


<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Manages all interfaces of network in the system.
* @package Controller
class Ifaces_Controller extends Controller
* Device for validators
* @var integer
private $device_id = NULL;
* Interface for validators
* @var integer
private $iface_id = NULL;
* Interface type for validators
* @var integer
private $iface_type = NULL;
* Constructor, only test if networks is enabled
public function __construct()
// access control
if (!Settings::get('networks_enabled'))
Controller::error (ACCESS);
* Index redirect to show all
public function index()

* Function shows all interfaces.
* @param integer $limit_results
* @param string $order_by
* @param string $order_by_direction
* @param integer $page_word
* @param integer $page
public function show_all(
$limit_results = 50, $order_by = 'id',
$order_by_direction = 'asc', $page_word = null, $page = 1)
// access rights
$filter_form = new Filter_form('i');
->label('MAC address')
->label('Name of interface');
->label('Firstname of user')
->label('Surname of user')
// get new selector
if (is_numeric($this->input->post('record_per_page')))
$limit_results = (int) $this->input->post('record_per_page');
// model
$iface_model = new Iface_Model();
$total_ifaces = $iface_model->count_all_ifaces($filter_form->as_sql());
if (($sql_offset = ($page - 1) * $limit_results) > $total_ifaces)
$sql_offset = 0;
$ifaces = $iface_model->get_all_ifaces(
$sql_offset, (int)$limit_results, $order_by,
$order_by_direction, $filter_form->as_sql()
$grid = new Grid('ifaces', null,array
'current' => $limit_results,
'selector_increace' => 50,
'selector_min' => 50,
'selector_max_multiplier' => 10,
'base_url' => Config::get('lang').'/ifaces/show_all/'
.$limit_results.'/'.$order_by.'/'.$order_by_direction ,
'uri_segment' => 'page',
'total_items' => $total_ifaces,
'items_per_page' => $limit_results,
'style' => 'classic',
'order_by' => $order_by,
'order_by_direction' => $order_by_direction,
'limit_results' => $limit_results,
'filter' => $filter_form
if ($this->acl_check_new('Ifaces_Controller','iface'))
$grid->add_new_button('ifaces/add', 'Add new interface');
->link('links/show', 'link_name')
$actions = $grid->grouped_action_field();
if ($this->acl_check_view('Ifaces_Controller','iface'))
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Ifaces_Controller','iface'))
if ($this->acl_check_delete('Ifaces_Controller','iface'))
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
$headline = __('Interfaces list');
$view = new View('main');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs;
$view->title = $headline;
$view->content = new View('show_all');
$view->content->table = $grid;
$view->content->headline = $headline;
} // end of show_all
* Function shows interface details.
* @param integer $iface_id
public function show($iface_id = null)
// bad parameter
if (!$iface_id || !is_numeric($iface_id))
$iface = new Iface_Model($iface_id);
// interface doesn't exist
if (!$iface->id)
$member_id = $iface->device->user->member_id;
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_view('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface', $member_id))
// ip addresses
$ip_addresses = ORM::factory('ip_address')->get_all_ip_addresses_of_iface($iface->id);
$grid_ip_addresses = new Grid('ifaces', null,array
'use_paginator' => false,
'use_selector' => false
if ($this->acl_check_new(
'Ip_addresses_Controller', 'ip_address',
'Add new IP address'
->label('IP address');
if ($this->acl_check_view('Subnets_Controller', 'subnet'))
->link('subnets/show', 'subnet_name')
$actions = $grid_ip_addresses->grouped_action_field();
if ($this->acl_check_view(
'Ip_addresses_Controller', 'ip_address',
if ($this->acl_check_edit(
'Ip_addresses_Controller', 'ip_address',
if ($this->acl_check_delete(
'Ip_addresses_Controller', 'ip_address',
if ($iface->name != '')
$name = $iface->name;
if ($iface->mac != '')
$name .= " ($iface->mac)";
$name = $iface->mac;
if (url::slice(url_lang::uri(Path::instance()->previous()), 0, 1) != 'ifaces')
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
'members/show_all', 'Members',
'ID '.$iface->device->user->member->id.' - '.$iface->device->user->member->name,
'Members_Controller', 'members',
'Users', $this->acl_check_view(
'Users_Controller', 'users', $iface->device->user->member_id
$iface->device->user->get_full_name(), $this->acl_check_view(
'Users_Controller', 'users',
'Devices', $this->acl_check_view(
$iface->device->name, $this->acl_check_view(
'Devices_Controller', 'devices',
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
'ifaces/show_all', 'Interfaces',
$this->acl_check_view('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface')
$headline = __('Interface detail').' - '.$iface->name;
$view = new View('main');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs;
$view->action_logs = action_logs::object_last_modif($iface, $iface_id);
$view->title = $headline;
$view->content = new View('ifaces/show');
$detail = '';
$child_ifaces = '';
$port_vlan = '';

switch ($iface->type)
case Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS:
$detail = new View('ifaces/detail');
$detail->ip_addresses = $grid_ip_addresses;
if ($iface->wireless_mode == Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP)
$iface_model = new Iface_Model();
$children = $iface_model->get_virtual_ap_ifaces_of_parent($iface->id);
$data = $children->as_array();
if ($data)
$child_ifaces = new Grid('ifaces', null,array
'use_paginator' => false,
'use_selector' => false
'Add new Virtual AP'

