#!/usr/bin/python -u
# This is very simple script for SNMP daemon to get MAC address from ISC DHCP leases
# Author: Michal Kliment <kliment@unart.cz>
import sys
from socket import inet_aton
from struct import unpack
# base OID for MAC address
base_oid = '.'
def parse():
leases = {}
lease_file = open("/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases", "r")
for line in lease_file:
words = line.strip().split(' ')
# first word is "lease" => start new lease info
if words[0] == 'lease':
lip = unpack("!L", inet_aton(words[1]))[0]
leases[lip] = {}
leases[lip]['ip_address'] = words[1]
# it is info about MAC address
if words[0] == 'hardware' and words[1] == 'ethernet':
leases[lip]['mac_address'] = words[2].replace(';','').replace(':',' ').upper()
config_file = open("/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf", "r")
host = {}
for line in config_file:
words = line.strip().split(' ')
if words[0] == 'host':
if 'ip_address' in host:
lip = unpack("!L", inet_aton(host['ip_address']))[0]
leases[lip] = host
host = {}
if words[0] == 'fixed-address':
host['ip_address'] = words[1].replace(';','')
if words[0] == 'hardware' and words[1] == 'ethernet':
host['mac_address'] = words[2].replace(';','').replace(':',' ').upper()
if 'ip_address' in host:
lip = unpack("!L", inet_aton(host['ip_address']))[0]
leases[lip] = host
return leases
leases = parse()
while True:
command = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
# empty command, quit
if command == "":
elif command == 'PING':
# snmpget
elif command == 'get':
oid = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
# get IP from oid
ip = oid.replace(base_oid, '').strip('.')
lip = unpack("!L", inet_aton(ip))[0]
leases = parse()
# always print originaly oid
print oid
if lip in leases:
print 'string'
print leases[lip]['mac_address']
print ''
print ''
# snmpwalk, todo: it doesn't work :-)
elif command == 'getnext':
oid = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
# get IP from oid
ip = oid.replace(base_oid, '').strip('.')
#leases = parse()
mac = ''
getnext = False
for lip in sorted(leases.iterkeys()):
if getnext:
mac = leases[lip]['mac_address']
oid = base_oid+'.'+leases[lip]['ip_address']
getnext = (leases[lip]['ip_address'] == ip)
if mac != '':
print oid
print 'string'
print mac
if oid == base_oid:
print base_oid+'.'+leases[sorted(leases.iterkeys())[0]]['ip_address']
print 'string'
print leases[sorted(leases.iterkeys())[0]]['mac_address']
print ''
print 'string'
print ''