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Revize 872

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před více než 13 roky(ů)

Prepracovani vyjimek v bynkovnich vecech. Nelogovani v bankovnich vecech. Do ORM pridana metoda save_trowable()

Zobrazit rozdíly:

class Bank_transfer_Model extends ORM
public function __construct($id = NULL)
// disable action log
* @author Jiri Svitak
* It gets all bank transfers of given bank account.
//protected $belongs_to_many = array();
protected $has_and_belongs_to_many = array('accounts');
public function __construct($id = NULL)
// disable action log
* @author Tomas Dulik
* @param $name - name of the bank account
protected $belongs_to = array("bank_account", "user");
protected $has_many = array("bank_transfers");
public function __construct($id = NULL)
// disable action log
* Counts bank statements of given bank account.
* @author Jiri Svitak
//protected $belongs_to_many = array();
protected $has_and_belongs_to_many = array('bank_accounts');
public function __construct($id = NULL)
* It gets double-entry accounts of given group. Groups are all credit, all project and other accounts
* of association.
foreach ($transfers as $transfer)
if (!$transfer->delete())
throw new ErrorException();
// recalculate balance of current credit account
if (!$this->recalculate_account_balance_of_account($account_id))
throw new ErrorException();
throw new Exception();
// recalculate balance of operating account
$operating = ORM::factory('account')->where(array('account_attribute_id' => Account_attribute_Model::$operating))->find();
if (!$this->recalculate_account_balance_of_account($operating->id))
throw new ErrorException();
throw new Exception();
return $transfers_count;
foreach ($transfers as $transfer)
if (!$transfer->delete())
throw new ErrorException();
// recalculate balance of current credit account
if (!$this->recalculate_account_balance_of_account($account_id))
throw new ErrorException();
throw new Exception();
// recalculate balance of operating account
$operating = ORM::factory('account')->where(array('account_attribute_id' => Account_attribute_Model::$infrastructure))->find();
if (!$this->recalculate_account_balance_of_account($operating->id))
throw new ErrorException();
throw new Exception();
return $transfers_count;
public static $inbound = 2;
public static $outbound = 3;
public function __construct($id = NULL)
// disable action log
* Function gets all double-entry transfer. They are shown in day book.
* @param <type> $creation_datetime datetime of transfer creation
* @param <type> $text transfer text
* @param <type> $amount amount of transfer
* @throws ErrorException when failed transfer insert, origin or destination account update
* @throws Kohana_Databse_Exception when failed transfer insert, origin or destination account update
public static function insert_transfer($origin_id, $destination_id, $previous_transfer_id,
$member_id, $user_id, $type, $datetime, $creation_datetime, $text, $amount)
$transfer->creation_datetime = $creation_datetime;
$transfer->text = $text;
$transfer->amount = $amount;
if (!$transfer->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// update balance of origin account
$oa = new Account_Model($origin_id);
$oa->balance -= $amount;
if (!$oa->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// update balance of destination account
$da = new Account_Model($destination_id);
$da->balance += $amount;
if (!$da->save())
throw new ErrorException();
return $transfer->id;
* @param <type> $id
* @param <type> $text
* @param <type> $amount
* @throws Kohana_Databse_Exception
public static function edit_transfer($id, $text, $amount)
$transfer = new Transfer_Model($id);
$transfer->text = $text;
$transfer->amount = $amount;
if (!$transfer->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// update balance of origin account
$oa = new Account_Model($transfer->origin_id);
$oa->balance -= $amount;
if (!$oa->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// update balance of destination account
$da = new Account_Model($transfer->destination_id);
$da->balance += $amount;
if (!$da->save())
throw new ErrorException();
* Safely deletes transfer.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @param <type> $id
* @throws Kohana_Databse_Exception
public static function delete_transfer($id)
// update balance of origin account
$oa = new Account_Model($transfer->origin_id);
$oa->balance += $transfer->amount;
if (!$oa->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// update balance of destination account
$da = new Account_Model($transfer->destination_id);
$da->balance -= $transfer->amount;
if (!$da->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// delete transfer
if (!$transfer->delete())
throw new ErrorException();
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Transfer has been successfully added.'));
catch (ErrorException $e)
