Revize 2117
Přidáno uživatelem David Raška před více než 11 roky(ů)
freenetis/branches/1.1/application/controllers/work_reports.php | ||
// concept can be viewed only by owner
if (!(!$this->acl_check_view('Work_reports_Controller', 'work_report', $member_id) || (
$work_report->concept &&
$this->user_id != $work_report_model->user_id &&
$this->user_id != $work_report_model->added_by_id
$links[] = html::anchor(
__('Export').' '.help::hint('work_report_export')
if ($work_report->state == Vote_Model::STATE_NEW &&
... | ... | |
* Generates XML file with work report for Microsoft Excel 2007 and newer
* @param integer $work_report_id
public function export($work_report_id = NULL)
if (!$work_report_id || !is_numeric($work_report_id))
$work_report_model = new Job_report_Model($work_report_id);
$work_report = $work_report_model->get_work_report();
$member_id = $work_report_model->user->member_id;
// concept can be viewed only by owner
if (!$this->acl_check_view('Work_reports_Controller', 'work_report', $member_id) || (
$work_report->concept &&
$this->user_id != $work_report_model->user_id &&
$this->user_id != $work_report_model->added_by_id
// load works
$works = ORM::factory('job')->get_all_works_by_job_report_id($work_report->id);
$xml = new ExcelWriterXML(url::title($work_report_model->user->get_full_name().'_'.$work_report->id).'.xml');
// set document prosperites
$sheet_name = '';
if (empty($work_report->type))
$sheet_name = __('Grouped works');
$sheet_name = __('Work report per month').' '.__('for', '', 1).' '.__(date::$months[intval(substr($work_report->type, 5, 6))]);
// create new sheet
$sheet = $xml->addSheet($sheet_name);
// prepare styles
$header = $xml->addStyle('header');
$description = $xml->addStyle('description');
$date = $xml->addStyle('date');
$number = $xml->addStyle('number');
$sum_number = $xml->addStyle('sum_number');
$sheet->columnWidth(1, 55);
$sheet->columnWidth(2, 700);
$sheet->columnWidth(5, 100);
$sheet->cellMerge(1, 1, 4, 0);
$sheet->writeString(1, 1, $work_report->description, 'description');
$i = 2; // first row of data in xml
// create header
$sheet->writeString($i, 1, __('Date'), 'header');
$sheet->writeString($i, 2, __('Description'), 'header');
$sheet->writeString($i, 3, __('Hours'), 'header');
$sheet->writeString($i, 4, __('Km'), 'header');
$sheet->writeString($i, 5, __('Suggest amount'), 'header');
// fill document
foreach ($works as $work)
$sheet->writeDateTime($i, 1, $work->date.'T00:00:00.000', 'date');
$sheet->writeString($i, 2, $work->description);
$sheet->writeNumber($i, 3, $work->hours, 'number');
$sheet->writeNumber($i, 4, $work->km, 'number');
$sheet->writeNumber($i, 5, $work->suggest_amount, 'number');
// append total sum of hours, kms and suggest amount
$sheet->writeNumber($i+1, 3, $work_report->hours, 'sum_number');
$sheet->writeNumber($i+1, 4, $work_report->km, 'sum_number');
$sheet->writeNumber($i+1, 5, $work_report->suggest_amount, 'sum_number');
* Un-concept report by owner
* @param integer $work_report_id
freenetis/branches/1.1/application/i18n/cs_CZ/help.php | ||
'voip_login_data' => 'Níže uvedené údaje využijte pro nastavení vašeho VoIP telefonu. Login použijte pro požadované přihlašovací či zobrazovací jméno, heslo pro heslo k účtu a adresa proxy serveru odpovídá adrese telefonní ústředny. Údaj CLIPS je jen dodatečná informace pro příjemce hovoru, pokud vás nemá v seznamu. Doporučujeme nastavit stejné jako je vaše číslo.',
'voip_status' => 'Stav Registrovaný znamená, že telefonní klient ať už fyzický či softwarový je zapnut a správně připojen k ústředně. Stav Neregistrovaný platí pro opak. Pro VoIP telefon registrovaný v ústředně se pak zobrazuje jeho aktuální IP adresa, port a čas vypršení registrace.',
'whitelist' => 'Členům, kteří jsou umístěny na bílé listině, je sice možné aktivovat přesměrování (upozornění), ale nebudou odeslány na centrální router (odeslány zprávy). Tedy nebudou přesměrovány (upozorněni), dokud nebudou odebráni z bílé listiny. Dočasná bílá listina se od trvalé liší v tom, že je stanovena jen pro určitý časový interval.',
'work_report_export' => 'Vyexportuje XML soubor s pracovním výkazem pro naimportování do Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc nebo LibreOffice Calc',
'your mysql password' => 'Vaše MySQL heslo.',
'your mysql username' => 'Vaše MySQL uživatelské jméno.',
freenetis/branches/1.1/application/i18n/en_US/help.php | ||
'voip_login_data' => 'Following settings are used to set up your VoIP phone. Login is for your login name or display name, password is for your account password and proxy server address is address of your telephone exchange. We recommend setting CLIP the same as your phone number. CLIP is displayed to receiver as your additional identification.',
'voip_status' => 'State Registered means that client either hardware or software is turned on and correctly connected to telephone exchange. Otherwise the state is Unregistered. For successfully registered VoIP phone is shown its IP address, port and timeout of registration.',
'whitelist' => 'Members, whose are located on the white list, you may be able to activate the redirect (notification), but not sent to the central router (messages sended). Will not be diverted until removed from the white list. Temporary White List from the persistent differ in that it is valid just for a specified time interval.',
'work_report_export' => 'Exports XML file with work report for import to Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc or LibreOffice Calc',
freenetis/branches/1.1/application/libraries/ExcelWriterXML/ExcelWriterXML_Sheet.php | ||
* File contains the class files for ExcelWriterXML_Sheet
* @package ExcelWriterXML
* Class for generating sheets within the Excel document
* @link
* @author Robert F Greer
* @version 1.0
* @package ExcelWriterXML
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::alignHorizontal()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::alignRotate()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::alignShrinktofit()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::alignVertical()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::alignVerticaltext()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::alignWraptext()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::bgColor()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::bgPattern()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::bgPatternColor()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::border()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::checkColor()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::fontBold()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::fontColor()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::fontFamily()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::fontItalic()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::fontName()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::fontOutline()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::fontShadow()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::fontStrikethrough()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::fontUnderline()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::getErrors()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::getID()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::getStyleXML()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::name()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::numberFormat()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::numberFormatDate()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::numberFormatDatetime()
* @uses ExcelWriterXML_Style::numberFormatTime()
class ExcelWriterXML_Sheet {
// Private Variables
private $id;
private $cells = array();
private $colWidth = array();
private $rowHeight = array();
private $URLs = array();
private $mergeCells = array();
private $comments = array();
public $formatErrors = array();
private $displayRightToLeft = false;
// Public Variables
// Constructor
* Constructor for a new Sheet
* @param string $id The name of the sheet to be referenced within the
* spreadsheet
function ExcelWriterXML_Sheet($id){
$this->id = $id;
* Function to get the named value of the Sheet
* @return string Name of the Sheet
function getID(){
return $this->id;
* Adds a format error. When the document is generated if there are any
* errors they will be listed on a seperate sheet.
