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Revize 146

Přidáno uživatelem Roman Ševčík před více než 15 roky(ů)

Přidána podpora odesílání emailů z freenetisu. Přidání controlleru schleduler pro automatické zpouštění skryptů - stádium vývoje. Přidána knihovna swift pro podporu odesílání emailů. Přidán helper sever pro práci s proměnnou $_SERVER - zatím jen to, co je potřeba.

Zobrazit rozdíly:

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Server helper class.
* $Id: server.php
* @package Core
* @author Sevcik Roman
* @copyright (c) 2009 Sevcik Roman
//spurce from
class server
public function http_user_agent()
public function http_host()
return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
public function server_software()
public function server_name()
public function server_addr()
public function server_port()
public function remote_addr()
<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.');
* SwiftMailer driver, used with the email helper.
* @see
* @see
* @see
* Valid drivers are: native, sendmail, smtp
$config['driver'] = 'smtp';
* To use secure connections with SMTP, set "port" to 465 instead of 25.
* To enable TLS, set "encryption" to "tls".
* Driver options:
* @param null native: no options
* @param string sendmail: executable path, with -bs or equivalent attached
* @param array smtp: hostname, (username), (password), (port), (auth), (encryption)
$config['options'] = array('hostname'=>'smtp.slfree.czf', 'port'=>'25');
class Scheduler_Controller extends Controller
function index()
public function run()
//if (server::remote_addr() != "" )
private function parse_ebank_account($url)
$ucet = new Parser_Ebanka();
private function ShowData($res)
print sprintf("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>",$res->date_time, $res->comment, $res->name, $res->typ, $res->variable_symbol, $res->constant_symbol, $res->specific_symbol, $res->castka, $res->poplatek);
//authentication goes here for example
if (!$this->session->get('user_id', 0) && url_lang::current()!='login' && url_lang::current()!='registration' && url_lang::current()!='accounts/parse_ebank_account')
if (!$this->session->get('user_id', 0) && url_lang::current()!='login' && url_lang::current()!='registration' && url_lang::current()!='scheduler/run')
// Not logged in - redirect to login page
$this->session->set_flash('err_message', url_lang::lang('texts.Must be logged in'));
if ($this->acl_check_2D('menu', 'my_users')) $myMenu .= '<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'users/show_by_member/'.$this->session->get('member_id'), url_lang::lang('texts.My users')).'</li>';
if ($this->acl_check_2D('menu', 'my_transfers')) $myMenu .= '<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'accounts/transfers/'.$this->session->get('member_id'), url_lang::lang('texts.My transfers')).'</li>';
if ($this->acl_check_2D('menu', 'my_devices')) $myMenu .= ' <li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'devices/show_by_member/'.$this->session->get('member_id'), url_lang::lang('texts.My devices')).'</li>';
if ($this->acl_check_2D('menu', 'my_devices')) $myMenu .= ' <li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'devices/show_by_member/'.$this->session->get('member_id'), url_lang::lang('texts.My devices')).'</li>';
$myMenu .= ' </ul>
$acc_menu = '';
if ($this->acl_check_2D('menu', 'unconfirmed_works'))
$acc_menu = '<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'works/uncorfirmed/', url_lang::lang('texts.Unconfirmed works')).'</li>';
if ($this->acl_check_2D('menu', 'accounts'))
$acc_menu .= '<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'accounts/main_accounts/master', url_lang::lang('texts.Bank account')).'</li>
<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'accounts/main_accounts/infrastructure', url_lang::lang('texts.Infrastructure account')).'</li>
<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'accounts/main_accounts/operating', url_lang::lang('texts.Operating account')).'</li>
<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'accounts/main_accounts/operating', url_lang::lang('texts.Operating account')).'</li>
<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'money_transfers', url_lang::lang('texts.Money transfers')).'</li>';
if ($acc_menu != '') $myMenu .= '<li class="transfer"><h2>'.url_lang::lang('texts.Transfers').'</h2>
$myMenu .= '<li class="users"><h2>'.url_lang::lang('texts.Users').'</h2>
<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'members', url_lang::lang('texts.Members')).'</li>
<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'users', url_lang::lang('texts.Users')).'</li>';
<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'users', url_lang::lang('texts.Users')).'</li>';
if ($this->acl_check_2D('menu', 'registration_admin')) $myMenu .= '<li>'.html::anchor(url_lang::base().'members/registration', url_lang::lang('texts.Edit registrations')).'</li>';
$myMenu .= '</ul>
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* SwiftMailer driver, used with the email helper.
