


<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreeNetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Controller for displaying different javascript for different queries.
* @author Michal Kliment
class Js_Controller extends Controller

* Base view
* @var View Object
private $view = NULL;

* Array of other views put into document ready
* @var array
private $views = array();

* Array of other views not puted into document ready
* @var array
private $views_notready = array();

* Constructor, only send header
* @author Michal Kliment
public function __construct()
header("Content-type: text/javascript");

* Method for remap default behaviour of controllers
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param string $method
* @param array $args
public function _remap($method, $args)
$args = arr::merge(array($method), $args);
$method = '';

// create base view
$this->view = new View('js/base');

// for all url segments
for ($i = 1; $i <= count($args); $i++)
$method = implode('_', array_slice($args, 0, $i));

// method with this name exist => call it
if (method_exists($this, '_js_'.$method))
array($this, '_js_'.$method),
array_slice($args, $i)
// view with this name exist => create it
else if (Kohana::find_file('views', 'js/' . $method, FALSE))
$this->views[$method] = new View('js/' . $method);

$this->view->views = $this->views;
$this->view->views_notready = $this->views_notready;
/***************** Methods for javascript queries *************************/
private function _js_address_points_add()
private function _js_devices_add()
$this->views['devices_add'] = View::factory('js/devices_add');
private function _js_devices_edit()
private function _js_ifaces_add()
private function _js_ifaces_edit($iface_id = NULL)
private function _js_members_add()
private function _js_members_edit()
private function _js_members_fees_add($member_id = NULL, $fee_type_id = NULL)
$fee_model = new Fee_Model();
$enum_type_model = new Enum_type_Model();
$fees = array();
// fee_id is not set (or it is not numeric)
if ($fee_type_id && is_numeric($fee_type_id))
// find fee type
$fee_type = $enum_type_model->where(array
'id' => $fee_type_id,
'type_id' => Enum_type_Model::FEE_TYPE_ID

// finds all fees of this type
if ($fee_type && $fee_type->id)
$fees = $fee_model->get_all_fees_by_fee_type_id($fee_type->id);
// fee_id is not set (or it is not numeric)
$fees = $fee_model->get_all_fees('type_id');
$this->views['members_fees_add'] = View::factory('js/members_fees_add');
$this->views['members_fees_add']->fees = $fees;
private function _js_members_show()
private function _js_members_show_all(
$limit_results = 100, $order_by = 'id',
$order_by_direction = 'ASC', $page_word = 'page', $page = 1,
$registrations = 0)
$this->views['members_show_all'] = View::factory('js/members_show_all');
$this->views['members_show_all']->registrations = $registrations;
private function _js_messages_activate()
private function _js_notifications()
private function _js_registration()
private function _js_users_show($user_id = NULL)
$this->views['users_show'] = View::factory('js/users_show')->render();
private function _js_voip_show($user_id = NULL)
private function _js_voip_calls_show_by_user($user_id = NULL)
private function _js_work_reports_add()
private function _js_work_reports_edit()
/***************** Helper methods for javascript queries ******************/
* Adds javascript for hiding application password
private function application_password()
$this->views['__pieces_gps'] =
* Adds javascript for GPS filling in address point
private function address_point_gps()
$this->views['__pieces_gps'] =
* Adds javascript for town streets interaction
private function address_point_streets()
$this->views['__pieces_address_point_street'] =
* Adds javascript for toogling domicicles
private function domicile_toogle()
$this->views['__pieces_domicile'] =
* Calculator for VoIP calls
* @param integer $user_id
private function voip_calculator($user_id = NULL)
if ($user_id && is_numeric($user_id))
$user = new User_Model($user_id);
if ($user && $user->id)
$sip = ORM::factory('voip_sip')
->where('user_id', $user->id)
if ($sip && $sip->id)
$view = View::factory('js/__pieces/voip_calculator');
$view->sip_name = $sip->name;
$this->views['__pieces_voip_calculator'] = $view->render();
* Function to segments and ifaces
private function segment_iface()
$this->views['__pieces_segment_iface'] =
* Adds javascript for work reports forms
private function work_report_form_functions()
$this->views_notready['__pieces_work_report_form_functions'] =
private function notification_activate()
$this->views['__pieces_notification_activate'] =