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Revize 559

Přidáno uživatelem Michal Kliment před téměř 15 roky(ů)

Pridan novy helper pro praci s DNS. Opraveno strankovani u podsiti.

Zobrazit rozdíly:

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Dns helper class.
* $Id: dns.php
* @package Core
* @author Kliment Michal
* @copyright (c) 2009 Kliment Michal
class dns_Core {
* @author Michal Kliment
* Create reverse dns lookup from ip address
* @param string ip address
* @return string
public static function create_reverse_dns_lookup_from_ip_address($ip_address)
if ($ip_address == '') return '';
$segments = explode('.', $ip_address);
$segments = array_reverse($segments);
return implode('.', $segments).'.IN-ADDR.ARPA.';
* @author Michal Kliment
* Get ptr (reverse) record from ip address
* @param string ip address
* @return string
public static function get_ptr_record($ip_address)
if (!valid::ip($ip_address)) return '';
$result = dns_get_record(dns::create_reverse_dns_lookup_from_ip_address($ip_address), DNS_PTR);
return $result[0]['target'];
} // End dns
$sql_offset = 0;
//$query = $subnet_model->orderby($order_by,$order_by_direction)->limit($limit_results,$sql_offset)->find_all();
$query = $subnet_model->get_all_subnets($sql_offset, (int)$limit_results, $order_by, $order_by_direction, $filter->values());
$grid = new Grid(url_lang::base().'subnets', null,array(
$grid = new Grid(url_lang::base().'devices', null, array(
//'separator' => '<br />-----------',
//'use_paginator' => false,
//'use_selector' => false,
'current' => $limit_results, // current selected 'records_per_page' value
'selector_increace' => 200, // increace
'selector_min' => 200, // minimum where selector start
'selector_max_multiplier' => 100,
'base_url' => Config::item('locale.lang').'/devices/show_all/'.$limit_results.'/'.$order_by.'/'.$order_by_direction ,
'uri_subnet' => 'page', // pass a string as uri_subnet to trigger former 'label' functionality
'total_items' => $total_subnets, // use db count query here of course
'current' => $limit_results, // current selected 'records_per_page' value
'selector_increace' => 500, // increace
'selector_min' => 500, // minimum where selector start
'selector_max_multiplier' => 20,
'base_url' => Config::item('locale.lang').'/subnets/show_all/'.$limit_results.'/'.$order_by.'/'.$order_by_direction ,
'uri_segment' => 'page', // pass a string as uri_segment to trigger former 'label' functionality
'total_items' => $total_subnets, // use db count query here of course
'items_per_page' => $limit_results, // it may be handy to set defaults for stuff like this in config/pagination.php
'style' => 'classic',
'style' => 'classic',
'order_by' => $order_by,
'order_by_direction' => $order_by_direction,
'limit_results' => $limit_results,
'filter' => $filter->view,
'query_string' => $query_string
'query_string' => $query_string,
'filter' => $filter->view
if ($this->acl_check_new('Devices_Controller', 'subnet'))
<td class="orange"><?php echo url_lang::lang('texts.IP address').':' ?></td>
<td class="bold">&nbsp;<?php echo server::remote_addr() ?></td>
<td class="bold">&nbsp;<?php echo server::remote_addr() ?><?php echo ($ptr_record = dns::get_ptr_record(server::remote_addr()))!='' ? ' <i>('.$ptr_record.')</i>' : '' ?></td>
<div id="footer">
<div id="footer-padd">
$footer_links[] = html::anchor("", url_lang::lang('texts.Documentation'));
$footer_links[] = html::anchor("", url_lang::lang('texts.Documentation'));
$footer_links[] = html::anchor("", url_lang::lang('texts.Project site'));
echo '&nbsp;'.implode(' | ', $footer_links);

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