catch (Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Error - cannot add new transfer.'));
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Transfer has been successfully added.'));
catch (ErrorException $e)
catch (Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Transfer has been successfully added'));
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Transfer has been successfully added.'));
catch (ErrorException $e)
catch (Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Transfer has been successfully added'));
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Transfer has been successfully updated.'));
catch (ErrorException $e)
catch (Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Error - cant update transfer.'));
// single query for inserting transfers
$sql_insert .= implode(",", $values);
if (!$database->query($sql_insert))
throw new ErrorException();
throw new Exception();
// single query for updating credit account balances
$ids_with_commas = implode(",", $ids);
$sql_update .= "END WHERE id IN ($ids_with_commas)";
if (!$database->query($sql_update))
throw new ErrorException();
throw new Exception();
// update also balance of operating account
if (!$account_model->recalculate_account_balance_of_account($operating->id))
throw new ErrorException();
throw new Exception();
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Fees have been successfully deducted, %d new transfers created.', $created_transfers_count));
catch(ErrorException $e)
catch(Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Error - some fees have not been deducted.'));
if ($fee && $fee->id)
$default_fee = $fee->fee;
throw new ErrorException(url_lang::lang('texts.Fatal error'), url_lang::lang('texts.Fees have not been set!'));
throw new Exception(url_lang::lang('texts.Fatal error'), url_lang::lang('texts.Fees have not been set!'));
// finds regular member fee for this member and this month
$fee = $fee_model->get_fee_by_member_date_type($account->member_id, $date, 'regular member fee');
// it exists
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Fees have been successfully recalculated, %d deleted transfers, %d created new transfers.', array(0 => $deleted_transfers_count, 1=> $created_transfers_count)));
catch (ErrorException $e)
catch (Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Error - some fees have not been recounted.'));
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Entrance fees have been successfully deducted, %d new transfers created.', $created_transfers_count));
catch(ErrorException $e)
catch(Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Error - cant deduct entrance fee.'));
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Entrance fees have been successfully recalculated, %d transfers deleted, %d new transfers created.', array(1=>$deleted_transfers_count, 2=>$created_transfers_count)));
catch(ErrorException $e)
catch(Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Error - cant deduct entrance fee.'));
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Device fees have been successfully deducted, %d new transfers created.', $created_transfers_count));
catch (ErrorException $e)
catch (Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Error - cant deduct device fee.'));
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Transfer has been successfully added.'));
catch (ErrorException $e)
catch (Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Error - cant add new transfer.'));
// first we assign the first transfer to the selected member
$t = new Transfer_Model($trans_id);
$t->member_id = $member_id;
if (!$t->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// then we create a new transfer to the selected member's account
foreach ($next_ts as $transfer)
$transfer->member_id = $member_id;
if (!$transfer->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// also penalty should be generated
$operating = ORM::factory('account')->where('account_attribute_id', Account_attribute_Model::$operating)->find();
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Payment has been successfully assigned.'));
catch (ErrorException $e)
catch (Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Error - cannot assign transfer.'));
$counter_ba->name = $form_data['counteraccount_name'];
$counter_ba->account_nr = $form_data['counteraccount'];
$counter_ba->bank_nr = $form_data['counteraccount_bc'];
if (!$counter_ba->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// this bank account
$account = $baa->get_related_account_by_attribute_id(
$bt->constant_symbol = $form_data['constant_symbol'];
$bt->variable_symbol = $form_data['variable_symbol'];
$bt->specific_symbol = $form_data['specific_symbol'];
if (!$bt->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// bank transfer fee
if ($form_data['bank_transfer_fee'] > 0)
$btf2->transfer_id = $btf_id;
