<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is release under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* More info about project can be found:
* http://www.freenetis.org/
* IP addreess of interface. Addresses may be grouped to a subnet with a same mask.
* @package Model
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $iface_id
* @property Iface_Model $iface
* @property integer $subnet_id
* @property Subnet_Model $subnet
* @property string $ip_address
* @property bool $dhcp
* @property bool $gateway
* @property bool $service
* @property integer $member_id
* @property Member_Model $member
class Ip_address_Model extends ORM
protected $belongs_to = array('iface', 'subnet', 'member');
* No whitelist means, that is ip address can be redirected in any time
* (typical state)
const NO_WHITELIST = 0;
* IP address is in permanent whitelist - it is never redirected (useful for
* special members), can be redirected only by message which ignores whitelist
* IP address is in temporary whitelist - for limited period of time it is
* not redirected, for example when someone should be redirected, but he has
* to pay using internet banking
* White list type names
* @var array
public static $whitelist_types = array
self::NO_WHITELIST => 'No whitelist',
self::PERMANENT_WHITELIST => 'Permanent whitelist',
self::TEMPORARY_WHITELIST => 'Temporary whitelist'
* Gets translated whitelist types
* @return array
public static function get_whitelist_types()
return array_map('__', self::$whitelist_types);
* Gives IP address is string is writted
* @return string
public function __toString()
if (!$this->id)
return '';
return $this->ip_address;
* Function gets all ip addresses.
* !!!!!! SECURITY WARNING !!!!!!
* Be careful when you using this method, param $filter_sql is unprotected
* for SQL injections, security should be made at controller site using
* Filter_form class.
* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* @param integer $limit_from
* @param integer $limit_results
* @param string $order_by
* @param string $order_by_direction
* @param array $filter_values
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_all_ip_addresses(
$limit_from = 0, $limit_results = 50, $order_by = 'ip_address',
$order_by_direction = 'ASC', $filter_sql = '')
$where = '';
// filter
if ($filter_sql != '')
$where = "WHERE $filter_sql";
// order by check
if ($order_by == 'ip_address')
$order_by = 'inet_aton(ip.ip_address)';
else if (!$this->has_column($order_by))
$order_by = 'id';
// order by direction check
if (strtolower($order_by_direction) != 'desc')
$order_by_direction = 'asc';
// query
return $this->db->query("
SELECT ip.*, ip.id AS ip_address_id,
i.name AS iface_name, s.name as subnet_name,
d.id AS device_id, d.name AS device_name,
IF(mw.id IS NULL, 0, 2-mw.permanent) AS whitelisted
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN ifaces i ON i.id = ip.iface_id
LEFT JOIN ifaces_vlans iv ON iv.iface_id = i.id
LEFT JOIN devices d ON d.id = i.device_id
LEFT JOIN subnets s ON s.id = ip.subnet_id
LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = d.user_id
LEFT JOIN members_whitelists mw ON mw.member_id = u.member_id
AND mw.since <= CURDATE() AND mw.until >= CURDATE()
WHERE ip.member_id IS NULL
GROUP BY ip.id
) ip
ORDER BY $order_by $order_by_direction
LIMIT " . intval($limit_from) . ", " . intval($limit_results) . "
* Function counts all ip addresses.
* @param array $filter_values
* @return integer
public function count_all_ip_addresses($filter_sql = '')
$where = '';
// filter
if ($filter_sql != '')
$where = "WHERE $filter_sql";
// query
return $this->db->query("
SELECT ip.*, ip.id AS ip_address_id,
i.name AS iface_name, s.name as subnet_name,
d.id AS device_id, d.name AS device_name,
IF(mw.id IS NULL, 0, 2-mw.permanent) AS whitelisted
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN ifaces i ON i.id = ip.iface_id
LEFT JOIN ifaces_vlans iv ON iv.iface_id = i.id
LEFT JOIN devices d ON d.id = i.device_id
LEFT JOIN subnets s ON s.id = ip.subnet_id
LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = d.user_id
LEFT JOIN members m ON m.id = u.member_id
LEFT JOIN members_whitelists mw ON mw.member_id = m.id AND
mw.since <= CURDATE() AND mw.until >= CURDATE()
WHERE ip.member_id IS NULL
GROUP BY ip.id
) ip
* Function gets gateway of gievn subnet
* @param string $network_address
* @return Ip_address_Model
public function get_gateway_of_subnet($subnet_id)
$result = $this->db->query("
SELECT * FROM ip_addresses ip
WHERE gateway = 1 AND subnet_id = ?
