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Revize 1806

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před více než 11 roky(ů)

- fixes #330: Nastavitelna sila hesla

- udelan poradek ve validatoru hesla (uz se nezobrazuje u aplikacniho hesla, VoIPu, ...)
- validator lze vyvolat tridou main_password

Zobrazit rozdíly:

$.validator.passwordRating = function(password, username) {
if (!password || password.length < 8)
var ln = (window['security_password_length'] != undefined) ? security_password_length : 8;
if (!password || password.length < ln)
return rating(0, "too-short");
if (username && password.toLowerCase().match(username.toLowerCase()))
return rating(0, "similar-to-username");
"strong": "Strong"
$.validator.addMethod("password", function(value, element, usernameField) {
$.validator.addMethod("main_password", function(value, element, usernameField) {
// use untrimmed value
var password = element.value,
// get username for comparison, if specified
.addClass("password-meter-message-" + rating.messageKey)
// display process bar instead of error message
return rating.rate > 2;
var rt = (window['security_password_level'] != undefined) ? security_password_level : 2;
return rating.rate >= rt;
}, "&nbsp;");
// manually add class rule, to make username param optional
$.validator.classRuleSettings.password = { password: true };
$.validator.classRuleSettings.main_password = { main_password: true };
'minimal duration is one month' => 'Minimální délka je jeden měsíc',
'minimal duration of interrupt is one month' => 'Minimální délka přerušení je jeden měsíc',
'minimal latency' => 'Minimální odezva',
'minimal password length' => 'Minimální délka hesla',
'minimal password level' => 'Minimální úroveň hesla',
'minimal suggest amount' => 'Minimální navrhovaná částka',
'minimum of traffic' => 'Minimální provoz',
'mod_rewrite is enabled' => 'Mod_rewrite je povolen',
'parent wireless interface' => 'Rodičovské bezdrátové rozhraní',
'parse' => 'Parsovat',
'partially' => 'Částečně',
'password' => 'Heslo',
'password for voip account' => 'Heslo pro VoIP účet',
'password has been successfully changed' => 'Heslo bylo úspěšně změněno.',
'password' => 'Heslo',
'path' => 'Cesta',
'pay from account' => 'Platit z účtu',
'payed to' => 'Zaplaceno do',
'secondary dns' => 'Sekundární DNS.',
'section' => 'Sekce',
'sectional' => 'sektorová',
'security' => 'Bezpečnost',
'send' => 'Odeslat',
'send e-mail notice about received payment to member' => 'Odeslat členovi e-mailovou zprávu s oznámením o jeho přijaté platbě',
'send mail warning to users related with invoice' => 'Odeslat upozornění uživatelům spojených s fakturou',
$pass_min_len = Settings::get('security_password_length');
$form->group('Additional information');
->label(__('Old password') . ':')
->callback(array($this, 'check_password'));
$pass_min_len = Settings::get('security_password_length');
->label(__('New password') . ':&nbsp;' . help::hint('password'))
->label(__('Confirm new password') . ':')
->callback(array($this, 'valid_username'));
$pass_min_len = Settings::get('security_password_length');
// association
->callback(array($this, 'valid_username'));
$pass_min_len = Settings::get('security_password_length');
->label(__('Password') . ':&nbsp;'.help::hint('password'))
->label(__('Confirm password') . ':')
$form->group('Basic information');
$pass_min_len = Settings::get('security_password_length');
$form = new Forge('forgotten_password?request='.htmlspecialchars($hash));
->label('New password')
->label('Confirm new password')
// submit button
->callback(array($this, 'valid_username'));
$pass_min_len = Settings::get('security_password_length');
$form->group('Address of connecting place');
->help('Time threshold in minutes, before module is shown as inactive');
->label('Minimal password length')
$pass_levels = array
1 => __('very weak'),
2 => __('weak'),
3 => __('good'),
4 => __('strong'),
->label('Minimal password level')
// form validate
$value = str_replace("\n", ",", $value);
else if ($name == 'security_password_length')
$value = min(50, max(1, $value)); // <1..50>
$issaved = $issaved && Settings::set($name, $value);
'username_regex' => '/^[a-z][a-z0-9_]{4,}$/',
// default text for self cancel of a cancellable redirection
'self_cancel_text' => 'OK, I am aware',
// default minimal password level is good
'security_password_level' => 3,
// default minimal password length
'security_password_length' => 8,
if ($input->name() == 'password'): ?>
if (mb_stripos($input->class, 'main_password') !== FALSE): ?>
<div class="password-meter" style="float:right">
<div class="password-meter-message">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="password-meter-bg">
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery-ui.min', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.autocomplete.min', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.validate.min', FALSE) ?>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
// settings for jquery.validate.password
var security_password_level = <?php echo Settings::get('security_password_level') ?>;
var security_password_length = <?php echo Settings::get('security_password_length') ?>;
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.validate.password', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.metadata', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.tablesorter.min', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery-ui.min', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.autocomplete.min', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.validate.min', FALSE) ?>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
// settings for jquery.validate.password
var security_password_level = <?php echo Settings::get('security_password_level') ?>;
var security_password_length = <?php echo Settings::get('security_password_length') ?>;
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.validate.password', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/messages_cs', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/php.min', FALSE) ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.validator.passwordRating.messages = {
"too-short": "<?php echo __('Too short') ?>",
"very-weak": "<?php echo __('Very weak') ?>",
"weak": "<?php echo __('Weak') ?>",
"good": "<?php echo __('Good') ?>",
"strong": "<?php echo __('Strong') ?>"
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
$('form').submit(function ()
if ($(this).valid())
$.validator.passwordRating.messages = {
"too-short": "<?php echo __('Too short') ?>",
"very-weak": "<?php echo __('Very weak') ?>",
"weak": "<?php echo __('Weak') ?>",
"good": "<?php echo __('Good') ?>",
"strong": "<?php echo __('Strong') ?>"
$('form').submit(function ()
if ($(this).valid())
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery-ui.min', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.ui.datepicker-cs', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.validate.min', FALSE) ?>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
// settings for jquery.validate.password
var security_password_level = <?php echo Settings::get('security_password_level') ?>;
var security_password_length = <?php echo Settings::get('security_password_length') ?>;
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.validate.password', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.metadata', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.tablesorter', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery-ui.min', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.ui.datepicker-cs', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.validate.min', FALSE) ?>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
// settings for jquery.validate.password
var security_password_level = <?php echo Settings::get('security_password_level') ?>;
var security_password_length = <?php echo Settings::get('security_password_length') ?>;
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.validate.password', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.metadata', FALSE) ?>
<?php echo html::script('media/js/jquery.tablesorter', FALSE) ?>

Také k dispozici: Unified diff