* @see
* @see
* @see
* Valid drivers are: native, sendmail, smtp
$config['driver'] = 'native';
* Driver options:
* @param null native: no options
* @param string sendmail: executable path, with -bs or equivalent attached
* @param array smtp: hostname, (username), (password), (port)
$config['options'] = NULL;
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* SwiftMailer driver, used with the email helper.
* @see
* @see
* @see
* Valid drivers are: native, sendmail, smtp
$config['driver'] = 'native';
* Driver options:
* @param null native: no options
* @param string sendmail: executable path, with -bs or equivalent attached
* @param array smtp: hostname, (username), (password), (port)
$config['options'] = NULL;
* Swift Mailer Core Component.
* Please read the LICENSE file
* @copyright Chris Corbyn <>
* @author Chris Corbyn <>
* @package Swift
* @version 3.3.2
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/Swift/ClassLoader.php";
* Swift is the central component in the Swift library.
* @package Swift
* @author Chris Corbyn <>
* @version 3.3.2
class Swift
* The version number.
const VERSION = "3.3.2";
* Constant to flag Swift not to try and connect upon instantiation
const NO_START = 2;
* Constant to tell Swift not to perform the standard SMTP handshake upon connect
const NO_HANDSHAKE = 4;
* Constant to ask Swift to start logging
* Constant to prevent postConnect() being run in the connection
const NO_POST_CONNECT = 16;
* The connection object currently active
* @var Swift_Connection
public $connection = null;
* The domain name of this server (should technically be a FQDN)
* @var string
protected $domain = null;
* Flags to change the behaviour of Swift
* @var int
protected $options;
* Loaded plugins, separated into containers according to roles
* @var array
protected $listeners = array();
* Constructor
* @param Swift_Connection The connection object to deal with I/O
* @param string The domain name of this server (the client) as a FQDN
* @param int Optional flags
* @throws Swift_ConnectionException If a connection cannot be established or the connection is behaving incorrectly
public function __construct(Swift_Connection $conn, $domain=false, $options=null)
$log = Swift_LogContainer::getLog();
if ($this->hasOption(self::ENABLE_LOGGING) && !$log->isEnabled())
if (!$domain) $domain = !empty($_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]) ? "[" . $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] . "]" : "localhost.localdomain";
$this->connection = $conn;
if ($conn && !$this->hasOption(self::NO_START))
if ($log->hasLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_EVERYTHING)) $log->add("Trying to connect...", Swift_Log::NORMAL);
* Populate the listeners array with the defined listeners ready for plugins
protected function initializeEventListenerContainer()
foreach (Swift_Events_ListenerMapper::getMap() as $interface => $method)
if (!isset($this->listeners[$interface]))
$this->listeners[$interface] = array();
* Add a new plugin to Swift
* Plugins must implement one or more event listeners
* @param Swift_Events_Listener The plugin to load
public function attachPlugin(Swift_Events_Listener $plugin, $id)
foreach (array_keys($this->listeners) as $key)
$listener = "Swift_Events_" . $key;
if ($plugin instanceof $listener) $this->listeners[$key][$id] = $plugin;
* Get an attached plugin if it exists
* @param string The id of the plugin
* @return Swift_Event_Listener
public function getPlugin($id)
foreach ($this->listeners as $type => $arr)
if (isset($arr[$id])) return $this->listeners[$type][$id];
return null; //If none found
* Remove a plugin attached under the ID of $id
* @param string The ID of the plugin
public function removePlugin($id)
foreach ($this->listeners as $type => $arr)
if (isset($arr[$id]))
$this->listeners[$type][$id] = null;
* Send a new type of event to all objects which are listening for it
* @param Swift_Events The event to send
* @param string The type of event
public function notifyListeners($e, $type)
if (!empty($this->listeners[$type]) && $notifyMethod = Swift_Events_ListenerMapper::getNotifyMethod($type))
foreach ($this->listeners[$type] as $k => $listener)
else $e = null;
* Check if an option flag has been set
* @param string Option name
* @return boolean
public function hasOption($option)
return ($this->options & $option);
* Adjust the options flags
* E.g. $obj->setOptions(Swift::NO_START | Swift::NO_HANDSHAKE)
* @param int The bits to set
public function setOptions($options)
$this->options = (int) $options;
* Get the current options set (as bits)