", $subnet_id);
return ($result && $result->current()) ? $result->current() : FALSE;
* Function gets gateway of gievn subnet
* @param string $network_address
* @return Ip_address_Model
public function get_dhcp_of_subnet($subnet_id)
$result = $this->db->query("
SELECT * FROM ip_addresses ip
WHERE dhcp = 1 AND subnet_id = ?
", $subnet_id);
return ($result && $result->current()) ? $result->current() : FALSE;
* Gets all allowed IP addresses.
* These are registered IP addresses, which have no redirection set.
* Unknown IP addresses (not present in system) and
* IP addresses with a redirection set are not exported.
* @see Web_interface_Controller#allowed_ip_addresses
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_allowed_ip_addresses()
return $this->db->query("
SELECT DISTINCT ip.ip_address
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN messages_ip_addresses mip ON mip.ip_address_id = ip.id
WHERE mip.ip_address_id IS NULL
* Same as previous method, but return unallowed ip addresses
* @author Michal Kliment
* @see Web_interface_Controller#unallowed_ip_addresses
* @return type
public function get_unallowed_ip_addresses()
return $this->db->query("
SELECT DISTINCT ip.ip_address
FROM ip_addresses ip
JOIN messages_ip_addresses mip ON mip.ip_address_id = ip.id
* Function gets all ip address of interfaces of devices of users of given member.
* @param integer|array $member_id Member ID or array of member IDs
* @param integer $subnet_id
* @param integer $cloud_id
* @param boolean $ignore_member_notif_settings Should be member notification setting ignored?
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_ip_addresses_of_member($member_id, $subnet_id = NULL,
$cloud_id = NULL, $ignore_member_notif_settings = TRUE)
$where = "";
$cloud_subnets = "";
if (!is_array($member_id))
$where = 'IFNULL(u.member_id, ip.member_id) = ' . intval($member_id);
else if (count($member_id))
$where = 'IFNULL(u.member_id, ip.member_id) IN ('
. implode(',', array_map('intval', $member_id)) . ')';
else // empty (non sense condition)
$where = '1 = 2';
if ($subnet_id)
$where .= " AND ip.subnet_id = ".intval($subnet_id);
if ($cloud_id)
$where .= " AND cs.cloud_id = ".intval($cloud_id);
$cloud_subnets = "LEFT JOIN subnets s ON ip.subnet_id = s.id "
. "LEFT JOIN clouds_subnets cs ON cs.subnet_id = s.id";
/* member whitelist - member notification settings */
if (!$ignore_member_notif_settings)
$where .= " AND m.notification_by_redirection > 0 ";
return $this->db->query("
SELECT ip.*, i.device_id
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN ifaces i ON i.id = ip.iface_id
LEFT JOIN devices d ON d.id = i.device_id
LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = d.user_id
LEFT JOIN members m ON m.id = IFNULL(u.member_id, ip.member_id)
WHERE $where
* Function gets all ip address of interfaces of devices of user.
* @param integer|array $user_id User ID or array of user IDs
* @param integer $subnet_id
* @param integer $cloud_id
* @param boolean $ignore_member_notif_settings Should be member notification setting ignored?