@param string $function The name of the function that was called
* @param string $message Details of the error
public function addError($function, $message){
$tmp = array(
'sheet' => $this->id,
'function' => $function,
'message' => $message,
$this->formatErrors[] = $tmp;
* Returns any errors found in the sheet
* @return mixed Array of errors if they exist, otherwise false
public function getErrors(){
* Converts a MySQL type datetime field to a value that can be used within
* Excel.
* If the passed value is not valid then the passed string is sent back.
* @param string $datetime Value must in in the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss"
* @return string Value in the Excel format "yyyy-mm-ddThh:ii:ss.000"
public function convertMysqlDatetime($datetime){
$datetime = trim($datetime);
$pattern = "/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/";
if (preg_match($pattern, $datetime, $matches)) {
$datetime = $matches[0];
list($date,$time) = explode(' ',$datetime);
* Converts a MySQL type date field to a value that can be used within Excel
* If the passed value is not valid then the passed string is sent back.
* @param string $datetime Value must in in the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss"
* or "yyyy-mm-dd"
* @return string Value in the Excel format "yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00.000"
public function convertMysqlDate($datetime){
$datetime = trim($datetime);
$pattern1 = "/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/";
$pattern2 = "/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/";
if (preg_match($pattern1, $datetime, $matches)) {
$datetime = $matches[0];
list($date,$time) = explode(' ',$datetime);
else if (preg_match($pattern2, $datetime, $matches)) {
$date = $matches[0];
* Converts a MySQL type time field to a value that can be used within Excel
* If the passed value is not valid then the passed string is sent back.
* @param string $datetime Value must in in the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss"
* or "hh:ii:ss"
* @return string Value in the Excel format "1899-12-31Thh:ii:ss.000"
public function convertMysqlTime($datetime){
$datetime = trim($datetime);
$pattern1 = "/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/";
$pattern2 = "/[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/";
if (preg_match($pattern1, $datetime, $matches)) {
$datetime = $matches[0];
list($date,$time) = explode(' ',$datetime);
else if (preg_match($pattern2, $datetime, $matches)) {
$time = $matches[0];
* Writes a formula to a cell
* From MS
* Specifies the formula stored in this cell. All formulas are persisted in
* R1C1 notation because they are significantly easier to parse and generate
* than A1-style formulas. The formula is calculated upon reload unless
* calculation is set to manual. Recalculation of the formula overrides the
* value in this cell's Value attribute.
* @see writeFormula()
* @param string $dataType Type of data that the formula should generate,
* "String" "Number" "DateTime"
* @param integer $row Row, based upon a "1" based array
* @param integer $column Column, based upon a "1" based array
* @param string $data Formula data to be written to a cell
* @param mixed $style Named style, or style reference to be applied to the
* cell
public function writeFormula($dataType,$row,$column,$data,$style = null){
if ($dataType != 'String'
&& $dataType != 'Number'
&& $dataType != 'DateTime'){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'('.$row.','.$column.') DataType for formula was not valid "'.$dataType.'"');
$halign = 'Automatic';
* Writes a string to a cell
* @see writeData()
* @param integer $row Row, based upon a "1" based array
* @param integer $column Column, based upon a "1" based array
* @param string $data String data to be written to a cell
* @param mixed $style Named style, or style reference to be applied to the
* cell
public function writeString($row,$column,$data,$style = null){
* Writes a number to a cell.
* If the data is not numeric then the function will write the data as a
* string.
* @see writeData()
* @param integer $row Row, based upon a "1" based array
* @param integer $column Column, based upon a "1" based array
* @param mixed $data Number data to be written to a cell
* @param mixed $style Named style, or style reference to be applied to the
* cell
public function writeNumber($row,$column,$data,$style = null){
if (!is_numeric($data)){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'('.$row.','.$column.') Tried to write non-numeric data to type Number "'.$data.'"');
* Writes a Date/Time to a cell.
* If data is not valid the function will write the passed value as a
* string.
