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Revize 33

Přidáno uživatelem Tomáš Dulík před více než 16 roky(ů)

Adding new database tables = new PHP files

Zobrazit rozdíly:

// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the MoneyTransferBankInfoListPanel
// panel DRAFT control. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
<?php $_CONTROL->dtgMoneyTransferBankInfo->Render() ?>
<br />
<p><?php $_CONTROL->btnCreateNew->Render(); ?></p>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the money_transfer_bank_info_edit.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
<?php $_CONTROL->lblId->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtVariableSymbol->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtConstantSymbol->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtSpecificSymbol->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtName->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->lstIDFeeTransferObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->calDateTime->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<br />
<?php $_CONTROL->btnSave->Render() ?>
<?php $_CONTROL->btnCancel->Render() ?>
<?php $_CONTROL->btnDelete->Render() ?>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the MoneyTransferListPanel
// panel DRAFT control. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
<?php $_CONTROL->dtgMoneyTransfer->Render() ?>
<br />
<p><?php $_CONTROL->btnCreateNew->Render(); ?></p>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the money_transfer_edit.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
<?php $_CONTROL->lblId->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->lstIDOriginObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->lstIDDestinationObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->lstIDBankInfoObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->lblTimestamp->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtText->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtType->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtAmount->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<br />
<?php $_CONTROL->btnSave->Render() ?>
<?php $_CONTROL->btnCancel->Render() ?>
<?php $_CONTROL->btnDelete->Render() ?>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the WorkListPanel
// panel DRAFT control. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
<?php $_CONTROL->dtgWork->Render() ?>
<br />
<p><?php $_CONTROL->btnCreateNew->Render(); ?></p>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the AccountListPanel
// panel DRAFT control. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
<?php $_CONTROL->dtgAccount->Render() ?>
<br />
<p><?php $_CONTROL->btnCreateNew->Render(); ?></p>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the work_edit.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
<?php $_CONTROL->lblId->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->lstIDUserObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtDescription->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtHours->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->lstIDConfirmedByObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->lstIDTransferObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<br />
<?php $_CONTROL->btnSave->Render() ?>
<?php $_CONTROL->btnCancel->Render() ?>
<?php $_CONTROL->btnDelete->Render() ?>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the account_edit.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
<?php $_CONTROL->lblId->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->lstIDOwnerObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtName->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtType->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtStartAmount->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $_CONTROL->txtComment->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<br />
<?php $_CONTROL->btnSave->Render() ?>
<?php $_CONTROL->btnCancel->Render() ?>
<?php $_CONTROL->btnDelete->Render() ?>
// Include the classfile for MoneyTransferBankInfoListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/MoneyTransferBankInfoListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the MoneyTransferBankInfo class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract MoneyTransferBankInfoListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class MoneyTransferBankInfoListPanel extends MoneyTransferBankInfoListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/MoneyTransferBankInfoListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for MoneyTransferBankInfoEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/MoneyTransferBankInfoEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the MoneyTransferBankInfo class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract MoneyTransferBankInfoEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class MoneyTransferBankInfoEditPanel extends MoneyTransferBankInfoEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/MoneyTransferBankInfoEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objMoneyTransferBankInfo = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objMoneyTransferBankInfo, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for MoneyTransferListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/MoneyTransferListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the MoneyTransfer class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract MoneyTransferListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class MoneyTransferListPanel extends MoneyTransferListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/MoneyTransferListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for MoneyTransferEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/MoneyTransferEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the MoneyTransfer class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract MoneyTransferEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class MoneyTransferEditPanel extends MoneyTransferEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/MoneyTransferEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objMoneyTransfer = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objMoneyTransfer, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for WorkListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/WorkListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the Work class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract WorkListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class WorkListPanel extends WorkListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/WorkListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for AccountListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/AccountListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the Account class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract AccountListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class AccountListPanel extends AccountListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/AccountListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for WorkEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/WorkEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the Work class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract WorkEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class WorkEditPanel extends WorkEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/WorkEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objWork = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objWork, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for AccountEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/AccountEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the Account class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract AccountEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class AccountEditPanel extends AccountEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/AccountEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objAccount = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objAccount, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include to load Qcodo
require('../includes/'); /* if you DO NOT have "includes/" in your include_path */
// require(''); /* if you DO have "includes/" in your include_path */
// Include the classfile for MoneyTransferBankInfoListFormBase
require(__FORMBASE_CLASSES__ . '/MoneyTransferBankInfoListFormBase.class.php');
// Security check for ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN
// To allow access REGARDLESS of ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN, simply remove the line below
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft form object to do the List All functionality
* of the MoneyTransferBankInfo class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract MoneyTransferBankInfoListFormBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage FormDraftObjects
class MoneyTransferBankInfoListForm extends MoneyTransferBankInfoListFormBase {
// Override Form Event Handlers as Needed
// protected function Form_Run() {}
// protected function Form_Load() {}
// protected function Form_Create() {
// parent::Form_Create();
// }
// protected function Form_PreRender() {}
// protected function Form_Exit() {}
// Go ahead and run this form object to generate the page and event handlers, using
// generated/money_transfer_bank_info_list.tpl.php as the included HTML template file
MoneyTransferBankInfoListForm::Run('MoneyTransferBankInfoListForm', 'generated/money_transfer_bank_info_list.tpl.php');
// Include to load Qcodo
require('../includes/'); /* if you DO NOT have "includes/" in your include_path */
// require(''); /* if you DO have "includes/" in your include_path */
// Include the classfile for AccountEditFormBase
require(__FORMBASE_CLASSES__ . '/AccountEditFormBase.class.php');
// Security check for ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN
// To allow access REGARDLESS of ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN, simply remove the line below
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft form object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the Account class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract AccountEditFormBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage FormDraftObjects
class AccountEditForm extends AccountEditFormBase {
// Override Form Event Handlers as Needed
// protected function Form_Run() {}
// protected function Form_Load() {}
// protected function Form_Create() {
// parent::Form_Create();
// }
// protected function Form_PreRender() {}
// protected function Form_Exit() {}
// Go ahead and run this form object to render the page and its event handlers, using
// generated/account_edit.tpl.php as the included HTML template file
AccountEditForm::Run('AccountEditForm', 'generated/account_edit.tpl.php');
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the money_transfer_edit.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
$strPageTitle = $this->strTitleVerb . ' MoneyTransfer';
require(__INCLUDES__ . '/')
<?php $this->RenderBegin() ?>
<div class="title_action"><?php _p($this->strTitleVerb); ?></div>
<div class="title"><?php _t('MoneyTransfer')?></div>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lblId->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lstIDOriginObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lstIDDestinationObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lstIDBankInfoObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lblTimestamp->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtText->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtType->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtAmount->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<br />
<?php $this->btnSave->Render() ?>
<?php $this->btnCancel->Render() ?>
<?php $this->btnDelete->Render() ?>
<?php $this->RenderEnd() ?>
<?php require(__INCLUDES__ .'/'); ?>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the money_transfer_bank_info_edit.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
$strPageTitle = $this->strTitleVerb . ' MoneyTransferBankInfo';
require(__INCLUDES__ . '/')
<?php $this->RenderBegin() ?>
<div class="title_action"><?php _p($this->strTitleVerb); ?></div>
<div class="title"><?php _t('MoneyTransferBankInfo')?></div>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lblId->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtVariableSymbol->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtConstantSymbol->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtSpecificSymbol->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtName->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lstIDFeeTransferObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->calDateTime->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<br />
<?php $this->btnSave->Render() ?>
<?php $this->btnCancel->Render() ?>
<?php $this->btnDelete->Render() ?>
<?php $this->RenderEnd() ?>
<?php require(__INCLUDES__ .'/'); ?>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the money_transfer_list.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
