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Revize 28

Přidáno uživatelem Tomáš Dulík před více než 16 roky(ů)

Zobrazit rozdíly:

Unless otherwise specified, all files in the Qcodo Development Framework
are under the following copyright and licensing policies:
The Qcodo Development Framework is distributed by Quasidea Development, LLC
under the terms of the MIT License. More information can be found at
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2007, Quasidea Development, LLC
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* This is a *nix/Mac-based PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) script
* to perform the Qcodo Update Utility.
* Remember: You may need to update the top line to have it point
* to the php binary on your server.
* Typical usage would be:
* ./qcodo_updater.cli [SETTINGS...]
// Specify we are Non-Windows
$blnWindows = false;
// Include the rest of the OS-agnostic script
/* This includes library file is used by the qcodo_downloader.cli and qcodo_downloader.phpexe scripts
* to perform the Qcodo Update Utility's File Downloading functionality.
// Call the CLI
// Finally, load the QUpdateUtility class itself
require(__QCODO_CORE__ . '/framework/QUpdateUtility.class.php');
// Ensure that there are parameters
if ($_SERVER['argc'] != 5)
$strVersion = trim(strtolower($_SERVER['argv'][1]));
if (($strVersion == 'stable') || ($strVersion == 'development'))
QUpdateUtility::Error('Invalid Version format: ' . $strVersion);
$objUpdateUtility = new QUpdateUtility($strVersion);
$objUpdateUtility->RunDownloader($_SERVER['argv'][2], $_SERVER['argv'][3], $_SERVER['argv'][4]);
* This is a Windows-based PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) script
* to perform the Qcodo Update Utility.
* Remember: Windows CLI must be executed by the php.exe executable (usually
* installed at c:\php\php.exe).
* Typical usage would be:
* c:\php\php.exe qcodo_updater.phpexe [SETTINGS...]
// Specify we are Windows
$blnWindows = true;
// Include the rest of the OS-agnostic script
// First, let's make sure that path_to_prepend.txt exists
$strPathToPrependTextFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/path_to_prepend.txt';
if (!is_file($strPathToPrependTextFile))
exit("No path_to_prepend.txt file was found.\r\nPlease be sure to specify the absolute path to in the ./path_to_prepend.txt file!\r\n");
// Next, use the absolute path found in path_to_prepend.txt
$strPathToPrepend = trim(file_get_contents($strPathToPrependTextFile));
if (!is_dir($strPathToPrepend))
exit("The text value found in the ./path_to_prepend.txt file does not appear to be a valid directory.\r\nPlease be sre to specify the correct absolute path to in the ./path_to_prepend.txt file!\r\n");
// If it exists, require() it -- otherwise, report the error
if (file_exists($strPathToPrepend . '/'))
require($strPathToPrepend . '/');
exit("The file was not found at $strPathToPrepend.\r\nPlease be sre to specify the correct absolute path to in the ./path_to_prepend.txt file!\r\n");
// Finally, verify that __DEVTOOLS_CLI__ is configured correctly
if (!is_file(__DEVTOOLS_CLI__ . '/' . basename(__FILE__)))
exit("The __DEVTOOLS_CLI__ configuration constant in does not appear to be set correctly.\r\n");
$objStat1 = stat(__DEVTOOLS_CLI__ . '/' . basename(__FILE__));
$objStat2 = stat(__FILE__);
if ($objStat1['ino'] != $objStat2['ino'])
exit("The __DEVTOOLS_CLI__ configuration constant in does not appear to be set correctly [INode Mismatch].\r\n");
// Finally, turn off output buffering
/* This includes library file is used by the codegen.cli and codegen.phpexe scripts
* to simply fire up and run the QCodeGen object, itself.
// Call the CLI
// Include the QCodeGen class library
require(__QCODO__. '/codegen/QCodeGen.class.php');
function PrintInstructions() {
global $strCommandName;
print('Qcodo Code Generator (Command Line Interface) - ' . QCODO_VERSION . '
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2007, QuasIdea Development, LLC
This program is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; you may
redistribute it under the terms of The MIT License.
Usage: ' . $strCommandName . ' CODEGEN_SETTINGS
Where CODEGEN_SETTINGS is the absolute filepath of the codegen_settings.xml
file, containing the code generator settings.
