Revize 2328
Přidáno uživatelem David Raška před více než 10 roky(ů)
freenetis/branches/1.2/application/controllers/dns.php | ||
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:
* DNS servers controller manages DNS zones and records
* @author David Raška
* @package Controller
class Dns_Controller extends Controller
* Redirects to show all
public function index()
* Function adds new DNS zone
* @param integer $parent_zone
public function add($parent_zone = NULL)
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_new('Dns_Controller','zone'))
$pz = NULL;
if ($parent_zone !== NULL && intval($parent_zone))
$pz = new Dns_zone_Model($parent_zone);
if (!$pz->id)
// Find IP addresses with running DNS servers
$dns_servers = ORM::factory('ip_address')->where(array('dns' => 1))->
find_all()->select_list('id', 'ip_address');
$dzm = new Dns_zones_map_Model();
// creates new form
$this->form = $form = new Forge();
$form->set_attr('id', 'new_zone_form');
if ($pz)
$primary_selected = $pz->ip_address_id;
$secondary_selected = $dzm->get_secondary_servers_ids($pz->id);
$nameserver = $pz->nameserver;
$email = $pz->email;
$refresh = $pz->refresh;
$retry = $pz->retry;
$expire = $pz->expire;
$nx = $pz->nx;
$ttl = $pz->ttl;
$primary_selected = 0;
$secondary_selected = array();
$nameserver = '';
$email = Settings::get('email_default_email');
$refresh = '1h';
$retry = '10m';
$expire = '1d';
$nx = '1h';
$ttl = '';
$form->group('DNS servers');
->label('Primary server')
->label('Secondary servers')
$form->group('SOA record');
->label('Primary name server')
->label('Zone serial number')
->label('Zone administrator E-mail')
->label('Zone refresh time')
->label('Zone retry update time')
->label('Zone expire time')
->label('Zone not exists time')
$form->group('DNS records');
if (!$pz)
$title = __('Add new zone');
$title = __('Add new subzone');
if ($form->validate())
$form_array = $form->as_array();
$zone = new Dns_zone_Model();
if ($pz)
$zone->zone = trim($form_array['zone'], '. ').'.'.$pz->zone;
$zone->zone = trim($form_array['zone'], '. ');
$zone->ttl = $form_array['ttl'];
$zone->nameserver = $form_array['nameserver'];
$zone->email = $form_array['email'];
$zone->sn = date('Ymd').'00';
$zone->refresh = $form_array['ref'];
$zone->retry = $form_array['ret'];
$zone->expire = $form_array['exp'];
$zone->nx = $form_array['nxttl'];
$zone->ip_address_id = $form_array['primary'];
$dzm->add_secondary_servers($zone->id, $form_array['secondary']);
// save dns records
if (isset($_POST['name']))
foreach ($_POST['name'] AS $k => $v)
$rec = new Dns_record_Model();
$rec->dns_zone_id = $zone->id;
$rec->name = $_POST['name'][$k];
$rec->ttl = (isset($_POST['rttl']) ? $_POST['rttl'][$k] : '');
$rec->type = $_POST['type'][$k];
$rec->value = $_POST['data'][$k];
switch ($_POST['type'][$k])
case 'A':
case 'AAAA':
$rec->param = (isset($_POST['ptr']) ? $_POST['ptr'][$k] : '');
case 'MX':
$rec->param = $_POST['priority'][$k];
$rec->param = '';
// message
status::success('Zone has been successfully added.');
catch (Exception $e)
// message
status::error('Error - cannot add zone', $e);
// breadcrumbs navigation
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
->link('dns/show_all', 'DNS',
$this->acl_check_view('Dns_Controller', 'zone'))
$view = new View('main');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs->html();
$view->title = $title;
$view->content = new View('form');
$view->content->headline = $title;
$view->content->form = $form->html();
* Function edits DNS zone
* @param integer $zone
public function edit($zone = NULL)
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_edit('Dns_Controller','zone'))
$zone = new Dns_zone_Model($zone);
if (!$zone->id)
// Find IP addresses with running DNS servers
$dns_servers = ORM::factory('ip_address')->where(array('dns' => 1))->
find_all()->select_list('id', 'ip_address');
$dzm = new Dns_zones_map_Model();
