


<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Router
* $Id: Router.php 1911 2008-02-04 16:13:16Z PugFish $
* @package Core
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license
class Router {

public static $default_route = 'login';
protected static $routes = array();

public static $current_uri = '';
public static $segments = array();
public static $rsegments = array();

public static $query_string = '';
public static $url_suffix = '';

public static $directory = FALSE;
public static $controller = FALSE;
public static $method = FALSE;
public static $arguments = FALSE;

* Router setup routine. Automatically called during Kohana setup process.
public static function setup()
// Make sure the default route is set
if ( ! isset(self::$default_route))
throw new Kohana_Exception('core.no_default_route');

$lang = (string) cookie::get('lang');

if (!$lang)
$lang = Config::get('lang');

self::$default_route = $lang.'/'.self::$default_route;

$lang = '[a-zA-Z]{2}';
self::$routes = array
// '_default' => 'home',
$lang => 'home',

// Catch-all language route
$lang.'/(.*)' => '$1',

// Clean up

// Use the default route when no segments exist
if (self::$current_uri == '' OR self::$current_uri == '/')
self::$current_uri = self::$default_route;
$use_default_route = TRUE;
$use_default_route = FALSE;

if ( ! empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))
// Set the query string to the current query string
self::$query_string = '?'.trim($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '&');

self::$rsegments = explode('/', self::$current_uri);

// Prepare for Controller search
self::$directory = '';
self::$controller = '';

// We check this path statically, because it's overwhelmingly the most
// common path for controllers to be located at
if (count(self::$rsegments) && is_file(APPPATH.'controllers/'.self::$rsegments[0].EXT))
self::$directory = APPPATH.'controllers/';
self::$controller = self::$rsegments[0];
self::$method = (isset(self::$rsegments[1])) ? self::$rsegments[1] : 'index';
self::$arguments = (isset(self::$rsegments[2])) ? array_slice(self::$rsegments, 2) : array();
// Fetch the include paths
$include_paths = Config::include_paths();

// Path to be added to as we search deeper
$search = 'controllers';

// Use the rsegments to find the controller
foreach(self::$rsegments as $key => $segment)
foreach($include_paths as $path)
// The controller has been found, all arguments can be set
if (is_file($path.$search.'/'.$segment.EXT))
self::$directory = $path.$search.'/';
self::$controller = $segment;
self::$method = isset(self::$rsegments[$key + 1]) ? self::$rsegments[$key + 1] : 'index';
self::$arguments = isset(self::$rsegments[$key + 2]) ? array_slice(self::$rsegments, $key + 2) : array();

// Stop searching, two levels for foreach
break 2;

// Add the segment to the search
$search .= '/'.$segment;

// If the controller is empty, run the system.404 event
empty(self::$controller) and Event::run('system.404');

* Attempts to determine the current URI using CLI, GET, PATH_INFO, ORIG_PATH_INFO, or PHP_SELF.
public static function find_uri()
if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli')
// Command line requires a bit of hacking
if (isset($_SERVER['argv'][1]))
self::$current_uri = $_SERVER['argv'][1];

// Remove GET string from segments
if (($query = strpos(self::$current_uri, '?')) !== FALSE)
list (self::$current_uri, $query) = explode('?', self::$segments, 2);

// Insert query into GET array
foreach(explode('&', $query) as $pair)
list ($key, $val) = array_pad(explode('=', $pair), 1, '');

$_GET[utf8::clean($key)] = utf8::clean($val);
elseif (count($_GET) === 1 AND current($_GET) == '' AND substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], -1) !== '=')
// The URI is the array key, eg: ?this/is/the/uri
self::$current_uri = key($_GET);

// Fixes really strange handling of a suffix in a GET string
if ($suffix = Config::get('core.url_suffix') AND substr(self::$current_uri, -(strlen($suffix))) === '_'.substr($suffix, 1))
self::$current_uri = substr(self::$current_uri, 0, -(strlen($suffix)));

// Destroy GET
$_GET = array();
elseif (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) AND $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])
self::$current_uri = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
self::$current_uri = $_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'];
elseif (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) AND $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
self::$current_uri = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

// The front controller directory and filename
$fc = substr(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']), strlen(DOCROOT));

if (($strpos_fc = strpos(self::$current_uri, $fc)) !== FALSE)
// Remove the front controller from the current uri
self::$current_uri = (string) substr(self::$current_uri, $strpos_fc + strlen($fc));

if ($suffix = Config::get('core.url_suffix') AND strpos(self::$current_uri, $suffix) !== FALSE)
// Remove the URL suffix
self::$current_uri = preg_replace('!'.preg_quote($suffix).'$!u', '', self::$current_uri);

// Set the URL suffix
self::$url_suffix = $suffix;

// Remove extra slashes from the segments that could cause fucked up routing
self::$current_uri = preg_replace('!//+!', '/', trim(self::$current_uri, '/'));

* Filter a string for allowed URI characters.
* @param string string to filter
* @return string
public static function filter_uri($str)
$str = trim($str);

if ($str != '' AND ($allowed = Config::get('routes._allowed')) != '')
if ( ! preg_match('|^['.preg_quote($allowed).']++$|iuD', $str))
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
exit('The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.');

return $str;

} // End Router class