* @see writeData()
* @param integer $row Row, based upon a "1" based array
* @param integer $column Column, based upon a "1" based array
* @param string $data Date or Time data to be written to a cell. This must
* be in the format "yyyy-mm-ddThh:ii:ss.000" for Excel to recognize it.
* @param mixed $style Named style, or style reference to be applied to the
* cell
public function writeDateTime($row,$column,$data,$style = null){
$pattern = "/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\.000/";
if (preg_match($pattern, $data, $matches)) {
$data = $matches[0];
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'('.$row.','.$column.') Tried to write invalid datetime data to type DateTime "'.$data.'"');
private function writeData($type,$row,$column,$data,$style = null,$formula = null){
if ($style != null){
if (gettype($style) == 'object'){
if (get_class($style) == 'ExcelWriterXML_Style'){
$styleID = $style->getID();
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'('.$row.','.$column.') StyleID supplied was an object, but not a style object "'.get_class($style).'"');
$styleID = null;
$styleID = $style;
$styleID = null;
$cell = array(
'type' => $type,
'style' => $styleID,
'data' => $data,
'formula' => $formula,
$this->cells[$row][$column] = $cell;
* Displays the sheet in Right to Left format
public function displayRightToLeft(){
$this->displayRightToLeft = true;
* Called by the ExcelWriterXML class to get the XML data for this object
* @return string Contains only the XML data for the sheet
public function getSheetXML(){
$displayRightToLeft = ($this->displayRightToLeft) ? 'ss:RightToLeft="1"' : '';
$xml = '<Worksheet ss:Name="'.$this->id.'" '.$displayRightToLeft.'>'."\r";
$xml .= ' <Table>'."\r";
foreach($this->colWidth as $colIndex => $colWidth){
$xml .= ' <Column ss:Index="'.$colIndex.'" ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="'.$colWidth.'"/>'."\r";
foreach($this->cells as $row => $rowData){
if (isset($this->rowHeight[$row])){
$rowHeight = 'ss:AutoFitHeight="0" ss:Height="'.$this->rowHeight[$row].'"';
else{$rowHeight = '';}
$xml .= ' <Row ss:Index="'.$row.'" '.$rowHeight.' >'."\r";
foreach($rowData as $column => $cell){
if (!empty($cell['formula'])) $formula = 'ss:Formula="'.$cell['formula'].'"';
else $formula = '';
if (!empty($cell['style'])) $style = 'ss:StyleID="'.$cell['style'].'"';
else $style = '';
if (empty($this->URLs[$row][$column])) $URL = '';
else $URL = 'ss:HRef="'.htmlspecialchars($this->URLs[$row][$column]).'"';
if (empty($this->mergeCells[$row][$column])) $mergeCell = '';
else $mergeCell = 'ss:MergeAcross="'.$this->mergeCells[$row][$column]['width'].'" ss:MergeDown="'.$this->mergeCells[$row][$column]['height'].'"';
if (empty($this->comments[$row][$column])) $comment = '';
$comment = ' <Comment ss:Author="'.$this->comments[$row][$column]['author'].'">'."\r";
$comment .= ' <ss:Data xmlns="">'."\r";
$comment .= ' <B><Font html:Face="Tahoma" x:CharSet="1" html:Size="8" html:Color="#000000">'.htmlspecialchars($this->comments[$row][$column]['author']).':</Font></B>'."\r";
$comment .= ' <Font html:Face="Tahoma" x:CharSet="1" html:Size="8" html:Color="#000000">'.htmlspecialchars($this->comments[$row][$column]['comment']).'</Font>'."\r";
$comment .= ' </ss:Data>'."\r";
$comment .= ' </Comment>'."\r";
$type = $cell['type'];
$data = $cell['data'];
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
$data = str_replace("\r\n",' ',$data);
$data = str_replace("\n",' ',$data);
$xml .= ' <Cell '.$style.' ss:Index="'.$column.'" '.$URL.' '.$mergeCell.' '.$formula.'>'."\r";
if ($data)
$xml .= ' <Data ss:Type="'.$type.'">';
$xml .= $data;
$xml .= '</Data>'."\r";
$xml .= str_replace('&#10;',' ',$comment);
$xml .= ' </Cell>'."\r";
$xml .= ' </Row>'."\r";
$xml .= ' </Table>'."\r";
$xml .= '</Worksheet>'."\r";
* Alias for function columnWidth()
function cellWidth( $row, $col,$width = 48){$this->columnWidth($col,$width);}
* Sets the width of a cell.
* Sets the width of the column that the cell resides in.
* Cell width of zero effectively hides the column
* @param integer $col Column, based upon a "1" based array
* @param mixed $width Width of the cell/column, default is 48
function columnWidth( $col,$width = 48){$this->colWidth[$col] = $width;}
* Alias for function rowHeight()
function cellHeight( $row, $col,$height = 12.5){$this->rowHeight($row,$height);}
* Sets the height of a cell.
* Sets the height of the column that the cell resides in.
* Cell height of zero effectively hides the row
* @param integer $row Row, based upon a "1" based array
* @param integer $col Column, based upon a "1" based array
* @param mixed $height Height of the cell/column, default is 12.5
function rowHeight( $row,$height = 12.5){$this->rowHeight[$row] = $height;}
* Makes the target cell a link to a URL
* @param integer $row Row, based upon a "1" based array
* @param integer $col Column, based upon a "1" based array
* @param string $URL The URL that the link should point to
function addURL( $row, $col,$URL){$this->URLs[$row][$col] = $URL;}
* Merges 2 or more cells.
* The function acts like a bounding box, with the row and column defining
* the upper left corner, and the width and height extending the box.
* If width or height are zero (or ommitted) then the function does nothing.
