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Revize 523

Přidáno uživatelem Jiří Sviták před téměř 15 roky(ů)

Pridano filtrovani prevodu na podvojnem ucte - je mozne filtrovat prichozi/odchozi prevody. Rozsireno filtrovani clenu podle jejich presmerovani. V bezdratovych nastavenich pridano SSID.

Zobrazit rozdíly:

'admin has been successfully removed from this device' => 'Správce byl úspěšně odebrán od tohoto zařízení.',
'admins' => 'Správci',
'all' => 'Všichni',
'all redirected' => 'Všichni přesměrovaní',
'all transfers' => 'Všechny převody',
'amount' => 'Částka',
'antenna' => 'Anténa',
'import has been successfully finished' => 'Import byl úspěšně dokončen.',
'import new invoice' => 'Import nové faktury',
'import results' => 'Výsledky importu',
'inbound' => 'Příchozí',
'information' => 'Informace',
'information about main user' => 'Informace o hlavním uživateli',
'information about you' => 'Informace o vás',
'member id' => 'ID člena',
'member name' => 'Jméno člena (organizace)',
'member_name' => 'Jméno člena (organizace)',
'member not found' => 'Člen nenalezen',
'members' => 'Členové',
'members account' => 'Účet člena',
'members' => 'Členové',
'membership can be ended only to former member' => 'Členství může být ukončeno jen bývalému členovi.',
'membership interrupt' => 'Přerušení členství',
'membership interrupt text' => 'Text pro přerušení členství',
'received member fees' => 'Přijaté členské příspěvky',
'redir' => 'Přesm',
'redirect' => 'Přesměrovat',
'redirected only' => 'Jen přesměrovaní',
'redirection' => 'Přesměrování',
'redirection enabled' => 'Přesměrování zapnuto',
'redirection has been successfully set' => 'Přesměrování bylo úspěšně nastaveno.',
return self::$db->query("SELECT,
IFNULL(t1.translated_term, e1.value) AS wmode,
IFNULL(t2.translated_term, e2.value) AS norm,
WHERE ws.iface_id = $iface_id");
* @author Jiri Svitak
* Function gets one wireless setting. Properties are specified by their id in enum_types.
* @param $iface_id
* @return unknown_type
public function get_wireless_setting_for_edit($iface_id)
return self::$db->query("SELECT
id, wmode, norm, frequence, channel, antenna, polarization
FROM wireless_settings
WHERE iface_id = $iface_id");
// filtering by redirection
public static $all = 1;
public static $redirected = 2;
public static $all_redirected = 2;
public static $membership_interrupt = 3;
public static $debtors = 4;
public static $payment_notice = 5;
public static $optional_message = 6;
public function __construct($id = false)
if ($key == 'id')
$where .= " = ".trim($value);
if ($key == 'redirect' && $value == self::$redirected)
if ($key == 'redirect' && $value != self::$all)
if ($where == '')
$where = 'WHERE m.redirect > 0';
$where = "WHERE ";
$where .= ' AND m.redirect > 0';
$where .= " AND ";
if ($value == self::$all_redirected)
$where .= "m.redirect > 0";
if ($value == self::$membership_interrupt)
$where .= "m.redirect & 1 = 1";
if ($value == self::$debtors)
$where .= "m.redirect & 2 = 2";
if ($value == self::$payment_notice)
$where .= "m.redirect & 4 = 4";
if ($value == self::$optional_message)
$where .= "m.redirect & 8 = 8";
return self::$db->query("SELECT
if ($key == 'id')
$where .= " = ".trim($value);
if ($key == 'redirect' && $value == self::$redirected)
if ($key == 'redirect' && $value != self::$all)
if ($where == '')
$where = 'WHERE m.redirect > 0';
$where = "WHERE ";
$where .= ' AND m.redirect > 0';
$where .= " AND ";
if ($value == self::$all_redirected)
$where .= "m.redirect > 0";
if ($value == self::$membership_interrupt)
$where .= "m.redirect & 1 = 1";
if ($value == self::$debtors)
$where .= "m.redirect & 2 = 2";
if ($value == self::$payment_notice)
$where .= "m.redirect & 4 = 4";
if ($value == self::$optional_message)
$where .= "m.redirect & 8 = 8";
return self::$db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
public static $all_transfers = 1;
public static $without_inner = 2;
// types of transfers - inbound / outbound
public static $inbound_and_outbound = 1;
public static $inbound = 2;
public static $outbound = 3;