$btf2->origin_id = $baa->id;
$btf2->destination_id = null;
if (!$btf2->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// accounting of fee - it is payed by association from operating account
$btf3_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer($operating->id, $account->id, $t_id, null,
$user_id, null, $datetime, $creation_datetime, $form_data['fee_text'], $form_data['bank_transfer_fee']);
// identification of transfer
$transfer = new Transfer_Model($t_id);
$transfer->member_id = $member->id;
if (!$transfer->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// identification of bank fee
if ($form_data['bank_transfer_fee'] > 0)
$btf = new Transfer_Model($btf_id);
$btf->member_id = $member->id;
if (!$btf->save())
throw new ErrorException();
$btf3 = new Transfer_Model($btf3_id);
$btf3->member_id = $member->id;
if (!$btf3->save())
throw new ErrorException();
// identification of origin bank account
if (empty($counter_ba->member_id))
$counter_ba->member_id = $member->id;
if (!$counter_ba->save())
throw new ErrorException();
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Bank transfer has been successfully added.'));
catch (ErrorException $e)
catch (Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Error - cannot add bank transfer.'));
$bt->destination_id = $baa->id;
$bt->transfer_id = $t_id;
if (!$bt->save())
throw new ErrorException();
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Bank transfer has been successfully added.'));
catch (ErrorException $e)
catch (Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Error - cannot add bank transfer.'));
case self::$html_ebanka:
$statement->extension = "html";
if (!$statement->save())
throw new ErrorException();
$this->bank_statement_id = $statement->id;
$this->parse_ebank_account($id, $form->listing->value);
case self::$csv_postovni_sporitelna:
//$this->parse_csv_file($id, $form_data['csv_template'], $form->listing->value);
$this->parse_csv_postovni_sporitelna($id, $form->listing->value);
//$this->parse_csv_postovni_sporitelna($id, $form->listing->value);
catch (ErrorException $e)
catch (Duplicity_Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Import has failed.'));
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Import has failed.').' '.
url_lang::lang('texts.Bank statement contains items that were already imported.'));
catch (Duplicity_Exception $e)
catch (Exception $e)
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Import has failed.').' '.
url_lang::lang('texts.Bank statement contains items that were already imported.'));
$this->session->set_flash('message', url_lang::lang('texts.Import has failed.'));
* @author Jiri Svitak
* Function prepares import of listing file. Certain double-entry accounts are created.
* @return unknown_type
private function init_import($bank_account_id = null)
$this->time_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$this->t = new Transfer_Model();
$this->bt = new Bank_transfer_Model();
$this->member_model = new Member_Model();
$this->acc_model = new Account_Model();
$this->bank_acc_model = new Bank_account_Model();
$this->fee_model = new Fee_Model();
$this->parsed_bank_acc = new Bank_account_Model($bank_account_id);
$this->parsed_acc = $this->parsed_bank_acc->get_related_account_by_attribute_id(Account_attribute_Model::$bank);
if ($this->parsed_acc===FALSE)
// tohle by normálně nemělo nastat.
// může se to stát pouze pokud někdo smaže vazbu bank. účet sdružení
// s podvojným účtem přes tabulku accounts_bank_accounts
throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Kritická chyba', 'V tabulce accounts_bank_accounts chybí vazba bankovního a podvojného účtu sdružení');
$bank_interests = $this->parsed_bank_acc->get_related_account_by_attribute_id(Account_attribute_Model::$bank_interests);
if ($bank_interests===FALSE)
{ // pokud ucet uroku neexistuje, pak si jej vytvorime
$bank_interests = Account_Model::create(Account_attribute_Model::$bank_interests, "Úroky z $parsed_acc->name", 1);
$bank_fees = $this->parsed_bank_acc->get_related_account_by_attribute_id(Account_attribute_Model::$bank_fees);
if ($bank_fees===FALSE) { // pokud ucet poplatku neexistuje, pak jej vytvorime
$bank_fees = Account_Model::create(Account_attribute_Model::$bank_fees, "Poplatky z $parsed_acc->name", 1);
$this->suppliers = ORM::factory('account')->where('account_attribute_id', Account_attribute_Model::$suppliers)->find();
$this->member_fees = ORM::factory('account')->where('account_attribute_id', Account_attribute_Model::$member_fees)->find();
$this->operating = ORM::factory('account')->where('account_attribute_id', Account_attribute_Model::$operating)->find();
if (!$this->suppliers->id || !$this->member_fees->id || !$this->operating->id)
throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Kritická chyba', 'V DB chybí účet member_fees, suppliers nebo operating');
* Function parses csv file with bank listing.