// creates new form
$this->form = $form = new Forge();
$form->set_attr('id', 'new_zone_form');
$form->group('DNS servers');
->label('Primary server')
->label('Secondary servers')
$form->group('SOA record');
->label('Primary name server')
// Increment serial number counter
if (date('Ymd') == substr($zone->sn, 0, 8))
$sn = substr($zone->sn, 0, 8). sprintf('%02d', intval(substr($zone->sn, 8)) + 1);
$sn = date('Ymd').'00';
->label('Zone serial number')
->label('Zone administrator E-mail')
->label('Zone refresh time')
->label('Zone retry update time')
->label('Zone expire time')
->label('Zone not exists time')
$form->group('DNS records');
if ($form->validate())
$form_array = $form->as_array();
$zone->zone = trim($form_array['zone'], '. ');
$zone->ttl = $form_array['ttl'];
$zone->sn = $sn;
$zone->nameserver = $form_array['nameserver'];
$zone->email = $form_array['email'];
$zone->refresh = $form_array['ref'];
$zone->retry = $form_array['ret'];
$zone->expire = $form_array['exp'];
$zone->nx = $form_array['nxttl'];
$zone->ip_address_id = $form_array['primary'];
$dzm->add_secondary_servers($zone->id, $form_array['secondary']);
if (isset($_POST['name']))
// update old
foreach ($_POST['name'] AS $k => $v)
if (intval($_POST['id'][$k]) == 0)
// create new
$rec = new Dns_record_Model();
// update old
$rec = new Dns_record_Model(intval($_POST['id'][$k]));
$rec->dns_zone_id = $zone->id;
$rec->name = $_POST['name'][$k];
$rec->ttl = (isset($_POST['rttl']) ? $_POST['rttl'][$k] : '');
$rec->type = $_POST['type'][$k];
$rec->value = $_POST['data'][$k];
switch ($_POST['type'][$k])
case 'A':
case 'AAAA':
$rec->param = (isset($_POST['ptr']) && isset($_POST['ptr'][$k]) ? $_POST['ptr'][$k] : '');
case 'MX':
$rec->param = $_POST['priority'][$k];
// delete old
if (isset($_POST['deleted']))
$arr = array_map('intval', @$_POST['deleted']);
$rec = new Dns_record_Model();
// message
status::success('Zone has been successfully updated.');
catch (Exception $e)
status::error('Error - cant update zone.', $e);
$title = __('Edit zone');
// breadcrumbs navigation
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
->link('dns/show_all', 'DNS',
$this->acl_check_view('Dns_Controller', 'zone'))
->link('dns/show/'.$zone->id, $zone->zone . ' (' . $zone->id . ')',
$this->acl_check_view('Dns_Controller', 'zone'))
$view = new View('main');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs;
$view->title = $title;
$view->content = new View('form');
$view->content->headline = $title;
$view->content->form = $form->html();
* Show zone details and records
* @param integer $zone_id
public function show($zone_id = NULL)
// check param
if (!$zone_id || !is_numeric($zone_id))
// check access
if (!$this->acl_check_view('Dns_Controller', 'zone'))
// load model
$zone = new Dns_zone_Model($zone_id);
$dzm = new Dns_zones_map_Model();
$record_model = new Dns_record_Model();
// check exists
if (!$zone->id)
$headline = $zone->zone . ' (' . $zone_id . ')';
// bread crumbs
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
->link('dns/show_all', 'DNS',
$this->acl_check_view('Dns_Controller', 'zone'))
// view
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = $headline;
$view->content = new View('dns/show');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs;
$view->content->zone = $zone;
// add zone master server
$view->content->a_records = $record_model->get_fqdn_records_in_zone($zone_id, 'A');
$view->content->aaaa_records = $record_model->get_fqdn_records_in_zone($zone_id, 'AAAA');
$view->content->cname_records = $record_model->get_fqdn_records_in_zone($zone_id, 'CNAME');
$view->content->ns_records = $record_model->get_fqdn_records_in_zone($zone_id, 'NS');
$view->content->mx_records = $record_model->get_fqdn_records_in_zone($zone_id, 'MX');
$view->content->secondary_servers = $dzm->get_secondary_servers($zone_id);
* Function shows all zones.