For more information, please go to
if ($_SERVER['argc'] != 2)
// Run Code Gen
if ($strErrors = QCodeGen::$RootErrors) {
printf("The following ROOT ERRORS were reported:\r\n%s\r\n\r\n", $strErrors);
} else {
printf("CodeGen settings (as evaluted from %s):\r\n%s\r\n\r\n", $_SERVER['argv'][1], QCodeGen::GetSettingsXml());
foreach (QCodeGen::$CodeGenArray as $objCodeGen) {
printf("%s\r\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", $objCodeGen->GetTitle());
printf("%s\r\n", $objCodeGen->GetReportLabel());
printf("%s\r\n", $objCodeGen->GenerateAll());
if ($strErrors = $objCodeGen->Errors)
printf("The following errors were reported:\r\n%s\r\n", $strErrors);
foreach (QCodeGen::GenerateAggregate() as $strMessage) {
printf("%s\r\n\r\n", $strMessage);
/* This includes library file is used by the qcodo_updater.cli and qcodo_updater.phpexe scripts
* to perform the Qcodo Update Utility functionality.
// Call the CLI
// Finally, load the QUpdateUtility class itself
require(__QCODO_CORE__ . '/framework/QUpdateUtility.class.php');
// Ensure that there are parameters
if ($_SERVER['argc'] < 2)
// Setup Parameter Defaults
$strInteractionType = QUpdateUtility::Interactive;
$blnQuietMode = false;
for ($intIndex = 1; $intIndex < $_SERVER['argc']; $intIndex++) {
$strArgument = strtolower($_SERVER['argv'][$intIndex]);
if ($strArgument == '--quiet') {
if ($intIndex == $_SERVER['argc'] - 1)
QUpdateUtility::Error('No Qcodo Version was specified');
$blnQuietMode = true;
} else if (substr($strArgument, 0, strlen('--interaction')) == '--interaction') {
$strArgument = substr($strArgument, strlen('--interaction='));
switch ($strArgument) {
case QUpdateUtility::Interactive:
$strInteractionType = QUpdateUtility::Interactive;
case QUpdateUtility::Rename:
$strInteractionType = QUpdateUtility::Rename;
case QUpdateUtility::Force:
$strInteractionType = QUpdateUtility::Force;
case QUpdateUtility::ReportOnly:
$strInteractionType = QUpdateUtility::ReportOnly;
QUpdateUtility::Error('Invalid Interaction Mode: ' . $strArgument);
if ($intIndex == $_SERVER['argc'] - 1)
QUpdateUtility::Error('No Qcodo Version was specified');
} else if ($strArgument == '--help') {
} else {
if (($intIndex != ($_SERVER['argc'] - 1)) ||
(substr($strArgument, 0, 1) == '-'))
QUpdateUtility::Error('Invalid Option/Argument: ' . $strArgument);
if ($strInteractionType != QUpdateUtility::ReportOnly)
printf("Qcodo Update Utility - Performing '%s' Update...\r\n", $strInteractionType);
$strVersion = $_SERVER['argv'][$_SERVER['argc'] - 1];
$objUpdateUtility = new QUpdateUtility($strVersion);
$objUpdateUtility->RunUpdater($strInteractionType, $blnQuietMode);
* This is a *nix/Mac-based PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) script
* to perform Qcodo Update Utility's File Downloading.
* Remember: You may need to update the top line to have it point
* to the php binary on your server.
* Typical usage would be:
* ./qcodo_downloader.cli [SETTINGS...]
// Specify we are Non-Windows
$blnWindows = false;
// Include the rest of the OS-agnostic script
This directory contains command-line-based drivers for Qcodo's development
* codegen.cli - for Unix/Linux/Mac OS X command lines
* codegen.phpexe - for Windows command line
Both use the QCodeGen and related Qcodo codegen libraries to do the bulk
of the work. They simply instantiate a QCodeGen object, execute various
public methods on it to do the code generation, and create a text-based
report of its activities, outputting it to STDOUT.
* (future tools tba)
Feel free to alter the settings, inputs and/or outputs of any of the drivers
as you wish.
VERY IMPORTANT: Before running ANY command line tools, you need to be sure
to update the path_to_prepend.txt file with the absolute path to the file in your includes directory.
For the .cli version, you may need to update the top line of the file to
match the path of the PHP bin executable on your system, too.
For the .phpexe version, you need to remember to run it as a PARAMETER to
the php.exe executable (usually installed in c:\php\php.exe).
Feel free to implement your own command line tools here, as well.
* This is a *nix/Mac-based PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) script
* which is a wrapper around the CodeGen object.
