<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* More info about project can be found:
* http://www.freenetis.org/
* Controller display statistic from different parts of system.
* @author Michal Kliment
* @package Controller
class Stats_Controller extends Controller
* Links
* @var string
private $links;
* Construct function
* Generates menu
* @author Michal Kliment
public function __construct()
$array = array();
if ($this->acl_check_view('Stats_Controller', 'members_increase_decrease'))
$array[] = html::anchor(
__('Increase and decrease of members')
if ($this->acl_check_view('Stats_Controller', 'members_growth'))
$array[] = html::anchor('stats/members_growth', __('Growth of members'));
if (Settings::get('finance_enabled'))
if ($this->acl_check_view('Stats_Controller', 'incoming_member_payment'))
$array[] = html::anchor(
'stats/incoming_member_payment', __('Incoming member payment')
if ($this->acl_check_view('Stats_Controller', 'members_fees'))
$array[] = html::anchor('stats/members_fees', __('Member fees'));
$this->links = implode(' | ', $array);
* Index function
* Redirects to function by acl
* @author Michal Kliment
public function index()
if ($this->acl_check_view('Stats_Controller', 'members_increase_decrease'))
if ($this->acl_check_view('Stats_Controller', 'members_growth'))
if ($this->acl_check_view('Stats_Controller', 'incoming_member_payment'))
* Function to show increase of members in each month of being of association
* @author Michal Kliment
public function members_increase_decrease()
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_view('Stats_Controller', 'members_increase_decrease'))
// creates instance of member ID=1 (Association)
$association = new Member_Model(1);
$first_entrance_date = date_parse($association->entrance_date);
// creates new member model
$member_model = new Member_Model();
$last_entrance = $member_model->orderby('entrance_date', 'desc')
$last_entrance_date = $last_entrance && $last_entrance->entrance_date != ''
? $last_entrance->entrance_date : date("Y-m-d");
$filter_form = new Filter_form('m');
->default(Filter_form::OPER_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, $association->entrance_date)
->default(Filter_form::OPER_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL, $last_entrance_date)
$month = $first_entrance_date['month'];
$year = $first_entrance_date['year'];
$counts = array();
$dates = $member_model->get_all_entrance_and_leaving_dates(
foreach ($dates as $date)
$parse_date = date_parse($date->date);
if (!isset($counts[$parse_date['year']][$parse_date['month']]))
$counts[$parse_date['year']][$parse_date['month']] = array
'increase' => 0,
'decrease' => 0
$counts[$parse_date['year']][$parse_date['month']]['increase'] += $date->increase;
$counts[$parse_date['year']][$parse_date['month']]['decrease'] += $date->decrease;
// grid with lis of users
$grid = new Grid('members', null, array
'separator' => '<br /><br />',
'use_paginator' => false,
'use_selector' => false,
$view = new View('main');
$view->google_jsapi_enabled = TRUE;
$view->content = new View('stats/members_increase_decrease');
$view->content->js_data_array_str = '';
$year = $max_year = $month = $max_month = NULL;
$counts_year_keys = array_keys($counts);
if (!empty($counts_year_keys))
$year = min($counts_year_keys);
$max_year = max($counts_year_keys);
$counts_month_keys = array_keys($counts[$year]);
if (!empty($counts_month_keys))
$month = min(array_keys($counts[$year]));
$max_month = max(array_keys($counts[$max_year]));
$max_date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(
0, 0, 0, $max_month, count(date::days($max_month)), $max_year
while (($date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year))) <= $max_date)
if (isset($counts[$year][$month]))
$view->content->js_data_array_str .= "['$month/$year', "
. $counts[$year][$month]['increase'] . ", "
. $counts[$year][$month]['decrease'] . "],";
$view->content->js_data_array_str .= "['$month/$year', 0, 0],";
// iterate to next month
if ($month == 13)
$month = 1;
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
->text('Increase and decrease of members');
$view->title = __('Increase and decrease of members');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs->html();
$view->content->link_back = $this->links;
$view->content->filter_form = $filter_form;
$view->content->grid = $grid;
* Function to show growth of members in each month of being of association
* @author Michal Kliment
public function members_growth()
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_view('Stats_Controller', 'members_growth'))