* @param integer $row Row, based upon a "1" based array
* @param integer $col Column, based upon a "1" based array
* @param integer $width Number of cells to the right to merge with
* @param integer $height Number of cells down to merge with
function cellMerge($row,$col, $width = 0, $height = 0){
if ($width < 0 || $height < 0){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'('.$row.','.$col.') Tried to merge cells with width/height < 0 "(w='.$width.',h='.$height.')"');
$this->mergeCells[$row][$col] = array(
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
/* I don't think this code is necessary */
if (!isset($cells[$row][$col])){
$this->writeString($row,$col, NULL);
* Adds a comment to a cell
* @param integer $row Row, based upon a "1" based array
* @param integer $col Column, based upon a "1" based array
* @param string $comment The comment to be displayed on the cell
* @param string $author The comment will show a bold header displaying the
* author
function addComment( $row, $col,$comment,$author = 'SYSTEM'){
$this->comments[$row][$col] = array(
'comment' => $comment,
'author' => $author,
* Outputs a MYSQL table or list of tables to an Excel doc
* @param string $host MySQL host to connect to
* @param string $username Username to connect with
* @param string $password Password to connect with
* @param string $db Database to use
* @param mixed $table If string, out specific table. If array, each table will have it's own sheet
public function mysqlQueryToTable($host,$username,$password,$query){
if (empty($host)) $this->addError('Database','HOSTNAME is empty');
if (empty($username)) $this->addError('Database','USERNAME is empty');
if (count($this->formatErrors) > 0){return false;}
$link = mysql_connect($host,$username,$password);
if (!$link) $this->addError('Database','UNABLE to connect to '.$host.'('.mysql_error().')');
if (count($this->formatErrors) > 0){return false;}
freenetis/branches/1.1/application/libraries/ExcelWriterXML/ExcelWriterXML_Style.php | ||
* File contains the class files for ExcelWriterXML_Style
* @package ExcelWriterXML
* Style class for generating Excel styles
* @link
* @author Robert F Greer
* @version 1.0
* @package ExcelWriterXML
class ExcelWriterXML_Style {
// Private Variables
// Options
private $id;
private $name;
private $useAlignment = false;
private $useFont = false;
private $useBorder = false;
private $useInterior = false;
// Alignment
private $valign;
private $halign;
private $rotate;
private $shrinktofit = 0;
private $verticaltext = 0;
private $wraptext = 0;
// Font
private $fontColor = 'Automatic';
private $fontName;
private $fontFamily;
private $fontSize;
private $bold;
private $italic;
private $underline;
private $strikethrough;
private $shadow;
private $outline;
// Borders
private $borderTop = array();
private $borderBottom = array();
private $borderLeft = array();
private $borderRight = array();
private $borderDL = array();
private $borderDR = array();
// Interior
private $interiorColor;
private $interiorPattern;
private $interiorPatternColor;
// NumberFormat
private $numberFormat;
// Other Vars
private $formatErrors = array();
private $namedColorsIE = array (
'aliceblue' => '#F0F8FF',
'antiquewhite' => '#FAEBD7',
'aqua' => '#00FFFF',
'aquamarine' => '#7FFFD4',
'azure' => '#F0FFFF',
'beige' => '#F5F5DC',
'bisque' => '#FFE4C4',
'black' => '#000000',
'blanchedalmond' => '#FFEBCD',
'blue' => '#0000FF',
'blueviolet' => '#8A2BE2',
'brown' => '#A52A2A',
'burlywood' => '#DEB887',
'cadetblue' => '#5F9EA0',
'chartreuse' => '#7FFF00',
'chocolate' => '#D2691E',
'coral' => '#FF7F50',
'cornflowerblue' => '#6495ED',
'cornsilk' => '#FFF8DC',
'crimson' => '#DC143C',
'cyan' => '#00FFFF',
'darkblue' => '#00008B',
'darkcyan' => '#008B8B',
'darkgoldenrod' => '#B8860B',
'darkgray' => '#A9A9A9',
'darkgreen' => '#006400',
'darkkhaki' => '#BDB76B',
'darkmagenta' => '#8B008B',
'darkolivegreen' => '#556B2F',
'darkorange' => '#FF8C00',
'darkorchid' => '#9932CC',
'darkred' => '#8B0000',
'darksalmon' => '#E9967A',
'darkseagreen' => '#8FBC8F',
'darkslateblue' => '#483D8B',
'darkslategray' => '#2F4F4F',
'darkturquoise' => '#00CED1',
'darkviolet' => '#9400D3',
'deeppink' => '#FF1493',
'deepskyblue' => '#00BFFF',
'dimgray' => '#696969',
'dodgerblue' => '#1E90FF',
'firebrick' => '#B22222',
'floralwhite' => '#FFFAF0',
'forestgreen' => '#228B22',
'fuchsia' => '#FF00FF',
'gainsboro' => '#DCDCDC',
'ghostwhite' => '#F8F8FF',
'gold' => '#FFD700',
'goldenrod' => '#DAA520',
'gray' => '#808080',
'green' => '#008000',
'greenyellow' => '#ADFF2F',
'honeydew' => '#F0FFF0',
'hotpink' => '#FF69B4',
'indianred' => '#CD5C5C',
'indigo' => '#4B0082',
'ivory' => '#FFFFF0',
'khaki' => '#F0E68C',
'lavender' => '#E6E6FA',
'lavenderblush' => '#FFF0F5',