* @return int
public function getOptions()
return (int) $this->options;
* Set the FQDN of this server as it will identify itself
* @param string The FQDN of the server
public function setDomain($name)
$this->domain = (string) $name;
* Attempt to establish a connection with the service
* @throws Swift_ConnectionException If the connection cannot be established or behaves oddly
public function connect()
$greeting = $this->command("", 220);
if (!$this->hasOption(self::NO_HANDSHAKE))
$this->notifyListeners(new Swift_Events_ConnectEvent($this->connection), "ConnectListener");
* Disconnect from the MTA
* @throws Swift_ConnectionException If the connection will not stop
public function disconnect()
$this->notifyListeners(new Swift_Events_DisconnectEvent($this->connection), "DisconnectListener");
* Throws an exception if the response code wanted does not match the one returned
* @param Swift_Event_ResponseEvent The full response from the service
* @param int The 3 digit response code wanted
* @throws Swift_BadResponseException If the code does not match
protected function assertCorrectResponse(Swift_Events_ResponseEvent $response, $codes)
$codes = (array)$codes;
if (!in_array($response->getCode(), $codes))
$log = Swift_LogContainer::getLog();
$error = "Expected response code(s) [" . implode(", ", $codes) . "] but got response [" . $response->getString() . "]";
if ($log->hasLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_ERRORS)) $log->add($error, Swift_Log::ERROR);
throw new Swift_BadResponseException($error);
* Have a polite greeting with the server and work out what it's capable of
* @param Swift_Events_ResponseEvent The initial service line respoonse
* @throws Swift_ConnectionException If conversation is not going very well
protected function handshake(Swift_Events_ResponseEvent $greeting)
if ($this->connection->getRequiresEHLO() || strpos($greeting->getString(), "ESMTP"))
$this->setConnectionExtensions($this->command("EHLO " . $this->domain, 250));
else $this->command("HELO " . $this->domain, 250);
//Connection might want to do something like authenticate now
if (!$this->hasOption(self::NO_POST_CONNECT)) $this->connection->postConnect($this);
* Set the extensions which the service reports in the connection object
* @param Swift_Events_ResponseEvent The list of extensions as reported by the service
protected function setConnectionExtensions(Swift_Events_ResponseEvent $list)
$le = (strpos($list->getString(), "\r\n") !== false) ? "\r\n" : "\n";
$list = explode($le, $list->getString());
for ($i = 1, $len = count($list); $i < $len; $i++)
$extension = substr($list[$i], 4);
$attributes = split("[ =]", $extension);
$this->connection->setExtension($attributes[0], (isset($attributes[1]) ? array_slice($attributes, 1) : array()));
* Execute a command against the service and get the response
* @param string The command to execute (leave off any CRLF!!!)
* @param int The code to check for in the response, if any. -1 indicates that no response is wanted.
* @return Swift_Events_ResponseEvent The server's response (could be multiple lines)
* @throws Swift_ConnectionException If a code was expected but does not match the one returned
public function command($command, $code=null)
$log = Swift_LogContainer::getLog();
if ($command !== "")
$command_event = new Swift_Events_CommandEvent($command, $code);
$command = null; //For memory reasons
$this->notifyListeners($command_event, "BeforeCommandListener");
if ($log->hasLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_NETWORK) && $code != -1) $log->add($command_event->getString(), Swift_Log::COMMAND);
$end = ($code != -1) ? "\r\n" : null;
$this->connection->write($command_event->getString(), $end);
$this->notifyListeners($command_event, "CommandListener");
if ($code == -1) return null;
$response_event = new Swift_Events_ResponseEvent($this->connection->read());
$this->notifyListeners($response_event, "ResponseListener");
if ($log->hasLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_NETWORK)) $log->add($response_event->getString(), Swift_Log::RESPONSE);
if ($command !== "" && $command_event->getCode() !== null)
$this->assertCorrectResponse($response_event, $command_event->getCode());
return $response_event;
* Reset a conversation which has gone badly
* @throws Swift_ConnectionException If the service refuses to reset
public function reset()
$this->command("RSET", 250);
* Send a message to any number of recipients
* @param Swift_Message The message to send. This does not need to (and shouldn't really) have any of the recipient headers set.