* Remember: You may need to update the top line to have it point
* to the php binary on your server.
* Typical usage would be:
* ./codegen.cli [SETTINGS...]
// Running as a Non-Windows Command Name
$strCommandName = './codegen.cli';
// Include the rest of the OS-agnostic script
* This is a Windows-based PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) script
* to perform Qcodo Update Utility's File Downloading.
* Remember: Windows CLI must be executed by the php.exe executable (usually
* installed at c:\php\php.exe).
* Typical usage would be:
* c:\php\php.exe qcodo_downloader.phpexe [SETTINGS...]
// Specify we are Windows
$blnWindows = true;
// Include the rest of the OS-agnostic script
* This is a Windows-based PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) script
* which is a wrapper around the CodeGen object.
* Remember: Windows CLI must be executed by the php.exe executable (usually
* installed at c:\php\php.exe).
* Typical usage would be:
* c:\php\php.exe codegen.phpexe [SETTINGS...]
// Running as a Windows Command Name
$strCommandName = 'c:\\php\\php.exe codegen.phpexe';
// Include the rest of the OS-agnostic script
// Include the classfile for AccessModEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/AccessModEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the AccessMod class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract AccessModEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class AccessModEditPanel extends AccessModEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/AccessModEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objAccessMod = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objAccessMod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for UserListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/UserListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the User class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract UserListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class UserListPanel extends UserListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/UserListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for MemberEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/MemberEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the Member class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract MemberEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class MemberEditPanel extends MemberEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/MemberEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objMember = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objMember, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for PortBelongsToVlanListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/PortBelongsToVlanListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the PortBelongsToVlan class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract PortBelongsToVlanListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class PortBelongsToVlanListPanel extends PortBelongsToVlanListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/PortBelongsToVlanListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for PortListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/PortListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the Port class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract PortListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class PortListPanel extends PortListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/PortListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for UserEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/UserEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the User class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract UserEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class UserEditPanel extends UserEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/UserEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objUser = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objUser, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for ContactListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/ContactListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the Contact class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract ContactListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class ContactListPanel extends ContactListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/ContactListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for PortBelongsToVlanEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/PortBelongsToVlanEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the PortBelongsToVlan class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract PortBelongsToVlanEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class PortBelongsToVlanEditPanel extends PortBelongsToVlanEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/PortBelongsToVlanEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objPortBelongsToVlan = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objPortBelongsToVlan, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for PortEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/PortEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the Port class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract PortEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class PortEditPanel extends PortEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/PortEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objPort = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objPort, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for SubnetListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/SubnetListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the Subnet class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract SubnetListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class SubnetListPanel extends SubnetListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/SubnetListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for ContactEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/ContactEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the Contact class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract ContactEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class ContactEditPanel extends ContactEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/ContactEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objContact = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objContact, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for AclSectionsListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/AclSectionsListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the AclSections class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract AclSectionsListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class AclSectionsListPanel extends AclSectionsListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/AclSectionsListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for SubnetEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/SubnetEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the Subnet class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract SubnetEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class SubnetEditPanel extends SubnetEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/SubnetEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objSubnet = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objSubnet, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for PaymentListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/PaymentListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the Payment class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract PaymentListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class PaymentListPanel extends PaymentListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/PaymentListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for PhpgaclListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/PhpgaclListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the Phpgacl class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract PhpgaclListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class PhpgaclListPanel extends PhpgaclListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/PhpgaclListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for GroupsAroMapListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/GroupsAroMapListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the GroupsAroMap class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract GroupsAroMapListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class GroupsAroMapListPanel extends GroupsAroMapListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/GroupsAroMapListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for AroGroupsMapListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/AroGroupsMapListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the AroGroupsMap class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract AroGroupsMapListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class AroGroupsMapListPanel extends AroGroupsMapListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/AroGroupsMapListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for AclSectionsEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/AclSectionsEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the AclSections class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract AclSectionsEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class AclSectionsEditPanel extends AclSectionsEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/AclSectionsEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objAclSections = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objAclSections, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for AroGroupsListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/AroGroupsListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the AroGroups class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract AroGroupsListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class AroGroupsListPanel extends AroGroupsListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/AroGroupsListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for AxoMapListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/AxoMapListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the AxoMap class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract AxoMapListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class AxoMapListPanel extends AxoMapListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/AxoMapListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for AxoGroupsListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/AxoGroupsListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the AxoGroups class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract AxoGroupsListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class AxoGroupsListPanel extends AxoGroupsListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/AxoGroupsListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include to load Qcodo
require('../includes/'); /* if you DO NOT have "includes/" in your include_path */
// require(''); /* if you DO have "includes/" in your include_path */
// Security check for ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN
// To allow access REGARDLESS of ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN, simply remove the line below
// Let's "magically" determine the list of genereated Class Panel Drafts by
// just traversing through this directory, looking for "*ListPanel.class.php" and "*EditPanel.class.php"
// Obviously, if you are wanting to make your own dashbaord, you should change this and use more
// hard-coded means to determine which classes' paneldrafts you want to include/use in your dashboard.