* @param integer $limit_results
* @param string $order_by
* @param string $order_by_direction
* @param integer $page_word
* @param integer $page
public function show_all(
$limit_results = 50, $order_by = 'id', $order_by_direction = 'asc',
$page_word = null, $page = 1)
if (!$this->acl_check_view('Dns_Controller','zone'))
$filter_form = new Filter_form();
->label('Primary server')
->label('Record name');
->label('Record type')
->values(array('A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'NS', 'MX'));
->label('Record value');
// get new selector
if (is_numeric($this->input->post('record_per_page')))
$limit_results = (int) $this->input->post('record_per_page');
// parameters control
$allowed_order_type = array
'id', 'domain', 'access_time'
if (!in_array(strtolower($order_by), $allowed_order_type))
$order_by = 'id';
if (strtolower($order_by_direction) != 'desc')
$order_by_direction = 'asc';
$dns_zone_model = new Dns_zone_Model();
// hide grid on its first load (#442)
$hide_grid = Settings::get('grid_hide_on_first_load') && $filter_form->is_first_load();
if (!$hide_grid)
$total_zones = $dns_zone_model->count_all_zones($filter_form->as_sql());
if (($sql_offset = ($page - 1) * $limit_results) > $total_zones)
$sql_offset = 0;
$query = $dns_zone_model->get_all_zones(
$sql_offset, (int)$limit_results, $order_by,
$order_by_direction, $filter_form->as_sql()
catch (Exception $e)
if ($filter_form->is_loaded_from_saved_query())
status::error('Invalid saved query', $e);
// disable default query (loop protection)
if ($filter_form->is_loaded_from_default_saved_query())
throw $e;
$grid = new Grid('dns', null, array
'current' => $limit_results,
'selector_increace' => 50,
'selector_min' => 50,
'selector_max_multiplier' => 10,
'base_url' => Config::get('lang').'/dns/show_all/'
. $limit_results.'/'.$order_by.'/'.$order_by_direction ,
'uri_segment' => 'page',
'total_items' => isset($total_zones) ? $total_zones : 0,
'items_per_page' => $limit_results,
'style' => 'classic',
'order_by' => $order_by,
'order_by_direction' => $order_by_direction,
'limit_results' => $limit_results,
'filter' => $filter_form
->callback(array($this, 'zone_link'));
->label('Zone records')
->callback(array($this, 'zone_records'));
->label('Last access time');
$actions = $grid->grouped_action_field();
if ($this->acl_check_view('Dns_Controller', 'zone'))
->label('Show zone');
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Dns_Controller', 'zone'))
->label('Edit zone');
if ($this->acl_check_new('Dns_Controller', 'zone'))
->label('Add new subzone');
if ($this->acl_check_delete('Dns_Controller', 'zone'))
->label('Delete zone');
if (!$hide_grid)
if ($this->acl_check_new('Dns_Controller', 'zone'))
$grid->add_new_button('/dns/add', 'Add new zone');
$headline = __('List of all zones');
// bread crumbs
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add(false)
$view = new View('main');
$view->title = $headline;
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs;
$view->content = new View('show_all');
$view->content->headline = $headline;
$view->content->table = $grid;
} // end of show_all function
* Callback function for zone name link
* @param object $item
* @param string $name
public static function zone_link($item, $name)
echo "<a target='_blank' href='http://".$item->zone."'>".$item->zone."</a>";
* Callback function for zone records
* @param object $item
* @param string $name
public static function zone_records($item, $name)
$dr = new Dns_record_Model();
echo $dr->get_records_types_in_zone($item->id);
// TODO: move to web_interface controller
* Deletes zone and records
* @param integer $zone_id
public function delete($zone_id = NULL)
// check param
if (!$zone_id || !is_numeric($zone_id))
// check access