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_ip_addresses_of_user($user_id, $subnet_id = NULL,
$cloud_id = NULL, $ignore_member_notif_settings = TRUE)
$where = "";
$cloud_subnets = "";
if (!is_array($user_id))
$where = 'd.user_id = ' . intval($user_id);
else if (count($user_id))
$where = 'd.user_id IN ('
. implode(',', array_map('intval', $user_id)) . ')';
else // empty (non sense condition)
$where = '1 = 2';
if ($subnet_id)
$where .= " AND ip.subnet_id = ".intval($subnet_id);
if ($cloud_id)
$where .= " AND cs.cloud_id = ".intval($cloud_id);
$cloud_subnets = "LEFT JOIN subnets s ON ip.subnet_id = s.id "
. "LEFT JOIN clouds_subnets cs ON cs.subnet_id = s.id";
/* member whitelist - member notification settings */
if (!$ignore_member_notif_settings)
$where .= " AND m.notification_by_redirection > 0 ";
return $this->db->query("
SELECT ip.*, i.device_id
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN ifaces i ON i.id = ip.iface_id
LEFT JOIN devices d ON d.id = i.device_id
LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = d.user_id
LEFT JOIN members m ON m.id = IFNULL(u.member_id, ip.member_id)
WHERE $where
* Gets all ip addresses of device.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param integer $device_id
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_ip_addresses_of_device($device_id)
return $this->db->query("
ip.id AS ip_address_id,
s.name AS subnet_name,
32-log2((~inet_aton(netmask) & 0xffffffff) + 1) AS subnet_range,
s.network_address AS subnet_network,
s.netmask AS subnet_netmask,
i.name AS iface_name
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN subnets s ON s.id = ip.subnet_id
JOIN ifaces i ON i.id = ip.iface_id
WHERE i.device_id = ?
ORDER BY INET_ATON(ip_address)
", $device_id);
* Function gets ip addresses of subnet.
* @param integer $subnet_id
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_ip_addresses_of_subnet($subnet_id)
return $this->db->query("
SELECT ip.id, ip.id AS ip_address_id, ip.ip_address,
ip.gateway, d.name AS device_name, d.id AS device_id,
m.name AS member_name, m.id AS member_id, a.balance,
u.name AS user_name, u.surname AS user_surname,
IFNULL(i.mac, pi.mac) AS mac
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN ifaces i ON ip.iface_id = i.id
LEFT JOIN ifaces_relationships ir ON ir.iface_id = i.id
LEFT JOIN ifaces pi ON ir.parent_iface_id = pi.id
LEFT JOIN devices d ON i.device_id = d.id
LEFT JOIN users u ON d.user_id = u.id
LEFT JOIN members m ON u.member_id = m.id
LEFT JOIN accounts a ON a.member_id = m.id AND account_attribute_id = ?
WHERE ip.subnet_id = ? AND ip.member_id IS NULL
ORDER BY inet_aton(ip.ip_address)
", Account_attribute_Model::CREDIT, $subnet_id);
* Returns all IDs of IP addresses with unallowed connecting place
* @author Michal Kliment
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_ip_addresses_with_unallowed_connecting_place()
return $this->db->query("
SELECT q.id, ip_address FROM
SELECT ip.subnet_id, ip.id, ip.ip_address,
IFNULL(ip.member_id, u.member_id) AS member_id
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN ifaces i ON ip.iface_id = i.id
LEFT JOIN devices d ON i.device_id = d.id
LEFT JOIN users u ON d.user_id = u.id
) q
WHERE q.member_id <> 1 AND q.subnet_id NOT IN
SELECT a.subnet_id
FROM allowed_subnets a
WHERE a.subnet_id = q.subnet_id AND
a.member_id = q.member_id AND enabled = 1
* Returns all IDs of IP addresses with expired connection test
* @author Ondrej Fibich
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_ip_addresses_with_expired_connection_test()
return $this->db->query("
SELECT ip.id, ip.ip_address
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN ifaces i ON ip.iface_id = i.id
LEFT JOIN devices d ON i.device_id = d.id
LEFT JOIN users u ON d.user_id = u.id
JOIN members m ON m.id = ip.member_id OR m.id = u.member_id
WHERE m.type = ? AND m.registration = 0
AND DATEDIFF(NOW(), m.applicant_connected_from) > ?
", array
* Returns all ip addresses which can cancel redirect by themselves
* @author Michal Kliment
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_ip_addresses_with_self_cancel()
return $this->db->query("
SELECT ip.*, IFNULL(m.self_cancel, 0) AS self_cancel
FROM ip_addresses ip
JOIN messages_ip_addresses mip ON mip.ip_address_id = ip.id
JOIN messages m ON mip.message_id = m.id
ORDER BY self_cancel ASC
) ip
GROUP BY ip.id
) ip
WHERE self_cancel > ?
", Message_Model::SELF_CANCEL_DISABLED);
* Gets all ip addresses including their redirections.