'lawngreen' => '#7CFC00',
'lemonchiffon' => '#FFFACD',
'lightblue' => '#ADD8E6',
'lightcoral' => '#F08080',
'lightcyan' => '#E0FFFF',
'lightgoldenrodyellow' => '#FAFAD2',
'lightgreen' => '#90EE90',
'lightgrey' => '#D3D3D3',
'lightpink' => '#FFB6C1',
'lightsalmon' => '#FFA07A',
'lightseagreen' => '#20B2AA',
'lightskyblue' => '#87CEFA',
'lightslategray' => '#778899',
'lightsteelblue' => '#B0C4DE',
'lightyellow' => '#FFFFE0',
'lime' => '#00FF00',
'limegreen' => '#32CD32',
'linen' => '#FAF0E6',
'magenta' => '#FF00FF',
'maroon' => '#800000',
'mediumaquamarine' => '#66CDAA',
'mediumblue' => '#0000CD',
'mediumorchid' => '#BA55D3',
'mediumpurple' => '#9370DB',
'mediumseagreen' => '#3CB371',
'mediumslateblue' => '#7B68EE',
'mediumspringgreen' => '#00FA9A',
'mediumturquoise' => '#48D1CC',
'mediumvioletred' => '#C71585',
'midnightblue' => '#191970',
'mintcream' => '#F5FFFA',
'mistyrose' => '#FFE4E1',
'moccasin' => '#FFE4B5',
'navajowhite' => '#FFDEAD',
'navy' => '#000080',
'oldlace' => '#FDF5E6',
'olive' => '#808000',
'olivedrab' => '#6B8E23',
'orange' => '#FFA500',
'orangered' => '#FF4500',
'orchid' => '#DA70D6',
'palegoldenrod' => '#EEE8AA',
'palegreen' => '#98FB98',
'paleturquoise' => '#AFEEEE',
'palevioletred' => '#DB7093',
'papayawhip' => '#FFEFD5',
'peachpuff' => '#FFDAB9',
'peru' => '#CD853F',
'pink' => '#FFC0CB',
'plum' => '#DDA0DD',
'powderblue' => '#B0E0E6',
'purple' => '#800080',
'red' => '#FF0000',
'rosybrown' => '#BC8F8F',
'royalblue' => '#4169E1',
'saddlebrown' => '#8B4513',
'salmon' => '#FA8072',
'sandybrown' => '#F4A460',
'seagreen' => '#2E8B57',
'seashell' => '#FFF5EE',
'sienna' => '#A0522D',
'silver' => '#C0C0C0',
'skyblue' => '#87CEEB',
'slateblue' => '#6A5ACD',
'slategray' => '#708090',
'snow' => '#FFFAFA',
'springgreen' => '#00FF7F',
'steelblue' => '#4682B4',
'tan' => '#D2B48C',
'teal' => '#008080',
'thistle' => '#D8BFD8',
'tomato' => '#FF6347',
'turquoise' => '#40E0D0',
'violet' => '#EE82EE',
'wheat' => '#F5DEB3',
'white' => '#FFFFFF',
'whitesmoke' => '#F5F5F5',
'yellow' => '#FFFF00',
'yellowgreen' => '#9ACD32',
// Public Variables
// Constructor
* Constructor for a style
* @param string $id The named style referenced by Excel. This is called by
* ExcelWriterXML object when adding a style
function ExcelWriterXML_Style($id){
$this->id = $id;
* Returns the named style for this style
* @return string $id The id for this style
public function getID(){
return $this->id;
* Retrieves the XML string data for a style.
* Called by ExcelWriterXML object
* @return string Returns the formatted XML data <style>...</style>
public function getStyleXML(){
$name = '';
$valign = '';
$halign = '';
$rotate = '';
$shrinktofit = '';
$verticaltext = '';
$wraptext = '';
$bold = '';
$italic = '';
$strikethrough = '';
$underline = '';
$outline = '';
$shadow = '';
$fontName = '';
$fontFamily = '';
$fontSize = '';
$borders = '';
$interior = '';
$interiorColor = '';
$interiorPattern = '';
$interiorPatternColor = '';
$numberFormat = '';
if (empty($this->id)) throw new exception;
if (!empty($this->name)){$name = 'ss:Name="'.$this->name.'"';}
// Alignment
if ($this->useAlignment){
if (!empty($this->valign)){$valign = 'ss:Vertical="'.$this->valign.'"';}
if (!empty($this->halign)){$halign = 'ss:Horizontal="'.$this->halign.'"';}
if (!empty($this->rotate)){$rotate = 'ss:Rotate="'.$this->rotate.'"';}
if (!empty($this->shinktofit)){$shrinktofit = 'ss:ShrinkToFit="1"';}
if (!empty($this->verticaltext)){$verticaltext = 'ss:VerticalText="1"';}
if (!empty($this->wraptext)){$wraptext = 'ss:WrapText="1"';}
// Font
if ($this->useFont){
if (!empty($this->fontColor)){$fontColor = 'ss:Color="'.$this->fontColor.'"';}
if (!empty($this->bold)){$bold = 'ss:Bold="1"';}
if (!empty($this->italic)){$italic = 'ss:Italic="1"';}
if (!empty($this->strikethrough)){$strikethrough = 'ss:StrikeThrough="'.$this->strikethrough.'"';}
if (!empty($this->underline)){$underline = 'ss:Underline="'.$this->underline.'"';}
if (!empty($this->outline)){$outline = 'ss:Outline="1"';}
if (!empty($this->shadow)){$shadow = 'ss:Shadow="1"';}
if (!empty($this->fontName)){$fontName = 'ss:FontName="'.$this->fontName.'"';}
if (!empty($this->fontFamily)){$fontFamily = 'x:Family="'.$this->fontFamily.'"';}
if (!empty($this->fontSize)){$fontSize = 'ss:Size="'.$this->fontSize.'"';}
// Border
if ($this->useBorder){
$borders = ' <Borders>'."\r";
$positions = array(
'Top' => $this->borderTop,
'Bottom' => $this->borderBottom,
'Left' => $this->borderLeft,
'Right' => $this->borderRight,
'DiagonalLeft' => $this->borderDL,
'DiagonalRight' => $this->borderDR,
foreach($positions as $position => $pData){
if (empty($pData)) continue;
$bLinestyle = isset($pData['LineStyle'])
? 'ss:LineStyle="'.$pData['LineStyle'].'"'
