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Revize 1509

Přidáno uživatelem David Raška před více než 12 roky(ů)

- Odstraneni tlacitka monitoringu, pokud neni pouzit filter
- #211 a #212: Pridano zobrazeni stavu presmerovani, QoS, monitoringu zarizeni a monitoringu provozu

Zobrazit rozdíly:

'device list of user' => 'Seznam zařízení uživatele',
'device map' => 'Mapa zařízení',
'device monitoring' => 'Monitoring zařízení',
'device monitoring state' => 'Stav monitoringu zařízení',
'device name' => 'Název zařízení',
'device repayments' => 'Splátky zařízení',
'device repayments have been successfully recalculated, %d transfers deleted, %d new transfers created' => 'Splátky zařízení byly úspěšně přepočítány, smazáno %d převodů, vytvořeno %d nových převodů.',
'lack of credit' => 'Nedostatek kreditu',
'language' => 'Jazyk',
'last' => 'Poslední',
'last active at' => 'Naposled aktivní v',
'last actualization at' => 'Poslední aktualizace v',
'last changed author' => 'Autor poslední úpravy',
'last changed date' => 'Datum poslední úpravy',
'last changed rev' => 'Revize poslední úpravy',
'purchasers account' => 'Účet odběratelů',
'qos ceil' => 'Ceil (max-limit) pro QoS',
'qos rate' => 'Rate (limit-at) pro QoS',
'qos state' => 'Stav QoS',
'qos variables have been successfully updated' => 'Proměnné QoSu byly úspěšně aktualizovány. ',
'qualified majority' => 'Kvalifikovaná většina',
'quantity' => 'Množství',
'redirection preview' => 'Náhled přesměrování',
'redirection records' => 'Záznamy přesměrování',
'redirection settings' => 'Nastavení přesměrování',
'redirection state' => 'Stav přesměrování',
'redirection type' => 'Typ přesměrování',
'reg' => 'Přih.',
'register' => 'Registrovat',
'traffic of members' => 'Provoz členů',
'traffic of members in time' => 'Provoz členů v čase',
'traffic' => 'Provoz',
'traffic monitoring state' => 'Stav monitoringu provozu',
'transaction code' => 'Kód transakce',
'transfer' => 'Převod',
'transfer details' => 'Detaily převodu',
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreeNetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:
* Helper for indicating redirection and monitoring module states
* @author David Raška
* @package Helper
class module_state
* Function generates state icons for module
* @param $module
* @return HTML code
public static function get_state($module = null, $add_text = false)
if ($module)
$module .= '_state';
$last_time = Settings::get($module);
$time_diff = time()-strtotime($last_time);
//inactive when time_diff > 10 minutes
if ($time_diff < 600)
$result = html::image(array
'src' => 'media/images/states/active.png',
'style' => 'margin-right: 0.5em',
'title' => __('active')
$text = ' '.__('Last actualization at');
$since = '';
if (!empty($last_time))
$since = ' '. strtolower(__('since')).' '.$last_time;
$add_text = FALSE;
$result = html::image(array
'src' => 'media/images/states/inactive.png',
'style' => 'margin-right: 0.5em',
'title' => __('inactive').$since
$text = __('Last active at');
if ($add_text)
$result .= $text.' '.$last_time;
return $result;
return '';
echo implode("\n", $items)."\n";
// set state of module (last activation time)
Settings::set('redirection_state', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
echo implode("\n", $items)."\n";
// set state of module (last activation time)
Settings::set('redirection_state', date('Y-m/d H:i:s'));
echo implode("\n", $items)."\n";
// set state of module (last activation time)
Settings::set('redirection_state', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
echo implode("\n", $items)."\n";
// set state of module (last activation time)
Settings::set('redirection_state', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
echo "$ip->ip_address\n";
// set state of module (last activation time)
Settings::set('traffic_monitoring_state', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
echo text::print_in_columns($data, $columns);
// set state of module (last activation time)
Settings::set('qos_state', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$columns = array ("id", "ip_address");
echo text::print_in_columns($data, $columns);
// set state of module (last activation time)
Settings::set('qos_state', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
echo $host->ip_address."\n";
// set state of module (last activation time)
Settings::set('device_monitoring_state', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$monitor_host_model->update_host($ip, Monitor_host_Model::get_state($states[$i]), $lats[$i]);
// set state of module (last activation time)
Settings::set('device_monitoring_state', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$data[__('DB schema revision')] = Settings::get('db_schema_version');
$data[__('Redirection state')] = module_state::get_state('redirection');
$data[__('QoS state')] = module_state::get_state('qos');
$data[__('Device monitoring state')] = module_state::get_state('device_monitoring');
$data[__('Traffic monitoring state')] = module_state::get_state('traffic_monitoring');
$html = '';
// creating of new forge
$this->form = new Forge('settings/qos');
$this->form->group('Variables for QoS');
$view->content->current = 'qos';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('QoS');
$view->content->description = module_state::get_state('qos', TRUE);
if (!empty($message))
$view->content->message = $message;
$view->content->current = 'logging';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('Logging');
$view->content->description = module_state::get_state('traffic_monitoring', TRUE);
if (!empty($message))
$view->content->message = $message;
$view->content->current = 'monitoring';
$view->content->content = $this->form->html();
$view->content->headline = __('Monitoring');
$view->content->description = module_state::get_state('device_monitoring', TRUE);
if (!empty($message))
$view->content->message = $message;
$grid->add_new_button('devices/map', __('Show device map'));
if (Settings::get('monitoring_enabled') && server::query_string() != '')
if (Settings::get('monitoring_enabled') &&
count(explode('&', server::query_string())) > 1)

Také k dispozici: Unified diff