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Revize 171

Přidáno uživatelem Tomáš Dulík před více než 15 roky(ů)

Oprava parsování výpisů, které obsahují po hlavní tabulce s výpisem ještě další tabulku s výpisem spořícího účtu. Nyní parser parsuje jen jednu HTML tabulku, pokud ho nadřízený kód nepožádá o další.

Zobrazit rozdíly:

protected $buffer;
protected $eoln_pos; // the position of the last End Of Line in the buffer
protected $matches;
protected $table_end=false;
public function open($url) {
if ($url!="") {
$old = ini_set('default_socket_timeout', self::TIMEOUT);
* PHP5 version: in PHP5, strripos can search whole string,
* not only 1 char as in PHP4
if ( ($res=stripos($this->buffer, "<table")) !== false ||
($res=stripos($this->buffer, "</table")) !== false) {
return $res;
if ( ($res=strripos($this->buffer, "</tr")) !== false)
return $res;
else if ( ($res=strripos($this->buffer, "<tr")))
return $res;
else return strripos($this->buffer, "</table");
return strripos($this->buffer, "<tr");
* PHP4 version: we have to use perl regular expressions...
* This is only 0.03sec/100kB slower than PHP5 strripos version
/** now try to find the last <[/]tr> or <[/]table> tag by searching these tags not followed by the same tags,
if not successfull, read the next line of the file */
while ( ($lastTagPos=$this->find_row_end()) === false
if not successfull, read the next line of the file. Do it until EOF or table end */
while ( ($lastTagPos=$this->find_row_end()) === false && $this->table_end==false
&& $this->get_line());
if ($lastTagPos===false) return false; // if <tr> not found untill EOF, return EOF
* Now: get the contents of all the table cells (the texts between
* <td > and <td > or </td> or <tr> or </tr> tags
preg_match_all("/<td[^>]*>(?:<[^>]*>)?(.*?)<(?:(?:\/)?td|tr)/si", $rows, $this->matches);
preg_match_all("/<td[^>]*>(?:<[^>]*>)?(.*?)<(?:(?:\/)?td|tr|table)/si", $rows, $this->matches);
return true;

Také k dispozici: Unified diff