// creates new member model
$member_model = new Member_Model();
// finds all members
$members = $member_model->orderby('entrance_date')->find_all();
// creates instance of member ID=1 (Association)
$association = new Member_Model(1);
$association_entrance_date = date_parse($association->entrance_date);
$entrances = array();
$leavings = array();
$max = 0;
foreach ($members as $member)
// parses date from datetime to array
$entrance_date = date_parse(date::month($member->entrance_date));
// someone just entranced this month
if (isset($entrances[$entrance_date['year']][$entrance_date['month']]))
// this is first member who entranced this month
$entrances[$entrance_date['year']][$entrance_date['month']] = 1;
// only if leaving date is not empty
if ($member->leaving_date != '0000-00-00')
// parses date from datetime to array
$leaving_date = date_parse(date::month($member->leaving_date));
// someone just leaved this month
if (isset($leavings[$leaving_date['year']][$leaving_date['month']]))
// this is first member who leaved this month
$leavings[$leaving_date['year']][$leaving_date['month']] = 1;
$labels = array();
$values = array();
$month = array();
$x = 0;
// we draw graph from first month of association´s foundation year to current month of current year
for ($i = $association_entrance_date['year']; $i <= date("Y"); $i++)
for ($j = 1; $j <= 12; $j++)
// we draw label only for first month of year
$labels[$x] = ($j == 1) ? $i : ' ';
// cycle just ran, uses previously value
if ($x)
$values[$x] = $values[$x - 1];
if (isset($entrances[$i][$j]))
$values[$x] += $entrances[$i][$j];
if (isset($leavings[$i][$j]))
$values[$x] -= $leavings[$i][$j];
// first run of cycle
$values[$x] = (isset($entrances[$i][$j])) ? $entrances[$i][$j] : 0;
// finding max, important for drawing graph
if ($values[$x] > $max)
$max = $values[$x];
if ((
$i > $association_entrance_date['year'] &&
$i < date("Y")
) || (
$i == date("Y") &&
$j <= date("m")
) || (
$i == $association_entrance_date['year'] &&
$j >= $association_entrance_date['month']
$months[$x] = __('' . Date::$months[$j]) . ' ' . $i;
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
->text('Growth of members');
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Growth of members');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs->html();
$view->content = new View('stats/members_growth');
$view->content->link_back = $this->links;
$view->content->labels = $labels;
$view->content->values = $values;
$view->content->months = $months;
$view->content->max = $max;
* Function to show graph of incoming member payment
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param integer $start_year
* @param integer $end_year
public function incoming_member_payment($start_year = NULL, $end_year = NULL)
// access control
if (!Settings::get('finance_enabled') ||
!$this->acl_check_view('Stats_Controller', 'incoming_member_payment'))
// form is posted
if (isset($_POST) && $_POST)
$start_year = $_POST['start_year'];
$end_year = $_POST['end_year'];
if ($end_year < $start_year)
$end_year = $start_year;
// redirect to this method with correct parameters
'stats/incoming_member_payment/' .
$start_year . '/' . $end_year
$values = array();
$labels = array();
$months = array();
$x = 0;
$max = 0;
// creates instance of member ID=1 (Association)
$association = new Member_Model(Member_Model::ASSOCIATION);
$association_entrance_date = date_parse($association->entrance_date);
// start year is not set, use date of creation of association
if (!$start_year)
$start_year = $association_entrance_date['year'];
// end year is not set, use current year
if (!$end_year)
$end_year = date("Y");
// check end year
if ($end_year < $start_year)
$end_year = $start_year;
$years = array();
for ($i = $association_entrance_date['year']; $i <= date("Y"); $i++)
$years[$i] = $i;
$transfer_model = new Transfer_Model();
$amounts = $transfer_model->get_all_monthly_amounts_of_incoming_member_payment();
// gets all amount of member payment by months
$arr_amounts = array();
foreach ($amounts as $amount)
$arr_amounts[$amount->year][(int) $amount->month] = $amount->amount;
// we draw graph
for ($i = $start_year; $i <= $end_year; $i++)
for ($j = 1; $j <= 12; $j++)
// draw label only 12 times
if ($x % ($end_year - $start_year + 1) == 0)
// we draw label only for first month of year
$labels[$x] = $j . ' / ' . substr($i, 2, 2);
$labels[$x] = ' ';
$values[$x] = (isset($arr_amounts[$i][$j])) ? $arr_amounts[$i][$j] : 0;
// finding max, important for drawing graph
if ($values[$x] > $max)
$max = $values[$x];
if ((
$i > $association_entrance_date['year'] &&