$strPageTitle = QApplication::Translate('List All') . ' MoneyTransfers';
require(__INCLUDES__ . '/')
<?php $this->RenderBegin() ?>
<div class="title_action"><?php _t('List All'); ?></div>
<div class="title"><?php _t('MoneyTransfers'); ?></div>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->dtgMoneyTransfer->Render() ?>
<br />
<a href="money_transfer_edit.php"><?php _t('Create a New'); ?> <?php _t('MoneyTransfer');?></a>
<a href="<?php _p(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __FORM_DRAFTS__) ?>/index.php"><?php _t('Go to "Form Drafts"'); ?></a>
<?php $this->RenderEnd() ?>
<?php require(__INCLUDES__ . '/'); ?>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the work_edit.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
$strPageTitle = $this->strTitleVerb . ' Work';
require(__INCLUDES__ . '/')
<?php $this->RenderBegin() ?>
<div class="title_action"><?php _p($this->strTitleVerb); ?></div>
<div class="title"><?php _t('Work')?></div>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lblId->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lstIDUserObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtDescription->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtHours->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lstIDConfirmedByObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lstIDTransferObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<br />
<?php $this->btnSave->Render() ?>
<?php $this->btnCancel->Render() ?>
<?php $this->btnDelete->Render() ?>
<?php $this->RenderEnd() ?>
<?php require(__INCLUDES__ .'/'); ?>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the money_transfer_bank_info_list.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
$strPageTitle = QApplication::Translate('List All') . ' MoneyTransferBankInfos';
require(__INCLUDES__ . '/')
<?php $this->RenderBegin() ?>
<div class="title_action"><?php _t('List All'); ?></div>
<div class="title"><?php _t('MoneyTransferBankInfos'); ?></div>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->dtgMoneyTransferBankInfo->Render() ?>
<br />
<a href="money_transfer_bank_info_edit.php"><?php _t('Create a New'); ?> <?php _t('MoneyTransferBankInfo');?></a>
<a href="<?php _p(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __FORM_DRAFTS__) ?>/index.php"><?php _t('Go to "Form Drafts"'); ?></a>
<?php $this->RenderEnd() ?>
<?php require(__INCLUDES__ . '/'); ?>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the account_edit.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
$strPageTitle = $this->strTitleVerb . ' Account';
require(__INCLUDES__ . '/')
<?php $this->RenderBegin() ?>
<div class="title_action"><?php _p($this->strTitleVerb); ?></div>
<div class="title"><?php _t('Account')?></div>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lblId->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->lstIDOwnerObject->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtName->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtType->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtStartAmount->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->txtComment->RenderWithName(); ?>
<br class="item_divider" />
<br />
<?php $this->btnSave->Render() ?>
<?php $this->btnCancel->Render() ?>
<?php $this->btnDelete->Render() ?>
<?php $this->RenderEnd() ?>
<?php require(__INCLUDES__ .'/'); ?>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the work_list.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
$strPageTitle = QApplication::Translate('List All') . ' Works';
require(__INCLUDES__ . '/')
<?php $this->RenderBegin() ?>
<div class="title_action"><?php _t('List All'); ?></div>
<div class="title"><?php _t('Works'); ?></div>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->dtgWork->Render() ?>
<br />
<a href="work_edit.php"><?php _t('Create a New'); ?> <?php _t('Work');?></a>
<a href="<?php _p(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __FORM_DRAFTS__) ?>/index.php"><?php _t('Go to "Form Drafts"'); ?></a>
<?php $this->RenderEnd() ?>
<?php require(__INCLUDES__ . '/'); ?>
// This is the HTML template include file (.tpl.php) for the account_list.php
// form DRAFT page. Remember that this is a DRAFT. It is MEANT to be altered/modified.
// Be sure to move this out of the generated/ subdirectory before modifying to ensure that subsequent
// code re-generations do not overwrite your changes.
$strPageTitle = QApplication::Translate('List All') . ' Accounts';
require(__INCLUDES__ . '/')
<?php $this->RenderBegin() ?>
<div class="title_action"><?php _t('List All'); ?></div>
<div class="title"><?php _t('Accounts'); ?></div>
<br class="item_divider" />
<?php $this->dtgAccount->Render() ?>
<br />
<a href="account_edit.php"><?php _t('Create a New'); ?> <?php _t('Account');?></a>
<a href="<?php _p(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __FORM_DRAFTS__) ?>/index.php"><?php _t('Go to "Form Drafts"'); ?></a>
<?php $this->RenderEnd() ?>
<?php require(__INCLUDES__ . '/'); ?>
// Include to load Qcodo
require('../includes/'); /* if you DO NOT have "includes/" in your include_path */
// require(''); /* if you DO have "includes/" in your include_path */
// Include the classfile for WorkListFormBase
require(__FORMBASE_CLASSES__ . '/WorkListFormBase.class.php');
// Security check for ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN
// To allow access REGARDLESS of ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN, simply remove the line below
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft form object to do the List All functionality
* of the Work class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract WorkListFormBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage FormDraftObjects
class WorkListForm extends WorkListFormBase {
// Override Form Event Handlers as Needed
// protected function Form_Run() {}
// protected function Form_Load() {}
// protected function Form_Create() {
// parent::Form_Create();
// }
// protected function Form_PreRender() {}
// protected function Form_Exit() {}
// Go ahead and run this form object to generate the page and event handlers, using
// generated/work_list.tpl.php as the included HTML template file
WorkListForm::Run('WorkListForm', 'generated/work_list.tpl.php');
// Include to load Qcodo
require('../includes/'); /* if you DO NOT have "includes/" in your include_path */
// require(''); /* if you DO have "includes/" in your include_path */
// Include the classfile for AccountListFormBase
require(__FORMBASE_CLASSES__ . '/AccountListFormBase.class.php');
// Security check for ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN
// To allow access REGARDLESS of ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN, simply remove the line below
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft form object to do the List All functionality
* of the Account class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract AccountListFormBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage FormDraftObjects
class AccountListForm extends AccountListFormBase {
// Override Form Event Handlers as Needed
// protected function Form_Run() {}
// protected function Form_Load() {}
// protected function Form_Create() {
// parent::Form_Create();
// }
// protected function Form_PreRender() {}
// protected function Form_Exit() {}
// Go ahead and run this form object to generate the page and event handlers, using
// generated/account_list.tpl.php as the included HTML template file
AccountListForm::Run('AccountListForm', 'generated/account_list.tpl.php');
// Include to load Qcodo
require('../includes/'); /* if you DO NOT have "includes/" in your include_path */
// require(''); /* if you DO have "includes/" in your include_path */
// Include the classfile for MoneyTransferEditFormBase
require(__FORMBASE_CLASSES__ . '/MoneyTransferEditFormBase.class.php');
// Security check for ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN
// To allow access REGARDLESS of ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN, simply remove the line below
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft form object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the MoneyTransfer class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract MoneyTransferEditFormBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage FormDraftObjects
class MoneyTransferEditForm extends MoneyTransferEditFormBase {
// Override Form Event Handlers as Needed
// protected function Form_Run() {}
// protected function Form_Load() {}
// protected function Form_Create() {
// parent::Form_Create();
// }
// protected function Form_PreRender() {}
// protected function Form_Exit() {}
// Go ahead and run this form object to render the page and its event handlers, using
// generated/money_transfer_edit.tpl.php as the included HTML template file
MoneyTransferEditForm::Run('MoneyTransferEditForm', 'generated/money_transfer_edit.tpl.php');
// Include to load Qcodo
require('../includes/'); /* if you DO NOT have "includes/" in your include_path */
// require(''); /* if you DO have "includes/" in your include_path */
// Include the classfile for MoneyTransferBankInfoEditFormBase
require(__FORMBASE_CLASSES__ . '/MoneyTransferBankInfoEditFormBase.class.php');
// Security check for ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN
// To allow access REGARDLESS of ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN, simply remove the line below
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft form object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the MoneyTransferBankInfo class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract MoneyTransferBankInfoEditFormBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage FormDraftObjects
class MoneyTransferBankInfoEditForm extends MoneyTransferBankInfoEditFormBase {
// Override Form Event Handlers as Needed
// protected function Form_Run() {}
// protected function Form_Load() {}
// protected function Form_Create() {
// parent::Form_Create();
// }
// protected function Form_PreRender() {}
// protected function Form_Exit() {}
// Go ahead and run this form object to render the page and its event handlers, using
// generated/money_transfer_bank_info_edit.tpl.php as the included HTML template file
MoneyTransferBankInfoEditForm::Run('MoneyTransferBankInfoEditForm', 'generated/money_transfer_bank_info_edit.tpl.php');
// Include to load Qcodo
require('../includes/'); /* if you DO NOT have "includes/" in your include_path */
// require(''); /* if you DO have "includes/" in your include_path */
// Include the classfile for MoneyTransferListFormBase
require(__FORMBASE_CLASSES__ . '/MoneyTransferListFormBase.class.php');
// Security check for ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN
// To allow access REGARDLESS of ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN, simply remove the line below
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft form object to do the List All functionality
* of the MoneyTransfer class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract MoneyTransferListFormBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage FormDraftObjects
class MoneyTransferListForm extends MoneyTransferListFormBase {
// Override Form Event Handlers as Needed
// protected function Form_Run() {}
// protected function Form_Load() {}
// protected function Form_Create() {
// parent::Form_Create();
// }
// protected function Form_PreRender() {}
// protected function Form_Exit() {}
// Go ahead and run this form object to generate the page and event handlers, using
// generated/money_transfer_list.tpl.php as the included HTML template file
MoneyTransferListForm::Run('MoneyTransferListForm', 'generated/money_transfer_list.tpl.php');
// Include to load Qcodo
require('../includes/'); /* if you DO NOT have "includes/" in your include_path */
// require(''); /* if you DO have "includes/" in your include_path */
// Include the classfile for WorkEditFormBase
require(__FORMBASE_CLASSES__ . '/WorkEditFormBase.class.php');
// Security check for ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN
// To allow access REGARDLESS of ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN, simply remove the line below
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft form object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the Work class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract WorkEditFormBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage FormDraftObjects
class WorkEditForm extends WorkEditFormBase {
// Override Form Event Handlers as Needed
// protected function Form_Run() {}
// protected function Form_Load() {}
// protected function Form_Create() {
// parent::Form_Create();
// }
// protected function Form_PreRender() {}
// protected function Form_Exit() {}
// Go ahead and run this form object to render the page and its event handlers, using
// generated/work_edit.tpl.php as the included HTML template file
WorkEditForm::Run('WorkEditForm', 'generated/work_edit.tpl.php');
* This is the abstract Panel class for the List All functionality
* of the Work class. This code-generated class
* contains a datagrid to display an HTML page that can
* list a collection of Work objects. It includes
* functionality to perform pagination and sorting on columns.