$actions = $child_ifaces->grouped_action_field();

case Iface_Model::TYPE_ETHERNET:
$detail = new View('ifaces/detail');
$detail->ip_addresses = $grid_ip_addresses;
case Iface_Model::TYPE_BRIDGE:
$iv = new Ifaces_vlan_Model();
$ifaces = $iv->get_all_bridged_ifaces_of_iface($iface_id);
$member_id = $iface->device->user->member_id;
// grid
$grid = new Grid('devices', null, array
'use_paginator' => false,
'use_selector' => false,
'total_items' => count($ifaces)
* @todo Add method to add interface to bridge
/*if ($this->acl_check_new('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface', $member_id))
'ifaces/add/' . $iface->device->id, 'Add new interface'




$actions = $grid->grouped_action_field();

if ($this->acl_check_view('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface', $member_id))

if ($this->acl_check_delete('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface', $member_id))
->label('Remove interface from bridge');

$detail = $grid;
case Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT:
$vl = new Vlan_Model();
$vlans = $vl->get_all_vlans_of_iface($iface_id);
$port_vlan = $vl->get_default_vlan_of_interface($iface_id);
// grid
$grid = new Grid('devices', null, array
'use_paginator' => false,
'use_selector' => false,
'total_items' => count($vlans)
->label('VLAN name');
->label('Tagged VLAN')
$actions = $grid->grouped_action_field();
$detail = $grid;
case Iface_Model::TYPE_INTERNAL:
$detail = new View('ifaces/detail');
$detail->ip_addresses = $grid_ip_addresses;
$view->content->iface = $iface;
$view->content->detail = $detail;
$view->content->headline = $headline;
$view->content->port_vlan = $port_vlan;
$view->content->child_ifaces = $child_ifaces;
} // end of show
* Function adds new interface.
* @param integer $device_id Device ID
* @param integer $type Iface type
* @param boolean $add_button If opened by add button
* @param integer $connect_type Connect to iface type - only if add_button
public function add($device_id = NULL, $type = NULL,
$add_button = FALSE, $connect_type = NULL)
if (!$this->acl_check_new('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface'))
// device is set
if (is_numeric($device_id))
$device = new Device_Model($device_id);
if (!$device->id)

$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()->link(
'members/show_all', 'Members',
$this->acl_check_view('Members_Controller', 'members')
'ID '.$device->user->member->id.' - '.$device->user->member->name,
'Members_Controller', 'members', $device->user->member_id
'users/show_by_member/'.$device->user->member_id, 'Users',
'Users_Controller', 'users', $device->user->member_id
'users/show/'.$device->user_id, $device->user->get_full_name(),
'Users_Controller', 'users', $device->user->member_id
'devices/show_by_user/'.$device->user_id, 'Devices',
'Devices_Controller', 'devices', $device->user->member_id
'devices/show/'.$device_id, $device->name, $this->acl_check_view(
'Devices_Controller', 'devices', $device->user->member_id
)->text('Add new interface')
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()->link(
'ifaces/show_all', 'Interfaces',
$this->acl_check_view('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface')
)->text('Add new interface')
// only one connected to => skip selecting of type
if (is_numeric($device_id) && $add_button && is_numeric($connect_type))
$conn_types = Iface_Model::get_can_connect_to($connect_type);
if (count($conn_types) == 1)
$type = $conn_types[0];
$connect_type = null;
if (is_numeric($device_id) && is_numeric($type) && empty($connect_type))
$im = new Iface_Model();
// iface type doesn't exist
if (!$im->get_type($type))
$this->device_id = $device_id;
$this->iface_type = $type;
$filter_form = Devices_Controller::device_filter_form($device->user_id);
$form = new Forge('ifaces/add/' . $device_id . '/' . $type);

$base_form = $form->group('Basic data');

->label('Interface name')
->value(Iface_Model::get_default_name($type) . ' ' . $device->name);

// print mac address field only if it can have mac address
if (Iface_Model::type_has_mac_address($type))
->style('width: 620px');

// print parent iface field only if type is VLAN
if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_VLAN)
$parent_ifaces = array();

foreach ($device->ifaces as $iface)
// limit options only if type is given
if (in_array($iface->type, Iface_Model::get_can_be_child_of($type)))
$parent_ifaces[$iface->id] = $iface->name . ' - ' . $iface->device->name;

$parent_ifaces = array
NULL => '------- '.__('Select interface').' -------'
) + $parent_ifaces;

$vlan_ifaces = array
NULL => '------- '.__('Select VLAN').' -------'
) + ORM::factory('vlan')->select_list();

$vlan_form = $form->group('VLAN setting');

->label('Parent interface')

// print children ifaces field only if type is bridge
if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_BRIDGE)
$child_ifaces = array();

foreach ($device->ifaces as $iface)
// limit options only if type is given
if (in_array($type, Iface_Model::get_can_be_child_of($iface->type)))
$mac = ($iface->mac) ? $iface->mac . ' - ' : '';
$child_ifaces[$iface->id] = $mac . $iface->name;

$bridge_form = $form->group('Bridge settings');
->label('Children interfaces');

// print port fields only if type is port
if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT)
$modes = array
NULL => '------- '.__('Select mode').' -------'
) + Iface_Model::get_port_modes();
$vlan_model = new Vlan_Model();
$arr_vlans = $vlan_model->select_list();
$default_vlan = $vlan_model->get_default_vlan();
$default_vlans = array
NULL => '----- ' . __('Select VLAN') . ' -----'
) + $arr_vlans;

$port_form = $form->group('Port setting');
->callback(array($this, 'valid_port_nr'));
if (!$add_button)
$vlan_port_form = $form->group('Port VLAN setting')->visible(FALSE);


