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Revize 2164

Přidáno uživatelem Michal Kliment před asi 11 roky(ů)


- fixes #586: Ziskani MAC adresy skrze CGI skripty
- fixes #721: Pridat AXO pro export prihlasky clena
- fixes #750: Lepsi sprava portu a VLANu zarizeni
- refs #563: dokumentace k AXO (nove metody)

Zobrazit rozdíly:

// get MAC address using SNMP to DHCP server
if (!$this->session->get('connection_request_mac') &&
if (!$this->session->get('connection_request_mac'))
$ip_address_model = new Ip_address_Model();
$dhcp_device = $ip_address_model->get_gateway_of_subnet($subnet_id);
$gateway = $ip_address_model->get_gateway_of_subnet($subnet_id);
if ($dhcp_device)
if ($gateway && $gateway->id)
// first try SNMP
if (module::e('snmp'))
$snmp = Snmp_Factory::factoryForDevice($dhcp_device->ip_address);
// try find MAC address in DHCP
$mac_address = $snmp->getDHCPMacAddressOf($ip_address);
$this->session->set('connection_request_mac', $mac_address);
catch (DHCPMacAddressException $e)
// try find MAC address in ARP table
$mac_address = $snmp->getARPMacAddressOf($ip_address);
$snmp = Snmp_Factory::factoryForDevice($gateway->ip_address);
// try find MAC address in DHCP
$mac_address = $snmp->getDHCPMacAddressOf($ip_address);
$this->session->set('connection_request_mac', $mac_address);
catch(Exception $e)
catch (DHCPMacAddressException $e)
// try find MAC address in ARP table
$mac_address = $snmp->getARPMacAddressOf($ip_address);
$this->session->set('connection_request_mac', $mac_address);
catch(Exception $e)
catch (Exception $e)
catch (Exception $e)
// now try CGI scripts
else if (module::e('cgi'))
$vars = arr::to_object(array
'GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS' => $gateway->ip_address,
'IP_ADDRESS' => $ip_address
$url = text::object_format($vars, Settings::get('cgi_arp_url'));
$mac_address = @file_get_contents($url);
if ($mac_address !== FALSE)
$this->session->set('connection_request_mac', $mac_address);
->link('ifaces/show', 'name')
->link('vlans/show', 'name')
->label('VLAN name');
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Devices_Controller', 'ports_vlans_settings', $member_id))
'Ports and VLANs settings', array
'title' => __('Ports and VLANs settings')
->label('Port VLAN')
->callback('callback::bitrate_field', FALSE)
$view->content->device_topology = $device_topology;
* Ports and VLANs settings of given device
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param type $device_id
* @param type $vlan_id
public function ports_vlans_settings ($device_id = NULL, $vlan_id = NULL)
// bad parameter
if (!$device_id || !is_numeric($device_id))
Controller::warning (PARAMETER);
$device = new Device_Model($device_id);
// device doesn't exist
if (!$device->id)
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_edit('Devices_Controller', 'ports_vlans_settings', $device->user->member_id))
$form = new Forge();
$form->set_attr('id', 'vlan-form');
$vlan_model = new Vlan_Model();
$vlans = array(NULL => '----- '.__('Select VLAN').' -----') + $vlan_model->select_list();
if ($form->validate() && !isset($_POST['id']))
$form_data = $form->as_array();
if ($vlan_id)
$vlan = new Vlan_Model($vlan_id);
// VLAN doesn't exist
if (!$vlan->id)
Controller::error (RECORD);
if ($_POST)
$ifaces_vlan_model = new Ifaces_vlan_Model();
foreach ($_POST['id'] as $number => $iface_id)
$iface = new Iface_Model($iface_id);
$iface->port_mode = $_POST['mode'][$number];
$ifaces_vlan = $ifaces_vlan_model->where(array
'iface_id' => $iface_id,
'vlan_id' => $vlan_id
if ($ifaces_vlan->id)
if (!$_POST['type'][$number])
if (!$ifaces_vlan->port_vlan)
if (!$_POST['type'][$number])
$ifaces_vlan->iface_id = $iface_id;
$ifaces_vlan->vlan_id = $vlan_id;
$ifaces_vlan->tagged = ($_POST['type'][$number] == Iface_Model::PORT_VLAN_TAGGED);
$ifaces_vlans = $ifaces_vlan_model->where(array
'iface_id' => $iface_id,
foreach ($ifaces_vlans as $ifaces_vlan)
$ifaces_vlan->port_vlan = FALSE;
if (isset($_POST['pvid'][$number]) && $ifaces_vlan->vlan_id == $_POST['pvid'][$number])
$ifaces_vlan->port_vlan = TRUE;
if ($iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_TRUNK)
$ifaces_vlan->tagged = TRUE;
else if ($iface->port_mode == Iface_Model::PORT_MODE_ACCESS)
$ifaces_vlan->tagged = FALSE;
status::success('Ports and VLANs settings has been successfully updated.');
catch (Exception $e)
status::error('Error - cannot update ports and VLANs settings.');
$ports = array();
foreach ($device->ifaces as $iface)
if ($iface->type != Iface_Model::TYPE_PORT)
$pvid = NULL;
$type = NULL;
$vlans = array();
foreach ($iface->ifaces_vlans as $ifaces_vlan)
$vlans[$ifaces_vlan->vlan_id] = $ifaces_vlan->vlan->tag_802_1q.' ('.$ifaces_vlan->vlan->name.')';
if ($ifaces_vlan->port_vlan)
$pvid = $ifaces_vlan->vlan_id;
if ($ifaces_vlan->vlan_id != $vlan_id)