* To take advantage of some (or all) of these control objects, you
* must create a new QPanel which extends this WorkListPanelBase
* class.
* Any and all changes to this file will be overwritten with any subsequent re-
* code generation.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelBaseObjects
abstract class WorkListPanelBase extends QPanel {
public $dtgWork;
public $btnCreateNew;
// Callback Method Names
protected $strSetEditPanelMethod;
protected $strCloseEditPanelMethod;
// DataGrid Columns
protected $colEditLinkColumn;
protected $colId;
protected $colIDUser;
protected $colDescription;
protected $colHours;
protected $colIDConfirmedBy;
protected $colIDTransfer;
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Record Method Callbacks
$this->strSetEditPanelMethod = $strSetEditPanelMethod;
$this->strCloseEditPanelMethod = $strCloseEditPanelMethod;
// Setup DataGrid Columns
$this->colEditLinkColumn = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('Edit'), '<?= $_CONTROL->ParentControl->dtgWork_EditLinkColumn_Render($_ITEM) ?>');
$this->colEditLinkColumn->HtmlEntities = false;
$this->colId = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('Id'), '<?= $_ITEM->Id; ?>', array('OrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Work()->Id), 'ReverseOrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Work()->Id, false)));
$this->colIDUser = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('I D User'), '<?= $_CONTROL->ParentControl->dtgWork_IDUserObject_Render($_ITEM); ?>');
$this->colDescription = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('Description'), '<?= QString::Truncate($_ITEM->Description, 200); ?>', array('OrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Work()->Description), 'ReverseOrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Work()->Description, false)));
$this->colHours = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('Hours'), '<?= $_ITEM->Hours; ?>', array('OrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Work()->Hours), 'ReverseOrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Work()->Hours, false)));
$this->colIDConfirmedBy = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('I D Confirmed By'), '<?= $_CONTROL->ParentControl->dtgWork_IDConfirmedByObject_Render($_ITEM); ?>');
$this->colIDTransfer = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('I D Transfer'), '<?= $_CONTROL->ParentControl->dtgWork_IDTransferObject_Render($_ITEM); ?>');
// Setup DataGrid
$this->dtgWork = new QDataGrid($this);
$this->dtgWork->CellSpacing = 0;
$this->dtgWork->CellPadding = 4;
$this->dtgWork->BorderStyle = QBorderStyle::Solid;
$this->dtgWork->BorderWidth = 1;
$this->dtgWork->GridLines = QGridLines::Both;
// Datagrid Paginator
$this->dtgWork->Paginator = new QPaginator($this->dtgWork);
$this->dtgWork->ItemsPerPage = 10;
// Specify Whether or Not to Refresh using Ajax
$this->dtgWork->UseAjax = true;
// Specify the local databind method this datagrid will use
$this->dtgWork->SetDataBinder('dtgWork_Bind', $this);
// Setup the Create New button
$this->btnCreateNew = new QButton($this);
$this->btnCreateNew->Text = QApplication::Translate('Create a New') . ' ' . QApplication::Translate('Work');
$this->btnCreateNew->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, 'btnCreateNew_Click'));
public function dtgWork_EditLinkColumn_Render(Work $objWork) {
$strControlId = 'btnEdit' . $this->dtgWork->CurrentRowIndex;
$btnEdit = $this->objForm->GetControl($strControlId);
if (!$btnEdit) {
$btnEdit = new QButton($this->dtgWork, $strControlId);
$btnEdit->Text = QApplication::Translate('Edit');
$btnEdit->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction($this, 'btnEdit_Click'));
$btnEdit->ActionParameter = $objWork->Id;
return $btnEdit->Render(false);
public function btnEdit_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
$strParameterArray = explode(',', $strParameter);
$objWork = Work::Load($strParameterArray[0]);
$objEditPanel = new WorkEditPanel($this, $this->strCloseEditPanelMethod, $objWork);
$strMethodName = $this->strSetEditPanelMethod;
public function btnCreateNew_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