if (!$this->acl_check_delete('Dns_Controller', 'zone'))
// load model
$zone_model = new Dns_zone_Model($zone_id);
// check exists
if (!$zone_model->id)
// delete (dns records are deleted by forein keys)
if ($zone_model->delete())
status::success('Zone has been successfully deleted.');
status::error('Error - cant delete this zone.');
// redirect to show all
freenetis/branches/1.2/application/controllers/ip_addresses.php | ||
->label('DNS server')
if (module::e('notification'))
... | ... | |
->label(__('DNS server'))
// validate form and save data
... | ... | |
$ip_address->subnet_id = $form_data['subnet_id'];
$ip_address->gateway = $form_data['gateway'];
$ip_address->service = $form_data['service'];
$ip_address->dns = $form_data['dns'];
$ip_address->member_id = NULL;
... | ... | |
$dns_zone_model = new Dns_zone_Model();
$zones_count = count($dns_zone_model->get_zones_of_primary_server($ip_address->id)) +
$dns_on = $zones_count > 0;
->label(__('DNS server'))
->selected($dns_on || $ip_address->dns);
// validate form and save data
... | ... | |
$ip_address->subnet_id = $form_data['subnet_id'];
$ip_address->gateway = $form_data['gateway'];
$ip_address->service = $form_data['service'];
$ip_address->dns = ($dns_on ? 1 : $form_data['dns']);
$ip_address->member_id = NULL;
... | ... | |
status::warning('Error - cannot update allowed subnets of member.');
if ($dns_on && !$form_data['dns'])
status::warning(__('Cannot turn DNS server off.') . ' ' . __('DNS server running on this IP address manages some DNS zones (%d).', $zones_count), FALSE);
status::success('IP address has been successfully updated.');
... | ... | |
// link back
$linkback = Path::instance()->previous();
$dns_zone_model = new Dns_zone_Model();
$zones_count = count($dns_zone_model->get_zones_of_primary_server($ip_address->id)) +
if ($zones_count > 0)
status::warning(__('Error - cant delete ip address.') . ' ' . __('DNS server running on this IP address manages some DNS zones (%d).', $zones_count), FALSE);
if (url::slice(url_lang::uri($linkback), 0, 2) == 'ip_addresses/show')
$linkback = 'ip_addresses/show_all';
freenetis/branches/1.2/application/controllers/js.php | ||
$this->views['devices_add']->device_id = $device_id;
private function _js_dns_add()
private function _js_dns_edit($zone_id = null)
$record_model = new Dns_record_Model();
$records = array();
$result = $record_model->get_records_in_zone($zone_id);
if ($result)
$records = $result->result_array();
$this->views['dns_edit'] = View::factory('js/dns_edit');
$this->views['dns_edit']->records = $records;
$this->views['dns_edit']->dns_zone_id = $zone_id;
private function _js_ifaces_add($device_id = null, $itype = null,
$add_button = FALSE, $connect_type = NULL)
... | ... | |
* Adds javascript for editing DNS records
private function dns_records()
$this->views['__pieces_dns_records'] =
* Adds javascript for toogling domicicles
private function domicile_toogle()
freenetis/branches/1.2/application/controllers/json.php | ||
* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for domain names
* @author David Raska
public function dns_zone()
$term = $this->input->get('term');
$dns_model = new Dns_zone_Model();
$zones = $dns_model->like('zone', $term)
->select_list('id', 'zone');
echo json_encode(array_values($zones));
* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for primary DNS server
* @author David Raska
public function primary_dns_server()
$term = $this->input->get('term');
$ip_model = new Ip_address_Model();
$ips = $ip_model->like('ip_address', $term)
->where('dns', '1')
->select_list('id', 'ip_address');
echo json_encode(array_values($ips));
* Callback AJAX function to filter's whisper for organization identifier
* @author Michal Kliment
... | ... | |
* Performs action of zone_name_check.