$type = ($ifaces_vlan->tagged) ? Iface_Model::PORT_VLAN_TAGGED : Iface_Model::PORT_VLAN_UNTAGGED;
$ports[$iface->number] = array
'id' => $iface->id,
'mode' => $iface->port_mode,
'vlans' => $vlans,
'pvid' => $pvid,
'type' => $type
// breadcrumbs navigation
$breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs::add()
->link('members/show_all', 'Members',
$this->acl_check_view('Members_Controller', 'members'))
->link('members/show/' . $device->user->member->id,
'ID ' . $device->user->member->id . ' - ' . $device->user->member->name,
$this->acl_check_view('Members_Controller', 'members', $device->user->member->id))
->link('users/show_by_member/' . $device->user->member_id, 'Users',
$this->acl_check_view('Users_Controller', 'users', $device->user->member_id))
->link('users/show/' . $device->user->id,
$device->user->name . ' ' . $device->user->surname . ' (' . $device->user->login . ')',
$this->acl_check_view('Users_Controller', 'users', $device->user->member_id))
->link('devices/show_by_user/' . $device->user->id, 'Devices',
$this->acl_check_view('Devices_Controller', 'devices', $device->user->member_id))
->link('devices/show/' . $device->id . '#device_' . $device_id . '_link',
$this->acl_check_edit('Devices_Controller', 'devices', $device->user->member_id))
->text('Ports and VLANs settings');
$title = __('Ports and VLANs settings');
$view = new View('main');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs->html();
$view->title = $title;
$view->content = new View('devices/ports_vlans_settings');
$view->content->form = $form;
if ($vlan_id)
$view->content->vlan = $vlan;
$view->content->ports = $ports;
private function _js_devices_ports_vlans_settings ($device_id = NULL, $vlan_id = NULL)
$this->views['devices_ports_vlans_settings'] = View::factory('js/devices_ports_vlans_settings');
$this->views['devices_ports_vlans_settings']->vlan_id = $vlan_id;
private function _js_devices_map()
$action = '';
if ($gateway && $gateway->id && valid::ip($ip_address))
// first try SNMP
if (module::e('snmp'))
// now try CGI scripts
else if (module::e('cgi'))
$vars = arr::to_object(array
'GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS' => $gateway->ip_address,
'IP_ADDRESS' => $ip_address
$url = text::object_format($vars, Settings::get('cgi_arp_url'));
$mac_address = @file_get_contents($url);
if ($mac_address !== FALSE)
'state' => 1,
'mac' => $mac_address
'state' => 0,
'message' => __('Invalid output data')
'state' => 0,
'message' => __('SNMP not enabled')
'message' => __('SNMP or CGI scripts not enabled')
$member_links[] = html::anchor(
__('Export of registration'),
'title' => __('Export of registration'),
'class' => 'popup_link'
// access control
if ($this->acl_check_view(get_class($this), 'registration'))
$member_links[] = html::anchor(
__('Export of registration'),
'title' => __('Export of registration'),
'class' => 'popup_link'
if (!$is_applicant)
// access control
if (!$this->acl_check_view(get_class($this), 'members', $member_id))
if (!$this->acl_check_view(get_class($this), 'registration', $member_id))
// creates new form
'name' => 'snmp_enabled',
'dependencies' => array('networks')
'cgi' => array
'name' => 'cgi_enabled',
'dependencies' => array('networks')
'ulogd' => array
'name' => 'ulogd_enabled',
// CGI
$form_modules['cgi'] = $this->form->radio('cgi_enabled')
->label('CGI scripts')
// QoS
$form_modules['qos'] = $this->form->radio('qos_enabled')
->label('Enable automatic loading of "connected to" field during adding of device')
// CGI scripts
if (module::e('cgi'))
$this->form->group('CGI scripts');
->label('URL for ARP table')
->style('width: 400px');
* Callback function to print port VLAN
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param type $item
* @param type $name
public static function port_vlan_field($item, $name)
echo '<span class="help" title="'.$item->port_vlan.'">'.$item->port_vlan_tag_802_1q.'</span>';
* Callback function to print count of ports and grouped ports as title
* @author Michal Kliment
'approved work reports' => 'Schválené prácovní výkazy',
'approved works' => 'Schválené práce',
'april' => 'Duben',
'are you sure' => 'Jste si jistí',
'are you really sure that this database server is working fine?' => 'Jste si opravdu jistí, že tento databázový server funguje správně?',
'are you really sure that you entered correct address database server?' => 'Jste si opravdu jisti, že jste zadali správnou adresu databázového serveru?',
'are you really sure that you use correct username and password?' => 'Jste si opravdu jisti, že používate správné uživatelské jméno a heslo?',
'cellphone number' => 'Mobilní číslo',
'cellphone operator' => 'Mobilní operátor',
'centralized logging' => 'Centralizované logování',
'cgi scripts' => 'CGI skripty',
'chairman and agent' => 'Předseda a jednatel',
'change' => 'Změnit',