->label('Port VLAN')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_port_vlan'))

->label('Tagged VLANs')

->label('Untagged VLANs')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_vlans'))




// print wireless fields only if type is wireless
if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$modes = array
NULL => '----- '.__('Select mode').' -----'
) + Iface_Model::get_wireless_modes();

$antennas = array
NULL => '----- '.__('Select antenna').' -----'
) + Iface_Model::get_wireless_antennas();

$w_form = $form->group('Wireless setting');

->callback(array($this, 'valid_mode'))

// print virtual AP fields only if type is virtual AP
if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_VIRTUAL_AP)
$parent_ifaces = array();

foreach ($device->ifaces as $iface)
// limit options only if type is given
if (in_array($iface->type, Iface_Model::get_can_be_child_of($type)) &&
$iface->wireless_mode == Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP)
$parent_ifaces[$iface->id] = $iface->name . ' - ' . $iface->device->name;

$parent_ifaces = array
NULL => '------- '.__('Select interface').' -------'
) + $parent_ifaces;
$vap_form = $form->group('Virtual AP setting');

->label('Parent interface')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_mode_virtual_ap'))

// print link field only if type can has link and enabled
if (!$add_button && Iface_Model::type_has_link($type))
$devices = array
NULL => '----- '.__('Select device').' -----'
) + $device->select_list_filtered_device_with_user($filter_form->as_sql(), FALSE);
$ifaces = array
NULL => '----- '.__('Select interface').' -----'
); // empty - loaded by JS
if (is_numeric($this->input->post('connected_to')))
$concat = 'CONCAT(IFNULL(mac, \'- \'),\': \',IFNULL(name,\'\'))';
$ifaces += ORM::factory('iface')
->where('device_id', $this->input->post('connected_to'))
->in('type', Iface_Model::get_can_connect_to($type))
->select_list('id', $concat);

$c_form = $form->group('Link');
$medium = Link_Model::MEDIUM_CABLE;
$bitrate = '100M';
$wnorm = null;

if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$medium = Link_Model::MEDIUM_AIR;
$bitrate = Link_Model::get_wireless_max_bitrate(Link_Model::NORM_802_11_G) . 'M';
$wnorm = Link_Model::NORM_802_11_G;


->style('width: 550px')
->add_button('devices', 'add_simple', $device->user_id);
->style('width: 550px')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_connect_to_iface'))


// form is validate
$form_data = $form->as_array();

$iface = new Iface_Model();


$iface->name = $form_data['name'];
$iface->type = $type;
$iface->device_id = $device_id;
$iface->comment = $form_data['comment'];
if (!$add_button && Iface_Model::type_has_link($iface->type))
{// connected iface
$im_connect_to = new Iface_Model($form_data['connected_to_interface']);

// save link
if ($im_connect_to && $im_connect_to->id)
$roaming = new Link_Model();
$link_id = $form_data['link_id'];
$roaming_id = $roaming->get_roaming();
$roaming = $roaming->find($roaming_id);
$name = $form_data['link_name'];
$medium = $form_data['medium'];

// don not connect to roaming
if ($link_id == $roaming_id)
$link_id = NULL;
// fix name
if (trim($name) == trim($roaming->name))
if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$name = __('air') . ' ';
$name = __('cable') . ' ';

if ($im_connect_to->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS &&
$im_connect_to->wireless_mode == Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP)
$name .= $im_connect_to->device->name;
$name .= ' - ' . $device->name;
$name .= $device->name . ' - ';
$name .= $im_connect_to->device->name;

// fix medium
if ($medium == Link_Model::MEDIUM_ROAMING)
if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$medium = Link_Model::MEDIUM_AIR;
$medium = Link_Model::MEDIUM_CABLE;

$lm = new Link_Model($link_id);
$lm->name = htmlspecialchars($name);
$lm->medium = intval($medium);
$lm->comment = htmlspecialchars($form_data['link_comment']);
$lm->bitrate = network::str2bytes($form_data['bitrate']);
$lm->duplex = ($form_data['duplex'] == 1);

if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$lm->wireless_ssid = htmlspecialchars($form_data['wireless_ssid']);
$lm->wireless_norm = intval($form_data['wireless_norm']);
$lm->wireless_frequency = intval($form_data['wireless_frequency']);
$lm->wireless_channel = intval($form_data['wireless_channel']);
$lm->wireless_channel_width = intval($form_data['wireless_channel_width']);
$lm->wireless_polarization = intval($form_data['wireless_polarization']);


// restrict count of connected devices to link
$max = Link_Model::get_max_ifaces_count($iface->type);

if ($lm->id != $roaming_id &&
$max <= 2) // delete connected (port, eth)
foreach ($lm->ifaces as $i_del)
$i_del->link_id = null;