* @author David Raška
public function zone_name_check()
$zone = $this->input->get('zone');
$zone_id = $this->input->get('zone_id');
if (!$zone)
die(json_encode(array('state' => true)));
$dns_zone_model = new Dns_zone_Model();
if ($zone_id)
$count = $dns_zone_model->where(array('zone' => $zone, 'id <>' => $zone_id))->count_all();
$count = $dns_zone_model->where(array('zone' => $zone))->count_all();
if ($count > 0)
'state' => false,
'message' => __('Zone already exists.')
echo json_encode(array('state' => true));
* Loads data about member from ARES
* @author Michal Kliment
freenetis/branches/1.2/application/controllers/settings.php | ||
->label('DNS server maximal timeout')
if (Settings::get('connection_request_enable'))
$this->form->group('Connection requests');
freenetis/branches/1.2/application/controllers/web_interface.php | ||
* Configuration for DNS synchronzation script
* @author David Raška
public function dns_server_config()
$ip_address = ORM::factory('ip_address')->where(array('ip_address' => server::remote_addr()))->find();
// only enabled if IP address that requested for this page is from
// one of allowed ranges in the FreenetIS
if (!network::ip_address_in_ranges(server::remote_addr()) || !$ip_address || !$ip_address->dns)
@header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
$dzm = new Dns_zones_map_Model();
// Get zones managed by given DNS server
$zone_model = new Dns_zone_Model();
$prim_zones = $zone_model->get_zones_of_primary_server($ip_address->id);
$sec_zones = $zone_model->get_zones_of_secondary_server($ip_address->id);
$zones_array = array();
$zone_ids = array();
$ipv4ptr = array();
$ipv6ptr = array();
// Primary server
if ($prim_zones)
foreach ($prim_zones as $z)
$zone_ids[] = $z->id;
$zone = array();
// Zone name
$zone['zone'] = $z->zone;
$zone['ttl'] = $z->ttl;
$zone['ns'] = $z->nameserver;
$zone['mail'] = str_replace('@', '.', $z->email);
$zone['sn'] = $z->sn;
$zone['ref'] = $z->refresh;
$zone['ret'] = $z->retry;
$zone['ex'] = $z->expire;
$zone['nx'] = $z->nx;
// IP addresses of slave servers allowed to transfer zone
$zone['slaves'] = $dzm->get_secondary_servers_ips($z->id);
$zone['records'] = array();
// Add default NS record
$zone['records'][] = array
'name' => '',
'ttl' => $z->ttl == NULL ? $z->nx : $z->ttl,
'type' => 'NS',
'value' => $z->nameserver.'.',
$zone['records'][] = array
'name' => $z->nameserver.'.',
'ttl' => $z->ttl == NULL ? $z->nx : $z->ttl,
'type' => 'A',
'value' => $ip_address->ip_address,
// Add zone records
if ($z->dns_records)
foreach ($z->dns_records as $r)
$rec = $r->as_array();
// Create FQDN value for NS record
if ($rec['type'] == 'NS')
if (substr($rec['value'], -1) != '.')
$rec['value'] .= '.' . $zone['zone'] . '.';
// Create FQDN value for PTR record
if ($rec['name'] == '' || $rec['name'] == '@')
$data = $zone['zone'].'.';
else if (substr($rec['name'], -1) == '.')
$data = $rec['name'];
$data = $rec['name'] . '.' . $zone['zone'] . '.';
// Create IPv4 PTR record
if ($rec['type'] == 'A' && $rec['param'] == 'on')
$ip = explode('.', $rec['value']);
// Create SOA for reverse zone
if (!isset($ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]))
$ipv4ptr[$ip[0]] = array
'zone' => $ip[0].'',
'ttl' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->ttl == NULL ? $rec['ttl'] : $z->ttl),
'ns' => $z->nameserver,
'mail' => str_replace('@', '.', $z->email),
'sn' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->sn),
'ref' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->refresh),
'ret' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->retry),
'ex' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->expire),
'nx' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->nx),
'records' => array
'name' => '@',
'ttl' => '',
'type' => 'NS',
'value' => $z->nameserver.'.',
if (dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->ttl == NULL ? $rec['ttl'] : $z->ttl) < $ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['ttl'])
$ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['ttl'] = dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->ttl == NULL ? $rec['ttl'] : $z->ttl);