: '';
$bColor = isset($pData['Color'])
? 'ss:Color="'.$pData['Color'].'"'
: '';
$bWeight = isset($pData['Weight'])
? 'ss:Weight="'.$pData['Weight'].'"'
: '';
$borders .= '<Border ss:Position="'.$position.'" '.$bLinestyle.' '.$bColor.' '.$bWeight.'/>'."\r";
$borders .= '</Borders>'."\r";
if ($this->useInterior){
if (!empty($this->interiorColor)){$interiorColor = 'ss:Color="'.$this->interiorColor.'"';}
if (!empty($this->interiorPattern)){$interiorPattern = 'ss:Pattern="'.$this->interiorPattern.'"';}
if (!empty($this->interiorPatternColor)){$interiorPatternColor = 'ss:PatternColor="'.$this->interiorPatternColor.'"';}
$interior = ' <Interior '.$interiorColor.' '.$interiorPattern.' '.$interiorPatternColor.'/>'."\r";
if (!empty($this->numberFormat)) {$numberFormat = ' <NumberFormat ss:Format="'.$this->numberFormat.'"/>'."\r";}
else $numberFormat = ' <NumberFormat/>'."\r";
$xml = ' <Style ss:ID="'.$this->id.'" '.$name.'>'."\r";
if ($this->useAlignment) $xml .= ' <Alignment '.$valign.' '.$halign.' '.$rotate.' '.$shrinktofit.' '.$wraptext.' '.$verticaltext.'/>'."\r";
if ($this->useBorder) $xml .= $borders;
if ($this->useFont) $xml .= ' <Font '.$fontSize.' '.$fontColor.' '.$bold.' '.$italic.' '.$strikethrough.' '.$underline.' '.$shadow.' '.$outline.' '.$fontName.' '.$fontFamily.'/>'."\r";
if ($this->useInterior) $xml .= $interior;
$xml .= $numberFormat;
$xml .= ' <Protection/>'."\r";
$xml .= ' </Style>'."\r";
* Checks whether a color is valid for the spreadsheet
* @param string $color Named color from MS or web color in HEX format (e.g.
* #ff00ff
* @return mixed Either the valid color in HEX format or false if the color
* is not valid
public function checkColor($color){
$pattern = "/[0-9a-f]{6}/";
if (preg_match($pattern, strtolower($color), $matches)) {
$color = '#'.$matches[0];
else if (isset($this->namedColorsIE[strtolower($color)])){
$color = $this->namedColorsIE[strtolower($color)];
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'Supplied color was not valid "'.$color.'"');
* Adds a format error. When the document is generated if there are any
* errors they will be listed on a seperate sheet.
* @param string $namedStyle The style in which the error occurred
* @param string $function The name of the function that was called
* @param string $message Details of the error
private function addError($function, $message){
$tmp = array(
'style' => $this->id,
'function' => $function,
'message' => $message,
$this->formatErrors[] = $tmp;
* Returns any errors found in the sheet
* @return mixed Array of errors if they exist, otherwise false
public function getErrors(){
// Change Options
* Changes the name of the named style
* @param string $name The named style referenced by Excel.
public function name($name){$this->name = $name; }
// Change Alignment
* Changes the vertical alignment setting for the style
* @param string $valign The value for the vertical alignment.
* Acceptable values are "Automatic" "Top" "Bottom" "Center"
public function alignVertical($valign){
// Automatic, Top, Bottom, Center
if ($valign != 'Automatic'
&& $valign != 'Top'
&& $valign != 'Bottom'
&& $valign != 'Center'){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'vertical alignment was not valid "'.$valign.'"');
$this->valign = $valign;
$this->useAlignment = true;
* Changes the horizontal alignment setting for the style
* @param string $halign The value for the horizontal alignment. Acceptable
* values are "Automatic" "Left" "Center" "Right"
public function alignHorizontal($halign){
// Automatic, Left, Center, Right
if ($halign != 'Automatic'
&& $halign != 'Left'
&& $halign != 'Center'
&& $halign != 'Right'){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'horizontal alignment was not valid "'.$halign.'"');
$halign = 'Automatic';
$this->halign = $halign;
$this->useAlignment = true;
* Changes the rotation setting for the style
* @param mixed $rotate The value for the Rotation. Value must be a
* number between -90 and 90
public function alignRotate($rotate){
// Degrees to rotate the text
if (!is_numeric($rotate)){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'rotation was not numeric "'.$rotate.'"');
if (abs($rotate) > 90){
$rotate = $rotate % 90;
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'rotation was greater than 90, defaulted to "'.$rotate.'"');
$this->rotate = $rotate;
$this->useAlignment = true;
* Changes the Shrink To Fit setting for the style
* ShrinkToFit shrinks the text so that it fits within the cell.
* This doesn't actually work.
public function alignShrinktofit(){
$this->shrinktofit = 1;
$this->useAlignment = true;
* Changes the Vertical Text setting for the style.
