


« Předchozí | Další » 

Revize 1251

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před asi 13 roky(ů)


- strhavani kreditu za soukrome sluzby v telefonnich fakturach


- optimalizace a zabezpeceni importu telefonnich faktur transakcemi
- uprava rozhrani tel. faktur
- v MY_Controlleru zmeneny nektere metody na staticke

Zobrazit rozdíly:

'disable this subnet' => 'Zakázat tuto podsíť',
'disabled' => 'Vypnuto',
'disagree' => 'Nesouhlas',
'discount private services from phone keepers credit account' => 'Strhnout soukromé služby z kreditního účtu držitelů telefonů',
'discounted from credit accounts' => 'Strženo z kreditních účtů',
'display member' => 'Zobraz člena',
'display user' => 'Zobraz uživatele',
'dns configuration' => 'Konfigurace DNS',
'error - cannot assign transfer' => 'Chyba - nelze přiřadit převod.',
'error - cannot complete registration' => 'Chyba - Nelze dokončit registraci',
'error - cannot delete bank statement' => 'Chyba - nelze smazat bankovní výpis.',
'error - cannot discount private services' => 'Chyba - nemohu strhnout soukromé služby.',
'error - cannot load intelligent selection' => 'Chyba - nelze načíst inteligentní výběr',
'error - cannot update message' => 'Chyba - nelze upravit zprávu.',
'error - cannot remove admin of cloud' => 'Chyba - nelze odebrat admina oblasti',
'invoice has been successfully added' => 'Faktura byla úspěšně přidána.',
'invoice has been successfully deleted' => 'Faktura byla úspěšně smazána.',
'invoice has been successfully updated' => 'Faktura byla úspěšně aktualizována.',
'invoice has to be locked for this operation' => 'Faktura musí být pro tuto operaci uzamčena.',
'invoice item has been successfully added' => 'Položka faktury byla úspěšně přidána.',
'invoice item has been successfully deleted' => 'Položka faktury byla úspěšně smazána.',
'invoice item has been successfully updated' => 'Položka faktury byla úspěšně aktualizována.',
'number of the recipient' => 'Číslo příjemce',
'phone number of the sim card' => 'Telefonní číslo SIM karty',
'phone invoice has been' => 'Faktura byla',
'phone invoice' => 'Telefonní faktura',
'number of the sender' => 'Číslo odesilatele',
'numbers' => 'Čísla',
'number interval' => 'Rozsah čísel',
'price per kilometre' => 'Cena za kilometr',
'price per one hour, kilometre' => 'Cena za jednu hodinu, kilometr',
'price vat' => 'Cena s DPH',
'prices of private services has been discounted from phone keepers credit accounts' => 'Ceny soukromých služeb byly strhnuty z creditních účtů držitelů telefonů.',
'primary dns' => 'Primární DNS.',
'primary user of member cannot be deleted' => 'Primárního uživatele člena nelze smazat.',
'priority' => 'Priorita',
'private phone contact has been deleted' => 'Soukromí telefonní kontakt byl smazán.',
'contacts can be added in telephone invoices' => 'Kontakty mohou být přidány v telefonních fakturách',
'private phone contacts of user, which are used in telephone invoices' => 'Soukromé uživatelské telefonní kontakty, které jsou užívány v telefonních fakturách',
'private services already discounted' => 'Soukromé služby již byli strhnuty.',
'private user contacts' => 'Soukromé uživatelské kontakty',
'profile of association' => 'Profil organizace',