'change application password' => 'Změnit aplikační heslo',
'error - cannot update allowed subnets of member' => 'Chyba - nelze aktualizovat povolené podsítě člena.',
'error - cannot update count of allowed subnets' => 'Chyba - nelze aktualizovat počet povolených podsítí.',
'error - cannot update device admin' => 'Chyba - nelze aktualizovat správce zařízení.',
'error - cannot update ports and vlans settings' => 'Chyba - nelze aktualizovat nastavení portů a VLANů.',
'error - cannot update speed class' => 'Chyba - nelze upravit třídu rychlosti',
'error - cannot update vote to locked item' => 'Chyba - nelze aktualizovat hlas k uzamčené položce.',
'error - cant add message automatical activation settings rule' => 'Chyba - nelze přidat pravidlo pro automatickou aktivaci zprávy',
'invalid json file document structure: %s' => 'chybná struktura JSON dokumentu: %s',
'invalid mac address' => 'Chybná MAC adresa',
'invalid network address' => 'Neplatná adresa sítě !',
'invalid output data' => 'Neplatná výstupní data',
'invalid saved query' => 'Neplatný uložený dotaz',
'invalid subnet netmask' => 'Chybná maska podsítě',
'invalid api token' => 'Chybná API token',
'port setting' => 'Nastavení portu',
'ports list' => 'Seznam portů',
'ports' => 'Porty',
'ports and vlans settings' => 'Nastavení portů a VLANů',
'ports and vlans settings has been successfully updated' => 'Nastavení portů a VLANů bylo úspěšně aktualizováno.',
'ports and vlans settings of device' => 'Nastavení portů a VLANů zařízení',
'ports count' => 'Počet portů',
'possibility of canceling redirection to all ip addresses of member' => 'Možnost zrušení přesměrování všem IP adresám člena',
'possibility of canceling redirection to only current ip address' => 'Možnost zrušení přesměrování jen aktuální IP adrese',
'sms messages enabled' => 'SMS zprávy povoleny',
'sms message has been successfully added' => 'SMS zpráva byla úspěšně přidána.',
'sms settings' => 'SMS nastavení',
'snmp not enabled' => 'SNMP není povoleno',
'snmp or cgi scripts not enabled' => 'SNMP nebo CGI skripty nejsou povoleny',
'some phones wasn\'t founded' => 'Některé telefony nebyly nalezeny',
'some mac addresses are same, please change them' => 'Některé MAC adresy jsou stejné, změňte je prosím',
'some ip addresses are same, please change them' => 'Některé IP adresy jsou stejné, změňte je prosím',
'table prefix' => 'Prefix tabulek',
'tag_802_1q' => 'Tag 802.1Q',
'tagged vlans' => 'Tagované VLANy',
'tagged' => 'Tagovaný',
'tagged vlan' => 'Tagovaný VLAN',
'target website' => 'Cílový web pro přesměrování',
'tariff' => 'tarif',
'unknown' => 'Neznámý',
'unread' => 'Nepřečtená',
'unsent' => 'Neodeslaná',
'untagged' => 'Netagovaný',
'untagged vlans' => 'Netagované VLANy',
'until' => 'do',
'until user reading' => 'Do přečtení uživatelem',
'url addresses without index' => 'URL adresy bez index.php.',
'url pattern' => 'Šablona URL',
'url settings' => 'Nastavení URL',
'url for arp table' => 'URL pro ARP tabulku',
'url to redirect after canceling message' => 'URL k přesměrování po zrušení zprávy',
'use' => 'Použít',
'used' => 'Použito',
'you will need to know the following items before proceeding' => 'Budete potřebovat znát následující položky před pokračováním:',
'you will be inform by your email address about admin decision' => 'O rozhodnutí admina budete informován emailem',
'you will be informed about it\'s result by email' => 'O výsledku žádosti budete informováni e-mailem.',
'your changes will be lost' => 'Vaše změny budou ztraceny.',
'your votes' => 'Vaše hlasy',
'your inner mail is redirected to this e-mail box' => 'Vaše vnitřní pošta je přesměrována na tuto e-mailovou schránku',
'your inner mail is redirected to your following e-mail addresses %s you can disable this %s' => 'Vaše vnitřní pošta je přesměrována na Vaše e-mailové adresy: %s, což můžete zrušit %s.',
// is bannet from using of this connection (redirected)
'applicant_connection_test_duration' => 14,
// URL for ARP table
'cgi_arp_url' => 'http://{GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS}/cgi-bin/arp.cgi?ip_address={IP_ADDRESS}',
// are connection requests enabled?
'connection_request_enable' => 0,
/** Const for mode hybrid */
/** Const for type tagged */
/** Const for type untagged */
* Name of iface types
* Human format for port VLAN types
* @var array
private static $port_vlan_types = array
self::PORT_VLAN_TAGGED => 'Tagged',
self::PORT_VLAN_UNTAGGED => 'Untagged'
* Boolean value if iface type can have link
* @var array
* Return human format for port VLAN types
* @author Michal Kliment
* @return array
public static function get_port_vlan_types()
return array_map('__', self::$port_vlan_types);
* Checks whether the given new MAC of the given iface is unique in all
* subnets that are in relation with the iface over his IP addresses.
