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31ca0a32 Michal Kliment
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

require dirname(__FILE__) . '/Fio_Bank_Statement_File_Importer.php';
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/Fio/FioParser.php';

* FIO importer for statements in CSV format that are obtained from the FIO
* e-banking portal.
* It uses old version of driver for parsing.
* @author Ondrej Fibich
* @since 1.1
class Csv_Fio_Bank_Statement_File_Importer extends Fio_Bank_Statement_File_Importer
* Data reprezentation of import.
* @var array
private $data = NULL;
* @Override
protected function check_file_data_format()
// reset
$this->data = NULL;
// convert encoding
$this->set_file_data(iconv('cp1250', 'UTF-8', $this->get_file_data()));
// parse (we have no function for checking)
// parse
$this->data = FioParser::parseCSV($this->get_file_data());
// correct data
foreach ($this->data as &$row)
if ($row['mena'] != 'CZK')
throw new Exception(__('Unknown currency %s!', $row['mena']));

// convert date
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{4}\.$/', $row['datum']) !== FALSE)
$date_arr = explode('.', $row['datum']);
$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_arr[1], $date_arr[0], $date_arr[2]);
$row['datum'] = date('Y-m-d', $timestamp);

// only transfer from Fio to Fio have 'nazev_protiuctu'
// for accounts in other banks we have to derive account name
if (!$row['nazev_protiuctu'] && $row['identifikace'])
$row['nazev_protiuctu'] = $row['identifikace'];

// convert from cents
$row['castka'] /= 100;

// ok
return TRUE;
catch (Exception $e)
$this->data = NULL;
$this->add_exception_error($e, FALSE);
return FALSE;

* @Override
protected function get_header_data()
if (empty($this->data))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Check CSV first');
$fio_ph = FioParser::getListingHeader();
$hd = new Header_Data($fio_ph['account_nr'], $fio_ph['bank_nr']);
$hd->currency = 'CZK';
$hd->openingBalance = $fio_ph['opening_balance'];
$hd->closingBalance = $fio_ph['closing_balance'];
$hd->dateStart = $fio_ph['from'];
$hd->dateEnd = $fio_ph['to'];
return $hd;

* @Override
protected function parse_file_data()
// already parsed
return !empty($this->data);

* @Override
protected function get_parsed_transactions()
return $this->data;