'project account' => 'Účet projektu',
<method name="pay" autogenerate="on">
<attribute name="phone_invoice_id" default_value="0" />
<param value="0" />
<method name="show_by_user" autogenerate="off">
<attribute name="user_id" default_value="0"/>
<method name="valid_price_per_km" autogenerate="off">
<attribute name="input" default_value=""/>
<model name="account">
<method name="get_accounts_count" autogenerate="off">
<method name="get_ip_addresses_of_members_in_protective_period" autogenerate="on">
<method name="set_whitelist" autogenerate="on">
<attribute name="whitelist" default_value="" />
<attribute name="ip_address_id" default_value="" />
<param value="" />
<param value="" />
<param value="" />
<model name="ip_addresses_traffic">
<method name="count_all_ip_addresses_traffics" autogenerate="on">
<method name="get_rating" autogenerate="on">
<method name="get_count_of_unvoted_work_reports_of_voter" autogenerate="on">
<attribute name="user_id" default_value="" />
<model name="phone_invoice">
<method name="is_payed" autogenerate="on">
<method name="is_unique" autogenerate="on">
<method name="transfer_link" autogenerate="off">
<attribute name="item" default_value=""/>
<attribute name="name" default_value=""/>
<method name="work_approved" autogenerate="off">
<attribute name="item" default_value=""/>
<method name="work_report_payment_type" autogenerate="on">
<method name="work_report_rating" autogenerate="off">
<attribute name="item" default_value="" />
<attribute name="name" default_value="" />
<attribute name="item" default_value=""/>
<attribute name="name" default_value=""/>
<param value="" />
<param value="" />
<method name="limited_text" autogenerate="off">
<helper name="condition">
<method name="is_own" autogenerate="off">
* Callback for transfer
* @author Ondrej Fibich
* @param object $item
* @param string $name
public static function transfer_link($item, $name)
if (isset($item->transfer_id, $item->amount) && $item->transfer_id)
echo html::anchor(
'transfers/show/' . $item->transfer_id,
number_format($item->amount, 2, ',', ' ') .
' ' . __(Settings::get('currency'))
* Callback for true false values.
* @author Ondrej Fibich
echo ($item->$name <= .0) ? '<span style="color:red">' : '';
echo str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', number_format($item->$name, 2, ',', ' '));
echo ' ' . __(Settings::get('currency'));
echo ($item->$name <= .0) ? '</span>' : '';
* @property User_Model $user
* @property integer $phone_invoice_id
* @property Phone_invoice_Model $phone_invoice
* @property integer $transfer_id
* @property Transfer_Model
* @property string $phone_number
* @property boolean $locked
* @property ORM $phone_connections
class Phone_invoice_user_Model extends ORM
protected $belongs_to = array('user', 'phone_invoice');
protected $belongs_to = array('user', 'phone_invoice', 'transfer');
protected $has_many = array
return $this->db->query("
SELECT, pi.locked, p.locked AS filled,
pi.billing_period_to, p.user_id,
pi.billing_period_to, p.user_id, p.transfer_id, t.amount,
p.phone_number AS number,
)) AS price_private
FROM phone_invoice_users p
LEFT JOIN transfers t ON p.transfer_id =
LEFT JOIN phone_invoices pi ON p.phone_invoice_id =
WHERE p.user_id = ?