* It uses predefined bank template to identify columns in csv file.
* @author Jiri Svitak, Tomas Dulik
* @param $bank_account_id
* @param $bank_template_id
* @return unknown_type
* @TODO not fully functional, CSV template imports found to be difficult task
* ALTER TABLE `bank_templates` ADD `has_header` TINYINT NOT NULL COMMENT '0=no header, 1=use the header, 2=header present, but use column numbers in the template' AFTER `string_separator`
* ALTER TABLE `bank_templates` CHANGE `datetime` `date` VARCHAR( 30 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_czech_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL
ALTER TABLE `bank_templates` ADD `time` VARCHAR( 30 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_czech_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `date
private function parse_csv_file($bank_account_id = null, $bank_template_id = null, $url = "")
if (!isset($bank_account_id) || !isset($bank_template_id) || $url == "")
$bank_account = new Bank_account_Model($bank_account_id);
$bank_template = new Bank_template_Model($bank_template_id);
if ($bank_account->id == 0 || $bank_template->id == 0)
// preparation
$first = true;
$template = $bank_template->as_array();
// associatiove array - keys are template column names and values are column numbers in csv file
$headers = array();
$items = array();
// file to import
$file = fopen($url, 'r');
while (($line = fgetcsv($file, 0, $bank_template->item_separator, $bank_template->string_separator)) !== false)
// column headers
if ($first)
// goes through every header of csv file
for ($i = 0; $i < count($line); $i++)
// goes through every header specified by template
foreach ($template as $key => $value)
if (trim($value) == trim($line[$i]))
$headers[$key] = $i;
$first = false;
// import of line
// loads the items array with proper values
for ($i = 0; $i < count($line); $i++)
foreach ($headers as $key => $value)
if ($value == $i)
$items[$key] = $line[$i];
echo '<br>';
* Function parses csv bank listing file of czech bank Postovni sporitelna.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @todo Not fully functional.
* @param $bank_account_id
* @param $url
* @return unknown_type
private function parse_csv_postovni_sporitelna($bank_account_id = null, $url = "")
if (!isset($bank_account_id) || $url == "")
$bank_account = new Bank_account_Model($bank_account_id);
if ($bank_account->id == 0)
echo "Memory usage: ".($mem=memory_get_usage()). "<p>\n";
echo "parse - start: ".($start=microtime(true))."<p>\n";
// preparation
$data = new StdClass();
$first = true;
// file to import
$file = fopen($url, 'r');
while (($line = fgetcsv($file, 0, ';', '"')) !== false)
if ($first)
$first = false;
$data->amount = (double)$line[13];
$data->comment = $line[23];
$data->variable_symbol = $line[15];
$data->specific_symbol = $line[16];
$data->constant_symbol = $line[17];
// counteraccount
$data->account_nr = (int)$line[10];
$data->account_bank_nr = (int)$line[11];
$data->name = $line[21];
$datetime = explode('.', trim($line[20]));
$data->date_time = $datetime[2].'-'.$datetime[1].'-'.$datetime[0];
// vydej
if ($line[14] == 1)
// poplatek
if (trim($line[21]) == 'Zuctovanipoplatku')
// prijem
$member = $this->member_model;
$vs = trim($data->variable_symbol);
if ($data->amount > 0 && !empty($vs))
// členský příspěvek: uvedl člen u teto platby jako variabilni symbol (VS) svůj telefon ?