$iface->link_id = $lm->id;
$im_connect_to->link_id = $lm->id;
$iface->link_id = null;
$iface->link_id = null;
if (Iface_Model::type_has_mac_address($iface->type))
$iface->mac = empty($form_data['mac']) ? NULL : $form_data['mac'];

if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$iface->wireless_mode = $form_data['wireless_mode'];
$iface->wireless_antenna = $form_data['wireless_antenna'];
else if ($iface->type === Iface_Model::TYPE_VIRTUAL_AP)
$parent_iface = new Iface_Model($form_data['parent_iface_id']);
$iface->wireless_mode = $parent_iface->wireless_mode;
$iface->wireless_antenna = $parent_iface->wireless_antenna;
else if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT)
$iface->number = $form_data['number'];
$iface->port_mode = $form_data['port_mode'];

if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_VIRTUAL_AP)
$iface_relationship = new Ifaces_relationship_Model();
$iface_relationship->iface_id = $iface->id;
$iface_relationship->parent_iface_id = $form_data['parent_iface_id'];
else if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_VLAN)
$vlan_ifaces = new Ifaces_vlan_Model();
$vlan_ifaces->iface_id = $iface->id;
$vlan_ifaces->vlan_id = $form_data['vlan_id'];
$iface_relationship = new Ifaces_relationship_Model();
$iface_relationship->iface_id = $iface->id;
$iface_relationship->parent_iface_id = $form_data['parent_iface_id'];
else if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_BRIDGE)
if (is_array($form_data['children_interfaces']))
$children_ifaces = $form_data['children_interfaces'];
$children_ifaces = array();
foreach ($children_ifaces as $child)
$iface_relationship = new Ifaces_relationship_Model();
$iface_relationship->iface_id = $child;
$iface_relationship->parent_iface_id = $iface->id;
else if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT)
$vlan_ifaces = new Ifaces_vlan_Model();
if ($iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_TRUNK ||
$iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_HYBRID)
foreach ((array) $form_data['tagged_vlan_id'] as $vlan_id)
if (intval($vlan_id))
$vlan_ifaces->vlan_id = $vlan_id;
$vlan_ifaces->iface_id = $iface->id;
$vlan_ifaces->tagged = TRUE;
$vlan_ifaces->port_vlan = ($vlan_id == $form_data['port_vlan_id']);

if ($iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_ACCESS ||
$iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_HYBRID)
if (!is_array($form_data['untagged_vlan_id']))
$form_data['untagged_vlan_id'] = array($form_data['untagged_vlan_id']);
foreach ($form_data['untagged_vlan_id'] as $vlan_id)
if (intval($vlan_id))
$vlan_ifaces->vlan_id = $vlan_id;
$vlan_ifaces->iface_id = $iface->id;
$vlan_ifaces->tagged = FALSE;
$vlan_ifaces->port_vlan = ($vlan_id == $form_data['port_vlan_id']);

status::success('Interface has been successfully saved.');
$this->redirect('ifaces/show/', $iface->id);
catch (Exception $e)
status::error('Error - Cannot add interface.', $e);
// speed units
$arr_unit = array
'K' => 'kbps',
'M' => 'Mbps',
'G' => 'Gbps',
'T' => 'Tbps'
// ethernet mediums
$eth_mediums = Iface_Model::get_types_has_link_with_medium(Iface_Model::TYPE_ETHERNET);
// wireless mediums
$wl_mediums = Iface_Model::get_types_has_link_with_medium(Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS);
// port mediums
$port_mediums = Iface_Model::get_types_has_link_with_medium(Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT);
// wireless norms
$arr_wireless_norms = Link_Model::get_wireless_norms();
// wireless polarizations
$arr_wireless_polarizations = Link_Model::get_wireless_polarizations();

$headline = __('Add new interface') . ' (' . Iface_Model::get_type($type) . ')';
$view = new View('main');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs;
$view->title = $headline;
$view->content = new View('ifaces/add');
$view->content->form = $form->html();
$view->content->headline = $headline;
$view->content->filter = $filter_form;
$view->content->norms = $arr_wireless_norms;
$view->content->polarizations = $arr_wireless_polarizations;
$view->content->bit_units = $arr_unit;
$view->content->eth_mediums = $eth_mediums;
$view->content->wl_mediums = $wl_mediums;
$view->content->port_mediums = $port_mediums;
else // redirect after setting of device and type
$devices = array
NULL => '----- '.__('Select device').' -----'
) + ORM::factory('device')->select_list_device_with_user();
$types = Iface_Model::get_types();
$arr_types = array();
if ($add_button && is_numeric($connect_type))
$conn_types = Iface_Model::get_can_connect_to($connect_type);
foreach ($types as $i => $type)
if (in_array($i, $conn_types))
$arr_types[$i] = $type;
$arr_types = $types;
$types = array
NULL => '----- '.__('Select type').' -----'
) + $arr_types;
$form = new Forge();
$form->set_attr('id', 'iface_add_mid-step_form');

if (!is_numeric($device_id))
->style('width: 300px');

->style('width: 300px');
if (!$add_button)
if ($form->validate())
$form_data = $form->as_array();
$headline = __('Add new interface');
$view = new View('main');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs;
$view->title = $headline;
$view->content = new View('form');
$view->content->form = $form->html();
$view->content->headline = $headline;
} // end of add
* Adds iface to a given link
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @param integer $link_id
public function add_iface_to_link($link_id = NULL)
if (!intval($link_id))
$link = new Link_Model($link_id);
$iface = new Iface_Model();
if (!$link || !$link->id)
if (!$this->acl_check_edit('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface'))
$form = new Forge();
if ($form->validate())
$form_data = $form->as_array();
if ($iface->id)
$iface->link_id = $link->id;
status::success('Interface has been successfully appended to link.');
$this->redirect('/links/show/', $link->id);
$headline = __('Append interface to link');
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
->link('links/show_all', 'Links',
$this->acl_check_view('Links_Controller', 'link'))
->link('links/show/' . $link->id, $link->name . ' (' .
Link_Model::get_medium_type($link->medium) . ')',
$this->acl_check_view('Links_Controller', 'link'))
$view = new View('main');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs;
$view->title = $headline;
$view->content = new View('form');
$view->content->form = $form->html();
$view->content->headline = $headline;