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT SEPARATOR ', \\n') AS connected_to_devices,
l.wireless_norm, l.wireless_frequency, i.wireless_mode,
l.wireless_channel_width, l.wireless_ssid, ir.parent_iface_id, AS parent_name, v.tag_802_1q, l.medium AS parent_name, v.tag_802_1q, l.medium,
v.tag_802_1q AS port_vlan_tag_802_1q, AS port_vlan
FROM ifaces i
LEFT JOIN ifaces_relationships ir ON ir.iface_id =
LEFT JOIN ifaces pi ON ir.parent_iface_id =
LEFT JOIN devices cd ON ci.device_id =
LEFT JOIN ifaces_vlans iv ON iv.iface_id =
LEFT JOIN vlans v ON iv.vlan_id =
LEFT JOIN ifaces_vlans piv ON piv.iface_id =
AND piv.port_vlan IS NOT NULL AND piv.port_vlan = 1
LEFT JOIN vlans pv ON piv.vlan_id =
WHERE i.device_id = ? $where
ORDER BY i.number, i.type,
return NULL;
* Checks whether VLAN exists on ports or VLAN ifaces
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param type $vlan_id
* @return boolean
public function vlan_exists($vlan_id)
foreach ($this->ifaces_vlans as $ifaces_vlan)
if ($ifaces_vlan->vlan_id == $vlan_id)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Returns untagged VLAN of port (if exists)
* @author Michal Kliment
* @return null
public function get_untagged_vlan()
foreach ($this->ifaces_vlans as $ifaces_vlan)
if (!is_null($ifaces_vlan->tagged) && $ifaces_vlan->tagged == 0 &&
!is_null($ifaces_vlan->vlan) && $ifaces_vlan->vlan)
return $ifaces_vlan->vlan;
return NULL;
* Checks whether iface is in bridge
* @author Michal Kliment
* @return boolean
public function is_in_bridge()
foreach ($this->ifaces_relationships as $ifaces_relationship)
if ($ifaces_relationship->parent_iface->type == Iface_Model::TYPE_BRIDGE)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
<!DOCTYPE axoDocumentation SYSTEM "axo_doc.dtd">
<object name="accounts" type="controller"
comment-en="Credit accounts and recalculation of fees and balances"
comment-cs="Kreditní účty a přepočítání poplatků a stavů účtů">
<object name="accounts" type="controller" comment-en="Credit accounts and recalculation of fees and balances" comment-cs="Kreditní účty a přepočítání poplatků a stavů účtů">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo section="Accounts_Controller" value="accounts" action="edit" own="false" usage_type="access"></axo>
<object name="acl" type="controller"
comment-en="Access rights"
comment-cs="Přístupová práva">
<object name="acl" type="controller" comment-en="Access rights" comment-cs="Přístupová práva">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo section="Acl_Controller" value="acl" action="view" own="false" usage_type="access"></axo>
<axo section="Acl_Controller" value="acl" action="delete" own="false" usage_type="access"></axo>
<object name="address_points" type="controller"
comment-en="Address points"
comment-cs="Adresní body">
<object name="address_points" type="controller" comment-en="Address points" comment-cs="Adresní body">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Address_points_Controller" value="address_point" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="get_gps_by_address"></method>
<method name="autocomplete_gps"></method>
<object name="allowed_subnets" type="controller"
comment-en="Allowed subnets of a member"
comment-cs="Povolené podsítě člena">
<object name="allowed_subnets" type="controller" comment-en="Allowed subnets of a member" comment-cs="Povolené podsítě člena">
<method name="show_by_member">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Allowed_subnets_Controller" value="allowed_subnet" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="change">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Allowed_subnets_Controller" value="allowed_subnet" action="edit" own="true"></axo>
<object name="allowed_subnets_counts" type="controller"
comment-en="Count of allow subnets of a member"
comment-cs="Počet povolených podsítí člena">
<object name="allowed_subnets_counts" type="controller" comment-en="Count of allow subnets of a member" comment-cs="Počet povolených podsítí člena">
<method name="edit">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Allowed_subnets_Controller" value="allowed_subnet" action="edit" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<object name="approval_template_items" type="controller"
comment-en="Approval template items"
comment-cs="Položky schvalovací šablony">
<object name="approval_template_items" type="controller" comment-en="Approval template items" comment-cs="Položky schvalovací šablony">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="add">
<axo usage_type="access" section="approval" value="template_items" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="approval_templates" type="controller"
comment-en="Approval templates - defines vote rules"
comment-cs="Schvalovací šablony - definují hlasovací pravidla">
<object name="approval_templates" type="controller" comment-en="Approval templates - defines vote rules" comment-cs="Schvalovací šablony - definují hlasovací pravidla">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="approval" value="templates" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="approval_types" type="controller"
comment-en="Approval types - defines who should vote about works/requests"
comment-cs="Hlasovací typy - definuje kdo by měl hlasovat o pracích/požadavcích">
<object name="approval_types" type="controller" comment-en="Approval types - defines who should vote about works/requests" comment-cs="Hlasovací typy - definuje kdo by měl hlasovat o pracích/požadavcích">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="approval" value="types" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="aro_groups" type="controller"
comment-en="Access rights - users groups"
comment-cs="Přístupová práva - skupiny uživatelů">
<object name="aro_groups" type="controller" comment-en="Access rights - users groups" comment-cs="Přístupová práva - skupiny uživatelů">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access" section="Aro_groups_Controller" value="aro_group" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="bank_accounts" type="controller"
comment-en="Bank accounts"
comment-cs="Bankovní účty">
<object name="bank_accounts" type="controller" comment-en="Bank accounts" comment-cs="Bankovní účty">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<object name="bank_accounts_auto_down_settings" type="controller"
comment-en="Manages configuration of automatical downloading and importing of bank statements"
comment-cs="Spravuje konfiguraci automatického stahování a importování bankovních výpisů">
<object name="bank_accounts_auto_down_settings" type="controller" comment-en="Manages configuration of automatical downloading and importing of bank statements" comment-cs="Spravuje konfiguraci automatického stahování a importování bankovních výpisů">
<method name="show">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_account_auto_down_config" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_account_auto_down_config" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<method name="delete">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_account_auto_down_config" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="bank_statements" type="controller"
comment-en="Bank statements - imported from association bank accounts"
comment-cs="Bankovní výpisy - omportované z bankovních účtů organizace">
<object name="bank_statements" type="controller" comment-en="Bank statements - imported from association bank accounts" comment-cs="Bankovní výpisy - omportované z bankovních účtů organizace">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="show_by_bank_account">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_statements" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_statements" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="bank_transfers" type="controller"
comment-en="Bank transfers - enables to view transfers by bank accounts or bank statements, manages unidenfified transfers and enables to add new transfers"
comment-cs="Bankovní převody - umožňují zobrazit převody dle účtu nebo výpisu, spravovat neidentifikkovatelné převody a umožňuje přidavat nové převody">
<object name="bank_transfers" type="controller" comment-en="Bank transfers - enables to view transfers by bank accounts or bank statements, manages unidenfified transfers and enables to add new transfers" comment-cs="Bankovní převody - umožňují zobrazit převody dle účtu nebo výpisu, spravovat neidentifikkovatelné převody a umožňuje přidavat nové převody">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_by_bank_account">
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="unidentified_transfers"