$member = $this->member_model->find_member_by_phone($vs);
if ($member === FALSE )
{ // find_member_by_phone vrací false, pokud nic nenajde
// ne? zkusime, zda jako VS nezadal svoje member_id + crc16(member_id)
// $member=$member_model->get_member_by_crc_id($vs); // this function has bugs!!! needs rewrite!!!
$member = $this->member_model;
// pokud se to nepovedlo, pak $member->id nastavíme na null
} // else { // platba přijaté faktury - majitele účtu najdeme dle VS na faktuře, až budeme mít modul přijatých faktur}
// ***Tady si vytvorime instanci účtu clena (nebo dodavatele) z prave nacteneho vypisu:
$bank_acc = $this->bank_acc_model->where(array('account_nr' => $data->account_nr, 'bank_nr' => $data->account_bank_nr))->find();
if (!$bank_acc->id) { // bank. ucet clena neexistuje, tak si ho vytvorime
$bank_acc->member_id = $member->id;
$bank_acc->name = $data->name;
$bank_acc->account_nr = $data->account_nr;
$bank_acc->bank_nr = $data->account_bank_nr;
// $bank_acc->add_account($member_fees); //tuto vazbu bych tvořil jen pokud bych chtěl evidovat pohyby na bank. účtech členů
// členský příspěvek - vytvoříme:
// - podvojnou transakci z 684000 na 221000
// - bankovní transakci z bank. účtu člena na bank. účet sdružení
$id = $this->create_transfers($this->member_fees, $this->parsed_acc, $data->amount,
$bank_acc, $this->parsed_bank_acc, $data, $member->id);
if ($member->id)
{ // našli jsme plátce?
// **** převedeme peníze členovi na jeho účet s kreditem
// ten účet ale musíme najít nebo vytvořit:
$credit_acc = $this->acc_model->where(array('member_id' => $member->id, 'account_attribute_id' => Account_attribute_Model::$credit))->find();
if (!$credit_acc->id)
$credit_acc->account_attribute_id = Account_attribute_Model::$credit;
$credit_acc->member_id = $member->id;
$credit_acc->name = $member->name;
$this->create_transfer($this->parsed_acc, $this->acc_model,
$data->amount, $data->date_time, "Přiřazení platby", $member->id, $id);
// **** teď se podíváme, jestli v té době sdružení účtovalo poplatek za zpracování platby:
$fee = $fee_model->get_by_date_type($data->date_time, 'transfer fee');
if (is_object($fee) && $fee->id) // ano? Pak poplatek strhneme z účtu
$this->create_transfer($credit_acc, $this->operating,
$fee->fee, $data->date_time, "Transakční poplatek",
$member->id, $id);
} // if (is_object($member) && $member->id)
echo html::anchor(url_lang::base().'bank_accounts/show_all', url_lang::lang('texts.Back to bank accounts'));
* @author Tomas Dulik
* Funkce store_transfers_ebanka se používá jako callback funkce pro Parser_Ebanka.
* Třída Parser_Ebanka tuto funkci volá s každou načtenou položkou výpisu.
$bank_transfer->variable_symbol = $data->variable_symbol;
$bank_transfer->constant_symbol = $data->constant_symbol;
$bank_transfer->specific_symbol = $data->specific_symbol;
if (!$bank_transfer->save())
throw new ErrorException();
return $transfer_id;
* Deletes the current object from the database. This does NOT destroy
* relationships that have been created with other objects.
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @chainable
* @return ORM
* @throws Kohana_Database_Exception If save was not successful.
public function delete_trowable($id = NULL)
if ($id === NULL AND $this->loaded)
// Use the the primary key value
$id = $this->object[$this->primary_key];
// Delete this object
$result = $this->db->where($this->primary_key, $id)
if (!$result || count($result) != 1)
throw new Kohana_Database_Exception('ORM - Cannot delete object.');
// add log for deleting
if ($this->is_logger_on['delete'])
$this->log_action(Log_Model::ACTION_DELETE, $id);
return $this->clear();
* Checks if action logger is ON, or if action is not specified,
* check if all logger actions are set to ON
* @author Ondřej Fibich

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