* @param mixed The recipients to send to. Can be a string, Swift_Address or Swift_RecipientList. Note that all addresses apart from Bcc recipients will appear in the message headers
* @param mixed The address to send the message from. Can either be a string or an instance of Swift_Address.
* @return int The number of successful recipients
* @throws Swift_ConnectionException If sending fails for any reason.
public function send(Swift_Message $message, $recipients, $from)
if (is_string($recipients) && preg_match("/^" . Swift_Message_Encoder::CHEAP_ADDRESS_RE . "\$/", $recipients))
$recipients = new Swift_Address($recipients);
elseif (!($recipients instanceof Swift_AddressContainer))
throw new Exception("The recipients parameter must either be a valid string email address, ".
"an instance of Swift_RecipientList or an instance of Swift_Address.");
if (is_string($from) && preg_match("/^" . Swift_Message_Encoder::CHEAP_ADDRESS_RE . "\$/", $from))
$from = new Swift_Address($from);
elseif (!($from instanceof Swift_Address))
throw new Exception("The sender parameter must either be a valid string email address or ".
"an instance of Swift_Address.");
$log = Swift_LogContainer::getLog();
if (!$message->getEncoding() && !$this->connection->hasExtension("8BITMIME"))
$message->setEncoding("QP", true, true);
$list = $recipients;
if ($recipients instanceof Swift_Address)
$list = new Swift_RecipientList();
$send_event = new Swift_Events_SendEvent($message, $list, $from, 0);
$this->notifyListeners($send_event, "BeforeSendListener");
$to = $cc = array();
if (!($has_from = $message->getFrom())) $message->setFrom($from);
if (!($has_return_path = $message->getReturnPath())) $message->setReturnPath($from->build(true));
if (!($has_reply_to = $message->getReplyTo())) $message->setReplyTo($from);
if (!($has_message_id = $message->getId())) $message->generateId();
$this->command("MAIL FROM: " . $message->getReturnPath(true), 250);
$failed = 0;
$sent = 0;
$tmp_sent = 0;
$it = $list->getIterator("to");
while ($it->hasNext())
$address = $it->getValue();
$to[] = $address->build();
try {
$this->command("RCPT TO: " . $address->build(true), 250);
} catch (Swift_BadResponseException $e) {
if ($log->hasLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_FAILURES)) $log->addfailedRecipient($address->getAddress());
$it = $list->getIterator("cc");
while ($it->hasNext())
$address = $it->getValue();
$cc[] = $address->build();
try {
$this->command("RCPT TO: " . $address->build(true), 250);
} catch (Swift_BadResponseException $e) {
if ($log->hasLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_FAILURES)) $log->addfailedRecipient($address->getAddress());
if ($failed == (count($to) + count($cc)))
$this->notifyListeners($send_event, "SendListener");
return 0;
if (!($has_to = $message->getTo()) && !empty($to)) $message->setTo($to);
if (!($has_cc = $message->getCc()) && !empty($cc)) $message->setCc($cc);
$this->command("DATA", 354);
$data = $message->build();
while (false !== $bytes = $data->read())
$this->command($bytes, -1);
if ($log->hasLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_NETWORK)) $log->add("<MESSAGE DATA>", Swift_Log::COMMAND);
try {
$this->command("\r\n.", 250);
$sent += $tmp_sent;
} catch (Swift_BadResponseException $e) {
$failed += $tmp_sent;
$tmp_sent = 0;
$has_bcc = $message->getBcc();
$it = $list->getIterator("bcc");
while ($it->hasNext())
$address = $it->getValue();
if (!$has_bcc) $message->setBcc($address->build());
try {
$this->command("MAIL FROM: " . $message->getReturnPath(true), 250);
$this->command("RCPT TO: " . $address->build(true), 250);
$this->command("DATA", 354);
$data = $message->build();
while (false !== $bytes = $data->read())
$this->command($bytes, -1);
if ($log->hasLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_NETWORK)) $log->add("<MESSAGE DATA>", Swift_Log::COMMAND);
$this->command("\r\n.", 250);
} catch (Swift_BadResponseException $e) {
if ($log->hasLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_FAILURES)) $log->addfailedRecipient($address->getAddress());
$total = count($to) + count($cc) + count($list->getBcc());
$this->notifyListeners($send_event, "SendListener");
if (!$has_return_path) $message->setReturnPath("");
if (!$has_from) $message->setFrom("");
if (!$has_to) $message->setTo("");
if (!$has_reply_to) $message->setReplyTo(null);
if (!$has_cc) $message->setCc(null);
if (!$has_bcc) $message->setBcc(null);
if (!$has_message_id) $message->setId(null);
if ($log->hasLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_NETWORK)) $log->add("Message sent to " . $sent . "/" . $total . " recipients", Swift_Log::NORMAL);
return $sent;
* Send a message to a batch of recipients.