", $user_id);
// madness query to calculate price for each user invoicee
return $this->db->query("
SELECT p.tax_rate, `phone_invoice_users`.`id`, `phone_invoice_users`.`locked` AS filled,
`phone_invoice_users`.`phone_number` ,
CONCAT( `users`.`surname`, ' ', `users`.`name` ) AS `name`,
SELECT p.tax_rate,, piu.locked AS filled,
piu.user_id, piu.phone_number , piu.transfer_id, t.amount,
CONCAT( users.surname, ' ', ) AS name,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_fixed_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_vpn_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_sms_messages
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_pays
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_roaming_sms_messages
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_connections
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
) * (1 + p.tax_rate / 100) AS price_company,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_fixed_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_vpn_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_sms_messages
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_pays
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_roaming_sms_messages
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_connections
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_fixed_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_vpn_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_sms_messages
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_pays
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_roaming_sms_messages
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_connections
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 0)
) * (1 + p.tax_rate / 100) AS price_company,
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_fixed_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_vpn_calls
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_sms_messages
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_pays
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_roaming_sms_messages
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
(SELECT IFNULL(SUM( price ), 0)
FROM phone_connections
WHERE phone_invoice_user_id AND private = 1)
) * (1 + p.tax_rate / 100) AS price_private
FROM `phone_invoice_users`
LEFT JOIN `phone_invoices` p ON `p`.`id` = `phone_invoice_users`.`phone_invoice_id`
LEFT JOIN `users` ON `phone_invoice_users`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
WHERE `phone_invoice_users`.`phone_invoice_id` = ?;
FROM phone_invoice_users piu
LEFT JOIN phone_invoices p ON = piu.phone_invoice_id
LEFT JOIN users ON piu.user_id =
LEFT JOIN transfers t ON piu.transfer_id =
WHERE piu.phone_invoice_id = ?;
", array($invoice_id));
* @return array[string]
public function select_list_grouped()
public static function select_list_grouped()
$list = array();
$assoc_user = $this->where('id', self::ASSOCIATION)->find();
$assoc_user = ORM::factory('user', self::ASSOCIATION);
$list[__('Association')][$assoc_user->id] = $assoc_user->member->name;
$users = $this->where('id !=', self::ASSOCIATION)
$concat = "CONCAT(
COALESCE(surname, ''), ' ',
COALESCE(name, ''), ' - ',
COALESCE(login, '')
foreach ($users as $user)
$list[__('users')][$user->id] = $user->surname.' '.$user->name;
$list[__('Users')] = $assoc_user->where('id !=', self::ASSOCIATION)
->select_list('id', $concat);
return $list;
public function get_transaction_code_duplicities($transaction_codes)
if (!count($transaction_codes))
if (!is_array($transaction_codes) || !count($transaction_codes))
return array();
* @property double $total_price
* @property double $tax
* @property double $tax_rate
* @property boolean $locked
* @property ORM $phone_invoice_users
class Phone_invoice_Model extends ORM
protected $has_many = array('phone_invoice_users');
* Test if users has payd for invoice
* @return bool
public function is_payed()
static $cache = array();
if (!$this->id)
return FALSE;
if (!isset($cache[$this->id]))
$cache[$this->id] = $this->db->query("
FROM phone_invoice_users
WHERE phone_invoice_id = ? AND transfer_id IS NOT NULL
", $this->id)->current()->count > 0;
return $cache[$this->id];
* Test if invoice is not in database already
$phone_invoice = new Phone_invoice_Model();
$integrity_test = ($form->test_number_count_enabled->value == '1');
$data = Parser_Vodafone_Invoice::parse($form->parse->value, $integrity_test);
$phone_invoice = new Phone_invoice_Model();
$phone_invoice->date_of_issuance = $data->date_of_issuance->format('Y-m-d');