$i < date("Y")
) || (
$i == date("Y") &&
$j <= date("m")
) || (
$i == $association_entrance_date['year'] &&
$j >= $association_entrance_date['month']
$months[$x] = __('' . date::$months[$j]) . ' ' . $i;
// round max
$max = ceil($max);
$max = (substr($max, 0, 2) + 1) . num::null_fill(0, strlen($max) - 2);
// calculation of correct rates of axes
$y_count = substr($max, 0, 2);
while ($y_count > 25)
$y_count /= 2;
$x_rate = num::decimal_point(round(100 / (($end_year - $start_year + 1) * 12 - 1), 5));
$y_rate = num::decimal_point(round(100 / $y_count, 5));
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
->text('Incoming member payment in the period')
->text($start_year . '-' . $end_year);
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Incoming member payment');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs->html();
$view->content = new View('stats/members_monthly_payments_and_fees');
$view->content->headline = __('Incoming member payment');
$view->content->x_rate = $x_rate;
$view->content->y_rate = $y_rate;
$view->content->link_back = $this->links;
$view->content->labels = $labels;
$view->content->values = $values;
$view->content->months = $months;
$view->content->max = $max;
$view->content->start_year = $start_year;
$view->content->end_year = $end_year;
$view->content->years = $years;
* Function to show graph of member member fees by month
* @author Michal Kliment, Ondřej Fibich
* @param integer $start_year
* @param integer $end_year
public function members_fees($start_year = NULL, $end_year = NULL)
// access control
if (!Settings::get('finance_enabled') ||
!$this->acl_check_view('Stats_Controller', 'members_fees'))
// form is posted
if (isset($_POST) && $_POST)
$start_year = $_POST['start_year'];
$end_year = $_POST['end_year'];
if ($end_year < $start_year)
$end_year = $start_year;
// redirect to this method with correct parameters
'stats/members_fees/' . $start_year . '/' . $end_year
$values = array();
$labels = array();
$months = array();
$x = 0;
$max = 0;
// creates instance of member ID=1 (Association)
$association = new Member_Model(Member_Model::ASSOCIATION);
$association_entrance_date = date_parse($association->entrance_date);
// start year is not set, use date of creation of association
if (!$start_year)
$start_year = $association_entrance_date['year'];
// end year is not set, use current year
if (!$end_year)
$end_year = date('Y');
// check end year
if ($end_year < $start_year)
$end_year = $start_year;
$years = array();
for ($i = $association_entrance_date['year']; $i <= date('Y'); $i++)
$years[$i] = $i;
$transfer_model = new Transfer_Model();
$amounts = $transfer_model->get_grouped_monthly_member_fees();
// gets all amount of member payment by months
$arr_amounts = array();
foreach ($amounts as $amount)
$arr_amounts[$amount->year][(int) $amount->month] = $amount->amount;
// we draw graph
for ($i = $start_year; $i <= $end_year; $i++)
for ($j = 1; $j <= 12; $j++)
// draw label only 12 times
if ($x % ($end_year - $start_year + 1) == 0)
// we draw label only for first month of year
$labels[$x] = $j . ' / ' . substr($i, 2, 2);
$labels[$x] = ' ';
$values[$x] = (isset($arr_amounts[$i][$j])) ? $arr_amounts[$i][$j] : 0;
// finding max, important for drawing graph
if ($values[$x] > $max)
$max = $values[$x];
if ((
$i > $association_entrance_date['year'] &&
$i < date("Y")
) || (
$i == date("Y") &&
$j <= date("m")
) || (
$i == $association_entrance_date['year'] &&
$j >= $association_entrance_date['month']
$months[$x] = __('' . date::$months[$j]) . ' ' . $i;
// round max
$max = (substr($max, 0, 2) + 1) . num::null_fill(0, strlen($max) - 2);
// calculation of correct rates of axes
$y_count = substr($max, 0, 2);
while ($y_count > 25)
$y_count /= 2;
$x_rate = num::decimal_point(round(100 / (($end_year - $start_year + 1) * 12 - 1), 5));
$y_rate = num::decimal_point(round(100 / $y_count, 5));
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
->text('Member fees')
->text($start_year . '-' . $end_year);
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = __('Member fees');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs->html();
$view->content = new View('stats/members_monthly_payments_and_fees');
$view->content->headline = __('Member fees');
$view->content->x_rate = $x_rate;
$view->content->y_rate = $y_rate;
$view->content->link_back = $this->links;
$view->content->labels = $labels;
$view->content->values = $values;
$view->content->months = $months;
$view->content->max = $max;
$view->content->start_year = $start_year;
$view->content->end_year = $end_year;
$view->content->years = $years;