* Unlike send() this method ignores Cc and Bcc recipients and does not reveal every recipients' address in the headers
* @param Swift_Message The message to send (leave out the recipient headers unless you are deliberately overriding them)
* @param Swift_RecipientList The addresses to send to
* @param Swift_Address The address the mail is from (sender)
* @return int The number of successful recipients
public function batchSend(Swift_Message $message, Swift_RecipientList $to, $from)
$batch = new Swift_BatchMailer($this);
return $batch->send($message, $to, $from);
* EasySwift: Swift Mailer Facade
* Please read the LICENSE file
* @author Chris Corbyn <>
* @package EasySwift
* @version 1.0.3
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/Swift/ClassLoader.php";
//Some constants for backwards compatibility with v2 code
if (!defined("SWIFT_TLS")) define("SWIFT_TLS", Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_TLS);
if (!defined("SWIFT_SSL")) define("SWIFT_SSL", Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_SSL);
if (!defined("SWIFT_OPEN")) define("SWIFT_OPEN", Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_OFF);
if (!defined("SWIFT_SECURE_PORT")) define("SWIFT_SECURE_PORT", Swift_Connection_SMTP::PORT_SECURE);
if (!defined("SWIFT_DEFAULT_PORT")) define("SWIFT_DEFAULT_PORT", Swift_Connection_SMTP::PORT_DEFAULT);
* EasySwift: Facade for Swift Mailer Version 3.
* Provides (most of) the API from older versions of Swift, wrapped around the new version 3 API.
* Due to the popularity of the new API, EasySwift will not be around indefinitely.
* @package EasySwift
* @author Chris Corbyn <>
* @deprecated
class EasySwift
* The instance of Swift this class wrappers
* @var Swift
public $swift = null;
* This value becomes set to true when Swift fails
* @var boolean
public $failed = false;
* The number of loaded plugins
* @var int
protected $pluginCount = 0;
* An instance of Swift_Message
* @var Swift_Message
public $message = null;
* An address list to send to (Cc, Bcc, To..)
* @var Swift_RecipientList
public $recipients = null;
* If all recipients should get the same copy of the message, including headers
* This is already implied if any Cc or Bcc recipients are set
* @var boolean
protected $exactCopy = false;
* If EasySwift should get rid of the message and recipients once it's done sending
* @var boolean
protected $autoFlush = true;
* A list of the IDs of all parts added to the message
* @var array
protected $partIds = array();
* A list of all the IDs of the attachments add to the message
* @var array
protected $attachmentIds = array();
* The last response received from the server
* @var string
public $lastResponse = "";
* The 3 digit code in the last response received from the server
* @var int
public $responseCode = 0;
* The list of errors handled at runtime
* @var array
public $errors = array();
* The last error received
* @var string
public $lastError = null;
* Constructor
* @param Swift_Connection The connection to use
* @param string The domain name of this server (not the SMTP server)
public function __construct(Swift_Connection $connection, $domain=null)
try {
$this->swift = new Swift($connection, $domain, Swift::ENABLE_LOGGING);
$this->swift->attachPlugin(new Swift_Plugin_EasySwiftResponseTracker($this), "_ResponseTracker");
} catch (Swift_ConnectionException $e) {
$this->failed = true;
$this->setError("The connection failed to start. An exception was thrown:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
* Set an error message
* @param string Error message
public function setError($msg)
$this->errors[] = ($this->lastError = $msg);
* Get the full list of errors
* @return array
public function getErrors()
return $this->errors;
* Get the last error that occured
* @return string
public function getLastError()
return $this->lastError;
* Clear the current list of errors
public function flushErrors()
$this->errors = null;
$this->errors = array();
* Turn automatic flsuhing on or off.
