


<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreeNetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Gets number of current SVN revision ID
* @return integer
function get_SVN_rev()
$svnid = '$Rev: 1254 $';
$svnid = substr($svnid , 6);
$svnid = substr($svnid , 0, -2);
return $svnid;

* Upgrates streets
* @author Ondřej Fibich
* @throws Exception
* @return bool
function upgrade_sql_after()
// My servant
$ap_model = new Address_point_Model();
// My map
$aps = $ap_model->find_all();
// My notebook
$street_id_cache = array();
// My connection to my kingdom
$db = Database::instance();
// My journey begins!
// One day I'd like to walk throught all streets in my kingdom.
/* @var $ap Address_point_Model */
foreach ($aps as $ap)
// Some streets didn't exists in my map.
if (!$ap->street_id)
// Sometimes I get lost and I went to street with same name.
if (array_key_exists($ap->street_id, $street_id_cache))
// But sometimes the street was in the different town.
// Than I had to mark it to my map and notebook.
if ($ap->town_id != $street_id_cache[$ap->street_id])
$street = new Street_Model();
$street = $street->get_street($ap->street->street, $ap->town_id);
$ap->street_id = $street->id;
$street_id_cache[$ap->street_id] = $ap->town_id;
// Street belongs to town which I knew.
$ap->street->town_id = $ap->town_id;
// When I get to streets I had never been before,
// I marked it to my note.
$ap->street->town_id = $ap->town_id;
$street_id_cache[$ap->street_id] = $ap->town_id;
// My journey ends!
catch (Exception $e)
// Something terrible happends!
// I'am dying :-(
throw $e;
// I'm back home with cup of tea :-)
return TRUE;

* Column for town key in streets
* @author Ondřej Fibich
$upgrade_sql[get_SVN_rev()] = array
"ALTER TABLE `streets` ADD `town_id` INT( 11 ) NULL AFTER `id`;",

"ALTER TABLE `streets` ADD INDEX ( `town_id` );",

"ALTER TABLE `streets` ADD FOREIGN KEY ( `town_id` ) REFERENCES `towns` ( `id` ) ON DELETE SET NULL;",