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Revize 706

Přidáno uživatelem Jiří Sviták před asi 14 roky(ů)

Rozdelane transfers doma, dodelam v praci.

Zobrazit rozdíly:

* This controller handles double-entry transfers and special actions with transfers like deducting fees etc.
* Handles double-entry transfers and special actions with transfers like deducting fees etc.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @license GNU/GPL
* @TODO Several methods use database transaction processing, but it seems that Kohana (?) uses
* in one run multiple database connections, so these transactions are not fully fuctional (ROLLBACK).
class Transfers_Controller extends Controller
$dst_accounts = $accounts;
foreach ($dst_accounts as $dst_account)
{ // convert the object into array (used for HTML select list)
$arr_dst_accounts[$dst_account->id] = $dst_account->name.' '.$dst_account->id.' ('.$dst_account->addr.')';
//"$dst_account->name, $dst_account->addr - ".url_lang::lang('texts.Account ID')." $dst_account->id - "
//.url_lang::lang('texts.Member ID')." $dst_account->member_id - "
//.url_lang::lang('texts.Account type'). " $dst_account->account_attribute_id";
// array origin accounts for dropdown

Také k dispozici: Unified diff