* This in ON by deault. It removes the message and all parts after sending.
* @param boolean
public function autoFlush($flush=true)
$this->autoFlush = $flush;
* Set the maximum size of the log
* @param int
public function setMaxLogSize($size)
$log = Swift_LogContainer::getLog();
* Turn logging on or off (saves memory)
* @param boolean
public function useLogging($use=true)
$log = Swift_LogContainer::getLog();
if ($use) $log->setLogLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_NETWORK);
else $log->setLogLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_NOTHING);
* Enable line resizing (on 1000 by default)
* @param int The number of characters allowed on a line
public function useAutoLineResizing($size=1000)
* Dump the log contents
* @deprecated
public function getTransactions()
return $this->dumpLog();
* Dump the contents of the log to the browser
* The log contains some &lt; and &gt; characters so you may need to view source
* Note that this method dumps data to the browser, it does NOT return anything.
public function dumpLog()
$log = Swift_LogContainer::getLog();
* This method should be called if you do not wish to send messages in batch mode (i.e. if all recipients should see each others' addresses)
* @param boolean If this mode should be used
public function useExactCopy($bool=true)
$this->exactCopy = $bool;
* Reset the current message and start a fresh one
public function newMessage($msg=false)
if (!$msg) $msg = new Swift_Message();
$this->message = $msg;
$this->partIds = array();
$this->attachmentIds = array();
* Clear out all message parts
* @return boolean
public function flushParts()
$success = true;
foreach ($this->partIds as $id)
try {
} catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e) {
$success = false;
$this->setError("A MIME part failed to detach due to the error:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
$this->partIds = array();
return $success;
* Clear out all attachments
* @return boolean
public function flushAttachments()
$success = true;
foreach ($this->attachmentIds as $id)
try {
} catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e) {
$success = false;
$this->setError("An attachment failed to detach due to the error:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
$this->attachmentIds = array();
return $success;
* Clear out all message headers
* @deprecated
public function flushHeaders()
* Reset the current list of recipients and start a new one
public function newRecipientList($list=false)
if (!$list) $list = new Swift_RecipientList();
$this->recipients = $list;
* Check if Swift has failed or not
* This facade stops processing if so
* @return boolean
public function hasFailed()
return $this->failed;
* Check if the current connection is open or not
* @return boolean
public function isConnected()
return (($this->swift !== null) && $this->swift->connection->isAlive());
* Connect to the MTA if not already connected
public function connect()
if (!$this->isConnected())
try {
return true;
} catch (Swift_ConnectionException $e) {
$this->failed = true;
$this->setError("Swift failed to run the connection process:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
return false;
* Perform the SMTP greeting process (don't do this unless you understand why you're doing it)
public function handshake()
* Close the connection to the MTA
* @return boolean
public function close()
if ($this->isConnected())
try {
return true;
} catch (Swift_ConnectionException $e) {
$this->setError("Disconnect failed:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
return false;
* Send a command to Swift and get a response
* @param string The command to send (leave of CRLF)
* @return string
public function command($command)
if (substr($command, -2) == "\r\n") $command = substr($command, 0, -2);
try {
$rs = $this->swift->command($command);
return $rs->getString();
} catch (Swift_ConnectionException $e) {
