


<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.');
* Array helper class.
* $Id: arr.php 3917 2009-01-21 03:06:22Z zombor $
* @package Core
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license
class arr {

* Return a callback array from a string, eg: limit[10,20] would become
* array('limit', array('10', '20'))
* @param string callback string
* @return array
public static function callback_string($str)
// command[param,param]
if (preg_match('/([^\[]*+)\[(.+)\]/', (string) $str, $match))
// command
$command = $match[1];

// param,param
$params = preg_split('/(?<!\\\\),/', $match[2]);
$params = str_replace('\,', ',', $params);
// command
$command = $str;

// No params
$params = NULL;

return array($command, $params);

* Rotates a 2D array clockwise.
* Example, turns a 2x3 array into a 3x2 array.
* @param array array to rotate
* @param boolean keep the keys in the final rotated array. the
* sub arrays of the source array need to have the same key values.
* if your subkeys might not match, you need to pass FALSE here!
* @return array
public static function rotate($source_array, $keep_keys = TRUE)
$new_array = array();
if (is_array($source_array))
foreach ($source_array as $key => $value)
$value = ($keep_keys === TRUE) ? $value : array_values($value);
foreach ($value as $k => $v)
$new_array[$k][$key] = $v;

return $new_array;

* Removes a key from an array and returns the value.
* @param string key to return
* @param array array to work on
* @return mixed value of the requested array key
public static function remove($key, & $array)
if ( ! is_array($array))
return NULL;
if ( ! array_key_exists($key, $array))
return NULL;

$val = $array[$key];

return $val;

* Extract one or more keys from an array. Each key given after the first
* argument (the array) will be extracted. Keys that do not exist in the
* search array will be NULL in the extracted data.
* @param array array to search
* @param string key name
* @return array
public static function extract($search, $keys)
// Get the keys, removing the $search array
$keys = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);

$found = array();
if ( ! is_array($search))
return NULL;
foreach ($keys as $key)
if (isset($search[$key]))
$found[$key] = $search[$key];
$found[$key] = NULL;

return $found;

* Because PHP does not have this function.
* @param array array to unshift
* @param string key to unshift
* @param mixed value to unshift
* @return array
public static function unshift_assoc( & $array, $key, $val)
if ( ! is_array($array))
return array();
$array = array_reverse($array, TRUE);
$array[$key] = $val;
$array = array_reverse($array, TRUE);

return $array;

* Because PHP does not have this function, and array_walk_recursive creates
* references in arrays and is not truly recursive.
* @param mixed callback to apply to each member of the array
* @param array array to map to
* @return array
public static function map_recursive($callback, $array)
if ( ! is_array($array))
return NULL;
foreach ($array as $key => $val)
// Map the callback to the key
$array[$key] = is_array($val) ? arr::map_recursive($callback, $val) : call_user_func($callback, $val);

return $array;

* Binary search algorithm.
* @param mixed the value to search for
* @param array an array of values to search in
* @param boolean return false, or the nearest value
* @param mixed sort the array before searching it
* @return integer
public static function binary_search($needle, $haystack, $nearest = FALSE, $sort = FALSE)
if ( ! is_array($haystack))
return NULL;
if ($sort === TRUE)

$high = count($haystack);
$low = 0;

while ($high - $low > 1)
$probe = ($high + $low) / 2;
if ($haystack[$probe] < $needle)
$low = $probe;
$high = $probe;

if ($high == count($haystack) OR $haystack[$high] != $needle)
if ($nearest === FALSE)
return FALSE;

// return the nearest value
$high_distance = $haystack[ceil($low)] - $needle;
$low_distance = $needle - $haystack[floor($low)];

return ($high_distance >= $low_distance) ? $haystack[ceil($low)] : $haystack[floor($low)];

return $high;

* Emulates array_merge_recursive, but appends numeric keys and replaces
* associative keys, instead of appending all keys.
* @param array any number of arrays
* @return array
public static function merge()
$total = func_num_args();

$result = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++)
foreach (func_get_arg($i) as $key => $val)
if (isset($result[$key]))
if (is_array($val))
// Arrays are merged recursively
$result[$key] = arr::merge($result[$key], $val);
elseif (is_int($key))
// Indexed arrays are appended
array_push($result, $val);
// Associative arrays are replaced
$result[$key] = $val;
// New values are added
$result[$key] = $val;

return $result;