comment-en="Shows unidentified bank transfers"
comment-cs="Zobrazuje neidentifikovatelné bankovní převody">
<method name="unidentified_transfers" comment-en="Shows unidentified bank transfers" comment-cs="Zobrazuje neidentifikovatelné bankovní převody">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="unidentified_transfers" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Accounts_Controller" value="transfers" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="assign_transfer"
comment-en="Enables to assign an unidentified bank transfer"
comment-cs="Umožňuje přiřadit neidentifikovatelný bankovní převod">
<method name="assign_transfer" comment-en="Enables to assign an unidentified bank transfer" comment-cs="Umožňuje přiřadit neidentifikovatelný bankovní převod">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="unidentified_transfers" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="add_fee"
comment-en="Enables to add a new bank transfer without counteraccount"
comment-cs="Umožňuje přidat nový bankovní převod bez protiúčtu">
<method name="add_fee" comment-en="Enables to add a new bank transfer without counteraccount" comment-cs="Umožňuje přidat nový bankovní převod bez protiúčtu">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_accounts" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<object name="clouds" type="controller"
comment-en="Clods - clusters subnets"
comment-cs="Cloudy - shlukují podsítě">
<object name="clouds" type="controller" comment-en="Clods - clusters subnets" comment-cs="Cloudy - shlukují podsítě">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="comments" type="controller"
comment-en="Comments joined to threads used multiple system parts"
comment-cs="Komentáře shlukované do vláken použité ve více částích systému">
<object name="comments" type="controller" comment-en="Comments joined to threads used multiple system parts" comment-cs="Komentáře shlukované do vláken použité ve více částích systému">
<method name="add">
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Members_Controller" value="comment" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Connection_Requests_Controller" value="request" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Log_queues_Controller" value="comments" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Comments_Controller" value="works" action="delete" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Comments_Controller" value="requests" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<object name="comments_threads" type="controller"
comment-en="Comment threads"
comment-cs="Vlákna komentářů">
<object name="comments_threads" type="controller" comment-en="Comment threads" comment-cs="Vlákna komentářů">
<method name="add"></method>
<object name="connection_requests" type="controller"
comment-en="Connection requests"
comment-cs="Požadavky o připojení">
<object name="connection_requests" type="controller" comment-en="Connection requests" comment-cs="Požadavky o připojení">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Connection_Requests_Controller" value="request" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access" section="Connection_Requests_Controller" value="request" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<object name="contacts" type="controller"
comment-en="Users contacts"
comment-cs="Uživatelské kontakty">
<object name="contacts" type="controller" comment-en="Users contacts" comment-cs="Uživatelské kontakty">
<method name="show_by_user">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Users_Controller" value="additional_contacts" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Users_Controller" value="additional_contacts" action="edit" own="true"></axo>
<comment lang="en">Deletion of last e-mail/phone number of a user</comment>
<comment lang="cs">Mazání posledního e-mailu/telefoního čísla uživatele</comment>
<object name="device_active_links" type="controller"
comment-en="Device active links"
comment-cs="Aktivní odkazy zařízení">
<object name="device_active_links" type="controller" comment-en="Device active links" comment-cs="Aktivní odkazy zařízení">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Device_active_links_Controller" value="active_links" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="device_admins" type="controller"
comment-en="Device admins - edits users who can connect administrate device over SSH"
comment-cs="Správci zařízení - upravuje uživatele, kteří mohou spravovat zařízení přes SSH">
<object name="device_admins" type="controller" comment-en="Device admins - edits users who can connect administrate device over SSH" comment-cs="Správci zařízení - upravuje uživatele, kteří mohou spravovat zařízení přes SSH">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="edit">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Devices_Controller" value="admin" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access" section="Devices_Controller" value="admin" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="device_engineers" type="controller"
comment-en="Device engineers - Engineers who has performed installation, replacement or repair of device"
comment-cs="Technici zařízení - Technici kteří provedli instalace, výměnu nebo opravu zažízení">
<object name="device_engineers" type="controller" comment-en="Device engineers - Engineers who has performed installation, replacement or repair of device" comment-cs="Technici zařízení - Technici kteří provedli instalace, výměnu nebo opravu zažízení">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="add">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Devices_Controller" value="engineer" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Devices_Controller" value="main_engineer" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="device_logs" type="controller"
comment-en="Device logs - syslog viewer"
comment-cs="Logy zařízení - prohlížeč syslog">
<object name="device_logs" type="controller" comment-en="Device logs - syslog viewer" comment-cs="Logy zařízení - prohlížeč syslog">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Device_logs_Controller" value="device_log" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Devices_Controller" value="devices" action="edit" own="true"></axo>
<object name="device_templates" type="controller"
comment-en="Device templates"
comment-cs="Šablony zařízení">
<object name="device_templates" type="controller" comment-en="Device templates" comment-cs="Šablony zařízení">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Device_templates_Controller" value="device_template" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<object name="devices" type="controller"
comment-en="Administration of devices"
comment-cs="Spravování zařízení">
<object name="devices" type="controller" comment-en="Administration of devices" comment-cs="Spravování zařízení">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Devices_Controller" value="devices" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Devices_Controller" value="devices" action="edit" own="true"></axo>
<method name="ports_vlans_settings">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Devices_Controller" value="ports_vlans_settings" action="edit" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Devices_Controller" value="devices" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Devices_Controller" value="devices" action="edit" own="true"></axo>
<object name="email" type="controller"
comment-en="E-mail - allows sending e-mail"
comment-cs="E-mail - umožňuje odesílání mailů">
<object name="email" type="controller" comment-en="E-mail - allows sending e-mail" comment-cs="E-mail - umožňuje odesílání mailů">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="send"></method>
<axo usage_type="access" section="Email_queues_Controller" value="email_queue" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<object name="email_queues" type="controller"
comment-en="E-mail queues - administrate sended and unsended e-mail"
comment-cs="Fronta e-mailů - spravuje odeslané a neodeslané e-maily">
<object name="email_queues" type="controller" comment-en="E-mail queues - administrate sended and unsended e-mail" comment-cs="Fronta e-mailů - spravuje odeslané a neodeslané e-maily">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all_unsent">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Email_queues_Controller" value="email_queue" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="enum_types" type="controller"
comment-en="Enumeration types - user types of antennas, devices, contacts etc."