* Text will be displayed vertically.
public function alignVerticaltext(){
$this->verticaltext = 1;
$this->useAlignment = true;
* Changes the Wrap Text setting for the style.
public function alignWraptext(){
$this->wraptext = 1;
$this->useAlignment = true;
// Change Font
* Changes the size of the font
* @param string $fontSize The value for the Size. Value must be greater
* than zero
public function fontSize($fontSize = 10){
if (!is_numeric($fontSize)){
$fontSize = 10;
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'font size was not a number, defaulted to 10 "'.$fontSize.'"');
if ($fontSize <= 0){
$fontSize = 10;
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'font size was less than zero, defaulted to 10 "'.$fontSize.'"');
$this->fontSize = $fontSize;
$this->useFont = true;
* Changes the color for the font
* @param string $fontColor The value for the Color.
* This can be a MS named color or a Hex web color.
public function fontColor($fontColor = 'Automatic'){
$pattern = "/[0-9a-f]{6}/";
$fontColor = $this->checkColor($fontColor);
if ($fontColor === false){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'font color was not valid "'.$fontColor.'"');
$fontColor = 'Automatic';
$this->fontColor = $fontColor;
$this->useFont = true;
* Changes the font for the cell
* @param string $fontName The value for the font name. This should be a
* standard windows font available on most systems.
public function fontName($fontName = 'Arial'){
$this->fontName = $fontName;
$this->useFont = true;
* Changes the family for the font
* @param string $fontFamily The value for the font family. Not really sure
* what this does.
* Win32-dependant font family.
* Values can be "Automatic" "Decorative"
* "Modern" "Roman" "Script" "Swiss"
public function fontFamily($fontFamily = 'Swiss'){
// Win32-dependent font family.
// Automatic, Decorative, Modern, Roman, Script, and Swiss
if ($fontFamily != 'Automatic'
&& $fontFamily != 'Decorative'
&& $fontFamily != 'Modern'
&& $fontFamily != 'Roman'
&& $fontFamily != 'Script'
&& $fontFamily != 'Swiss'){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'font family was not valid "'.$fontFamily.'"');
$this->fontFamily = $fontFamily;
$this->useFont = true;
* Makes the font bold for the named style
public function fontBold(){
$this->bold = 1;
$this->useFont = true;
* Makes the font italic for the named style
public function fontItalic(){
$this->italic = 1;
$this->useFont = true;
* Makes the font strikethrough for the named style
public function fontStrikethrough(){
$this->strikethrough = 1;
$this->useFont = true;
* Makes the font underlined for the named style
* @param string $uStyle The type of underlining for the style.
* Acceptable values are "None" "Single" "Double" "SingleAccounting"
* "DoubleAccounting"
public function fontUnderline($uStyle = 'Single'){
// None, Single, Double, SingleAccounting, and DoubleAccounting
if ($uStyle != 'None'
&& $uStyle != 'Single'
&& $uStyle != 'Double'
&& $uStyle != 'SingleAccounting'
&& $uStyle != 'DoubleAccounting'){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'underline type was not valid "'.$uStyle.'"');
$this->underline = $uStyle;
$this->useFont = true;
* Makes the font shadowed for the named style
public function fontShadow(){
$this->shadow = 1;
$this->useFont = true;
* Makes the font outlines for the named style
public function fontOutline(){
$this->outline = 1;
$this->useFont = true;
// Change Border
* Sets the border for the named style.
* This function can be called multiple times to set different sides of the
* cell or set all sides the same at once.
* @param string $position Sets which side of the cell should be modified.
* Acceptable values are "All" "Left" "Top" "Right" "Bottom" "DiagonalLeft"
* "DiagonalRight"
* @param integer $weight Thickness of the border. Default is 1 "Thin"
* @param string $color Color of the border. Default is "Automatic" but any
* 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format or it can be any of the
* Microsoft? Internet Explorer named colors
* @param string $linestyle Type of line to use on the border.
* Default is "Continuous". Acceptable balues are "None" "Continuous"
* "Dash" "Dot" "DashDot" "DashDotDot" "SlantDashDot" "Double"
public function border(
$position = 'All' // All, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, DiagonalLeft, DiagonalRight
,$weight = '1' // 0?Hairline, 1?Thin, 2?Medium, 3?Thick
,$color = 'Automatic' // Automatic, 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format or it can be any of the Microsoft? Internet Explorer named colors
,$linestyle = 'Continuous' // None, Continuous, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot, SlantDashDot, Double
if ($position != 'All'
&& $position != 'Left'
&& $position != 'Top'
&& $position != 'Right'
&& $position != 'Bottom'
&& $position != 'DiagonalLeft'
&& $position != 'DiagonalRight'){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'border position was not valid, defaulted to All "'.$position.'"');
$position = 'All';
if (is_numeric($weight)){
if (abs($weight) > 3){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'line weight greater than 3, defaulted to 3 "'.$weight.'"');
$weight = 3;
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'line weight not numeric, defaulted to 3 "'.$weight.'"');
$weight = 1;
$color = $this->checkColor($color);
if ($color === false){
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'border color was not valid, defaulted to Automatic "'.$weight.'"');
$color = 'Automatic';
if ($linestyle != 'None'
&& $linestyle != 'Continuous'
&& $linestyle != 'Dash'
&& $linestyle != 'Dot'
&& $linestyle != 'DashDot'
&& $linestyle != 'DashDotDot'
&& $linestyle != 'SlantDashDot'
&& $linestyle != 'Double'){
$linestyle = 'Continuous';
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'line style was not valid, defaulted to Continuous "'.$linestyle.'"');
$tmp = array(
'LineStyle' => $linestyle,
'Color' => $color,
'Weight' => $weight,
if ($position == 'Top' || $position == 'All') $this->borderTop = $tmp;
if ($position == 'Bottom' || $position == 'All') $this->borderBottom = $tmp;
if ($position == 'Left' || $position == 'All') $this->borderLeft = $tmp;
if ($position == 'Right' || $position == 'All') $this->borderRight = $tmp;
if ($position == 'DiagonalLeft' ) $this->borderDL = $tmp;
if ($position == 'DiagonalRight' ) $this->borderDR = $tmp;
$this->useBorder = true;
// Change Interior
* Sets the background style of a style
* @param string $color Named color from MS or web color in HEX format (e.g.
