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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* This file is part of open source system FreenetIS
* and it is released under GPLv3 licence.
* More info about licence can be found:
* More info about project can be found:

* Class: url_lang
* URL language helper class.
* @package Helper
class url_lang

* Prints translated string in given format
* @param string $value
* @param array $args
* @param integer $format
* @return string
public static function lang($value = '', $args = '', $format = 0)
switch ($format)
// default behaviour, prints without changes
case 0:
return Kohana::lang($value, $args);

// prints string with lower letters
case 1:
return strtolower(Kohana::lang($value, $args));

// prints string with upper first letter and others lower
case 2:
return ucfirst(strtolower(Kohana::lang($value, $args)));

// prints string with upper letters
case 3:
return strtoupper(Kohana::lang($value, $args));

// default behaviour, prints without changes
return Kohana::lang($value, $args);

* Return base url joined with 'index.php' string (if clean urls are off)
* and lang string
* @param mixed $index
* @param mixed $protocol
* @param mixed $lang
* @return string
public static function base($index = FALSE, $protocol = FALSE, $lang = FALSE)
$index_page = (Settings::get('index_page')) ? 'index.php/' : '';

$lang = Config::get('lang');

return url::base() . $index_page . $lang . '/';

* Method: site
* Creates a site URL based on the given URI string and
* automatically prepends the language segment.
* Parameters:
* uri - URI string
* lang - non-default language
* protocol - non-default protocol
* Returns:
* A URL string.

public static function site($uri = '', $lang = FALSE, $protocol = FALSE)
if ($lang === FALSE)
$lang = Config::get('lang');
$index_page = '';
if (Settings::get('index_page'))
$index_page = 'index.php/';

return url::site($index_page . $lang . '/' . trim($uri, '/'), $protocol);

* Method: current
* Returns:
* The current URI string without the lang part

public static function current($length = 0, $offset = 0)
$str = substr(url::current(), 3);
$segments = explode('/', rtrim($str, '/'));
if (!$length)
$length = count($segments) - $offset;
$segments = array_slice($segments, $offset, $length);
return implode('/', $segments);

* Returns previous URI without the lang part
* @author Michal Kliment
* @param number $length
* @param number $offset
* @return string
public static function previous($length = 0, $offset = 0)
$str = substr(url::previous(), 3);
if (!$length)
return $str;
$segments = explode('/', rtrim($str, '/'));
$segments = array_slice($segments, $offset, $length);
return implode('/', $segments);

* Method: redirect
* Sends a page redirect header and
* automatically prepends the language segment.
* Parameters:
* uri - site URI or URL to redirect to
* lang - non-default language
* method - HTTP method of redirect
* Returns:
* A HTML anchor, but sends HTTP headers. The anchor should never be seen
* by the user, unless their browser does not understand the headers sent.
public static function redirect($uri = '', $lang = FALSE, $method = '302')
if ($lang === FALSE)
$lang = Config::get('lang');
$index_page = '';
if (Settings::get('index_page'))
$index_page = 'index.php/';

return url::redirect($index_page . $lang . '/' . trim($uri, '/'), $method);

* Returns uri from url, without lang segment
* @param string $url
* @return string
public static function uri($url)
$segments = explode('/', url::uri($url));

return implode('/', $segments);
