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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is release under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* The "Export_Member_Api" end point class that provides member data for export
* at API path "/export/member".
* @Consumes(application/json)
* @Produces(application/json)
class Export_Member_Api

* @GET
* @Path(/{id:\d+})
public function get_member($id)
$member = new Member_Model($id);
$user_id = $member->get_main_user();
$user = new User_Model($user_id);

$phones = $this->get_contacts($user_id, Contact_Model::TYPE_PHONE);
$emails = $this->get_contacts($user_id, Contact_Model::TYPE_EMAIL);

return array
'member' => $member->as_array(),
'user' => self::user_to_array($user),
'address_point' => self::ap_to_array($member->address_point),
'address_point_dom' => self::ap_to_array($member->members_domicile->address_point),
'emails' => $emails,
'phones' => $phones
private function get_contacts($user_id, $contact_type) {
$model = new Contact_Model();
$contacts = $model->find_all_users_contacts($user_id, $contact_type);
$values = array();
foreach ($contacts as $p)
$values[] = $p->value;
return $values;
private static function ap_to_array($ap)
if (!$ap->id)
return NULL;

return array
'country' => $ap->country->country_name,
'town' => $ap->town->town,
'quarter' => $ap->town->quarter,
'zip_code' => $ap->town->zip_code,
'street' => $ap->street->street,
'street_number' => $ap->street_number

private static function user_to_array($user)
return array
'id' => $user->id,
'type' => $user->type,
'login' => $user->login,
'member_id' => $user->member_id,
'pre_title' => $user->pre_title,
'name' => $user->name,
'middle_name' => $user->middle_name,
'surname' => $user->surname,
'post_title' => $user->post_title,
'birthday' => $user->birthday,
'comment' => $user->comment