* #ff00ff
* @param string $pattern Defaults to a None if not supplied.
* @param string $patternColor Defaults to a Automatic if not supplied.
public function bgColor($color = 'Yellow',$pattern = 'Solid', $patternColor = null){
// 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format
// Or it can be any of the Internet Explorer named colors
$color = $this->checkColor($color);
if ($color === false){
$color = 'Yellow';
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'cell color not valid, defaulted to Yellow "'.$color.'"');
$this->interiorColor = $color;
if ($pattern != 'None'){
$this->bgPattern($pattern, $patternColor);
$this->useInterior = true;
* Sets the background pattern of a style.
* @see bgColor()
* @param string $color Named color from MS or web color in HEX format (e.g.
* #ff00ff
* @param string $pattern Defaults to a solid if not supplied.
public function bgPattern($pattern = 'None', $color = null){
// None, Solid, Gray75, Gray50, Gray25, Gray125, Gray0625,
// HorzStripe, VertStripe, ReverseDiagStripe, DiagStripe,
// DiagCross, ThickDiagCross, ThinHorzStripe, ThinVertStripe,
// ThinReverseDiagStripe, ThinDiagStripe, ThinHorzCross, and ThinDiagCross
if ($pattern != 'None'
&& $pattern != 'Solid'
&& $pattern != 'Gray75'
&& $pattern != 'Gray50'
&& $pattern != 'Gray25'
&& $pattern != 'Gray125'
&& $pattern != 'Gray0625'
&& $pattern != 'HorzStripe'
&& $pattern != 'VertStripe'
&& $pattern != 'ReverseDiagStripe'
&& $pattern != 'DiagStripe'
&& $pattern != 'DiagCross'
&& $pattern != 'ThickDiagCross'
&& $pattern != 'ThinHorzStripe'
&& $pattern != 'ThinVertStripe'
&& $pattern != 'ThinReverseDiagStripe'
&& $pattern != 'ThinDiagStripe'
&& $pattern != 'ThinHorzCross'
&& $pattern != 'ThinDiagCross'){
$pattern = 'None';
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'cell pattern was not valid, defaulted to Solid "'.$pattern.'"');
$this->interiorPattern = $pattern;
if ($color != null) $this->bgPatternColor($color);
$this->useInterior = true;
* Specifies the secondary fill color of the cell when Pattern does not equal Solid.
* @see function bgPattern()
* @param string $color Named color from MS or web color in HEX format (e.g.
* #ff00ff
* @param string $pattern Defaults to a solid if not supplied.
public function bgPatternColor($color = 'Yellow'){
// 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format
// Or it can be any of the Internet Explorer named colors
if ($color != 'Automatic'){
$color = $this->checkColor($color);
if ($color === false){
$color = 'Automatic';
$this->addError(__FUNCTION__,'cell pattern color was not valid, defaulted to Automatic "'.$color.'"');
$this->interiorPatternColor = $color;
$this->useInterior = true;
// Number Formats
* Sets the number format of a style
* @param string $formatString Format string to be used by Excel for
* displaying the number.
public function numberFormat($formatString){$this->numberFormat = $formatString;}
* Sets a default date format for a style
public function numberFormatDate(){$this->numberFormat('mm/dd/yy');}
* Sets a default time format for a style
public function numberFormatTime(){$this->numberFormat('hh:mm:ss');}
* Sets a default date and time format for a style
public function numberFormatDatetime(){$this->numberFormat('mm/dd/yy\ hh:mm:ss');}
freenetis/branches/1.1/application/libraries/ExcelWriterXML.php | ||
* ExcelWriterXML Package
* Used the schema documentation from Microsoft
* @link
* @package ExcelWriterXML
* Includes the other class file to create Sheets
* Includes the other class file to create Styles
* Class for generating the initial Excel XML document
* <code>
* <?php
* $xml = new ExcelWriterXML;
* $format = $xml->addStyle('StyleHeader');
* $format->fontBold();
* $sheet = $xml->addSheet('Test Sheet');
* $sheet->writeString (1,1,'Header1','StyleHeader');
* $sheet->writeString(2,1,'My String');
* $xml->sendHeaders();
* $xml->writeData();
* ?>
* </code>
* @link
* @author Robert F Greer
* @version 1.0
* @package ExcelWriterXML
class ExcelWriterXML{
// Private Variables //
private $styles = array();
public $formatErrors = array();
private $sheets = array();
private $showErrorSheet = false;
private $overwriteFile = false;
private $docFileName;
private $docTitle;
private $docSubject;
private $docAuthor;
private $docCreated;
private $docManager;
private $docCompany;
private $docVersion = 11.9999;
* Constructor for the ExcelWriterXML class.
* A default style is created, a filename is generated (if not supplied) and
* the create time of the document is stored.
* @param string $fileName This is the filename that will be passed to the
* browser. If not present it will default to "file.xml"
* @return ExcelWriterXML Instance of the class
function ExcelWriterXML($fileName = 'file.xml'){
// Add default style
$style = $this->addStyle('Default');
if ($fileName == ''){
Také k dispozici: Unified diff
- closes #731: Export pracovnich vykazu do XML pro MS Excel, OO Calc a LO Calc