tomas Dulik
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_unidentified_transfers(
$limit_from = 0, $limit_results = 500, $order_by = 'id',
$order_by_direction = 'asc', $filter_sql = "")
$where = '';
// order by direction check
if (strtolower($order_by_direction) != 'desc')
$order_by_direction = 'asc';
// filter
if (!empty($filter_sql))
$where = "WHERE $filter_sql";
// srct contains all source transactions, asst contains all transfers assigned to credit accounts
return $this->db->query("
SELECT srct.id, srct.datetime, srct.amount, srct.text,
bt.variable_symbol, ba.account_nr, ba.bank_nr, ba.name
FROM transfers srct
JOIN accounts a ON a.id = srct.origin_id
AND (srct.member_id = 0 OR srct.member_id IS NULL)
AND a.account_attribute_id = ?
JOIN bank_transfers bt ON bt.transfer_id = srct.id
LEFT JOIN bank_accounts ba ON ba.id = bt.origin_id
ORDER BY ".$this->db->escape_column($order_by)." $order_by_direction
LIMIT ". intval($limit_from).", ".intval($limit_results) . "
", array(Account_attribute_Model::MEMBER_FEES));
* Function gets count of unidentified transfers
* @return integer
public function count_unidentified_transfers($filter_sql = "")
$where = '';
// filter
if (!empty($filter_sql))
$where = "WHERE $filter_sql";
// filter
return $this->db->query("
SELECT COUNT(srct.id) as total
FROM transfers srct
JOIN accounts a ON a.id = srct.origin_id
AND (srct.member_id = 0 OR srct.member_id IS NULL)
AND a.account_attribute_id = ?
JOIN bank_transfers bt ON bt.transfer_id = srct.id
LEFT JOIN bank_accounts ba ON ba.id = bt.origin_id
", array(Account_attribute_Model::MEMBER_FEES))->current()->total;
* It gets transfer including bank transfer information. Assigned bank transfer must exist.
* @param $trans_id
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_bank_transfer($trans_id)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT oba.id AS oba_id, oba.name AS oba_name,
CONCAT(oba.account_nr, '/', oba.bank_nr) AS oba_number,
m.id AS oba_member_id, m.name AS oba_member_name,
dba.id AS dba_id, dba.name AS dba_name,
CONCAT(dba.account_nr, '/', dba.bank_nr) AS dba_number,
m2.id AS dba_member_id, m2.name AS dba_member_name,
t.id, t.origin_id, t.destination_id, t.datetime,
t.creation_datetime, t.text, t.amount, bt.id AS bt_id,
bt.variable_symbol, bt.constant_symbol, bt.specific_symbol,
bt.bank_statement_id, bt.transaction_code
FROM transfers t
JOIN bank_transfers bt ON t.id = bt.transfer_id
LEFT JOIN bank_accounts oba ON oba.id = bt.origin_id
LEFT JOIN bank_accounts dba ON dba.id = bt.destination_id
LEFT JOIN members m ON oba.member_id = m.id
LEFT JOIN members m2 ON dba.member_id = m2.id
WHERE t.id = ?
", $trans_id)->current();
* @author Tomas Dulik
* @return Mysql_Result object containing possible duplicities
* @param $data - object containing info about a bank transfer (from the bank account listing)
* parsed_acc_nr => 184932848 //cislo parsovaneho uctu
* parsed_acc_bank_nr=> 2400 //cislo banky parsovaneho uctu
* number => 1 //cislo vypisu
* date_time => 2008-03-25 05:40 //datum a cas
* comment => Rozpis polozek uveden v soupisu prevodu
* name => CESKA POSTA, S.P.
* account_nr => 160987123
* account_bank_nr = 0300
* type => Příchozí platba
* variable_symbol => 9081000001
* constant_symbol => 998
* specific_symbol => 9876543210
* amount => 720.00
* fee => -6.90
* The cardinalities of a real-life bank_transfers JOIN transfers table with 10453 rows:
* datetime:4165, text:3063, variable_symbol:2173 bt.origin_id:1912
public function get_duplicities($data)
if (!is_object($data))
return false;
$cond_number = '';
$cond_vs = 'IS NULL';
if (!empty($data->variable_symbol))
$cond_vs = '=' . $this->db->escape_str($data->variable_symbol);
if (!empty($data->number))
$cond_number = 'AND bt.number=' . $this->db->escape($data->number);
return $this->db->query("
SELECT t.datetime, t.creation_datetime, t.text, bt.*
FROM bank_transfers AS bt
JOIN transfers AS t ON bt.transfer_id=t.id
AND t.datetime = ?
AND t.text = ?
AND bt.variable_symbol $cond_vs
", array($data->date_time, $data->comment));
* Checks duplicities by comparing given transaction codes and
* searching them in the database. Successful search means duplicity.
* Used in Fio importer.
* Based on assumption, that bank has unique transaction codes in its scope.
* It is not necessary to check bank code here, because bank account number
* and bank code are checked before saving transfers.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param array $transaction_codes
* @return array
public function get_transaction_code_duplicities($transaction_codes, $bank_account_id)
if (!is_array($transaction_codes) || !count($transaction_codes))
return array();
$codes = implode(',', array_map('intval', $transaction_codes));
$duplicities = $this->db->query("
SELECT bt.transaction_code
FROM bank_transfers bt
LEFT JOIN bank_statements bs ON bs.id = bt.bank_statement_id
LEFT JOIN bank_accounts ba ON ba.id = bs.bank_account_id
WHERE bt.transaction_code IN (" . $codes . ")
AND ba.id = ?
", $bank_account_id);
$duplicate_transaction_codes = array();
foreach ($duplicities as $duplicity)
$duplicate_transaction_codes[] = $duplicity->transaction_code;
return $duplicate_transaction_codes;
* Gets last transaction code of the given bank account.
* @see Fio_Bank_Statement_Importer
* @param integer $bank_account_id
* @return integer|null
public function get_last_transaction_code_of($bank_account_id)
$result = $this->db->query("
SELECT MAX(bt.transaction_code) AS last_tc
FROM bank_transfers bt
JOIN bank_statements bs ON bt.bank_statement_id = bs.id
WHERE bs.bank_account_id = ?
", $bank_account_id);
if ($result->count())
return $result->current()->last_tc;
return NULL;