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Přidáno uživatelem Tomáš Dulík před více než 16 roky(ů)
freenetis/trunk/kohana/application/config/config.php | ||
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Domain name, with the installation directory. Default: localhost/kohana/
$config['site_domain'] = '';
* Default protocol used to access the website. Default: http
$config['site_protocol'] = 'http';
* Name of the front controller for this application. Default: index.php
* This can be removed by using URL rewriting.
$config['index_page'] = '';
* Fake file extension that will be added to all generated URLs. Example: .html
$config['url_suffix'] = '';
* Enable or disable gzip output compression. This can dramatically decrease
* server bandwidth usage, at the cost of slightly higher CPU usage. Set to
* the compression level (1-9) that you want to use, or FALSE to disable.
* Do not enable this option if you are using output compression in php.ini!
$config['output_compression'] = FALSE;
* Enable or disable global XSS filtering of GET, POST, and SERVER data. This
* option also accepts a string to specify a specific XSS filtering tool.
$config['global_xss_filtering'] = TRUE;
* Enable or disable dynamic setting of configuration options. By default, all
* configuration options are read-only.
$config['allow_config_set'] = TRUE;
* Enable or display displaying of Kohana error pages. This will not affect
* logging. Turning this off will disable ALL error pages.
$config['display_errors'] = TRUE;
* Filename prefixed used to determine extensions. For example, an
* extension to the Controller class would be named MY_Controller.php.
$config['extension_prefix'] = 'MY_';
* Additional resource paths, or "modules". Each path can either be absolute
* or relative to the docroot. Modules can include any resource that can exist
* in your application directory, configuration files, controllers, views, etc.
$config['modules'] = array
//'modules/auth', // Authentication
// 'modules/forge', // Form generation
// 'modules/kodoc', // Self-generating documentation
// 'modules/media', // Media caching and compression
* Libraries and models to be automatically preloaded into every controller. Use
* a comma-separated list to set multiple items.
$config['preload'] = array
'libraries' => 'session',
'models' => '',
freenetis/trunk/kohana/application/config/database.php | ||
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* @package Database
* Database connection settings, defined as arrays, or "groups". If no group
* name is used when loading the database library, the group named "default"
* will be used.
* Each group can be connected to independantly, and multiple groups can be
* connected at once.
* Group Options:
* benchmark - Enable or disable database benchmarking
* persistent - Enable or disable a persistent connection
* connection - DSN identifier: driver://user:password@server/database
* character_set - Database character set
* table_prefix - Database table prefix
* object - Enable or disable object results
* cache - Enable or disable query caching
$config['default'] = array
'benchmark' => TRUE,
'persistent' => FALSE,
'connection' => 'mysql://',
'character_set' => 'utf8',
'table_prefix' => '',
'object' => TRUE,
'cache' => FALSE
Také k dispozici: Unified diff
Soubory config/config.php a database.php odstraněny ze synchronizace - máme je každý jiné, nelze synchronizovat. Místo nich mají být pouze templaty