$this->setError("Command failed:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
return false;
* Add a new plugin to respond to events
* @param Swift_Events_Listener The plugin to load
* @param string The ID to identify the plugin by if needed
* @return string The ID of the plugin
public function loadPlugin(Swift_Events_Listener $plugin, $name=null)
if (!$name) $name = "p" . $this->pluginCount;
$this->swift->attachPlugin($plugin, $name);
return $name;
* Get a reference to the plugin identified by $name
* @param string the ID of the plugin
* @return Swift_Events_Listener
public function getPlugin($name)
try {
$plugin = $this->swift->getPlugin($name);
return $plugin;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return null;
* Remove the plugin identified by $name
* @param string The ID of the plugin
* @return boolean
public function removePlugin($name)
try {
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
* Load in a new authentication mechanism for SMTP
* This needn't be called since Swift will locate any available in Swift/Authenticator/*.php
* @param Swift_Authenticator The authentication mechanism to load
* @throws Exception If the wrong connection is used
public function loadAuthenticator(Swift_Authenticator $auth)
if (method_exists($this->swift->connection, "attachAuthenticator"))
else throw new Exception("SMTP authentication cannot be used with connection class '" . get_class($this->connection) . "'. Swift_Connection_SMTP is needed");
* Authenticate with SMTP authentication
* @param string The SMTP username
* @param string The SMTP password
* @return boolean
* @throws Exception If the wrong connection is used
public function authenticate($username, $password)
if (method_exists($this->swift->connection, "runAuthenticators"))
try {
$this->swift->connection->runAuthenticators($username, $password, $this->swift);
return true;
} catch (Swift_ConnectionException $e) {
$this->setError("Authentication failed:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
return false;
else throw new Exception("SMTP authentication cannot be used with connection class '" . get_class($this->connection) . "'. Swift_Connection_SMTP is needed");
* Turn a string representation of an email address into a Swift_Address object
* @paramm string The email address
* @return Swift_Address
public function stringToAddress($string)
$name = null;
$address = null;
// Foo Bar <foo@bar>
// or: "Foo Bar" <foo@bar>
// or: <foo@bar>
if (preg_match("/^\\s*(\"?)(.*?)\\1 *<(" . Swift_Message_Encoder::CHEAP_ADDRESS_RE . ")>\\s*\$/", $string, $matches))
if (!empty($matches[2])) $name = $matches[2];
$address = $matches[3];
elseif (preg_match("/^\\s*" . Swift_Message_Encoder::CHEAP_ADDRESS_RE . "\\s*\$/", $string))
$address = trim($string);
else return false;
$swift_address = new Swift_Address($address, $name);
return $swift_address;
* Set the encoding used in the message header
* The encoding can be one of Q (quoted-printable) or B (base64)
* @param string The encoding to use
public function setHeaderEncoding($mode="B")
switch (strtoupper($mode))
case "Q": case "QP": case "QUOTED-PRINTABLE":
* Set the return path address (where bounces go to)
* @param mixed The address as a string or Swift_Address
public function setReturnPath($address)
return $this->message->setReturnPath($address);
* Request for a read recipient to be sent to the reply-to address
* @param boolean
public function requestReadReceipt($request=true)
* Set the message priority
* This is an integer between 1 (high) and 5 (low)
* @param int The level of priority to use
public function setPriority($priority)
* Get the return-path address as a string
* @return string
public function getReturnPath()
try {
return $this->message->getReturnPath();
} catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e) {
return false;
* Set the reply-to header
* @param mixed The address replies come to. String, or Swift_Address, or an array of either.
