Refs #1102: Fix order of values for selectable filters. Even if data were returned from DB in valid order the JavaScript object serialization caused that order was malformed due to usage of associative JavaScript arrays. Newly each value if stored as an array with 2 items (key, name). This new approach keeps the order. This does not fix just filters for cloud in members but all selectable filters in the system.
Související úkoly
Požadavek #1102: Řazení oblastí podle abecedy u filtru na seznamu všech členů
Refs #1102: Fix order of values for selectable filters. Even if data were returned from DB in valid order the JavaScript object serialization caused that order was malformed due to usage of associative JavaScript arrays. Newly each value if stored as an array with 2 items (key, name). This new approach keeps the order. This does not fix just filters for cloud in members but all selectable filters in the system.