* Function edits interface.
* @param integer $iface_id
* @param integer $type
public function edit($iface_id = null, $type = null)
// bad parameter
if (!$iface_id || !is_numeric($iface_id))
$iface = new Iface_Model($iface_id);
// iface doesn't exist
if (!$iface->id)
$this->iface_type = 0;
$this->iface_id = $iface->id;
$this->device_id = $iface->device_id;
$member_id = $iface->device->user->member_id;
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_edit('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface', $member_id))
if (empty($type))
$type = $iface->type;
// some wrong added ifaces from the past may have type set to zero
// iface type doesn't exist
if (!$iface->get_type($type))
// some wrong added ifaces from the past may have type set to zero
if ($type == 0)
$type = Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS;
// some wrong added ifaces from the past may have type set to zero
$this->iface_type = $type;
$filter_form = Devices_Controller::device_filter_form();

$form = new Forge(url_lang::base() . url_lang::current() . '?sended=1');

$base_form = $form->group('Basic data');


->label('Interface name')

// print mac address field only if it can have mac address
if (Iface_Model::type_has_mac_address($type))
->callback(array($this, 'valid_unique_mac_in_subnets'));

->style('width: 620px')

// print parent iface field only if type is VLAN
if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_VLAN)
$parent_ifaces = array();

foreach ($iface->device->ifaces as $i)
// limit options only if type is given
if (in_array($i->type, Iface_Model::get_can_be_child_of($type)) &&
$i->id != $iface->id)
$parent_ifaces[$i->id] = $i->name . ' - ' . $i->device->name;
$vlan_id = null;
if ($iface->ifaces_vlans->count())
$vlan_id = $iface->ifaces_vlans->current()->vlan_id;
$parent_iface_id = null;
if ($iface->ifaces_relationships->count())
$parent_iface_id = $iface->ifaces_relationships->current()->parent_iface_id;

$parent_ifaces = array
NULL => '------- '.__('Select interface').' -------'
) + $parent_ifaces;

$vlans = array
NULL => '------- '.__('Select VLAN').' -------'
) + ORM::factory('vlan')->select_list();

$vlan_form = $form->group('VLAN setting');


->label('Parent interface')

// print children ifaces field only if type is bridge
if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_BRIDGE)
$child_ifaces = array();

foreach ($iface->device->ifaces as $i)
// limit options only if type is given
if (in_array($type, Iface_Model::get_can_be_child_of($i->type)))
$mac = ($i->mac) ? $i->mac . ' - ' : '';
$child_ifaces[$i->id] = $mac . $i->name;
$bridged_childres = array();
$bridged_childrens = ORM::factory('ifaces_vlan')->get_all_bridged_ifaces_of_iface($iface->id);
foreach ($bridged_childrens as $child)
$bridged_childres[] = $child->id;

$bridge_form = $form->group('Bridge settings');

->label('Children interfaces');

// print port fields only if type is port
if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT)
$modes = array
NULL => '------- '.__('Select mode').' -------'
) + Iface_Model::get_port_modes();

$vlan_model = new Vlan_Model();
$arr_vlans = $vlan_model->select_list();

$default_vlans = array
NULL => '----- ' . __('Select VLAN') . ' -----'
) + $arr_vlans;
$vlans = ORM::factory('ifaces_vlan')->get_all_vlans_of_iface($iface->id);
$default_vlan_id = null;
$tagged_vlans_ids = array();
$untagged_vlans_ids = array();
foreach ($vlans as $vlan)
if ($vlan->tagged)
$tagged_vlans_ids[] = $vlan->id;
$untagged_vlans_ids[] = $vlan->id;
if ($vlan->port_vlan)
$default_vlan_id = $vlan->id;
$port_form = $form->group('Port setting');

->callback(array($this, 'valid_port_nr'));
$vlan_port_form = $form->group('Port VLAN setting');


->label('Port VLAN')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_port_vlan'))

->label('Tagged VLANs')

->label('Untagged VLANs')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_vlans'))

// print wireless fields only if type is wireless
if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$modes = array
NULL => '----- '.__('Select mode').' -----'
) + Iface_Model::get_wireless_modes();

$antennas = array
NULL => '----- '.__('Select antenna').' -----'
) + Iface_Model::get_wireless_antennas();

$w_form = $form->group('Wireless setting');

->callback(array($this, 'valid_mode'))

// print virtual AP fields only if type is virtual AP
if ($type == Iface_Model::TYPE_VIRTUAL_AP)
$parent_ifaces = array();

foreach ($iface->device->ifaces as $i)
// limit options only if type is given
if (in_array($i->type, Iface_Model::get_can_be_child_of($type)) &&
$i->wireless_mode == Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP &&
$i->id != $iface->id)
$parent_ifaces[$i->id] = $i->name . ' - ' . $i->device->name;

$parent_ifaces = array
NULL => '------- '.__('Select interface').' -------'
) + $parent_ifaces;
$parent_iface_id = null;
if ($iface->ifaces_relationships->count())
$parent_iface_id = $iface->ifaces_relationships->current()->parent_iface_id;

$vap_form = $form->group('Virtual AP setting');

->label('Parent interface')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_mode_virtual_ap'))

// print link field only if type can has link
if (Iface_Model::type_has_link($type))
$devices = array
NULL => '----- '.__('Select device').' -----'
) + ORM::factory('device')->select_list_device_with_user();

$ifaces = array
NULL => '----- '.__('Select interface').' -----'
); // empty - loaded by JS