$objEditPanel = new WorkEditPanel($this, $this->strCloseEditPanelMethod, null);
$strMethodName = $this->strSetEditPanelMethod;
public function dtgWork_IDUserObject_Render(Work $objWork) {
if (!is_null($objWork->IDUserObject))
return $objWork->IDUserObject->__toString();
return null;
public function dtgWork_IDConfirmedByObject_Render(Work $objWork) {
if (!is_null($objWork->IDConfirmedByObject))
return $objWork->IDConfirmedByObject->__toString();
return null;
public function dtgWork_IDTransferObject_Render(Work $objWork) {
if (!is_null($objWork->IDTransferObject))
return $objWork->IDTransferObject->__toString();
return null;
public function dtgWork_Bind() {
// Get Total Count b/c of Pagination
$this->dtgWork->TotalItemCount = Work::CountAll();
$objClauses = array();
if ($objClause = $this->dtgWork->OrderByClause)
array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
if ($objClause = $this->dtgWork->LimitClause)
array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
$this->dtgWork->DataSource = Work::LoadAll($objClauses);
* This is the abstract Panel class for the List All functionality
* of the Account class. This code-generated class
* contains a datagrid to display an HTML page that can
* list a collection of Account objects. It includes
* functionality to perform pagination and sorting on columns.
* To take advantage of some (or all) of these control objects, you
* must create a new QPanel which extends this AccountListPanelBase
* class.
* Any and all changes to this file will be overwritten with any subsequent re-
* code generation.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelBaseObjects
abstract class AccountListPanelBase extends QPanel {
public $dtgAccount;
public $btnCreateNew;
// Callback Method Names
protected $strSetEditPanelMethod;
protected $strCloseEditPanelMethod;
// DataGrid Columns
protected $colEditLinkColumn;
protected $colId;
protected $colIDOwner;
protected $colName;
protected $colType;
protected $colStartAmount;
protected $colComment;
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Record Method Callbacks
$this->strSetEditPanelMethod = $strSetEditPanelMethod;
$this->strCloseEditPanelMethod = $strCloseEditPanelMethod;
// Setup DataGrid Columns
$this->colEditLinkColumn = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('Edit'), '<?= $_CONTROL->ParentControl->dtgAccount_EditLinkColumn_Render($_ITEM) ?>');
$this->colEditLinkColumn->HtmlEntities = false;
$this->colId = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('Id'), '<?= $_ITEM->Id; ?>', array('OrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Account()->Id), 'ReverseOrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Account()->Id, false)));
$this->colIDOwner = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('I D Owner'), '<?= $_CONTROL->ParentControl->dtgAccount_IDOwnerObject_Render($_ITEM); ?>');
$this->colName = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('Name'), '<?= QString::Truncate($_ITEM->Name, 200); ?>', array('OrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Account()->Name), 'ReverseOrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Account()->Name, false)));
$this->colType = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('Type'), '<?= $_ITEM->Type; ?>', array('OrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Account()->Type), 'ReverseOrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Account()->Type, false)));
$this->colStartAmount = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('Start Amount'), '<?= QString::Truncate($_ITEM->StartAmount, 200); ?>', array('OrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Account()->StartAmount), 'ReverseOrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Account()->StartAmount, false)));
$this->colComment = new QDataGridColumn(QApplication::Translate('Comment'), '<?= QString::Truncate($_ITEM->Comment, 200); ?>', array('OrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Account()->Comment), 'ReverseOrderByClause' => QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Account()->Comment, false)));
// Setup DataGrid
$this->dtgAccount = new QDataGrid($this);
... Rozdílový soubor je zkrácen, protože jeho délka přesahuje max. limit.

Také k dispozici: Unified diff