* Function gets all double-entry transfer. They are shown in day book.
* @param $limit_from
public function get_transfers($account_id = null, $limit_from = 0, $limit_results = 20, $order_by = '', $order_by_direction = 'ASC', $filter_values = array())
$where = '';
if ($filter_values['type'] == self::$inbound)
$where = "WHERE t.destination_id = $account_id";
elseif ($filter_values['type'] == self::$outbound)
$where = "WHERE t.origin_id = $account_id";
$where = "WHERE t.origin_id = $account_id OR t.destination_id = $account_id";
foreach($filter_values as $key => $value)
$where .= ' AND ';
if ($key != 'submit' && $key != 'type')
$where .= ' AND ';
if ($key == 'name')
$where .= " LIKE '%".$value."%' COLLATE utf8_general_ci";
if ($key == 'text')
FROM transfers t
LEFT JOIN accounts a ON = IF(t.origin_id = $account_id, t.destination_id, t.origin_id)
WHERE t.origin_id = $account_id OR t.destination_id = $account_id
ORDER BY $order_by $order_by_direction
LIMIT $limit_from, $limit_results"
public function count_transfers($account_id = null, $filter_values = array())
$where = '';
if ($filter_values['type'] == self::$inbound)
$where = "WHERE t.destination_id = $account_id";
elseif ($filter_values['type'] == self::$outbound)
$where = "WHERE t.origin_id = $account_id";
$where = "WHERE t.origin_id = $account_id OR t.destination_id = $account_id";
foreach($filter_values as $key => $value)
$where .= ' AND ';
if ($key != 'submit' && $key != 'type')
$where .= ' AND ';
if ($key == 'name')
$where .= " LIKE '%".$value."%' COLLATE utf8_general_ci";
if ($key == 'text')
return self::$db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM transfers t
LEFT JOIN accounts a ON = IF(t.origin_id = $account_id, t.destination_id, t.origin_id)
WHERE t.origin_id = $account_id OR t.destination_id = $account_id
$types[0] = url_lang::lang('texts.All');
// types of redirection
$redir_types[Member_Model::$all] = url_lang::lang('texts.All');
$redir_types[Member_Model::$redirected] = url_lang::lang('texts.Redirected only');
$redir_types[Member_Model::$all_redirected] = url_lang::lang('texts.All redirected');
$redir_types[Member_Model::$membership_interrupt] = url_lang::lang('texts.Membership interrupt');
$redir_types[Member_Model::$debtors] = url_lang::lang('texts.Debtors');
$redir_types[Member_Model::$payment_notice] = url_lang::lang('texts.Payment notice');
$redir_types[Member_Model::$optional_message] = url_lang::lang('texts.Optional message');
// creates fields for filtering members
$filter=new Table_Form(url_lang::base()."members/show_all", "get", array(
new Table_Form_Item('text','name','Name'),
$query = $model_users->get_all_users($sql_offset, (int)$limit_results, $order_by, $order_by_direction, $filter->values());
if ($total_users == 1)
$arr_gets = array();
foreach ($this->input->get() as $key=>$value) $arr_gets[] = $key.'='.$value;
$query_string = '?'.implode('&',$arr_gets);
if (strtolower($order_by_direction) != 'asc' && strtolower($order_by_direction) != 'desc')
$order_by_direction = 'desc';
// creates fields for filtering
$arr_types[Transfer_Model::$inbound_and_outbound] = url_lang::lang('texts.All transfers');
$arr_types[Transfer_Model::$inbound] = url_lang::lang('texts.Inbound');
$arr_types[Transfer_Model::$outbound] = url_lang::lang('texts.Outbound');
$filter=new Table_Form(url_lang::base()."transfers/show_by_account/$account_id", "get", array(
new Table_Form_Item('text', 'name', 'Counteraccount'),
new Table_Form_Item('text', 'datetime', 'Date and time'),
new Table_Form_Item('text', 'text', 'Text'),
new Table_Form_Item('text', 'amount', 'Amount'),
new Table_Form_Item('select', 'type', 'Type', $arr_types),
"td", new Table_Form_Item('submit', 'submit', 'Filter')
foreach ($this->input->get() as $key=>$value)
$arr_gets[] = $key.'='.$value;
$query_string = '?'.implode('&',$arr_gets);
// all types of transfers are shown by default
$filter_values = $filter->values();
if (count($filter_values) == 0)
$filter_values['type'] = Transfer_Model::$inbound_and_outbound;
// transfers on account