comment-cs="Výčtové typy - uživatelské typy antén, zařízení, kontaktů atd.">
<object name="enum_types" type="controller" comment-en="Enumeration types - user types of antennas, devices, contacts etc." comment-cs="Výčtové typy - uživatelské typy antén, zařízení, kontaktů atd.">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Enum_types_Controller" value="enum_types" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access" section="Enum_types_Controller" value="enum_types" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="errors" type="controller"
comment-en="Displays error page"
comment-cs="Zobrazuje chybovou stránku">
<object name="errors" type="controller" comment-en="Displays error page" comment-cs="Zobrazuje chybovou stránku">
<method name="e404"></method>
<object name="export" type="controller"
comment-en="Exports data from FreenetIS to file"
comment-cs="Exportuje data z FreenetISu do souboru">
<object name="export" type="controller" comment-en="Exports data from FreenetIS to file" comment-cs="Exportuje data z FreenetISu do souboru">
<method name="csv">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access" section="Email_queues_Controller" value="email_queue" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="invoices" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<object name="fees" type="controller"
comment-en="Fees - tarifs for members fees"
comment-cs="Poplatky - tarify pro členské příspěvky">
<object name="fees" type="controller" comment-en="Fees - tarifs for members fees" comment-cs="Poplatky - tarify pro členské příspěvky">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Fees_Controller" value="fees" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="filter_queries" type="controller"
comment-en="Management of stored filter queries of all grids (tables)"
comment-cs="Správa uložených dotazů všech gridů (tabulek)">
<object name="filter_queries" type="controller" comment-en="Management of stored filter queries of all grids (tables)" comment-cs="Správa uložených dotazů všech gridů (tabulek)">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Filter_queries_Controller" value="filter_queries" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Filter_queries_Controller" value="filter_queries" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<method name="add"></method>
<method name="set_default"
comment-en="Enables to set default filter query for a grid (table)"
comment-cs="Umožňuje nastavit výchozí dotaz filtru gridu (tabulky)">
<method name="set_default" comment-en="Enables to set default filter query for a grid (table)" comment-cs="Umožňuje nastavit výchozí dotaz filtru gridu (tabulky)">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Filter_queries_Controller" value="filter_queries" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<method name="delete">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Filter_queries_Controller" value="filter_queries" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="forgotten_password" type="controller"
comment-en="Forgotten password - this part of system is available to an unlogged user"
comment-cs="Zapomenuté heslo - tato část sytému je dostupná nepřihlášenému uživateli">
<object name="forgotten_password" type="controller" comment-en="Forgotten password - this part of system is available to an unlogged user" comment-cs="Zapomenuté heslo - tato část sytému je dostupná nepřihlášenému uživateli">
<method name="index"></method>
<object name="ifaces" type="controller"
comment-en="Ifaces - enable to manage ifaces of devices (ports, vlans, eth ifaces, bridges, etc.)"
