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Revize ed986471

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Fibich před téměř 6 roky(ů)

Refs #1101: Support for Debian Stretch (PHP 7.0 + Maria DB 15.1). Improved setup that no longer support database creation (in Maria DB it is hard to do so from non-root user due to security restrictions), database setup error cause was added, disabling Settings DB queries in non-setup environment. In order to fix DB init some FK indexes/constrains must have been renamed in 1.1.0 SQL script (Maria DB enforces uniqueness on FK names).

Zobrazit rozdíly:

if (Settings::get('db_schema_version'))
Settings::set('index_page', 0);
$form_data = $form->as_array(FALSE);
// test connection to database
$con = @mysql_connect(
$db = @mysql_select_db($form_data['db_name'], $con);
if (!$db)
$database = new Database(array
'type' => (defined('PHP_VERSION_ID') && PHP_VERSION_ID >= 60000) ? 'mysqli' : 'mysql',
'host' => $form_data['db_host'],
'user' => $form_data['db_user'],
'pass' => $form_data['db_password'],
'database' => $form_data['db_name'],
'port' => FALSE,
'socket' => FALSE
$result = @mysql_query("
CREATE DATABASE `" . mysql_escape_string($form_data['db_name']) . "`
CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
", $con);
if ($result)
$db = @mysql_select_db($form_data['db_name'], $con);
$con = TRUE;
catch (Exception $ex)
$con = FALSE;
$error_cause = $ex->getMessage();
$view = new View('setup_config/main');
$view->content = new View('setup_config/setup');
// cannot connect to database => form data are bad
if (!$con OR !$db)
if (!$con)
$view->content->error_cause = $error_cause;
$view->content->error = TRUE;
// successfully connect to database, we can create config file
// This part only needs to be run once
if (self::$instance === NULL)
// init settings
$this->settings = new Settings();
$not_setup = !file_exists('config.php') || !file_exists('.htaccess');
// change setting for non-setup in order to prevent database init
// in Settings
if ($not_setup)
$this->settings->set('index_page', !file_exists('.htaccess'));
// Choose all automatically for setup (see url helper)
$this->settings->set('domain', '');
$this->settings->set('suffix', '');
$this->settings->set('protocol', '');
// init sessions
$this->session = Session::instance();
// Die
// init settings
$this->settings = new Settings();
// if true, freenetis will run in popup mode (without header and menu)
$this->popup = (isset($_GET['popup']) && $_GET['popup']) ? 1 : 0;
$this->noredirect = ($this->input->get('noredirect') || $this->input->post('noredirect'));
// config file doesn't exist, we must create it
if (!file_exists('config.php') || !file_exists('.htaccess'))
if ($not_setup)
// protection before loop
if (url_lang::current(1) == 'setup_config')
if (!file_exists('.htaccess'))
Settings::set('index_page', 1);
* @var Config_Model
private static $config_model = NULL;
* When turned ON no DB queries are performed. Useful for non-setup
* environment.
* @var bool
private static $offline_mode = FALSE;
* Variable for cache
// not connected? connect!
if (!self::$config_model)
if (self::$offline_mode)
return FALSE;
// create config model
// init
// if cache is enabled, return it from it
if ($cache && isset(self::$cache[$key]))
return self::$cache[$key];
$value = '';
// try if query return exception, for example config table doesn't exist
$value = self::$config_model->get_value_from_name($key);
if (!self::$offline_mode)
$value = self::$config_model->get_value_from_name($key);
catch (Kohana_Database_Exception $e)
$value = '';
// if we find not-null value, return it
public static function set($key, $value)
if (self::$offline_mode)
self::cache_value_set($key, $value);
return FALSE;
// init
NAMES=(freenetis freenetis-monitoring freenetis-redirection freenetis-dhcp \
freenetis-ssh-keys freenetis-qos)
DEBIANS=(lenny squeeze wheezy jessie)
DEBIANS=(lenny squeeze wheezy jessie stretch)
if [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
Priority: optional
Section: web
Pre-Depends: debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0
Depends: coreutils (>= 6.10-6), wget (>= 1.11-4.1), grep (>= 2.5.3), apache2, php, php-curl, libapache2-mod-php, php-mysql, mysql-client, php-mcrypt, php-mbstring, php-gd, php-snmp, php-imap, cron | anacron | cron-daemon, locales
