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Revize 53b26671

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před asi 9 roky(ů)

Default do_download error handling fix. WS polishing (tabs not expanded).

Zobrazit rozdíly:

// make download
$file_data = $this->do_download($bank_account, $settings, $url);
if ($file_data == FALSE)
if ($file_data === FALSE)
throw new Exception(__('Import download has failed caused by: %s',
implode('<br>', $driver->get_errors())));
* @param Bank_account_Model $bank_account
* @param Bank_Account_Settings $settings
* @param string $url Prepare download URL
* @return string Content of downloaded file
* @return string Content of downloaded file or FALSE on error
protected function do_download(Bank_account_Model $bank_account,
Bank_Account_Settings $settings, $url)
$e = error_get_last();
$m = __('Cannot download statement from ') . ' "' . $url . '": '
. (isset($e['message']) ? $e['message'] : '');
throw new InvalidArgumentException($m);
return FALSE;
return $fd;

Také k dispozici: Unified diff