$phone_invoice->billing_period_from = $data->billing_period_from->format('Y-m-d');
self::_set_invoice_data($data, $phone_invoice);
// redirect to edit
url::redirect(url_lang::base() . '/phone_invoices/show/' . $phone_invoice->id . '/');
catch (Exception $e)
$form->parse->add_error('requied', nl2br($e->getMessage()));
* @param integer $phone_invoice_id
* @param integer $phone_invoice_user_id
public function show($phone_invoice_id = -1, $phone_invoice_user_id = -1)
public function show($phone_invoice_id = NULL, $phone_invoice_user_id = NULL)
if (!$this->acl_check_view('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'details'))
$form = NULL;
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'details'))
$phone_inv_user_model = new Phone_invoice_user_Model();
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'details') &&
if (intval($phone_invoice_user_id) >= 0)
if (!$phone_inv_user_model->id)
$phone_inv_user_model = new Phone_invoice_user_Model($phone_invoice_user_id);
$user = new User_Model();
$users = $user->get_all_user_names();
$users_data = array();
if (!$phone_inv_user_model->id)
if ($phone_inv_user_model->phone_invoice->locked)
foreach ($users as $u)
$users_data[$u->id] = $u->username;
$form = new Forge(
url::base(TRUE) . url::current(true), '',
'POST', array('id' => 'phone_invoices_form')
$form = new Forge(
url::base(TRUE) . url::current(true), '',
'POST', array('id' => 'phone_invoices_form')
->label(__('Phone') . ' ' . $phone_inv_user_model->phone_number)
->label(__('Phone') . ' ' . $phone_inv_user_model->phone_number)
if ($form->validate())
$phone_inv_user_model->user_id = $form->user_id->value;
if ($form->validate())
$phone_inv_user_model->user_id = $form->user_id->value;
status::success('User has been assigned');
url::redirect(url_lang::base() . 'phone_invoices/show/' . $phone_invoice_id);
status::success('User has been assigned');
url::redirect(url_lang::base() . 'phone_invoices/show/' . $phone_invoice_id);
$grid = new Grid(url_lang::base() . 'phone_invoices/show', NULL, array
'use_selector' => false
$phone_inv_user_model = new Phone_invoice_user_Model();
$is_payed = $phone_invoice->is_payed();
$query = $phone_inv_user_model->get_all_invoice_users($phone_invoice->id);
->label(__('Company') . '&nbsp;' . help::hint('price_tax'))
if ($is_payed)
$actions = $grid->grouped_action_field();
$view->title = __('Detail of invoice');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs->html();
$view->content = new View('phone_invoices/show');
$view->content->is_payed = $is_payed;
$view->content->phone_invoice = $phone_invoice;
$view->content->total_price = $phone_invoice->total_price + $phone_invoice->tax;
$view->content->grid = $grid;
if ($phone_invoice->is_payed())
$phone_invoice->locked = !$phone_invoice->locked;
* Disccount private services price from users credit
* @param integer $phone_invoice_id
public function pay($phone_invoice_id = 0)
if (!$this->acl_check_new('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'pay'))
if (intval($phone_invoice_id) <= 0)
$phone_invoice = new Phone_invoice_Model($phone_invoice_id);
$phone_invoice_user = new Phone_invoice_user_Model();
if (!$phone_invoice->id)
// is not locked?
if (!$phone_invoice->locked)
status::warning('Invoice has to be locked for this operation.');
url::redirect(url_lang::base() . 'phone_invoices/show/' . $phone_invoice_id);
// already payed?
if ($phone_invoice->is_payed())
status::warning('Private services already discounted.');
url::redirect(url_lang::base() . 'phone_invoices/show/' . $phone_invoice_id);
// users of invoice
$users = $phone_invoice_user->get_all_invoice_users($phone_invoice->id);
// accounts
$account_model = new Account_Model();
$operating_id = $account_model->where(array(
'account_attribute_id' => Account_attribute_Model::$operating
// for each number in invoice
foreach ($users as $user)
// load
// unassigned or empty or asociation?
if (!$user->user_id ||
!$phone_invoice_user->id ||
$user->price_private == 0 ||
$phone_invoice_user->user->member_id == Member_Model::ASSOCIATION)
// account
$credit_id = $account_model->where(array
'member_id' => $phone_invoice_user->user->member_id,
'account_attribute_id' => Account_attribute_Model::$credit
echo $phone_invoice_user->user->get_full_name() . ' ' . $credit_id . "<br><br>";
// add transfer
$transfer_id = Transfer_Model::insert_transfer(
$credit_id, $operating_id, null, null,
null, date('Y-m-d'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
__('Phone invoice') . ' ' . $phone_invoice->id,
// add to user
$phone_invoice_user->transfer_id = $transfer_id;
// commit
'Prices of private services has been discounted ' .