comment-cs="Rozhraní - umožňuje spravovat rozhraní zařízení (porty, vlany, eth rozhraní, bridge, atd.)">
<object name="ifaces" type="controller" comment-en="Ifaces - enable to manage ifaces of devices (ports, vlans, eth ifaces, bridges, etc.)" comment-cs="Rozhraní - umožňuje spravovat rozhraní zařízení (porty, vlany, eth rozhraní, bridge, atd.)">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Devices_Controller" value="devices" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Ifaces_Controller" value="iface" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="add_iface_to_link"
comment-en="Enables to add an existing iface to an existing link"
comment-cs="Umožňuje přidat existující rozhraní k existující lince">
<method name="add_iface_to_link" comment-en="Enables to add an existing iface to an existing link" comment-cs="Umožňuje přidat existující rozhraní k existující lince">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Ifaces_Controller" value="iface" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Links_Controller" value="link" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Links_Controller" value="link" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="delete">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Ifaces_Controller" value="iface" action="delete" own="true"></axo>
<method name="remove_from_bridge"
comment-en="Enables to remove an iface from bridge"
comment-cs="Umožňuje odstranit rozhraní z bridge">
<method name="remove_from_bridge" comment-en="Enables to remove an iface from bridge" comment-cs="Umožňuje odstranit rozhraní z bridge">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Ifaces_Controller" value="iface" action="delete" own="true"></axo>
<method name="remove_from_link"
comment-en="Enables to remove an iface from a link"
comment-cs="Umožňuje odstranit rozhraní z linky">
<method name="remove_from_link" comment-en="Enables to remove an iface from a link" comment-cs="Umožňuje odstranit rozhraní z linky">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Ifaces_Controller" value="iface" action="delete" own="true"></axo>
<method name="test"></method>
<object name="import" type="controller"
comment-en="Import - enables to import data from a file to FreenetIS"
comment-cs="Import - umo6ňuje nahrát data ze souboru do FreenetISu">
<object name="import" type="controller" comment-en="Import - enables to import data from a file to FreenetIS" comment-cs="Import - umo6ňuje nahrát data ze souboru do FreenetISu">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="upload_bank_file"
comment-en="Enables to import bank statement from a file"
comment-cs="Umožňuje nahrát bankovní výpis ze souboru">
<method name="upload_bank_file" comment-en="Enables to import bank statement from a file" comment-cs="Umožňuje nahrát bankovní výpis ze souboru">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="bank_transfers" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Messages_Controller" value="message" action="edit" own="false">
<comment lang="en">Enables to reactivate debtor redirection after import and send notification about received payments of members that have send them</comment>
<object name="installation" type="controller" hide="true">
<method name="index"></method>
<object name="invoice_items" type="controller"
comment-en="Invoice items"
comment-cs="Položky faktury">
<object name="invoice_items" type="controller" comment-en="Invoice items" comment-cs="Položky faktury">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="invoices" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="invoices" type="controller"
<object name="invoices" type="controller" comment-en="Invoices" comment-cs="Faktury">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="grid-action" section="Accounts_Controller" value="invoices" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="invoices" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="import"
comment-en="Enables to import invoice from a file"
comment-cs="Umožňuje načíst fakturu ze souboru">
<method name="import" comment-en="Enables to import invoice from a file" comment-cs="Umožňuje načíst fakturu ze souboru">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="invoices" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="invoices" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="export_single"
comment-en="Enables to export a single invoice to a file"
comment-cs="Umoňuje exportovat samostatnou fakturu do souboru">
<method name="export_single" comment-en="Enables to export a single invoice to a file" comment-cs="Umoňuje exportovat samostatnou fakturu do souboru">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="invoices" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="invoices" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="export_filter"
comment-en="Enables to export filtered invoices to a single file"
comment-cs="Umoňuje exportovat vyfiltrované faktury do jednoho souboru">
<method name="export_filter" comment-en="Enables to export filtered invoices to a single file" comment-cs="Umoňuje exportovat vyfiltrované faktury do jednoho souboru">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Accounts_Controller" value="invoices" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Accounts_Controller" value="invoices" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="partner_field"></method>
<object name="ip_addresses" type="controller"
comment-en="IP addresses - enables to manage IP addresses of ifaces"
comment-cs="IP adresy - umoňuje spravovat IP adresy rozhraní">
<object name="ip_addresses" type="controller" comment-en="IP addresses - enables to manage IP addresses of ifaces" comment-cs="IP adresy - umoňuje spravovat IP adresy rozhraní">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<method name="get_connected_to_device_and_iface"></method>
<method name="load_member_data_from_ares"></method>
<object name="languages" type="controller"
comment-en="Enables to change language that is displayed to a logged user"
comment-cs="Umoňuje změnit jazyk, který je zobrazený přihlášenému uživateli">
<object name="languages" type="controller" comment-en="Enables to change language that is displayed to a logged user" comment-cs="Umoňuje změnit jazyk, který je zobrazený přihlášenému uživateli">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="change"></method>
<object name="links" type="controller"
comment-en="Links - enables to manage links of between ifaces"
comment-cs="Linky - umožňuje spravovat linky mezi rozhraními">
<object name="links" type="controller" comment-en="Links - enables to manage links of between ifaces" comment-cs="Linky - umožňuje spravovat linky mezi rozhraními">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Links_Controller" value="link" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="log_queues" type="controller"
comment-en="Log queues - manages errors and logs in system"
comment-cs="Záznamy činnosti - spravuje chyby a záznamy činnosti v systému">
<object name="log_queues" type="controller" comment-en="Log queues - manages errors and logs in system" comment-cs="Záznamy činnosti - spravuje chyby a záznamy činnosti v systému">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Log_queues_Controller" value="log_queue" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="close_logs"></method>
<object name="login" type="controller"
comment-en="Login - this part of system is available to an unlogged user"
comment-cs="Přihlášení - tato část sytému je dostupná nepřihlášenému uživateli">
<object name="login" type="controller" comment-en="Login - this part of system is available to an unlogged user" comment-cs="Přihlášení - tato část sytému je dostupná nepřihlášenému uživateli">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="logout"></method>
<object name="login_logs" type="controller"
comment-en="Login logs - who and when logged in"
comment-cs="Logy přihlášení - kdo a kdy se přihlásil">
<object name="login_logs" type="controller" comment-en="Login logs - who and when logged in" comment-cs="Logy přihlášení - kdo a kdy se přihlásil">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Login_logs_Controller" value="logs" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<object name="logs" type="controller"