$links = array
NULL => '----- '.__('Select link').' -----'
) + ORM::factory('link')->select_list_by_iface_type($type);
$connecte_to_iface_id = null;
$connecte_to_iface_device_id = null;
if ($iface->link_id)
$connecte_to_iface = $iface->get_iface_connected_to_iface();
if ($connecte_to_iface && $connecte_to_iface->id)
$connecte_to_iface_id = $connecte_to_iface->id;
$connecte_to_iface_device_id = $connecte_to_iface->device_id;

if ($connecte_to_iface_id)
$concat = 'CONCAT(IFNULL(mac, \'- \'),\': \',IFNULL(name,\'\'))';

$ifaces += ORM::factory('iface')
->where('device_id', $connecte_to_iface_device_id)
->in('type', Iface_Model::get_can_connect_to($type))
->select_list('id', $concat);

$c_form = $form->group(
__('Link') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' .
form::checkbox('change_link', 1, isset($_POST['change_link']), 'class="checkbox"') .
'&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="color: black">' .
__('Change connected to (link) settings?') .

->style('width: 550px')
->add_button('devices', 'add_simple', $iface->device->user_id);

->style('width: 550px')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_connect_to_iface'))


// form is validate
$form_data = $form->as_array();
$old_type = $iface->type;

$iface->name = $form_data['name'];
$iface->type = $form_data['itype'];
$iface->comment = $form_data['comment'];

if (Iface_Model::type_has_link($iface->type))
{// connected iface
$im_connect_to = new Iface_Model($form_data['connected_to_interface']);

// save link
if ($im_connect_to && $im_connect_to->id &&
isset($_POST['change_link']) && $_POST['change_link'])
$roaming = new Link_Model();
$link_id = $form_data['link_id'];
$roaming_id = $roaming->get_roaming();
$roaming = $roaming->find($roaming_id);
$name = $form_data['link_name'];
$medium = $form_data['medium'];

// don not connect to roaming
if ($link_id == $roaming_id)
$link_id = NULL;
// fix name
if (trim($name) == trim($roaming->name))
if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$name = __('air') . ' ';
$name = __('cable') . ' ';

if ($im_connect_to->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS &&
$im_connect_to->wireless_mode == Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP)
$name .= $im_connect_to->device->name;
$name .= ' - ' . $iface->device->name;
$name .= $iface->device->name . ' - ';
$name .= $im_connect_to->device->name;

// fix medium
if ($medium == Link_Model::MEDIUM_ROAMING)
if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$medium = Link_Model::MEDIUM_AIR;
$medium = Link_Model::MEDIUM_CABLE;

$lm = new Link_Model($link_id);
$lm->name = htmlspecialchars($name);
$lm->medium = intval($medium);
$lm->comment = htmlspecialchars($form_data['link_comment']);
$lm->bitrate = network::str2bytes($form_data['bitrate']);
$lm->duplex = ($form_data['duplex'] == 1);

if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$lm->wireless_ssid = htmlspecialchars($form_data['wireless_ssid']);
$lm->wireless_norm = intval($form_data['wireless_norm']);
$lm->wireless_frequency = intval($form_data['wireless_frequency']);
$lm->wireless_channel = intval($form_data['wireless_channel']);
$lm->wireless_channel_width = intval($form_data['wireless_channel_width']);
$lm->wireless_polarization = intval($form_data['wireless_polarization']);


// restrict count of connected devices to link
$max = Link_Model::get_max_ifaces_count($iface->type);

if ($lm->id != $roaming_id &&
$max <= 2) // delete connected (port, eth)
foreach ($lm->ifaces as $i_del)
$i_del->link_id = null;

$iface->link_id = $lm->id;
$im_connect_to->link_id = $lm->id;
// disconnect
else if (isset($_POST['change_link']) && $_POST['change_link'])
$iface->link_id = null;
// do not changes link commonly, but if type changed we must
// look if the current link can be used on new type
// this code resolves (#310)
else if ($old_type != $iface->type)
$mediums = $iface->get_types_has_link_with_medium($iface->type);
if ($iface->link_id &&
!array_key_exists($iface->link->medium, $mediums))
$iface->link_id = null;
$iface->link_id = null;

if (Iface_Model::type_has_mac_address($iface->type))
$iface->mac = empty($form_data['mac']) ? NULL : $form_data['mac'];
$iface->mac = null;
$iface->wireless_mode = null;
$iface->wireless_antenna = null;
$iface->number = null;
$iface->port_mode = null;

if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
$iface->wireless_mode = $form_data['wireless_mode'];
$iface->wireless_antenna = $form_data['wireless_antenna'];
else if ($iface->type === Iface_Model::TYPE_VIRTUAL_AP)
$parent_iface = new Iface_Model($form_data['parent_iface_id']);
$iface->wireless_mode = $parent_iface->wireless_mode;
$iface->wireless_antenna = $parent_iface->wireless_antenna;
// delete current
foreach ($iface->ifaces_relationships as $i)
$iface_relationship = new Ifaces_relationship_Model();
$iface_relationship->iface_id = $iface->id;
$iface_relationship->parent_iface_id = $form_data['parent_iface_id'];
else if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT)
$iface->number = $form_data['number'];
$iface->port_mode = $form_data['port_mode'];
// vlan relations
$vlan_ifaces = new Ifaces_vlan_Model();
// remove current

if ($iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_TRUNK ||
$iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_HYBRID)
foreach ((array) $form_data['tagged_vlan_id'] as $vlan_id)
if (intval($vlan_id))
$vlan_ifaces->vlan_id = $vlan_id;
$vlan_ifaces->iface_id = $iface->id;
$vlan_ifaces->tagged = TRUE;
$vlan_ifaces->port_vlan = ($vlan_id == $form_data['port_vlan_id']);