* Used in member's profile screen.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param integer $member_id
* @param integer $sql_offset
* @param integer $limit_results
* @param string $order_by
* @param string $order_by_direction
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_ips_and_redirections_of_member(
$member_id, $sql_offset, $limit_results,
$order_by, $order_by_direction)
// order by
if (strtolower($order_by) == 'ip_address')
$order_by = 'inet_aton(ip.ip_address)';
$order_by = $this->db->escape_column($order_by);
// order by direction
if (strtolower($order_by_direction) != 'asc')
$order_by_direction = 'desc';
return $this->db->query("
SELECT ip.id AS ip_address_id, ip.ip_address, m.id AS message_id,
m.name AS message, m.type, ? AS member_id,
mip.datetime AS active_redir_datetime,
IF(mw.id IS NULL, 0, 2 - mw.permanent) AS whitelisted
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN ifaces i ON ip.iface_id = i.id
LEFT JOIN devices d ON i.device_id = d.id
LEFT JOIN users u ON d.user_id = u.id
LEFT JOIN members_whitelists mw ON (mw.member_id = u.member_id OR mw.member_id = ip.member_id)
AND (? BETWEEN mw.since AND mw.until)
LEFT JOIN messages_ip_addresses mip ON mip.ip_address_id = ip.id
LEFT JOIN messages m ON m.id = mip.message_id
WHERE u.member_id = ? OR ip.member_id = ?
GROUP BY ip.id
ORDER BY $order_by $order_by_direction,
m.self_cancel DESC, mip.datetime ASC
LIMIT " . intval($sql_offset) . ", " . intval($limit_results) . "
", $member_id, date('Y-m-d'), $member_id, $member_id);
* Gets count of all ip addresses including their redirections.
* Used in member's profile screen.
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @param integer $member_id
* @return integer
public function count_ips_and_redirections_of_member($member_id)
return $this->db->query("
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN ifaces i ON ip.iface_id = i.id
LEFT JOIN devices d ON i.device_id = d.id
LEFT JOIN users u ON d.user_id = u.id
LEFT JOIN messages_ip_addresses mip ON mip.ip_address_id = ip.id
WHERE u.member_id = ? OR ip.member_id = ?
", $member_id, $member_id)->current()->total;
* Counts all ip addresses by member and subnet
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param integer $member_id
* @param integer $subnet_id
* @return integer
public function count_all_ip_addresses_by_member_and_subnet($member_id, $subnet_id)
return $this->db->query("
FROM ip_addresses ip
JOIN ifaces i ON ip.iface_id = i.id
JOIN devices d ON i.device_id = d.id
JOIN users u ON d.user_id = u.id
WHERE u.member_id = ? AND ip.subnet_id = ?
", array($member_id, $subnet_id))->current()->count;
* Returns all ip addresses of iface (optional: and with its children ifaces)
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param integer $iface_id
* @param type $with_child
* @return Mysql_Result
public function get_all_ip_addresses_of_iface($iface_id, $with_children = FALSE)
if ($with_children)
$where = 'OR ip.iface_id IN (SELECT iface_id FROM ifaces_relationships WHERE parent_iface_id = '.intval($iface_id).')';
$where = '';
return $this->db->query("
SELECT ip.id, ip.ip_address, s.name AS subnet_name, s.id AS subnet_id
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN subnets s ON s.id = ip.subnet_id
WHERE ip.iface_id = ? $where
", array($iface_id));
* Deletes all IP addresses by given subnet and member
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param integer $subnet_id
* @param integer $member_id
public function delete_ip_addresses_by_subnet_member($subnet_id, $member_id)
DELETE FROM ip_addresses
WHERE subnet_id = ? AND member_id IS NOT NULL AND member_id = ?
", $subnet_id, $member_id);
* Counts all ip addresses without member by given subnet
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param integer $subnet_id
* @return integer
public function count_all_ip_addresses_without_member_by_subnet($subnet_id)
return $this->db->query("
FROM ip_addresses ip
WHERE member_id IS NULL AND subnet_id = ?