$objDirectory = opendir(dirname(__FILE__));
$strClassNameArray = array();
while ($strFile = readdir($objDirectory)) {
if ($intPosition = strpos($strFile, 'ListPanel.class.php')) {
$strClassName = substr($strFile, 0, $intPosition);
$strClassNameArray[$strClassName] = $strClassName . 'ListPanel';
require($strClassName . 'ListPanel.class.php');
require($strClassName . 'EditPanel.class.php');
class Dashboard extends QForm {
protected $lstClassNames;
protected $pnlTitle;
protected $pnlLeft;
protected $pnlRight;
protected function Form_Create() {
$this->pnlTitle = new QPanel($this);
$this->pnlLeft = new QPanel($this);
$this->pnlLeft->AutoRenderChildren = true;
$this->pnlRight = new QPanel($this);
$this->pnlRight->AutoRenderChildren = true;
$this->lstClassNames = new QListBox($this);
$this->lstClassNames->AddItem('- Select One -', null);
// Use the strClassNameArray as magically determined above to aggregate the listbox of classes
// Obviously, this should be modified if you want to make a custom dashboard
global $strClassNameArray;
foreach ($strClassNameArray as $strKey => $strValue)
$this->lstClassNames->AddItem($strKey, $strValue);
$this->lstClassNames->AddAction(new QChangeEvent(), new QAjaxAction('lstClassNames_Change'));
$this->objDefaultWaitIcon = new QWaitIcon($this);
protected function lstClassNames_Change($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
// Get rid of all child controls for left and right panel
if ($strClassName = $this->lstClassNames->SelectedValue) {
// We've selected a Class Name
$objNewPanel = new $strClassName($this->pnlLeft, 'SetRightPane', 'CloseRightPane');
$this->pnlTitle->Text = $this->lstClassNames->SelectedName;
public function SetLeftPane(QPanel $objPanel) {
public function CloseRightPane($blnUpdatesMade) {
// Close the Right Pane
// If updates were made, let's "brute force" the updates to the screen by just refreshing
// the left pane altogether
if ($blnUpdatesMade)
public function SetRightPane(QPanel $objPanel = null) {
// Include the classfile for PaymentEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/PaymentEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the Payment class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract PaymentEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class PaymentEditPanel extends PaymentEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/PaymentEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objPayment = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objPayment, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for VlanIfaceListPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/VlanIfaceListPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do the List All functionality
* of the VlanIface class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract VlanIfaceListPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qpanel control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class VlanIfaceListPanel extends VlanIfaceListPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/VlanIfaceListPanel.tpl.php';
// Override Control methods as Needed
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId = null) {
// Call the Parent
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strSetEditPanelMethod, $strCloseEditPanelMethod, $strControlId);
} catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
throw $objExc;
// Include the classfile for PhpgaclEditPanelBase
require(__PANELBASE_CLASSES__ . '/PhpgaclEditPanelBase.class.php');
* This is a quick-and-dirty draft panel object to do Create, Edit, and Delete functionality
* of the Phpgacl class. It extends from the code-generated
* abstract PhpgaclEditPanelBase class.
* Any display customizations and presentation-tier logic can be implemented
* here by overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables.
* Additional qform control objects can also be defined and used here, as well.
* @package My Application
* @subpackage PanelDraftObjects
class PhpgaclEditPanel extends PhpgaclEditPanelBase {
// Specify the Location of the Template (feel free to modify) for this Panel
protected $strTemplate = 'generated/PhpgaclEditPanel.tpl.php';
public function __construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objPhpgacl = null, $strControlId = null) {
try {
parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strClosePanelMethod, $objPhpgacl, $strControlId);
... Rozdílový soubor je zkrácen, protože jeho délka přesahuje max. limit.

Také k dispozici: Unified diff