'from phone keepers credit accounts.'
catch (Kohana_Database_Exception $e)
status::error('Error - cannot discount private services');
url::redirect(url_lang::base() . 'phone_invoices/show/' . $phone_invoice_id);
* Displays users phone invoices
* @param integer $user_id
->label(__('Billing period to'));
$action = $grid->grouped_action_field();
$heading = null;
$edit_enabled = ((
$this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps') &&
) || (
$phone_inv_model->locked == 0 &&
$phone_inv_user_model->locked == 0 &&
'Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps', $user->member_id
switch ($detail_of)
$grid->callback_field('number')->label(__('Called number'))
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps') ||
($phone_inv_model->locked == 0 &&
$phone_inv_user_model->locked == 0 &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps', $user->member_id)))
if ($edit_enabled)
if ($_POST && count($_POST))
->label(__('Called number'))
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps') ||
($phone_inv_model->locked == 0 &&
$phone_inv_user_model->locked == 0 &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps', $user->member_id)))
if ($edit_enabled)
if ($_POST && count($_POST))
->label(__('Called number'))
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps') ||
($phone_inv_model->locked == 0 &&
$phone_inv_user_model->locked == 0 &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps', $user->member_id)))
if ($edit_enabled)
if ($_POST && count($_POST))
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps') ||
($phone_inv_model->locked == 0 &&
$phone_inv_user_model->locked == 0 &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps', $user->member_id)))
if ($edit_enabled)
if ($_POST && count($_POST))
->label(__('Roaming zone'));
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps') ||
($phone_inv_model->locked == 0 &&
$phone_inv_user_model->locked == 0 &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps', $user->member_id)))
if ($edit_enabled)
if ($_POST && count($_POST))
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps') ||
($phone_inv_model->locked == 0 &&
$phone_inv_user_model->locked == 0 &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps', $user->member_id)))
if ($edit_enabled)
if ($_POST && count($_POST))
if ($this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps') ||
($phone_inv_model->locked == 0 &&
$this->acl_check_edit('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps', $user->member_id)))
if ($edit_enabled)
if ($_POST && count($_POST))
$prices->phone_roaming_sms_messages_company +
$phone_invoice = new Phone_invoice_Model($phone_inv_user_model->phone_invoice_id);
$user = new User_Model($phone_inv_user_model->user_id);
$phone_invoice = $phone_inv_user_model->phone_invoice;
$user = $phone_inv_user_model->user;
$price = round($price_private + ($price_private * $phone_invoice->tax_rate / 100), 2);
// breadcrumbs navigation
$view->title = __('Detail of invoice');
$view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs->html();
$view->content = new View('phone_invoices/show_details');
$view->content->edit_enabled = $edit_enabled;
$view->content->phone_invoice = $phone_inv_model;
$view->content->phone_invoice_user = $phone_inv_user_model;
$view->content->phone_invoice_user_lock_enabled =
private function _set_invoice_data(Bill_Data &$data, Phone_invoice_Model &$phone_invoice)
/* @var $services Services */
foreach ($data->bill_numbers as $services)
$user_id = self::user_number_cache($services->number);
if (!intval($user_id))
$user_id = NULL;
$phone_inv_user = new Phone_invoice_user_Model();
$phone_inv_user->user_id = strval(self::user_number_cache($services->number));
$phone_inv_user->user_id = $user_id;
$phone_inv_user->phone_invoice_id = $phone_invoice->id;
$phone_inv_user->phone_number = $services->number;
/* @var $item Call_Service */
foreach ($services->calls as $item)
$model->private = ($ppcontact_id <= 0) ? '0' : '1';
/* @var $item Fixed_Call_Service */
$model->private = (($ppcontact_id <= 0) &&
(self::user_number_cache($model->number) != 0)) ? '0' : '1';
/* @var $item Vpn_Call_Service */
$model->private = ($ppcontact_id <= 0) ? '0' : '1';
/* @var $item Sms_Service */
$model->private = ($ppcontact_id <= 0) ? '0' : '1';
/* @var $item RoamingSms_Service */
$model->price = $item->price;
$model->roaming_zone = $item->roaming_zone;
$model->private = '1';
/* @var $item Internet_Service */
$model->apn = $item->apn;
$model->transfered = $item->transfered;
$model->private = '1';
/* @var $item Pay_Service */
$model->description = $item->description;
$model->private = '1';
* Column for payment type of work report
* Column for transfer key in phone invoice users
* @author Ondřej Fibich
$upgrade_sql[get_SVN_rev()] = array
"ALTER TABLE `job_reports` ADD `payment_type` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
COMMENT 'Specified payment, 0 is credit payment, 1 is cash payment, see model for more details'"
"ALTER TABLE `phone_invoice_users` ADD `transfer_id` INT( 11 ) NULL AFTER `phone_invoice_id`;",
"ALTER TABLE `phone_invoice_users` ADD INDEX ( `transfer_id` );",
"ALTER TABLE `phone_invoice_users` ADD FOREIGN KEY ( `transfer_id` ) REFERENCES `transfers` ( `id` ) ON SET NULL;",
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreeNetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:
* Column for payment type of work report
* @author Ondřej Fibich
$upgrade_sql[1247] = array
"ALTER TABLE `job_reports` ADD `payment_type` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
COMMENT 'Specified payment, 0 is credit payment, 1 is cash payment, see model for more details'"
* Function shows error of given message number.