if ($iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_ACCESS ||
$iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_HYBRID)
foreach ((array) $form_data['untagged_vlan_id'] as $vlan_id)
if (intval($vlan_id))
$vlan_ifaces->vlan_id = $vlan_id;
$vlan_ifaces->iface_id = $iface->id;
$vlan_ifaces->tagged = FALSE;
$vlan_ifaces->port_vlan = ($vlan_id == $form_data['port_vlan_id']);
else if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_VLAN)
// delete current
foreach ($iface->ifaces_vlans as $iv)
$vlan_ifaces = new Ifaces_vlan_Model();
$vlan_ifaces->iface_id = $iface->id;
$vlan_ifaces->vlan_id = $form_data['vlan_id'];
// delete current
foreach ($iface->ifaces_relationships as $i)

$iface_relationship = new Ifaces_relationship_Model();
$iface_relationship->iface_id = $iface->id;
$iface_relationship->parent_iface_id = $form_data['parent_iface_id'];
else if ($iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_BRIDGE)
$iface_relationship = new Ifaces_relationship_Model();
// delete current
if (is_array($form_data['children_interfaces']))
$children_ifaces = $form_data['children_interfaces'];
$children_ifaces = array();
foreach ($children_ifaces as $child)
$iface_relationship->iface_id = $child;
$iface_relationship->parent_iface_id = $iface->id;

// expired subnets (#465)
$expired_subnets = array();
$ip_adress_model = new Ip_address_Model();
$ip_addresses = $ip_adress_model->get_all_ip_addresses_of_iface(
$iface->id, TRUE
foreach ($ip_addresses as $ip)
$expired_subnets[] = $ip->subnet_id;


status::success('Interface has been successfully saved.');
$this->redirect('show', $iface->id);
catch (Exception $e)
status::error('Error - Cannot edit interface', $e);
$name = strval($iface);
if (Path::instance()->uri(TRUE)->previous(0,1) != 'ifaces')
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
'members/show_all', 'Members',
'ID '.$iface->device->user->member->id.
' - '.$iface->device->user->member->name,
'Members_Controller', 'members',
'Users', $this->acl_check_view(
'Users_Controller', 'users',
'Users_Controller', 'users',
'Devices', $this->acl_check_view(
'Devices_Controller', 'devices',
$iface->device->name, $this->acl_check_view(
'Devices_Controller', 'devices',
$name, $this->acl_check_view(
'Ifaces_Controller', 'iface',
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
'ifaces/show/'.$iface->id, $name,
'Ifaces_Controller', 'iface',
// speed units
$arr_unit = array
'K' => 'kbps',
'M' => 'Mbps',
'G' => 'Gbps',
'T' => 'Tbps'
// ethernet mediums
$eth_mediums = Iface_Model::get_types_has_link_with_medium(Iface_Model::TYPE_ETHERNET);
// wireless mediums
$wl_mediums = Iface_Model::get_types_has_link_with_medium(Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS);
// port mediums
$port_mediums = Iface_Model::get_types_has_link_with_medium(Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT);
// wireless norms
$arr_wireless_norms = Link_Model::get_wireless_norms();
// wireless polarizations
$arr_wireless_polarizations = Link_Model::get_wireless_polarizations();

$headline = __('Edit interface');
$view = new View('main');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs;
$view->title = $headline;
$view->content = new View('ifaces/add');
$view->content->form = $form->html();
$view->content->headline = $headline;
$view->content->filter = $filter_form;
$view->content->norms = $arr_wireless_norms;
$view->content->polarizations = $arr_wireless_polarizations;
$view->content->bit_units = $arr_unit;
$view->content->eth_mediums = $eth_mediums;
$view->content->wl_mediums = $wl_mediums;
$view->content->port_mediums = $port_mediums;
// additional infor for AP and reamings
$roaming_id = ORM::factory('link')->get_roaming();
if (($iface->link->id == $roaming_id && $roaming_id !== NULL) || (
$iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS &&
$iface->wireless_mode == Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP
$view->content->additional_info =
__('This interface is connected to multiple devices.') . ' ' .
__('The connected to information in the link section contains only one of these devices.');
} // end of edit

* Function deletes interface.
* Interface is deleted with all of its ip addresses and vlan interfaces
* thanks to database cascade deleting.
* @param integer $iface_id id of interface to delete
public function delete($iface_id = null)
// bad parameter
if (!$iface_id || !is_numeric($iface_id))
$iface = new Iface_Model($iface_id);
// iface doesn't exist
if (!$iface->id)
$member_id = $iface->device->user->member_id;
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_delete('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface', $member_id))
// find ip addresses of interface, in this relation 1:n ORM works
$ips = $iface->ip_addresses;
// find vlan_ifaces
$vlan_ifaces = $iface->ifaces_vlans;
if (count($ips) == 0)
if ($iface->delete())
status::success('Interface has been successfully deleted.');
status::error('Error - cant delete interface.');
status::warning('Interface still has at least one IP address.');
if (url::slice(url_lang::uri(Path::instance()->previous()), 0, 2) == 'ifaces/show')
* Function removes iface from bridge
* @param integer $bridge_iface_id
* @param integer $iface_id
public function remove_from_bridge($bridge_iface_id = null, $iface_id = null)
// bad parameter
if (!$bridge_iface_id || !is_numeric($bridge_iface_id) || !$iface_id || !is_numeric($iface_id))
$iface = new Iface_Model($bridge_iface_id);
$member_id = $iface->device->user->member_id;
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_delete('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface', $member_id))
$sub_iface = new Iface_Model($iface_id);
// iface doesn't exist
if (!$iface->id || !$sub_iface->id)
//remove iface from bridge
$iv = new Ifaces_vlan_Model();