if (dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->refresh) < $ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['ref'])
$ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['ref'] = dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->refresh);
if (dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->retry) < $ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['ret'])
$ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['ret'] = dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->retry);
if (dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->expire) < $ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['ex'])
$ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['ex'] = dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->expire);
if (dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->nx) < $ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['nx'])
$ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['nx'] = dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->nx);
if ($z->sn > $ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['sn'])
$ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['sn'] = $z->sn + 1;
// Add record
$ipv4ptr[$ip[0]]['records'][] = array
'name' => implode('.', array_reverse($ip)).'',
'ttl' => '',
'type' => 'PTR',
'value' => $data,
// Create IPv6 PTR record
if ($rec['type'] == 'AAAA' && $rec['param'] == 'on')
$ip = explode(':', $rec['value']);
// Decompress IPv6 address to full length
if (($pos = array_search('', $ip)) !== FALSE)
$count = count($ip);
$ip[$pos] = '0000';
for ($i = 0; $i < 8-$count; $i++)
array_splice($ip, $pos, 0, '0000');
foreach ($ip as $k => $i)
$ip[$k] = num::null_fill($i, 4);
$rev_ip = array_reverse(str_split(implode('', $ip)));
$prefix = implode('.', array_slice($rev_ip, -16));
// Create SOA for reverse zone
if (!isset($ipv6ptr[$prefix]))
$ipv6ptr[$prefix] = array
'zone' => $prefix.'',
'ttl' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->ttl == NULL ? $rec['ttl'] : $z->ttl),
'ns' => $z->nameserver,
'mail' => str_replace('@', '.', $z->email),
'sn' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->sn),
'ref' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->refresh),
'ret' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->retry),
'ex' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->expire),
'nx' => dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->nx),
'records' => array
'name' => '@',
'ttl' => '',
'type' => 'NS',
'value' => $z->nameserver.'.',
if (dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->ttl == NULL ? $rec['ttl'] : $z->ttl) < $ipv6ptr[$prefix]['ttl'])
$ipv6ptr[$prefix]['ttl'] = dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->ttl == NULL ? $rec['ttl'] : $z->ttl);
if (dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->refresh) < $ipv6ptr[$prefix]['ref'])
$ipv6ptr[$prefix]['ref'] = dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->refresh);
if (dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->retry) < $ipv6ptr[$prefix]['ret'])
$ipv6ptr[$prefix]['ret'] = dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->retry);
if (dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->expire) < $ipv6ptr[$prefix]['ex'])
$ipv6ptr[$prefix]['ex'] = dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->expire);
if (dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->nx) < $ipv6ptr[$prefix]['nx'])
$ipv6ptr[$prefix]['nx'] = dns::get_seconds_from_ttl($z->nx);
if ($z->sn > $ipv6ptr[$prefix]['sn'])
$ipv6ptr[$prefix]['sn'] = $z->sn + 1;
// Add record
$ipv6ptr[$prefix]['records'][] = array
'name' => implode('.', $rev_ip).'',
'ttl' => '',
'type' => 'PTR',
'value' => $data,
$zone['records'][] = $rec;
$zones_array['master'][] = $zone;
// Add IPv4 reverse records
foreach ($ipv4ptr as $zone)
$zones_array['master'][] = $zone;
// IPv6 reverse records
foreach ($ipv6ptr as $zone)
$zones_array['master'][] = $zone;
// Secondary server
if ($sec_zones)
foreach ($sec_zones as $z)
$zone = array();
$zone['zone'] = $z->zone;
$zone['master'] = $z->ip_address;
$zones_array['slave'][] = $zone;
// Set access time
echo json_encode($zones_array);
freenetis/branches/1.2/application/helpers/callback.php | ||
* DNS last access color diff.