public function setReplyTo($address)
return $this->message->setReplyTo($address);
* Get the reply-to address(es) as an array of strings
* @return array
public function getReplyTo()
try {
return $this->message->getReplyTo();
} catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e) {
return false;
* Add To: recipients to the email
* @param mixed To address(es)
* @return boolean
public function addTo($address)
return $this->addRecipients($address, "To");
* Get an array of To addresses
* This currently returns an array of Swift_Address objects and may be simplified to an array of strings in later versions
* @return array
public function getToAddresses()
return $this->recipients->getTo();
* Clear out all To: recipients
public function flushTo()
* Add Cc: recipients to the email
* @param mixed Cc address(es)
* @return boolean
public function addCc($address)
return $this->addRecipients($address, "Cc");
* Get an array of Cc addresses
* This currently returns an array of Swift_Address objects and may be simplified to an array of strings in later versions
* @return array
public function getCcAddresses()
return $this->recipients->getCc();
* Clear out all Cc: recipients
public function flushCc()
* Add Bcc: recipients to the email
* @param mixed Bcc address(es)
* @return boolean
public function addBcc($address)
return $this->addRecipients($address, "Bcc");
* Get an array of Bcc addresses
* This currently returns an array of Swift_Address objects and may be simplified to an array of strings in later versions
* @return array
public function getBccAddresses()
return $this->recipients->getBcc();
* Clear out all Bcc: recipients
public function flushBcc()
* Add recipients to the email
* @param mixed Address(es)
* @param string Recipient type (To, Cc, Bcc)
* @return boolean
protected function addRecipients($address, $type)
if (!in_array($type, array("To", "Cc", "Bcc"))) return false;
$method = "add" . $type;
if ($address instanceof Swift_Address)
return true;
$added = 0;
foreach ((array)$address as $addr)
if (is_array($addr))
$addr = array_values($addr);
if (count($addr) >= 2)
$this->recipients->$method($addr[0], $addr[1]);
elseif (count($addr) == 1) $addr = $addr[0];
else continue;
if (is_string($addr))
$addr = $this->stringToAddress($addr);
return ($added > 0);
* Flush message, recipients and headers
public function flush()
* Get a list of any addresses which have failed since instantiation
* @return array
public function getFailedRecipients()
$log = Swift_LogContainer::getLog();
return $log->getFailedRecipients();
* Set the multipart MIME warning message (only seen by old clients)
* @param string The message to show
public function setMimeWarning($text)
* Get the currently set MIME warning (seen by old clients)
* @return string
public function getMimeWarning()
return $this->message->getMimeWarning();
* Set the charset of the charset to use in the message
* @param string The charset (e.g. utf-8, iso-8859-1 etc)
* @return boolean
public function setCharset($charset)
try {
return true;
} catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e) {
$this->setError("Unable to set the message charset:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
return false;
* Get the charset of the charset to use in the message
* @return string
public function getCharset()
return $this->message->getCharset();
* Add a new MIME part to the message
* @param mixed The part to add. If this is a string it's used as the body. If it's an instance of Swift_Message_Part it's used as the entire part
* @param string Content-type, default text/plain
* @param string The encoding used (default is to let Swift decide)
* @param string The charset to use (default is to let swift decide)
public function addPart($body, $type="text/plain", $encoding=null, $charset=null)
if ($body instanceof Swift_Message_Mime)
try {
$this->partIds[] = $this->message->attach($body);
} catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e) {
$this->setError("A MIME part failed to attach:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
return false;
try {
$this->partIds[] = $this->message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($body, $type, $encoding, $charset));
} catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e) {
$this->setError("A MIME part failed to attach:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
return false;
* Add a new attachment to the message
* @param mixed The attachment to add. If this is a string it's used as the file contents. If it's an instance of Swift_Message_Attachment it's used as the entire part. If it's an instance of Swift_File it's used as the contents.
* @param string Filename, optional
* @param string Content-type. Default application/octet-stream
* @param string The encoding used (default is base64)
* @return boolean
public function addAttachment($data, $filename=null, $type="application/octet-stream", $encoding=null)
if ($data instanceof Swift_Message_Mime)
try {
$this->attachmentIds[] = $this->message->attach($data);
} catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e) {
$this->setError("An attachment failed to attach:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
return false;
try {
$this->attachmentIds[] = $this->message->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment($data, $filename, $type, $encoding));
} catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e) {
$this->setError("An attachment failed to attach<br />" . $e->getMessage());
return false;
} catch (Swift_FileException $e) {
$this->setError("An attachment failed to attach:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
return false;
return true;
* Embed an image into the message and get the src attribute for HTML
* Returns FALSE on failure
* @param mixed The path to the image, a Swift_Message_Image object or a Swift_File object
* @return string
public function addImage($input)
$ret = false;
if ($input instanceof Swift_Message_Image)
$ret = $this->message->attach($input);
$this->attachmentIds[] = $ret;
return $ret;
elseif ($input instanceof Swift_File)
try {
$ret = $this->message->attach(new Swift_Message_Image($input));
$this->attachmentIds[] = $ret;
return $ret;
} catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e) {
$this->setError("An attachment failed to attach:<br />" . $e->getMessage());
... Rozdílový soubor je zkrácen, protože jeho délka přesahuje max. limit.

Také k dispozici: Unified diff