Suggests: mysql-server (>= 5.0.0), mysql-client
Architecture: all
Maintainer: Ondrej Fibich <>
Description: Information system for managing non-profit networks
FreenetIS is multilingual information system for managing non-profit networks.
It is capable to manage:
- users and their groups;
- double-entry accounting system (payments, double-entry transfers,
bank transfers, accounts, bank accounts, cash flow);
- network infrastructure (devices, segments, interfaces, IP addresses,
subnets, VLANs, VLAN interfaces, bridges, ports);
- network management (device monitoring, DHCP servers configuration,
traffic statistics, QoS);
- notifications of users (traffic redirection, e-mail messages, SMS messages);
- work reporting of active users and work approval;
- lists of calls and billing of VoIP;
- etc.
Description-cs.UTF-8: Informační systém pro počítačové sítě, provozované neziskovou organizací
FreenetIS je vícejazyčný informační systém pro počítačové sítě, provozované
neziskovou organizací.
Je schopen spravovat:
- uživatele a jejich skupiny;
- podvojné účty organizace (platby, podvojné převody, bankovní převody,
bankovní účty, cash flow);
- síťová infrastruktura (zařízení, segmenty, rozhraní, IP adresy, podsítě,
VLANy, VLAN rozhraní, bridge, porty);
- správa sítě (monitorování zařízení, konfigurace DHCP serverů,
statistiky provozu, QoS);
- upozorňování uživatelů (přesměrování provozu, e-mailové zprávy, SMS zprávy);
- práce aktivních uživatelů a jejich schvalování;
- výpisy volání a placení VoIP po napojení na ústřednu;
- atd.
echo "Package: ${NAME}" >> DEBIAN/control
echo "Version: ${VERSION}-${DEBIAN}" >> DEBIAN/control
echo "Installed-Size: ${SIZE}" >> DEBIAN/control
cat ../../${NAME}/control >> DEBIAN/control
if [ $DEBIAN = "stretch" ]; then
cat ../../${NAME}/control.stretch >> DEBIAN/control
cat ../../${NAME}/control >> DEBIAN/control
# scripts ######################################################################
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/preinst DEBIAN/preinst
if [ $DEBIAN = "jessie" ]; then
if [ $DEBIAN = "jessie" ] || [ $DEBIAN = "stretch" ]; then
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/postinst.jessie DEBIAN/postinst
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/postinst DEBIAN/postinst
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/prerm DEBIAN/prerm
if [ $DEBIAN = "jessie" ]; then
if [ $DEBIAN = "jessie" ] || [ $DEBIAN = "stretch" ]; then
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/postrm.jessie DEBIAN/postrm
cp -a -f ../../${NAME}/postrm DEBIAN/postrm
<?php if (isset($error) && $error): ?>
<h2><?php echo __('Cannot connect to database') ?></h2>
<?php if (isset($error_cause) && $error_cause): ?>
<p class="error"><?php echo __('Error') . ': ' . $error_cause ?></p>
<?php endif ?>
<p><?php echo __('It can means that username/password/host are bad or host is unavailable.') ?></p>
<li><?php echo __('Are you really sure that you use correct username and password?') ?></li>
`comments_thread_id` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ),
FOREIGN KEY `closed_by_user_id_fk` (`closed_by_user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL,
FOREIGN KEY `comments_thread_id_fk` (`comments_thread_id`) REFERENCES `comments_threads` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL
FOREIGN KEY `log_queues_comments_thread_id_fk` (`comments_thread_id`) REFERENCES `comments_threads` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL
) ENGINE = InnoDB;",
INDEX `since_index` (`since`),
INDEX `until` (`until`),
FOREIGN KEY `member_id_fk` (`member_id`) REFERENCES `members` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
FOREIGN KEY `members_whitelists_member_id_fk` (`member_id`) REFERENCES `members` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
) ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = 'Redirection member white list.';",
/* Import old data */
// association
VERSION=`cat version.php | grep "FREENETIS_VERSION" | cut -d"'" -f 4`
DEBIANS="lenny squeeze wheezy jessie"
DEBIANS="lenny squeeze wheezy jessie stretch"
cd application/vendors/deb/freenetis
mkdir ../deb_packages 2>/dev/null || true # fix in source

Také k dispozici: Unified diff