$transfer_model = new Transfer_Model();
$total_transfers = $transfer_model->count_transfers($account_id, $filter->values());
$total_transfers = $transfer_model->count_transfers($account_id, $filter_values);
if (($sql_offset = ($page - 1) * $limit_results) > $total_transfers)
$sql_offset = 0;
$transfers = $transfer_model->get_transfers($account_id, $sql_offset, (int)$limit_results, $order_by, $order_by_direction, $filter->values());
$transfers = $transfer_model->get_transfers($account_id, $sql_offset, (int)$limit_results, $order_by, $order_by_direction, $filter_values);
// headline
$headline = url_lang::lang('texts.Transfers of double-entry account');
// grid of transfers
if ($this->acl_check_new('Accounts_Controller', 'transfers'))
$grid->add_new_button(url_lang::base().'transfers/add/'.$account_id, url_lang::lang('texts.Send money to other account'));
$grid->order_field('datetime')->label(url_lang::lang('texts.Date and time'));
// form
$form = new Forge(url_lang::base()."wireless_settings/add/$iface_id", '', 'POST', array('id' => 'article_form'));
$form->set_attr('class', 'form_class')->set_attr('method', 'post');
$wireless_model = new Wireless_setting_Model();
$wireless_model->iface_id = $iface_id;
$wireless_model->ssid = $form_data['ssid'];
$wireless_model->wmode = $form_data['wmode'];
$wireless_model->norm = $form_data['norm'];
$wireless_model->frequence = $form_data['frequence'];
if (!isset($iface_id))
// wireless settings
$wireless_model = new Wireless_setting_Model();
$wireless = $wireless_model->get_wireless_setting_for_edit($iface_id)->current();
$wireless = ORM::factory('wireless_setting')->where('iface_id', $iface_id)->find();
// wireless settings of interface
$enum_type_model = new Enum_type_Model();
$arr_modes = $enum_type_model->get_values(Enum_type_Model::$mode_type_id);
// form
$form = new Forge(url_lang::base()."wireless_settings/edit/$iface_id", '', 'POST', array('id' => 'article_form'));
$form->set_attr('class', 'form_class')->set_attr('method', 'post');
$form->set_attr('class', 'form_class')->set_attr('method', 'post');
$form_data[$key] = htmlspecialchars($value);
$wireless_model = new Wireless_setting_Model();
$wireless_model = new Wireless_setting_Model($wireless->id);
$wireless_model->iface_id = $iface_id;
$wireless_model->ssid = $form_data['ssid'];
$wireless_model->wmode = $form_data['wmode'];
$wireless_model->norm = $form_data['norm'];
$wireless_model->frequence = $form_data['frequence'];
$form->dropdown('segment_id')->label(url_lang::lang('texts.Segment name').':')->options($arr_segments)->rules('required')->selected($selected_segment);
// wireless settings of interface
$form->checkbox('add_wireless')->label(url_lang::lang('texts.Save wireless setting'))->value(1);
$form->dropdown('wmode')->label(url_lang::lang('texts.Mode').':')->options($arr_modes)->callback(array($this, 'valid_mode'));
$form->dropdown('norm')->label(url_lang::lang('texts.Norm').':')->options($arr_norms)->callback(array($this, 'valid_norm'));
$wireless_model = new Wireless_setting_Model();
$wireless_model->iface_id = $iface_model->id;
$wireless_model->ssid = $form_data['ssid'];
$wireless_model->wmode = $form_data['wmode'];
$wireless_model->norm = $form_data['norm'];
$wireless_model->frequence = $form_data['frequence'];
$upgrade_sql[516] = array(
"ALTER TABLE `jobs` CHANGE `description` `description` VARCHAR(65535) NULL DEFAULT NULL"
// array of sql queries that upgrade database
$upgrade_sql[get_SVN_rev()] = array(
"ALTER TABLE `jobs` CHANGE `description` `description` VARCHAR(65535) NULL DEFAULT NULL"
"ALTER TABLE `wireless_settings` ADD `ssid` VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `iface_id` "
<th colspan="2"><?php echo url_lang::lang("texts.Wireless setting") ?></th>
<th><?php echo url_lang::lang("texts.ID") ?></th>
<td><?php echo $setting->id ?></td>
<th><?php echo url_lang::lang("texts.SSID") ?></th>
<td><?php echo $setting->ssid ?></td>
<th><?php echo url_lang::lang("texts.Mode") ?></th>
<td><?php echo $setting->wmode ?></td>

Také k dispozici: Unified diff