comment-en="Logs - manages last modifications of objects"
comment-cs="Logy akcí - spravuje poslední úpravy objektů">
<object name="logs" type="controller" comment-en="Logs - manages last modifications of objects" comment-cs="Logy akcí - spravuje poslední úpravy objektů">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Logs_Controller" value="logs" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="access-partial" section="Monitoring_Controller" value="monitoring" action="delete" own="true"></axo>
<object name="notifications" type="controller" comment-en="Notification - activates notificaton messages to members" comment-cs="Upozornění - aktivuje upozorňovací zprávy členům" hide="true">
<object name="notifications" type="controller" hide="true" comment-en="Notification - activates notificaton messages to members" comment-cs="Upozornění - aktivuje upozorňovací zprávy členům">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="member">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Notifications_Controller" value="member" action="new" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Clouds_Controller" value="clouds" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="device">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Notifications_Controller" value="device" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Users_Controller" value="users" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Devices_Controller" value="devices" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Devices_Controller" value="devices" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<method name="devices">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Notifications_Controller" value="devices" action="new" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Devices_Controller" value="devices" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Devices_Controller" value="devices" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<object name="phone_invoices" type="controller" comment-en="Phone invoices - manages user phone invoices" comment-cs="Telefonní faktury - spravuje uživatelské telefonní faktury">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="delete_from_member" comment-en="Deletes all members redirections" comment-cs="Zruší všechny přesměrování člena">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Redirect_Controller" value="redirect" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<method name="logo" comment-en="Logo for redirection page" comment-cs="Logo pro stránku s přesměrováním"></method>
<method name="logo"></method>
<object name="registration" type="controller" comment-en="Registration of an applicant - this part of system is available to an unlogged user" comment-cs="Registrace žadatele o členství - tato část sytému je dostupná nepřihlášenému uživateli">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="vtiger">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Settings_Controller" value="vtiger_settings" action="edit" own="false"></axo>
<object name="setup_config" type="controller" comment-en="Configures database connection and .htaccess file before instalation" comment-cs="Před instalací konfiguruje připojení k databázi a soubor .htaccess">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="htaccess"></method>
<method name="members_fees">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Stats_Controller" value="members_fees" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<object name="streets" type="controller" comment-en="Streets" comment-cs="Ulice">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Ulogd_Controller" value="member" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<object name="transfers" type="controller" comment-en="Transfers between double-entry accounts" comment-cs="Převody mezi podvojnámi účty">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<axo usage_type="access" section="Translations_Controller" value="translation" action="delete" own="false"></axo>
<object name="unit_tester" type="controller" comment-en="Unit tester" comment-cs="Unit tester" hide="true">
<object name="unit_tester" type="controller" hide="true" comment-en="Unit tester" comment-cs="Unit tester">
<method name="unit_tester_exception_handler"></method>
<method name="unit_tester_error_handler"></method>
<method name="unit_tester_handle_shutdown"></method>
<method name="delete">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Users_Controller" value="keys" action="new" own="true"></axo>
<object name="variable_symbols" type="controller" comment-en="Variable symbols of double-entry accounts" comment-cs="Variabilní symboly podvojných účtů">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="show_by_account">
<axo usage_type="access" section="Variable_Symbols_Controller" value="variable_symbols" action="delete" own="true"></axo>
<object name="vlans" type="controller"
comment-en="VLANs - enable to management virtual LAN networks"
comment-cs="VLANy - umožňuje správu virtuálních LAN sítí">
<object name="vlans" type="controller" comment-en="VLANs - enable to management virtual LAN networks" comment-cs="VLANy - umožňuje správu virtuálních LAN sítí">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<method name="remove_from_port"></method>
<object name="voip" type="controller"
comment-en="VoIP - enable to management VoIP manager"
comment-cs="VoIP - umožňuje spravovat VoIP ústřednu">
<object name="voip" type="controller" comment-en="VoIP - enable to management VoIP manager" comment-cs="VoIP - umožňuje spravovat VoIP ústřednu">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="true"></axo>
<object name="voip_calls" type="controller"
comment-en="VoIP - enable to management VoIP calls"
comment-cs="VoIP - umožňuje spravovat VoIP volání">
<object name="voip_calls" type="controller" comment-en="VoIP - enable to management VoIP calls" comment-cs="VoIP - umožňuje spravovat VoIP volání">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<method name="voip_call_price"></method>
<object name="votes" type="controller"
comment-en="Votes - enable to management votes about works, work reports and requests"
comment-cs="Hlasy - umožňuje spravovat hlasy o pracích, pracovních výkazech a požadavcích">
<object name="votes" type="controller" comment-en="Votes - enable to management votes about works, work reports and requests" comment-cs="Hlasy - umožňuje spravovat hlasy o pracích, pracovních výkazech a požadavcích">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="add">
<axo usage_type="breadcrumbs" section="Members_Controller" value="members" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<method name="delete"></method>
<object name="web_interface" type="controller"
comment-en="Interface for communication between FreenetIS and other systems (redirection, QoS, ...)"
comment-cs="Rozhraní pro komunikaci mezi FreenetISem a jinými systémy (přesměrování, QoS, ...)">
<object name="web_interface" type="controller" comment-en="Interface for communication between FreenetIS and other systems (redirection, QoS, ...)" comment-cs="Rozhraní pro komunikaci mezi FreenetISem a jinými systémy (přesměrování, QoS, ...)">
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="redirected_ranges"></method>
<method name="allowed_ip_addresses"></method>
<method name="monitoring_states"></method>
<method name="qos_prometheus"></method>
<object name="work_reports" type="controller"
comment-en="Work reports - enable to management work reports"
comment-cs="Pracovní výkazy - umožňuje spravovat pracovní výkazy">
<object name="work_reports" type="controller" comment-en="Work reports - enable to management work reports" comment-cs="Pracovní výkazy - umožňuje spravovat pracovní výkazy">
<method name="__construct"></method>
<method name="index"></method>
<method name="show_all">
<axo usage_type="links" section="Speed_classes_Controller" value="speed_classes" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Phone_operators_Controller" value="phone_operators" action="view" own="false"></axo>
<axo usage_type="links" section="Filter_queries_Controller" value="filter_queries" action="view" own="false"></axo>
... Rozdílový soubor je zkrácen, protože jeho délka přesahuje max. limit.

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