$delete_state = $iv->remove_iface_from_bridge($bridge_iface_id, $iface_id);
if ($delete_state)
status::success('Interface has been successfully removed from bridge.');
status::error('Error - cant remove interface.');

* Function removes iface from link
* @author David Raska
* @param integer $iface_id
public function remove_from_link($iface_id = null)
// bad parameter
if (!$iface_id || !is_numeric($iface_id))
$iface = new Iface_Model($iface_id);
$link_id = $iface->link_id;
$member_id = $iface->device->user->member_id;

// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_delete('Ifaces_Controller', 'iface', $member_id))
// iface doesn't exist
if (!$iface->id)
$redirect_to_link = TRUE;
$link = NULL;
if ($iface->link->ifaces->count() == 1)
$link = $iface->link;
$iface->link_id = NULL;
if ($link)
$redirect_to_link = FALSE;
status::success('Interface has been successfully removed from link.');
catch (Exception $e)
status::error('Error - cant remove interface.', $e);

if ($redirect_to_link)
$this->redirect('links/show/', $link_id);
* Callback function to validate wireless mode
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param Form_Field $input
public function valid_mode($input = NULL)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))

if ($this->input->post('itype') == Iface_Model::TYPE_WIRELESS)
if (trim($input->value) == '')
$input->add_error('required', __('Mode is required.'));
// one iface with AP mode in link
else if ($input->value == Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP)
$count = ORM::factory('iface')->count_items_by_mode_and_link(
Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP, $this->input->post('link_id'),

if ($count > 0)
$input->add_error('required', __(
'In this link an interface in mode AP already exists.'
// relationship with any Virtual AP during edit?
else if ($this->iface_id &&
$input->value == Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_CLIENT)
if (count(ORM::factory('iface')->get_virtual_ap_ifaces_of_parent($this->iface_id)))
$input->add_error('required', __(
'Cannot change mode of the interface to client ' .
'a Virtual AP is derived from this interface.'
* Callback function to validate MAC adress in order to have this MAC
* in maximum count of one.
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @param Form_Field $input
public function valid_unique_mac_in_subnets($input = NULL)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
$iface = new Iface_Model();
if (!$iface->is_mac_unique($this->iface_id, $input->value))
$m = 'This MAC is in collision with other interfaces on the same subnet';
$input->add_error('required', __($m) . '!');
* Callback function to validate vlan ap wmode
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @param Form_Field $input
public function valid_mode_virtual_ap($input = NULL)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))

if ($this->input->post('itype') == Iface_Model::TYPE_VIRTUAL_AP)
$count = ORM::factory('iface')->count_items_by_mode_and_link(
Iface_Model::WIRELESS_MODE_AP, $this->input->post('link_id'),
if ($count > 0)
$input->add_error('required', __(
'In this link an interface in mode AP already exists.'
* Callback function to validate tagged and untagged VLANs
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param Form_Field $input
public function valid_vlans($input = NULL)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
$tagged_vlans = (array) @$_POST['tagged_vlan_id'];
$untagged_vlans = (array) @$_POST['untagged_vlan_id'];
// VLAN can be only tagged or untagged
if (count(array_intersect($untagged_vlans, $tagged_vlans)) > 0)
$input->add_error('required', __('VLAN can be only tagged or untagged.'));
* Callback function to validate port VLAN
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param Form_Field $input
public function valid_port_vlan($input = NULL)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
$port_vlan_id = $input->value;
$tagged_vlans = (array) @$_POST['tagged_vlan_id'];
$untagged_vlans = (array) @$_POST['untagged_vlan_id'];
$port_mode = $this->input->post('port_mode');
// port is in access mode
case Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_ACCESS:
if (!in_array($port_vlan_id, $untagged_vlans))
$input->add_error('required', __('Port VLAN has to be in untagged VLANs.'));
// port is in trunk mode
case Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_TRUNK:
if (!in_array($port_vlan_id, $tagged_vlans))
$input->add_error('required', __('Port VLAN has to be in tagged VLANs.'));
// port is in hybrid mode
case Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_HYBRID:
if (!in_array($port_vlan_id, $untagged_vlans))
$input->add_error('required', __('Port VLAN has to be in untagged VLANs.'));
* Callback function to validate number of port
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param Form_Field $input
public function valid_port_nr($input = NULL)
// validators cannot be accessed
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
$value = trim($input->value);
$device = new Device_Model($this->device_id);
if (!empty($value) && $device && $device->id)
if ($device->port_number_exists($value, $device->id, $this->iface_id))
$input->add_error('required', __('Port number already exist.'));
* Callback function to validate connect to interface
* @param Form_Field $input
public function valid_connect_to_iface($input = NULL)
if (empty($input) || !is_object($input))
if ($input->value)
$iface_to = new Iface_Model($input->value);
$link_id = $this->input->post('link_id');

if ($iface_to && $iface_to->id &&
$iface_to->link_id &&
$iface_to->link_id != $link_id)
$input->add_error('required', __(
'Selected interface for connecting to is already ' .
'connected throught different link - ' .
'<a href="%s/ifaces/remove_from_link/%s" id="remove_from_link">Remove from link</a>',
array(Settings::get('suffix').Config::get('lang'), $iface_to->id)