* @param $message
* @param $content
* @param integer $message_type
* @param string $content
public function error($message_type, $content = NULL)
public static function error($message_type, $content = NULL)
switch ($message_type)
case ACCESS:
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Access denied');
$this->showbox($message, self::ICON_ERROR, $content);
case EMAIL:
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Failed to send e-mail') . '<br />' .
url_lang::lang('states.Please check settings.');
$this->showbox($message, self::ICON_ERROR, $content);
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Failed to send e-mail') .
'<br />' . url_lang::lang('states.Please check settings.');
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Failed to connect to database') .
'<br />' . url_lang::lang('states.Please check settings.');
$this->showbox($message, self::ICON_ERROR, $content);
case RECORD:
$message = url_lang::lang('states.This record does not exist');
$this->showbox($message, self::ICON_ERROR, $content);
case PAGE:
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Page not found');
$this->showbox($message, self::ICON_ERROR, $content);
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Database upgrade failed');
$this->showbox($message, self::ICON_ERROR, $content);
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Directory or file is not writable.');
$this->showbox($message, self::ICON_ERROR, $content);
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Item is read only.');
$this->showbox($message, self::ICON_ERROR, $content);
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Unknown error message');
$this->showbox($message, self::ICON_WARNING, $content);
self::showbox($message, self::ICON_ERROR, $content);
* Function shows warning of given message number.
* @param integer $message
* @param integer $message_type
* @param string $content
public function warning($message, $content = NULL)
public static function warning($message_type, $content = NULL)
switch ($message)
switch ($message_type)
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Parameter required');
$this->showbox($message, self::ICON_WARNING, $content);
$message = url_lang::lang('states.Unknown warning message');
$this->showbox($message, self::ICON_WARNING, $content);
self::showbox($message, self::ICON_WARNING, $content);
* @param integer $type
* @param string $content
private function showbox($message, $type, $content = NULL)
private static function showbox($message, $type, $content = NULL)
$view = new View('main');
$view->content = new View('statesbox');
<th><?php echo __('Price out of tax') ?></th>
<td><?php echo number_format($phone_invoice->total_price, 2, ',', ' ') ?></td>
<td><?php echo number_format($phone_invoice->total_price, 2, ',', ' ') ?> <?php __(Settings::get('currency')) ?></td>
<th><?php echo __('Tax') ?></th>
<td><?php echo number_format($phone_invoice->tax, 2, ',', ' ') ?> / <?php echo $phone_invoice->tax_rate ?>%</td>
<td><?php echo number_format($phone_invoice->tax, 2, ',', ' ') ?> <?php __(Settings::get('currency')) ?> / <?php echo $phone_invoice->tax_rate ?>%</td>
<th><?php echo __('Total price') ?></th>
<td><b><?php echo number_format($total_price, 2, ',', ' ') ?></b></td>
<td><b><?php echo number_format($total_price, 2, ',', ' ') ?> <?php __(Settings::get('currency')) ?></b></td>
<?php if (!$is_payed): ?>
<?php if (!$phone_invoice->locked && $this->acl_check_new('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'mail_warning')): ?>