", $subnet_id)->current()->total;
* Deletes IP address
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param string $ip_address
public function delete_ip_address_with_member($ip_address)
DELETE FROM ip_addresses
WHERE ip_address = ? AND member_id IS NOT NULL
", $ip_address);
* Deletes all IP addresses of subnet with owner
* @author Michal Kliment <kliment@freenetis.org>
* @param type $subnet_id
public function delete_ip_addresses_of_subnet_with_owner($subnet_id)
DELETE FROM ip_addresses
WHERE subnet_id = ? AND member_id IS NOT NULL
", $subnet_id);
* Returns ip addresses of members with set-up qos ceil or rate
* @author Michal Kliment
* @return MySQL Result
public function get_ip_addresses_qos_ceil_rate()
return $this->db->query("
SELECT m.id AS member_id, ip_address
SELECT ip.ip_address, IFNULL(u.member_id, ip.member_id) AS member_id
FROM ip_addresses ip
LEFT JOIN ifaces i ON ip.iface_id = i.id
LEFT JOIN devices d ON i.device_id = d.id
LEFT JOIN users u ON d.user_id = u.id
) ip
JOIN members m ON ip.member_id = m.id AND m.speed_class_id IS NOT NULL
* Gets list of IP addresses ordered by IP address grouped by subnet
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @return array
public function select_list_grouped()
$ips = $this->db->query("
SELECT ip.id, ip.ip_address AS name,
CONCAT(s.network_address, '/',
32-log2((~inet_aton(s.netmask) & 0xffffffff) + 1),
': ', s.name) AS subnet_name
FROM ip_addresses ip
JOIN subnets s ON s.id = ip.subnet_id
ORDER BY INET_ATON(ip_address)
$arr_ip = array();
foreach ($ips as $ip)
$arr_ip[$ip->subnet_name][$ip->id] = $ip->name;
return $arr_ip;
* Returns first IP address of subnet
* @author Michal Kliment <kliment@freenetis.org>
* @param type $subnet_id
* @return type
public function get_first_ip_address_of_subnet($subnet_id, $without_owner = FALSE)
// not return IP addresses with owner
$WHERE = ($without_owner) ? "AND member_id IS NULL" : "";
$result = $this->db->query("
FROM ip_addresses ip
WHERE subnet_id = ? $WHERE
ORDER BY INET_ATON(ip_address)
", array($subnet_id));
return ($result && $result->current()) ? $result->current() : FALSE;
* Returns last IP address of subnet
* @author Michal Kliment <kliment@freenetis.org>
* @param type $subnet_id
* @return type
public function get_last_ip_address_of_subnet($subnet_id, $without_owner = FALSE)
// not return IP addresses with owner
$WHERE = ($without_owner) ? "AND member_id IS NULL" : "";
$result = $this->db->query("
FROM ip_addresses ip
WHERE subnet_id = ? $WHERE
", array($subnet_id));
return ($result && $result->current()) ? $result->current() : FALSE;
* Returns all free IP addresses similar to given IP address
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param type $ip_address_like
* @return type
public function get_free_ip_addresses($ip_address_like)
$arr_ip_addresses = array();
$subnet_model = new Subnet_Model();
// split IP address
$ips = explode('.', $ip_address_like);
// returns only if last number of IP address is missing
if (count($ips) < 4)
return array();
// take only first 3 numbers
$ips = array_slice($ips, 0, 3);
// join back to IP address
$network_address = implode('.', $ips);
$subnets = $subnet_model
->like('network_address', $network_address)
$ip_queries = array();
foreach ($subnets as $subnet)
$network = ip2long($subnet->network_address);
$total_available = (~ip2long($subnet->netmask) & 0xffffffff)-1;
if ($total_available > 1)
for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_available; $i++)
$ip_queries[] = "SELECT '".long2ip($network+$i)."' AS ip_address";
// for special 1-host subnet (mask /32) add only 1 IP address with network address (#507)
$ip_queries[] = "SELECT '".long2ip($network)."' AS ip_address";
if (!count($ip_queries))
return array();
$ip_query = implode("\nUNION\n", $ip_queries);
$ips = $this->db->query("
SELECT ip_address
) AS ip
WHERE ip_address NOT IN
SELECT ip_address
FROM ip_addresses
AND ip_address LIKE '%$ip_address_like%'
", $this->id);
foreach ($ips as $ip)
$arr_ip_addresses[] = $ip->ip_address;
return $arr_ip_addresses;