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Revize 1386

Přidáno uživatelem David Raška před asi 12 roky(ů)

- Aktualizace prekladu

Zobrazit rozdíly:

'post title' => 'Title after',
'phone' => 'Phone',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'reset_filters' => 'Reset filters',
'street' => 'Street',
'street number' => 'St. number',
'town' => 'Town',
'redirection_preview' => 'Preview shows the page exactly as it appears that IP address. In the case of multiple simultaneously activated to redirect one IP address is displayed only thing that appears as a member first.',
'register_install' => 'Send data about installation (name of organization and your email address) to FreeNetIS developer for getting news and info about development',
'registration_logo' => 'It is an association logo that appears in the upper left corner of the Exported Application. Picture size is 274 x 101 px',
'reset_filters' => 'Reset filters',
'self_cancel' => 'If the message self cancelable, it means that when the display member in the bottom of the page will see a link that will redirect him off. Suitable for informative messages. A distinction is samozrušitelnost for one IP address or IP addresses for all members.',
'self_cancel_text' => 'The text for link is designed to cancel mamber redirection. This text is displayed in the bottom of the page redirected member.',
'self_cancel_url' => 'It addresses the central gate, which runs lighthttpd web server. Firewall rules on the central gate thus identify the user\'s intention to terminate redirection. Page therefore may contain brief information for the user to terminate any links and redirects.',

Také k dispozici: Unified diff