* @param object $item
* @param string $name
public static function dns_servers_last_access_diff_field($item, $name)
$timeout = Settings::get('dns_server_reload_timeout');
if (empty($item->$name))
echo '<b class="error_text">' . __('Never') . '</b>';
else if (abs(time() - strtotime($item->$name)) > $timeout)
echo '<b class="error_text">';
self::datetime_diff($item, $name);
echo '</b>';
echo self::datetime_diff($item, $name);
* Callback function to print e-mail From address
* @author Michal Kliment
freenetis/branches/1.2/application/helpers/dns.php | ||
if (!$result || count($result)!=1) return '';
return $result[0]['target'];
* Converts TTL to seconds
* @author David Raška
* @param string $ttl Time To Live
* @return int Time in seconds
public static function get_seconds_from_ttl($ttl)
$multiplier = substr($ttl, -1);
// Given TTL is in seconds
if (is_numeric($multiplier))
return $ttl;
$value = substr($ttl, 0, -1);
switch (strtolower($multiplier))
// minute
case 'm':
return $value * 60;
// hour
case 'h':
return $value * 60 * 60;
// day
case 'd':
return $value * 60 * 60 * 24;
// week
case 'w':
return $value * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
// Error
return NULL;
} // End dns
freenetis/branches/1.2/application/i18n/cs_CZ/help.php | ||
'default_page' => 'Výchozí stránka bude zobrazena po přihlášení.',
'device_admin_users_filter' => 'Umožnuje vyfiltrovat pouze zařízení určité uživatele. Ti jsou zapsané ve tvaru ID člena - jméno příjmení uživatele.',
'dhcp_server_reload_timeout' => 'Pokud poslední načtení konfigurace DHCP serveru proběhlo před tímto počtem sekund, je server považován za neaktivní.',
'dns_server_reload_timeout' => 'Pokud poslední načtení konfigurace DNS serveru proběhlo před tímto počtem sekund, je server považován za neaktivní.',
'dns_server' => 'Určuje, zda na této IP adrese běží DNS server.',
'dns_servers' => 'Jedná se o DNS servery sdružení. Jednotlivé servery zapište na samostatný řádek.',
'dns_zone' => 'Tečka se automaticky doplní za absolutní adresu zóny.',
'dns_zone_sn' => 'Sériové číslo zóny se inkrementuje automaticky.',
'engineer' => 'Technik, který provedl instalaci zařízení.',
'engineers' => 'Technici, kteří provedli instalaci, výměnu nebo opravu zařízení.',
'entrance_date' => 'Datum vstupu do sdružení. Se vstupem do sdružení je člen povinen platit členské příspěvky. V případě, že člen vstoupil do %d. dne v měsíci včetně, tak již tento měsíc se započítává k placení.',
freenetis/branches/1.2/application/i18n/cs_CZ/texts.php | ||
$lang = array
'%d prefix already in database' => '%d předčíslí se již nachází v databázi',
'%d sended e-mails has been deleted' => '%d poslaných emailových zpráv bylo smazáno.',
'%d sended e-mailsinv has been deleted' => '%d poslaných emailových zpráv bylo smazáno.',
'%d unsended e-mails has been deleted' => '%d neposlaných emailových zpráv bylo smazáno.',
'%d unsended sms messages has been deleted' => '%d neposlaných SMS zpráv bylo smazáno.',
'%s days ago' => 'před %s dny',
... | ... | |
'add new cloud' => 'Přidat novou oblast',
'add new contact' => 'Přidat nový kontakt',
'add new credit account' => 'Přidat nový kreditní účet',
'add new dns record' => 'Přidat nový DNS záznam',
'add new device' => 'Přidat nové zařízení',
'add new device active link' => 'Přidat nový aktivní odkaz zařízení',
'add new device admin' => 'Přidat nového správce zařízení',
... | ... | |
'add new street' => 'Přidat novou ulici',
'add new street to town' => 'Přidat novou ulici k městu',
'add new subnet' => 'Přidat novou podsíť',
'add new subzone' => 'Přidat novou podzónu',
'add new template' => 'Přidat novou šablonu',
'add new tariff' => 'Přidat nový tarif',
'add new tariff of type %s to member' => 'Přidat nový tarif typu %s členovi',
... | ... | |
'add new wireless interface' => 'Přidat nové bezdrátové rozhraní',
'add new work' => 'Přidat novou práci',
'add new work report' => 'Přidat nový pracovní výkaz',
'add new zone' => 'Přidat novou zónu',
'add notification message' => 'Přidat zprávu pro upozornění',
'add own records' => 'Přidávat vlastní záznamy',
'add private phone number contact' => 'Přidat soukromý telefonní kontakt',
... | ... | |
'cannot save gps, this address point has already gps coordinates' => 'Nemohu uložit GPS, adresní bod má již přiřazeny GPS souřadnice',
Také k dispozici: Unified diff
- closes #7: sprava lokalniho DNS serveru
- aktualizace AXO doc