


<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreeNetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Auxiliary class for parsing CSV bank account listings from czech bank "FIO banka".
* The CSV listings are downloaded from the ebanking web application.
* The CSV format looks like this:
Výpis vybraných transakcí na účtu "1234567890/2010"
Majitel účtu: FirmaXY, Ulice 11/12, Město 13, 12345, Česká republika
Vytvořeno v aplikaci Internetbanking: 16.01.2011 10:29:39
Období: 16.12.2010 - 16.1.2011
Počáteční stav účtu k 16.12.2010: 12 345,67 CZK
Koncový stav účtu k 16.1.2011: 13 346,67 CZK
Suma příjmů: +18 350,90 CZK
Suma výdajů: -17 349,90 CZK

Datum;ID pohybu;Kód banky;KS;Měna;Název banky;Název protiúčtu;Objem;Protiúčet;Provedl;Převod;SS;Typ;Upřesnění;Uživatelská identifikace;VS;Zpráva pro příjemce;
16.12.2010;1115992591;6210;;CZK;BRE Bank S.A., organizační složka podniku;;2 000,00;670100-2202442842;;0;;Bezhotovostní příjem;;DOMINIK BUREŠ;215;-IRONGATE VS:215;
** {etc.}
Suma;0;;;;;;1 001,00;;;0;;;;;;;
* @abstract Class for parsing bank account listings from czech bank "FIO banka".
* @author Petr Hruska, Lukas Turek, Tomas Dulik
* @copyright 2009-2011 Petr Hruska, Lukas Turek, o.s. CZF-Praha, Tomas Dulik, o.s. UnArt
* @link
class FioParser
const DATE_INDEX = 0;
const AMOUNT_INDEX = 7;
* Account number
* @var integer
private static $acc_nr = 0;
* Date from
* @var string
private static $from;
* Dateto
* @var string
private static $to;
* Openning balance
* @var double
private static $opening_balance;
* Closing balance
* @var double
private static $closing_balance;
* All fields available must be used and sorted alphabetically
* @var array[string]
private static $fields = array
'datum' => 'Datum',
'id_pohybu' => 'ID pohybu',
'id_pokynu' => 'ID pokynu',
'kod_banky' => 'Kód banky',
'ks' => 'KS',
'mena' => 'Měna',
'nazev_banky' => 'Název banky',
'nazev_protiuctu' => 'Název protiúčtu',
'castka' => 'Objem',
'protiucet' => 'Protiúčet',
'provedl' => 'Provedl',
'prevod' => 'Převod',
'ss' => 'SS',
'typ' => 'Typ',
'upresneni' => 'Upřesnění',
'identifikace' => 'Uživatelská identifikace',
'vs' => 'VS',
'zprava' => 'Zpráva pro příjemce',

* Gets account number
* @return integer
public static function getAccountNumber()
return self::$acc_nr;

* Returns account number as array
* @return associative array("account_nr"=>"XXXXXXX", "bank_nr" => "YYYY"
public static function getAccountNumberAsArray()
$acc_arr = explode("/", self::$acc_nr);
return array_combine(array("account_nr", "bank_nr"), $acc_arr);

* Returns associative array containing important listing header information.
* Must be called after parsing.
* @author Jiri Svitak
* @return header information
public static function getListingHeader()
// account number
$acc_arr = explode("/", self::$acc_nr);
$header["account_nr"] = $acc_arr[0];
$header["bank_nr"] = $acc_arr[1];
// date from to
$header["from"] = self::$from;
$header["to"] = self::$to;
// opening and closing balance
$header["opening_balance"] = self::$opening_balance;
$header["closing_balance"] = self::$closing_balance;
return $header;

* The core of the parsing is done by this function.
* @param string $csv string containing the original csv file.
* @return array[array] Integer-indexed array of associative arrays.
* Each associative array represents one line of the CSV
* @throws FioException
public static function parseCSV($csv)
$sum = 0;
$state = 0;
$data = array();
$keys = array_keys(self::$fields);
$number = 0;

foreach (explode("\n", $csv) as $line)
$line = trim($line);

// first line of file - get the account number
if ($number == 0)
$line_arr = explode('"', $line);
self::$acc_nr = $line_arr[1];
// 4th line, account date from and date to
if ($number == 3)
$line_arr = explode(":", $line);
$dates = explode("-", $line_arr[1]);
$from_arr = explode(".", $dates[0]);
$from_timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($from_arr[1]), intval($from_arr[0]), intval($from_arr[2]));
self::$from = date("Y-m-d", $from_timestamp);
$to_arr = explode(".", $dates[1]);
$to_timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($to_arr[1]), intval($to_arr[0]), intval($to_arr[2]));
self::$to = date("Y-m-d", $to_timestamp);
// 5th line, opening balance
if ($number == 4)
$line_arr = explode(":", $line);
self::$opening_balance = self::normalizeAmount(str_replace("CZK", "", $line_arr[1])) / 100;
// 6th line, closing balance
if ($number == 5)
$line_arr = explode(":", $line);
self::$closing_balance = self::normalizeAmount(str_replace("CZK", "", $line_arr[1])) / 100;
// 10th line, checking column header names and count
if ($number == 9)
// data lines including last sum line, if last line encountered, then we are done
if ($number >= 10)
// split each line into assoc. array
$cols = self::parseLine($line, $keys);
if ($cols['datum'] == 'Suma') // last line of file?
self::checkLastLine($cols, $sum);
return $data;
$sum += $cols['castka'];
$data[] = $cols;
// next line

throw new FioException('The CSV file is incomplete!');

* Checks headers
* @param integer $line
* @throws FioException
private static function checkHeaders($line)
$expected = implode(';', self::$fields) . ';';
if ($line != $expected)
throw new FioException(__("Cannot parse Fio listing header!"));

* Normalize string amount to double value
* @param string $amount
* @return double
* @throws FioException
private static function normalizeAmount($amount)
$amount = str_replace(" ", "", $amount);
$amount = str_replace(",", "", $amount);

if (!is_numeric($amount))
throw new FioException('Invalid amount format.');

return doubleval($amount);

* Parse line of dump
* @param string $line
* @param array $keys
* @return array
* @throws FioException
private static function parseLine($line, $keys)
$cols = explode(';', $line);
if (count($cols) != count(self::$fields) + 1)
throw new FioException('Invalid number of fields.');

// Convert to associative array
$cols = array_combine($keys, $cols);

// Amount has to be converted
$cols['castka'] = self::normalizeAmount($cols['castka']);

return $cols;

* Checks last line of dump
* @param array $cols
* @param integer $sum
* @throws FioException
private static function checkLastLine($cols, $sum)
$amount = $cols['castka'];
if ($sum != $amount)
throw new FioException("Invalid checksum ('$sum' != '$amount').");