* Overwrites an array with values from input array(s).
* Non-existing keys will not be appended!
* @param array key array
* @param array input array(s) that will overwrite key array values
* @return array
public static function overwrite($array1)
if ( ! is_array($array1))
return NULL;
foreach (array_slice(func_get_args(), 1) as $array2)
foreach ($array2 as $key => $value)
if (array_key_exists($key, $array1))
$array1[$key] = $value;

return $array1;

* Fill an array with a range of numbers.
* @param integer stepping
* @param integer ending number
* @return array
public static function range($step = 10, $max = 100)
if ($step < 1)
return array();

$array = array();
for ($i = $step; $i <= $max; $i += $step)
$array[$i] = $i;

return $array;

* Recursively convert an array to an object.
* @param array array to convert
* @return object
public static function to_object(array $array, $class = 'stdClass')
$object = new $class;
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
if (is_array($value))
// Convert the array to an object
$value = arr::to_object($value, $class);

// Add the value to the object
$object->{$key} = $value;

return $object;

* Creates array from object
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param mixed $object
* @return array
public static function from_object ($object)
if ( ! is_object($object))
return array();
$arr = array();
foreach ($object as $key => $value)
$arr[$key] = $value;

return $arr;

* Transforms array to lower
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param array $array
* @return array
public static function tolower ($array = array())
if ( ! is_array($array))
return array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
$array[$key] = strtolower ($value);

return $array;

* Converts array of objects to classic array in format: key = id of object, value = attributte
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param $objects array of object to convert
* @param $attribute name of attributte to store as value of array
* @return array
public static function from_objects ($objects, $attribute = 'name')
if ( ! is_array($objects) && ! is_object($objects))
return array();
$array = array();
foreach ($objects as $object)
$array[$object->id] = $object->$attribute;

return $array;

* Creates array from string
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param string $string
* @param integer $length
* @param integer $offset
* @return array
public static function from_string ($string, $length, $offset = 0)
$array = array();

for ($i = $offset; $i < ($offset+$length); $i++)
$array[$i] = $string;

return $array;

* Returns variation of array
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param array $array
* @param integer $class
* @return array
public static function variation ($array, $class)
if ( ! is_array($array))
return array();
$arr = array();

if ($class)
$ba = arr::variation ($array, $class-1);

foreach ($array as $a)
foreach ($ba as $b)
if (!empty($a) && (empty($b) || strpos($b, $a) === FALSE))
$arr[] = trim("$a $b");
$arr[] = "";
return $arr;

* Searchs in array
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param string $needle
* @param array $haystack
* @return mixed
public static function search ($needle, $haystack)
if ( ! is_array($haystack))
return array();
$key = array_search($needle, $haystack);
if ($key !== FALSE)
return $key;

foreach ($haystack as $key => $value)
if (is_array($value))
if (arr::search ($needle, $value) !== FALSE)
return $key;

return FALSE;
* Sorts array, almost same as default PHP sort function,
* but it doesn't edit original array and returns new array
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param array $array
* @return array
public static function sort ($array)
// has to be array
if (!is_array($array))
$array = (array) $array;
sort ($array);
foreach ($array as $key => $val)
if (is_array($val))
$array[$key] = arr::sort ($val);
return $array;
* Similar to sort, but sort by key
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param type $array
* @return type
public static function ksort ($array)
// has to be array
if (!is_array($array))
$array = (array) $array;
ksort ($array);
foreach ($array as $key => $val)
if (is_array($val))
$array[$key] = arr::ksort ($val);
return $array;
* Returns key with minimal value from array
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param type $array
* @return type
public static function min_key ($array)
return min(array_keys($array));
* Returns key with maximal value from array
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param type $array
* @return type
public static function max_key ($array)
return max(array_keys($array));
* Return translated bool array (yes, no)
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @return array
public static function bool()
return array
1 => __('Yes'),
0 => __('No')
* Return reverted translated bool array (no, yes)
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @return array
public static function rbool()
return array
0 => __('No'),
1 => __('Yes')

} // End arr