<th><?php echo html::image(array('src' => 'media/images/inbox.png')); ?></th>
<th><?php echo html::anchor(url_lang::base() . 'phone_invoices/post_mail_warning/' . $phone_invoice->id, __('Send mail warning to users related with invoice')) ?></th>
<th><?php echo html::anchor('phone_invoices/post_mail_warning/' . $phone_invoice->id, __('Send mail warning to users related with invoice')) ?></th>
<?php endif; ?>
<th><?php echo html::image(array('src' => 'media/images/locked.png')); ?></th>
<th><?php echo html::anchor(url_lang::base() . 'phone_invoices/lock_set/' . $phone_invoice->id, $phone_invoice->locked ? __('Unlock invoice') : __('Lock invoice')) ?></th>
<th><?php echo html::anchor('phone_invoices/lock_set/' . $phone_invoice->id, $phone_invoice->locked ? __('Unlock invoice') : __('Lock invoice')) ?></th>
<?php if ($phone_invoice->locked): ?>
<th><?php echo html::image(array('src' => 'media/images/icons/grid_action/money.png')); ?></th>
<th><?php echo html::anchor('phone_invoices/pay/' . $phone_invoice->id, __('Discount private services from phone keepers credit account')) ?></th>
<?php endif ?>
<?php else: ?>
<th><?php echo html::image(array('src' => 'media/images/icons/grid_action/money.png')); ?></th>
<th style="color: green; font-weight: bold"><?php echo __('Discounted from credit accounts') ?></th>
<?php endif ?>
</table><br />
<h2><?php echo __('Phones in invoice') ?></h2><br />
<table class="extended" cellspacing="0">
<th><?php echo url_lang::lang('texts.Price out of tax') ?></th>
<td><?php echo number_format($price_private, 2, ',', ' ') ?></td>
<td><?php echo number_format($price_private, 2, ',', ' ') ?> <?php echo __(Settings::get('currency')) ?></td>
<th><?php echo url_lang::lang('texts.Tax rate') ?></th>
<td><?php echo $tax_rate ?>%</td>
<?php if ($phone_invoice_user->transfer_id): ?>
<th><?php echo url_lang::lang('texts.Price vat') ?></th>
<td><b><?php echo number_format($price, 2, ',', ' ') ?></b></td>
<td><b><?php echo html::anchor('transfers/show/' . $phone_invoice_user->transfer_id, number_format($phone_invoice_user->transfer->amount, 2, ',', ' ')) ?></b> <?php echo __(Settings::get('currency')) ?></td>
<?php else: ?>
<th><?php echo url_lang::lang('texts.Price vat') ?></th>
<td><b><?php echo number_format($price, 2, ',', ' ') ?></b> <?php echo __(Settings::get('currency')) ?></td>
<?php endif ?>
<br />
<br /><br />
<h2><?php echo $heading; ?></h2><br />
<?php if (($phone_invoice->locked == 0 && $phone_invoice_user->locked == 0) || $this->acl_check_view('Phone_invoices_Controller', 'dumps')): ?>
<?php if ($edit_enabled): ?>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="smart_checking" id="smart_checking" class="checkbox" />
<label for="smart_checking"><?php echo url_lang::lang('texts.Group selection by same phone number') ?></label>
<br />
<br /><br />
<?php endif; ?>
<br />
<?php echo $grid ?>
<table class="extended" cellspacing="0">
<th><?php echo __('Company') ?>:</th>
<td><?php echo number_format($total_prices->price_company, 2, ',', ' ') ?></td>
<?php echo number_format($total_prices->price_company, 2, ',', ' ') ?>
<?php echo __(Settings::get('currency')) ?>
<th><?php echo __('Private') ?>:</th>
<td><b><?php echo number_format($total_prices->price_private, 2, ',', ' ') ?></b></td>
<b><?php echo number_format($total_prices->price_private, 2, ',', ' ') ?></b>
<?php echo __(Settings::get('currency')) ?>

Také k dispozici: Unified diff